Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
ecl Namespace Reference


 Supporting elements and interfaces.


class  Angle
class  Angle< T, enable_if< is_float< T > >::type >
class  Array
class  Array< Type, DynamicStorage >
class  BinaryFunction
class  BluePrint
class  BluePrintConcept
class  BluePrintFactory
class  BluePrintFactory< Array< Type, DynamicStorage > >
class  BluePrintFactory< CubicPolynomial >
class  BluePrintFactory< CubicSpline >
class  BluePrintFactory< LinearFunction >
class  BluePrintFactory< Polynomial< N > >
class  BluePrintFactory< QuinticPolynomial >
class  BluePrintFactory< TensionFunction >
class  BluePrintFactory< TensionSpline >
class  Bool
class  BoundNullaryMemberFunction
class  BoundNullaryMemberFunction< C, void >
class  BoundUnaryFreeFunction
class  BoundUnaryFreeFunction< A, void >
class  BoundUnaryMemberFunction
class  ByteContainerConcept
class  CartesianPoint
class  CartesianPoint< T, 2 >
class  CartesianPoint< T, 3 >
class  ContainerConcept
class  Converter
class  Converter< Array< char >, Integral >
class  Converter< Array< signed char >, Integral >
class  Converter< Array< unsigned char >, Integral >
class  Converter< char *, bool >
class  Converter< char *, char >
class  Converter< char *, double >
class  Converter< char *, float >
class  Converter< char *, int >
class  Converter< char *, long >
class  Converter< char *, long long >
class  Converter< char *, short >
class  Converter< char *, unsigned char >
class  Converter< char *, unsigned int >
class  Converter< char *, unsigned long >
class  Converter< char *, unsigned long long >
class  Converter< char *, unsigned short >
class  Converter< char *, void >
class  Converter< char, int >
class  Converter< char, unsigned int >
class  Converter< char, void >
class  Converter< Eigen::Vector3f, Sophus::SE3f >
class  Converter< int, char * >
class  Converter< int, char >
class  Converter< int, std::string >
class  Converter< int, unsigned char * >
class  Converter< int, void >
class  Converter< Integral, Array< char, Size > >
class  Converter< Integral, Array< signed char, Size > >
class  Converter< Integral, Array< unsigned char, Size > >
class  Converter< Integral, std::vector< char > >
class  Converter< Integral, std::vector< signed char > >
class  Converter< Integral, std::vector< unsigned char > >
class  Converter< Integral, Stencil< Array< char, Size > > >
class  Converter< Integral, Stencil< Array< signed char, Size > > >
class  Converter< Integral, Stencil< Array< unsigned char, Size > > >
class  Converter< Integral, Stencil< const unsigned char * > >
class  Converter< Output, void >
class  Converter< Sophus::SE3f, Eigen::Vector3f >
class  Converter< std::string, int >
class  Converter< std::string, void >
class  Converter< std::vector< char >, char * >
class  Converter< std::vector< char >, int >
class  Converter< std::vector< char >, long >
class  Converter< std::vector< char >, long long >
class  Converter< std::vector< char >, unsigned int >
class  Converter< std::vector< char >, unsigned long >
class  Converter< std::vector< char >, void >
class  Converter< std::vector< signed char >, int >
class  Converter< std::vector< signed char >, long >
class  Converter< std::vector< signed char >, long long >
class  Converter< std::vector< signed char >, unsigned int >
class  Converter< std::vector< signed char >, unsigned long >
class  Converter< std::vector< signed char >, void >
class  Converter< std::vector< unsigned char >, int >
class  Converter< std::vector< unsigned char >, long >
class  Converter< std::vector< unsigned char >, long long >
class  Converter< std::vector< unsigned char >, unsigned int >
class  Converter< std::vector< unsigned char >, unsigned long >
class  Converter< std::vector< unsigned char >, void >
class  Converter< Stencil< Array< char, Size > >, Integral >
class  Converter< Stencil< Array< signed char, Size > >, Integral >
class  Converter< Stencil< Array< unsigned char, Size > >, Integral >
class  Converter< Stencil< std::vector< unsigned char > >, int >
class  Converter< Stencil< std::vector< unsigned char > >, long >
class  Converter< Stencil< std::vector< unsigned char > >, long long >
class  Converter< Stencil< std::vector< unsigned char > >, unsigned int >
class  CubicSpline
class  DataException
class  DifferentialDrive
 Differential drive properties and algorithms. More...
class  Division
class  Division< CubicPolynomial >
class  Division< QuadraticPolynomial >
class  DynamicContainerConcept
struct  ecl_traits
class  ecl_traits< LegacyPose2D< Float, RotationAngleStorage, Enable > >
class  ecl_traits< LegacyPose2D< Float, RotationMatrixStorage, Enable > >
class  ecl_traits< LegacyPose2D< Float, Storage, Enable > >
struct  enable_if
struct  enable_if_c
struct  enable_if_c< false, T >
class  Error
class  EuclideanNorm
class  Exception
class  FailedObject
class  FiFo
class  Flags
class  Format
class  Format< char >
class  Format< double >
class  Format< float >
class  Format< int >
class  Format< long >
class  Format< short >
class  Format< signed char >
class  Format< Sophus::SE3f >
class  Format< std::string >
class  Format< unsigned char >
class  Format< unsigned int >
class  Format< unsigned long >
class  Format< unsigned short >
class  FunctionMath
class  FunctionMath< CubicPolynomial >
class  FunctionMath< LinearFunction >
class  FunctionMath< QuadraticPolynomial >
class  GenericSplineFunction
class  HomogeneousPoint
class  HomogeneousPoint< T, typename ecl::enable_if< ecl::is_float< T > >::type >
struct  if_c
struct  if_c< false, T1, T2 >
class  InputByteDeviceConcept
class  InputCharDeviceConcept
class  InputOutputByteDeviceConcept
class  InputOutputCharDeviceConcept
class  Intersection
class  Intersection< LinearFunction >
class  is_byte
class  is_byte< char >
class  is_byte< signed char >
class  is_byte< unsigned char >
class  is_float
class  is_float< double >
class  is_float< float >
class  is_float< long double >
class  is_integral
class  is_integral< char >
class  is_integral< int >
class  is_integral< long >
class  is_integral< long long >
class  is_integral< short >
class  is_integral< unsigned char >
class  is_integral< unsigned int >
class  is_integral< unsigned long >
class  is_integral< unsigned long long >
class  is_integral< unsigned short >
class  is_reference_wrapper
class  is_reference_wrapper< ReferenceWrapper< T > >
class  is_signed
class  is_signed< char >
class  is_signed< int >
class  is_signed< long >
class  is_signed< long long >
class  is_signed< short >
class  is_signed_byte
class  is_signed_byte< char >
class  is_signed_byte< signed char >
class  is_unsigned
class  is_unsigned< unsigned char >
class  is_unsigned< unsigned int >
class  is_unsigned< unsigned long >
class  is_unsigned< unsigned long long >
class  is_unsigned< unsigned short >
class  is_unsigned_byte
class  is_unsigned_byte< char >
class  is_unsigned_byte< unsigned char >
class  LegacyPose2D
class  LegacyPose2D< Float, Storage, enable_if< is_float< Float > >::type >
class  LegacyPose3D
class  LegacyPose3D< Float, enable_if< is_float< Float > >::type >
class  LinearSegment
class  Maximum
class  Maximum< CubicPolynomial >
class  Maximum< LinