class | Angle |
| Parent template definition for angles.
class | Angle< T, enable_if< is_float< T > >::type > |
| Interface for angular measurements.
class | Arg |
| Virtual parent for all the different argument classes.
class | ArgException |
| Defines the exception that is thrown whenever a command line is created and parsed.
class | ArgParseException |
| Defines the exception that is thrown when an argument is improperly parsed.
class | Array |
| Fixed size container with a few bells and whistles.
class | Array< Type, DynamicStorage > |
| Dynamic size container with a few bells and whistles.
class | BinaryFunction |
| Virtual interface definition for binary function objects.
class | BluePrint |
| This is a parent template for blueprints using crtp.
class | BluePrintConcept |
| Defines validating functionality for the blueprint concept.
class | BluePrintFactory |
| Primary template for blueprint factories.
class | BluePrintFactory< Array< Type, DynamicStorage > > |
| Blueprint factory for dynamic arrays.
class | BluePrintFactory< CubicPolynomial > |
| Blueprint factory for cubic polynomials.
class | BluePrintFactory< CubicSpline > |
| Blueprint factory for cubic splines.
class | BluePrintFactory< LinearFunction > |
| Blueprint factory for linear functions.
class | BluePrintFactory< Polynomial< N > > |
| Primary template for the Polynomial blueprint factories.
class | BluePrintFactory< QuinticPolynomial > |
| Blueprint factory for quintic polynomials.
class | BluePrintFactory< TensionFunction > |
| Blueprint factory for tension functions.
class | BluePrintFactory< TensionSpline > |
| Blueprint factory for tension splines.
class | Bool |
| Integral constant wrapper for boolean values.
class | BoundNullaryMemberFunction |
| Nullary function object for bound nullary member functions.
class | BoundNullaryMemberFunction< C, void > |
| Specialisation of the bound nullary member function for void functions.
class | BoundUnaryFreeFunction |
| Nullary function object for bound unary global/static functions.
class | BoundUnaryFreeFunction< A, void > |
| Specialisation for bound void unary functions.
class | BoundUnaryMemberFunction |
| Nullary function object for bound unary member functions.
class | ByteContainerConcept |
| Defines validating functionality for the byte container concept.
class | CartesianPoint |
| Generic container storing a cartesian point of dimension N.
class | CartesianPoint< T, 2 > |
| Specialisation for a cartesian point of dimension 2.
class | CartesianPoint< T, 3 > |
| Specialisation for a cartesian point of dimension 3.
class | ClearScreen |
| Manipulator that clears a terminal screen the c++ (hard) way. More...
class | CmdLine |
| Manages the command line parsing object.
class | CmdLineInterface |
| Managing interface for The base class that manages the command line definition and passes along the parsing to the appropriate Arg classes.
class | CmdLineOutput |
| Tclap class indirectly used by children for standardising outputs.
class | CmdLineParseException |
| Defines the exception when an argument is improperly specified.
class | Constraint |
| Defines the interaction between an argument and a constraint.
class | ContainerConcept |
| Defines validating functionality for the container concept.
class | Converter |
| Primary template and general fallback for converter classes.
class | Converter< Array< char >, Integral > |
| Specialisation for integral to char Array conversions.
class | Converter< Array< signed char >, Integral > |
| Specialisation for integral to signed char Array conversions.
class | Converter< Array< unsigned char >, Integral > |
| Specialisation for integral to signed char Array conversions.
class | Converter< char *, bool > |
| Fast conversion to text format with character strings.
class | Converter< char *, char > |
| Fast conversion to text format with character strings.
class | Converter< char *, double > |
| Fast conversion to text format with character strings.
class | Converter< char *, float > |
| Conversion to text format with character strings.
class | Converter< char *, int > |
| Fast conversion to text format with character strings.
class | Converter< char *, long > |
| Fast conversion to text format with character strings.
class | Converter< char *, long long > |
| Fast conversion to text format with character strings.
class | Converter< char *, short > |
| Fast conversion to text format with character strings.
class | Converter< char *, unsigned char > |
| Fast conversion to text format with character strings.
class | Converter< char *, unsigned int > |
| Fast conversion to text format with character strings.
class | Converter< char *, unsigned long > |
| Fast conversion to text format with character strings.
class | Converter< char *, unsigned long long > |
| Fast conversion to text format with character strings.
class | Converter< char *, unsigned short > |
| Fast conversion to text format with character strings.
class | Converter< char *, void > |
| Family of converters to character strings.
class | Converter< char, int > |
| Converts ints into readable (ascii) characters.
class | Converter< char, unsigned int > |
| Converts unsigned ints into readable (ascii) characters.
class | Converter< char, void > |
| Family of converters to char.
class | Converter< Eigen::Vector3f, Sophus::SE3f > |
| Converter class representing the Sophus::toPose2D method.
class | Converter< int, char * > |
| Conversion from a char array to an integer type.
class | Converter< int, char > |
| Conversion from a char to an integer type.
class | Converter< int, std::string > |
| Conversion from a string to an integer type.
class | Converter< int, unsigned char * > |
| Conversion from a byte array to an integer type.
class | Converter< int, void > |
| Conversions to integers.
class | Converter< Integral, Array< char, Size > > |
| Specialisation for char Array container based FromByteArray converter.
class | Converter< Integral, Array< signed char, Size > > |
| Specialisation for signed char Array container based FromByteArray converter.
class | Converter< Integral, Array< unsigned char, Size > > |
| Specialisation for the unsigned char Array container based FromByteArray converter.
class | Converter< Integral, std::vector< char > > |
| Specialisation for the vector<char> container based FromByteArray converter.
class | Converter< Integral, std::vector< signed char > > |
| Specialisation for the vector<signed char> container based FromByteArray converter.
class | Converter< Integral, std::vector< unsigned char > > |
| Specialisation for the vector<unsigned char> container based FromByteArray converter.
class | Converter< Integral, Stencil< Array< char, Size > > > |
| Specialisation for char Stencil container based FromByteArray converter.
class | Converter< Integral, Stencil< Array< signed char, Size > > > |
| Specialisation for signed char Stencil container based FromByteArray converter.
class | Converter< Integral, Stencil< Array< unsigned char, Size > > > |
| Specialisation for unsigned char Stencil container based FromByteArray converter.
class | Converter< Integral, Stencil< const unsigned char * > > |
| Specialisation for const unsigned char* Stencil container based FromByteArray converter.
class | Converter< Output, void > |
| Primary template for the output-designated only converters.
class | Converter< Sophus::SE3f, Eigen::Vector3f > |
| Converter class representing the Sophus::toPose3D method.
class | Converter< std::string, int > |
| Converts int to string, convenient but slow.
class | Converter< std::string, void > |
| Convenient, but slow conversions to text format with strings.
class | Converter< std::vector< char >, char * > |
| Converts a char string of human readable hexes to a byte array.
class | Converter< std::vector< char >, int > |
| Converts int to a byte array of chars.
class | Converter< std::vector< char >, long > |
| Converts long to a byte array of chars.
class | Converter< std::vector< char >, long long > |
| Converts long long to a byte array of chars.
class | Converter< std::vector< char >, unsigned int > |
| Converts unsigned int to a byte array of chars.
class | Converter< std::vector< char >, unsigned long > |
| Converts unsigned long to a byte array of chars.
class | Converter< std::vector< char >, void > |
| Family of converters to byte arrays of vector<char> type.
class | Converter< std::vector< signed char >, int > |
| Converts int to a byte array of signed chars.
class | Converter< std::vector< signed char >, long > |
| Converts long to a byte array of signed chars.
class | Converter< std::vector< signed char >, long long > |
| Converts long long to a byte array of signed chars.
class | Converter< std::vector< signed char >, unsigned int > |
| Converts unsigned int to a byte array of signed chars.
class | Converter< std::vector< signed char >, unsigned long > |
| Converts unsigned long to a byte array of signed chars.
class | Converter< std::vector< signed char >, void > |
| Family of converters to byte arrays of vector<signed char> type.
class | Converter< std::vector< unsigned char >, int > |
| Converts int to a byte array of unsigned chars.
class | Converter< std::vector< unsigned char >, long > |
| Converts long to a byte array of unsigned chars.
class | Converter< std::vector< unsigned char >, long long > |
| Converts long long to a byte array of unsigned chars.
class | Converter< std::vector< unsigned char >, unsigned int > |
| Converts unsigned int to a byte array of unsigned chars.
class | Converter< std::vector< unsigned char >, unsigned long > |
| Converts unsigned long to a byte array of unsigned chars.
class | Converter< std::vector< unsigned char >, void > |
| Family of converters to byte arrays of vector<unsigned char> type.
class | Converter< Stencil< Array< char, Size > >, Integral > |
| Specialisation for integral to char Stencil conversions.
class | Converter< Stencil< Array< signed char, Size > >, Integral > |
| Specialisation for integral to signed char Stencil conversions.
class | Converter< Stencil< Array< unsigned char, Size > >, Integral > |
| Specialisation for integral to unsigned char Stencil conversions.
class | Converter< Stencil< std::vector< unsigned char > >, int > |
| Specialisation for int to vector based unsigned char Stencil container.
class | Converter< Stencil< std::vector< unsigned char > >, long > |
| Specialisation for long to vector based unsigned char Stencil container.
class | Converter< Stencil< std::vector< unsigned char > >, long long > |
| Specialisation for long long to vector based unsigned char Stencil container.
class | Converter< Stencil< std::vector< unsigned char > >, unsigned int > |
| Specialisation for unsigned int to vector based unsigned char Stencil container.
class | CubicSpline |
| Storage container for a cubic spline interpolation.
class | DataException |
| Extended exception class that bundles location, message and data.
class | DifferentialDrive |
| Differential drive properties and algorithms.
class | Division |
| Primary template functor for polynomial division.
class | Division< CubicPolynomial > |
| Synthetic division between cubic and a factor.
class | Division< QuadraticPolynomial > |
| Synthetic division between quadratic and a factor.
class | DocBookOutput |
| TClap class used for generating docbook output.
class | DynamicContainerConcept |
| Defines validating functionality for the dynamic container concept.
struct | ecl_traits |
| Forward declaration for a general purpose traits mechanims.
class | ecl_traits< LegacyPose2D< Float, RotationAngleStorage, Enable > > |
class | ecl_traits< LegacyPose2D< Float, RotationMatrixStorage, Enable > > |
class | ecl_traits< LegacyPose2D< Float, Storage, Enable > > |
class | ecl_traits< Pose2D< Float, RotationAngleStorage, Enable > > |
| Traits for the pose2D class with scalar angle storage. More...
class | ecl_traits< Pose2D< Float, RotationMatrixStorage, Enable > > |
| Traits for the pose2D class with rotation matrix storage. More...
class | ecl_traits< Pose2D< Float, Storage, Enable > > |
| Parent template for ecl traits of the pose classes. More...
class | EConsole |
| Device for writing o standard error.
struct | enable_if |
| Enables the SFINAE concept.
struct | enable_if_c |
| Conditional class for (true) implementation of enable_if.
struct | enable_if_c< false, T > |
| Conditional class for (false) implementation of enable_if.
class | EndOfLine |
| Replicates the well known end of line/flush combination. More...
class | Error |
| The primary error handler for ecl libraries.
class | EuclideanNorm |
| Functor for euclidean norms.
class | Exception |
| Virtual parent class for the ecl exceptions.
class | FailedObject |
| An object designed to fail with compile time error upon instantiation.
class | FiFo |
| Really simple fifo implementation.
class | Flags |
| Convenience class for organising boolean flags.
class | Format |
| Primary template for all formatter classes.
class | Format< char > |
| Formatter for char types. It is a specialisation of the Format<IntegralNumber> class.
class | Format< double > |
| Formatter for double types.
class | Format< float > |
| Formatter for float types.
class | Format< int > |
| Formatter for int types. It is a specialisation of the Format<IntegralNumber> class.
class | Format< long > |
| Formatter for long types. It is a specialisation of the Format<IntegralNumber> class.
class | Format< short > |
| Formatter for short types. It is a specialisation of the Format<IntegralNumber> class.
class | Format< signed char > |
| Formatter for signed char types. It is a specialisation of the Format<IntegralNumber> class.
class | Format< Sophus::SE3f > |
class | Format< std::string > |
| Formatter for string types.
class | Format< unsigned char > |
| Formatter for unsigned char types. It is a specialisation of the Format<IntegralNumber> class.
class | Format< unsigned int > |
| Formatter for unsigned int types. It is a specialisation of the Format<IntegralNumber> class.
class | Format< unsigned long > |
| Formatter for unsigned long types. It is a specialisation of the Format<IntegralNumber> class.
class | Format< unsigned short > |
| Formatter for unsigned short types. It is a specialisation of the Format<IntegralNumber> class.
struct | FrequencyDiagnostics |
| Data relevant to frequencies of an incoming stream.
class | FrequencyMonitor |
| Lightweight and fast frequency monitor.
class | FunctionMath |
| Used as a parent to load function math into function classes.
class | FunctionMath< CubicPolynomial > |
| Specialises the function math loader for cubics.
class | FunctionMath< LinearFunction > |
| Specialises the function math loader for linear functions.
class | FunctionMath< QuadraticPolynomial > |
| Specialises the function math loader for quadratics.
class | GenericSplineFunction |
| This is a parent class for generic spline functions.
class | HelpVisitor |
| TClap class indirectly used to define the interface for visitors.
class | HomogeneousPoint |
| Dummy parent class for Homogenous points.
class | HomogeneousPoint< T, typename ecl::enable_if< ecl::is_float< T > >::type > |
| Container storing a homogenous point.
class | IConsole |
| Device for reading from standard output.
struct | if_c |
| The metaprogramming equivalent of the 'if' function.
struct | if_c< false, T1, T2 > |
| Specialisation of the metaprogrammed 'if' statement when false.
class | IgnoreRestVisitor |
| TClap class indirectly used to define the interface for visitors.
class | InputByteDeviceConcept |
| Validates functionality for the input byte device concept.
class | InputCharDeviceConcept |
| Validates functionality for the input char device concept.
class | InputOutputByteDeviceConcept |
| Validates functionality for the input-output byte device concept.
class | InputOutputCharDeviceConcept |
| Validates functionality for the input-output char device concept.
class | Intersection |
| Primary template functor for the intersection of like functions.
class | Intersection< LinearFunction > |
| Intersection of two linear functions.
class | is_byte |
| Default action for detection of a fundamental byte type (false).
class | is_byte< char > |
| Byte trait for char types.
class | is_byte< signed char > |
| Byte trait for signed char types.
class | is_byte< unsigned char > |
| Byte trait for unsigned char types.
class | is_float |
| Default action for detection of a fundamental float type (false).
class | is_float< double > |
| Float trait for double types.
class | is_float< float > |
| Float trait for float types.
class | is_float< long double > |
| Float trait for long double types.
class | is_integral |
| Default action for detection of a fundamental integral type (false).
class | is_integral< char > |
| Integral trait for char types.
class | is_integral< int > |
| Integral trait for int types.
class | is_integral< long > |
| Integral trait for long types.
class | is_integral< long long > |
| Integral trait for long long types.
class | is_integral< short > |
| Integral trait for short types.
class | is_integral< unsigned char > |
| Integral trait for unsigned char types.
class | is_integral< unsigned int > |
| Integral trait for unsigned int types.
class | is_integral< unsigned long > |
| Integral trait for unsigned long types.
class | is_integral< unsigned long long > |
| Integral trait for unsigned long long types.
class | is_integral< unsigned short > |
| Integral trait for unsigned short types.
class | is_reference_wrapper |
| Default action for detection of the reference wrapper type trait (false).
class | is_reference_wrapper< ReferenceWrapper< T > > |
| Configures the reference wrapper type trait for the ReferenceWrapper specialisation to true.
class | is_seekable |
| Default action for detection of seekable devices (false).
class | is_signed |
| Default action for detection of a signed integral type (false).
class | is_signed< char > |
| Unsigned trait for signed char types.
class | is_signed< int > |
| Unsigned trait for signed int types.
class | is_signed< long > |
| Unsigned trait for signed long types.
class | is_signed< long long > |
| Unsigned trait for signed long long types.
class | is_signed< short > |
| Unsigned trait for signed short types.
class | is_signed_byte |
| Default action for detection of a fundamental signed byte type (false).
class | is_signed_byte< char > |
| Signed byte trait for char types if typedef'd to signed char.
class | is_signed_byte< signed char > |
| Signed byte trait for signed char types.
class | is_sink |
| Default action for detection of sink devices (output) (false).
class | is_sink< EConsole > |
| Error console sink (output device) trait.
class | is_sink< OConsole > |
| Console sink (output device) trait.
class | is_sink< SharedFile > |
| File sink (output device) trait.
class | is_sink< String > |
| String sink (output device) trait.
class | is_source |
| Default action for detection of source devices (input) (false).
class | is_source< IConsole > |
| Console source (input device) trait.
class | is_source< String > |
| String sink (input device) trait.
class | is_sourcesink |
| Default action for detection of source-sink devices (input-output) (false).
class | is_sourcesink< String > |
| String sourcesink (input-output device) trait.
class | is_unsigned |
| Default action for detection of an unsigned integral type (false).
class | is_unsigned< unsigned char > |
| Unsigned trait for unsigned char types.
class | is_unsigned< unsigned int > |
| Unsigned trait for unsigned int types.
class | is_unsigned< unsigned long > |
| Unsigned trait for unsigned long types.
class | is_unsigned< unsigned long long > |
| Unsigned trait for unsigned long long types.
class | is_unsigned< unsigned short > |
| Unsigned trait for unsigned short types.
class | is_unsigned_byte |
| Default action for detection of a fundamental unsigned byte type (false).
class | is_unsigned_byte< char > |
| Unsigned byte trait for char types if typedef'd to unsigned char.
class | is_unsigned_byte< unsigned char > |
| Unsigned byte trait for unsigned char types.
class | LegacyPose2D |
class | LegacyPose2D< Float, Storage, enable_if< is_float< Float > >::type > |
class | LegacyPose3D |
class | LegacyPose3D< Float, enable_if< is_float< Float > >::type > |
class | LinearSegment |
class | LogStream |
| A customised textstream for fast, multithreaded logging to file. More...
class | Manipulator |
| Parent template for c++ style stream manipulators. More...
class | Maximum |
| Primary template functor for the maximum of a continuous function.
class | Maximum< CubicPolynomial > |
| Mathematical maximum on a compact interval for cubic polynomials.
class | Maximum< LinearFunction > |
| Mathematical maximum on a compact interval for linear functions.
class | Minimum |
| Primary template functor for the minimum of a continuous function.
class | Minimum< CubicPolynomial > |
| Mathematical minimum on a compact interval for cubic polynomials.
class | Minimum< LinearFunction > |
| Mathematical minimum on a compact interval for linear functions.
class | MultiArg |
class | MultiSwitchArg |
class | NullaryFreeFunction |
| Nullary function object for void global/static functions.
class | NullaryFreeFunction< void > |
| Specialisation for free nullary functions that return void.
class | NullaryFunction |
| Virtual interface definition for nullary function objects.
class | NullaryFunctionConcept |
| Defines validating functionality for the nullary function concept.
class | NullaryFunctionCopy |
| Create a NullaryFunction object composited from an existing function object.
class | NullaryFunctionCopy< FunctionObject, void > |
| Specialisation of NullaryFunctionCopy for void return types.
class | NullaryFunctionReference |
| Creates a nullary function from a reference wrapper.
class | NullaryFunctionReference< FunctionObject, void > |
| Creates a void nullary function from a reference wrapper.
class | NullaryMemberFunction |
| Unary function object for member functions without arguments.
class | NullaryMemberFunction< C, void > |
| Specialisation of the unary function object for void member functions without arguments.
class | numeric_limits |
| Expands the std numeric_limits class.
class | numeric_limits< char > |
| Expands the std numeric_limits class for char.
class | numeric_limits< double > |
| Expands the std numeric_limits class for float.
class | numeric_limits< float > |
| Expands the std numeric_limits class for float.
class | numeric_limits< int > |
| Expands the std numeric_limits class for int.
class | numeric_limits< long > |
| Expands the std numeric_limits class for long.
class | numeric_limits< long double > |
| Expands the std numeric_limits class for float.
class | numeric_limits< long long > |
| Expands the std numeric_limits class for long long.
class | numeric_limits< short > |
| Expands the std numeric_limits class for short.
class | numeric_limits< unsigned char > |
| Expands the std numeric_limits class for unsigned char.
class | numeric_limits< unsigned int > |
| Expands the std numeric_limits class for unsigned int.
class | numeric_limits< unsigned long > |
| Expands the std numeric_limits class for unsigned long.
class | numeric_limits< unsigned long long > |
| Expands the std numeric_limits class for unsigned long long.
class | numeric_limits< unsigned short > |
| Expands the std numeric_limits class for unsigned short.
class | OConsole |
| Device for writing to standard output.
class | OFileStream |
| Convenience class for OFile TextStream definitions. More...
class | OptionalUnlabeledTracker |
class | OutputByteDeviceConcept |
| Validates functionality for the output byte device concept.
class | OutputCharDeviceConcept |
| Validates functionality for the output char device concept.
class | Parameter |
| General parameter type for member variables of a pre-specified class.
class | PartiallyBoundBinaryMemberFunction |
| Binary function object for partially bound binary member functions.
class | PartiallyBoundUnaryMemberFunction |
| Unary function object for partially bound unary member functions.
class | PascalsTriangle |
| Holds the coefficients for pascal's triangle up to row N.
class | PascalsTriangle< 3 > |
| Holds the coefficients of pascal's triangle up to n = 3.
class | PascalsTriangle< 5 > |
| Holds the coefficients of pascal's triangle up to n = 5.
class | Polynomial |
| Representation of a polynomial function of n-th degree.
class | Polynomial< 0 > |
| Specialisation for the zero-th order polynomial.
class | Pose2D |
| Parent template definition for Pose2D. More...
class | Pose2D< Float, Storage, enable_if< is_float< Float > >::type > |
| Representation for a 2D pose (3 degrees of freedom). More...
class | Pose3D |
| Parent template definition for Pose3D. More...
class | Pose3D< Float, enable_if< is_float< Float > >::type > |
| Representation for a 3D pose (6 degrees of freedom). More...
class | PosixErrorHandler |
| Provides c++ mechanisms for handling posix errors.
struct | PrecisionWidth |
| Precision width trait for fundamental types.
struct | PrecisionWidth< double > |
| Precision width trait for doubles.
struct | PrecisionWidth< float > |
| Precision width trait for floats.
class | PushAndPop |
| Surpport push and pack operation.
class | PushAndPop< Type, DynamicStorage > |
| Surpport push and pack operation.
class | RandomNumberGenerator |
| A random number generator.
class | ReferenceWrapper |
| Provides a wrapper which allows the original object to be passed like a reference.
class | Roots |
| Primary template functor for the roots of a function (x-axis intercepts).
class | Roots< CubicPolynomial > |
| X axis intercepts for cubic polynomials.
class | Roots< LinearFunction > |
| X axis intercepts for linear functions.
class | Roots< QuadraticPolynomial > |
| X axis intercepts for quadratics.
class | SerialStream |
| Convenience class for Serial TextStream definitions. More...
class | SharedFile |
| Multi-instance (also thread-safe) output file device.
class | SharedFileStream |
| Convenience class for SharedFile TextStream definitions. More...
class | Signal |
| Signalling component of a callback system.
class | Signal< Void > |
| Specialised signal that emits without passing data.
class | SignedByteContainerConcept |
| Defines validating functionality for the signed byte container concept.
class | SigSlot |
| Not for direct use, provides the power behind both signals and slots.
class | SigSlot< Void > |
| Not for direct use, provides the power behind both void signals and slots.
class | SigSlotsManager |
| The sigslots connection manager.
class | Singleton |
| Singleton construction via the curiously recurring template pattern.
class | Slot |
| Function loading component of a callback system.
class | Slot< Void > |
| Specialised slot that handles void callbacks.
class | SmoothLinearSpline |
| Storage container for a smoothed linear spline interpolation.
class | SpecificationException |
| Defines the exception that is thrown whenever a conflict in arguments occurs.
class | SplineFunction |
| Template wrapper for a generic spline function.
class | StandardException |
| Standard exception type, provides code location and error string.
class | StdOutput |
| TClap class indirectly used to handle CmdLine arguments.
class | Stencil |
| A safe windowing class that opens onto array-like containers.
class | Stencil< const unsigned char * > |
| Stencil variant operating on a raw const unsigned char array.
class | Stencil< unsigned char * > |
| Stencil variant operating on a raw unsigned char array.
class | StreamConcept |
| Defines validating functionality for the streams concept.
class | String |
| A virtual device for manipulating strings.
class | StringStream |
| Convenience wrapper for string device based textstreams. More...
class | SwitchArg |
class | TensionFunction |
| Representation of a tension function.
class | TensionSpline |
| Storage container for a tension spline interpolation.
class | TextStream |
| A text streaming interface. More...
class | TimeData |
| Device for conveniently storing and analysing benchmarking times.
class | TimeError |
| Extends the generic ecl error handler with some time specific error strings.
class | TimeStampBase |
| This class provides common functionality across platforms for the timestamps.
class | Topic |
| Stores publisher and subscriber lists to a uniquely string identified topic.
class | UnaryFreeFunction |
| Unary function object for global/static functions.
class | UnaryFreeFunction< A, void > |
| Specialisations for free unary functions with no return type.
class | UnaryFunction |
| Virtual interface definition for unary function objects.
class | UnaryFunctionCopy |
| Create a UnaryFunction object composited from an existing function object.
class | UnaryFunctionCopy< FunctionObject, T, void > |
| Specialisation of UnaryFunctionCopy for void return types.
class | UnaryFunctionReference |
| Creates a unary function from a reference wrapper.
class | UnaryFunctionReference< ReferenceWrapper, T, void > |
| Creates a void unary function from a reference wrapper.
class | UnaryMemberFunction |
| Binary function object for unary member functions.
class | UnaryMemberFunction< C, A, void > |
| Specialisation of the binary function object for void unary member functions.
class | UnlabeledMultiArg |
class | UnlabeledValueArg |
struct | Unsigned |
| Primary template for signed to unsigned type metafunctions.
struct | Unsigned< char > |
| Metafunction for char to unsigned char type conversions.
struct | Unsigned< int > |
| Metafunction for int to unsigned int type conversions.
struct | Unsigned< long > |
| Metafunction for long to unsigned long type conversions.
struct | Unsigned< long long > |
| Metafunction for long long to unsigned long long type conversions.
struct | Unsigned< short > |
| Metafunction for short to unsigned short type conversions.
struct | Unsigned< unsigned char > |
| Metafunction returning same type for unsigned chars.
struct | Unsigned< unsigned int > |
| Metafunction returning same type for unsigned ints.
struct | Unsigned< unsigned long > |
| Metafunction returning same type for unsigned longs.
struct | Unsigned< unsigned long long > |
| Metafunction returning same type for unsigned long longs.
struct | Unsigned< unsigned short > |
| Metafunction returning same type for unsigned shorts.
class | UnsignedByteContainerConcept |
| Defines validating functionality for the byte container concept.
class | ValueArg |
class | ValuesConstraint |
class | VersionVisitor |
| TClap class indirectly used to define the interface for visitors.
class | Visitor |
| TClap class indirectly used to define the interface for visitors.
class | Void |
| A void (null) object.
class | XorHandler |
| TClap class indirectly used by CmdLine for handling xor'd arguments.
enum | Alignment { NoAlign,
} |
enum | Alignment { NoAlign,
} |
enum | Alignment { NoAlign,
} |
enum | Alignment { NoAlign,
} |
enum | Alignment { NoAlign,
} |
enum | Alignment { NoAlign,
} |
enum | Alignment { NoAlign,
} |
enum | Alignment { NoAlign,
} |
enum | Alignment { NoAlign,
} |
enum | Alignment { NoAlign,
} |
enum | Alignment { NoAlign,
} |
enum | Alignment { NoAlign,
} |
enum | Alignment { NoAlign,
} |
enum | Alignment { NoAlign,
} |
enum | Alignment { NoAlign,
} |
| Alignment tags for text formatting. More...
enum | BaudRate {
} |
enum | BaudRate {
} |
| Serial connection baud rate. More...
enum | Bits {
Bit0 = 0x0000,
Bit1 = 0x0001,
Bit2 = 0x0002,
Bit3 = 0x0004,
Bit4 = 0x0008,
Bit5 = 0x0010,
Bit6 = 0x0020,
Bit7 = 0x0040,
Bit8 = 0x0080,
Bit9 = 0x0100,
Bit10 = 0x0200,
Bit11 = 0x0400,
Bit12 = 0x0800,
Bit13 = 0x1000,
Bit14 = 0x2000,
Bit15 = 0x4000,
Bit16 = 0x8000
} |
enum | Bits {
Bit0 = 0x0000,
Bit1 = 0x0001,
Bit2 = 0x0002,
Bit3 = 0x0004,
Bit4 = 0x0008,
Bit5 = 0x0010,
Bit6 = 0x0020,
Bit7 = 0x0040,
Bit8 = 0x0080,
Bit9 = 0x0100,
Bit10 = 0x0200,
Bit11 = 0x0400,
Bit12 = 0x0800,
Bit13 = 0x1000,
Bit14 = 0x2000,
Bit15 = 0x4000,
Bit16 = 0x8000
} |
enum | Bits {
Bit0 = 0x0000,
Bit1 = 0x0001,
Bit2 = 0x0002,
Bit3 = 0x0004,
Bit4 = 0x0008,
Bit5 = 0x0010,
Bit6 = 0x0020,
Bit7 = 0x0040,
Bit8 = 0x0080,
Bit9 = 0x0100,
Bit10 = 0x0200,
Bit11 = 0x0400,
Bit12 = 0x0800,
Bit13 = 0x1000,
Bit14 = 0x2000,
Bit15 = 0x4000,
Bit16 = 0x8000
} |
enum | Bits {
Bit0 = 0x0000,
Bit1 = 0x0001,
Bit2 = 0x0002,
Bit3 = 0x0004,
Bit4 = 0x0008,
Bit5 = 0x0010,
Bit6 = 0x0020,
Bit7 = 0x0040,
Bit8 = 0x0080,
Bit9 = 0x0100,
Bit10 = 0x0200,
Bit11 = 0x0400,
Bit12 = 0x0800,
Bit13 = 0x1000,
Bit14 = 0x2000,
Bit15 = 0x4000,
Bit16 = 0x8000
} |
enum | Bits {
Bit0 = 0x0000,
Bit1 = 0x0001,
Bit2 = 0x0002,
Bit3 = 0x0004,
Bit4 = 0x0008,
Bit5 = 0x0010,
Bit6 = 0x0020,
Bit7 = 0x0040,
Bit8 = 0x0080,
Bit9 = 0x0100,
Bit10 = 0x0200,
Bit11 = 0x0400,
Bit12 = 0x0800,
Bit13 = 0x1000,
Bit14 = 0x2000,
Bit15 = 0x4000,
Bit16 = 0x8000
} |
enum | Bits {
Bit0 = 0x0000,
Bit1 = 0x0001,
Bit2 = 0x0002,
Bit3 = 0x0004,
Bit4 = 0x0008,
Bit5 = 0x0010,
Bit6 = 0x0020,
Bit7 = 0x0040,
Bit8 = 0x0080,
Bit9 = 0x0100,
Bit10 = 0x0200,
Bit11 = 0x0400,
Bit12 = 0x0800,
Bit13 = 0x1000,
Bit14 = 0x2000,
Bit15 = 0x4000,
Bit16 = 0x8000
} |
enum | Bits {
Bit0 = 0x0000,
Bit1 = 0x0001,
Bit2 = 0x0002,
Bit3 = 0x0004,
Bit4 = 0x0008,
Bit5 = 0x0010,
Bit6 = 0x0020,
Bit7 = 0x0040,
Bit8 = 0x0080,
Bit9 = 0x0100,
Bit10 = 0x0200,
Bit11 = 0x0400,
Bit12 = 0x0800,
Bit13 = 0x1000,
Bit14 = 0x2000,
Bit15 = 0x4000,
Bit16 = 0x8000
} |
enum | Bits {
Bit0 = 0x0000,
Bit1 = 0x0001,
Bit2 = 0x0002,
Bit3 = 0x0004,
Bit4 = 0x0008,
Bit5 = 0x0010,
Bit6 = 0x0020,
Bit7 = 0x0040,
Bit8 = 0x0080,
Bit9 = 0x0100,
Bit10 = 0x0200,
Bit11 = 0x0400,
Bit12 = 0x0800,
Bit13 = 0x1000,
Bit14 = 0x2000,
Bit15 = 0x4000,
Bit16 = 0x8000
} |
enum | Bits {
Bit0 = 0x0000,
Bit1 = 0x0001,
Bit2 = 0x0002,
Bit3 = 0x0004,
Bit4 = 0x0008,
Bit5 = 0x0010,
Bit6 = 0x0020,
Bit7 = 0x0040,
Bit8 = 0x0080,
Bit9 = 0x0100,
Bit10 = 0x0200,
Bit11 = 0x0400,
Bit12 = 0x0800,
Bit13 = 0x1000,
Bit14 = 0x2000,
Bit15 = 0x4000,
Bit16 = 0x8000
} |
enum | Bits {
Bit0 = 0x0000,
Bit1 = 0x0001,
Bit2 = 0x0002,
Bit3 = 0x0004,
Bit4 = 0x0008,
Bit5 = 0x0010,
Bit6 = 0x0020,
Bit7 = 0x0040,
Bit8 = 0x0080,
Bit9 = 0x0100,
Bit10 = 0x0200,
Bit11 = 0x0400,
Bit12 = 0x0800,
Bit13 = 0x1000,
Bit14 = 0x2000,
Bit15 = 0x4000,
Bit16 = 0x8000
} |
enum | Bits {
Bit0 = 0x0000,
Bit1 = 0x0001,
Bit2 = 0x0002,
Bit3 = 0x0004,
Bit4 = 0x0008,
Bit5 = 0x0010,
Bit6 = 0x0020,
Bit7 = 0x0040,
Bit8 = 0x0080,
Bit9 = 0x0100,
Bit10 = 0x0200,
Bit11 = 0x0400,
Bit12 = 0x0800,
Bit13 = 0x1000,
Bit14 = 0x2000,
Bit15 = 0x4000,
Bit16 = 0x8000
} |
enum | Bits {
Bit0 = 0x0000,
Bit1 = 0x0001,
Bit2 = 0x0002,
Bit3 = 0x0004,
Bit4 = 0x0008,
Bit5 = 0x0010,
Bit6 = 0x0020,
Bit7 = 0x0040,
Bit8 = 0x0080,
Bit9 = 0x0100,
Bit10 = 0x0200,
Bit11 = 0x0400,
Bit12 = 0x0800,
Bit13 = 0x1000,
Bit14 = 0x2000,
Bit15 = 0x4000,
Bit16 = 0x8000
} |
enum | Bits {
Bit0 = 0x0000,
Bit1 = 0x0001,
Bit2 = 0x0002,
Bit3 = 0x0004,
Bit4 = 0x0008,
Bit5 = 0x0010,
Bit6 = 0x0020,
Bit7 = 0x0040,
Bit8 = 0x0080,
Bit9 = 0x0100,
Bit10 = 0x0200,
Bit11 = 0x0400,
Bit12 = 0x0800,
Bit13 = 0x1000,
Bit14 = 0x2000,
Bit15 = 0x4000,
Bit16 = 0x8000
} |
enum | Bits {
Bit0 = 0x0000,
Bit1 = 0x0001,
Bit2 = 0x0002,
Bit3 = 0x0004,
Bit4 = 0x0008,
Bit5 = 0x0010,
Bit6 = 0x0020,
Bit7 = 0x0040,
Bit8 = 0x0080,
Bit9 = 0x0100,
Bit10 = 0x0200,
Bit11 = 0x0400,
Bit12 = 0x0800,
Bit13 = 0x1000,
Bit14 = 0x2000,
Bit15 = 0x4000,
Bit16 = 0x8000
} |
enum | Bits {
Bit0 = 0x0000,
Bit1 = 0x0001,
Bit2 = 0x0002,
Bit3 = 0x0004,
Bit4 = 0x0008,
Bit5 = 0x0010,
Bit6 = 0x0020,
Bit7 = 0x0040,
Bit8 = 0x0080,
Bit9 = 0x0100,
Bit10 = 0x0200,
Bit11 = 0x0400,
Bit12 = 0x0800,
Bit13 = 0x1000,
Bit14 = 0x2000,
Bit15 = 0x4000,
Bit16 = 0x8000
} |
enum | ConnectionStatus { ConnectionProblem = -1,
ConnectionDisconnected = -2,
ConnectionHungUp = -3
} |
enum | ConnectionStatus { ConnectionProblem = -1,
ConnectionDisconnected = -2,
ConnectionHungUp = -3
} |
| Used to denote the status of a connection. More...
enum | DataBits { DataBits_5 = 0,
} |
enum | DataBits { DataBits_5 = 0,
} |
| Data bits used in a serial packet. More...
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
enum | ErrorFlag {
NoError = 0,
UnknownError = -1,
OutOfRangeError = -2,
ConstructorError = -3,
DestructorError = -4,
ConversionError = -5,
OpenError = -6,
CloseError = -7,
InvalidArgError = -8,
ConfigurationError = -9,
ConnectionError = -10,
ReadError = -11,
WriteError = -12,
NotInitialisedError = -13,
PermissionsError = -14,
MemoryError = -15,
UsageError = -16,
RaiiError = -17,
ArgNotSupportedError = -18,
NotSupportedError = -19,
BusyError = -20,
OutOfResourcesError = -21,
InterruptedError = -22,
BlockingError = -23,
SystemFailureError = -24,
InvalidObjectError = -25,
IsLockedError = -26,
TimeOutError = -27,
NotFoundError = -28,
ConnectionRefusedError = -29,
PosixError = -101,
InvalidInputError = -103
} |
| Enumerated flags for error message handling. More...
enum | FloatBase { Fixed,
} |
enum | FloatBase { Fixed,
} |
enum | FloatBase { Fixed,
} |
enum | FloatBase { Fixed,
} |
enum | FloatBase { Fixed,
} |
enum | FloatBase { Fixed,
} |
enum | FloatBase { Fixed,
} |
enum | FloatBase { Fixed,
} |
enum | FloatBase { Fixed,
} |
enum | FloatBase { Fixed,
} |
enum | FloatBase { Fixed,
} |
enum | FloatBase { Fixed,
} |
enum | FloatBase { Fixed,
} |
enum | FloatBase { Fixed,
} |
enum | FloatBase { Fixed,
} |
| Base format tags for the float formatters. More...
enum | IntegralBase { Bin,
} |
enum | IntegralBase { Bin,
} |
enum | IntegralBase { Bin,
} |
enum | IntegralBase { Bin,
} |
enum | IntegralBase { Bin,
} |
enum | IntegralBase { Bin,
} |
enum | IntegralBase { Bin,
} |
enum | IntegralBase { Bin,
} |
enum | IntegralBase { Bin,
} |
enum | IntegralBase { Bin,
} |
enum | IntegralBase { Bin,
} |
enum | IntegralBase { Bin,
} |
enum | IntegralBase { Bin,
} |
enum | IntegralBase { Bin,
} |
enum | IntegralBase { Bin,
} |
| Base format tags for the integral formatters. More...
enum | Parity { NoParity = 0,
OddParity = 1,
EvenParity = 2
} |
enum | Parity { NoParity = 0,
OddParity = 1,
EvenParity = 2
} |
| Parity of the serial packet. More...
enum | Pose2DStorageType { RotationAngleStorage,
} |
enum | Pose2DStorageType { RotationAngleStorage,
} |
enum | Pose2DStorageType { RotationAngleStorage,
} |
| Used by the traits to select the storage type for Pose2D classes. More...
enum | Priority {
DefaultPriority = 0,
} |
enum | Priority {
DefaultPriority = 0,
} |
enum | Priority {
DefaultPriority = 0,
} |
enum | Priority {
DefaultPriority = 0,
} |
| Shared abstraction of the scheduling priorities. More...
enum | StopBits { StopBits_1 = 0,
} |
enum | StopBits { StopBits_1 = 0,
} |
| Stop bits used in a serial packet. More...
enum | StorageType { DynamicStorage = 0,
FixedStorage = 1
} |
enum | StorageType { DynamicStorage = 0,
FixedStorage = 1
} |
enum | StorageType { DynamicStorage = 0,
FixedStorage = 1
} |
enum | StorageType { DynamicStorage = 0,
FixedStorage = 1
} |
enum | StorageType { DynamicStorage = 0,
FixedStorage = 1
} |
enum | StorageType { DynamicStorage = 0,
FixedStorage = 1
} |
| A simple flag for denoting the storage type of the container. More...
enum | WriteMode { New,
} |
enum | WriteMode { New,
} |
| Write mode for devices. More...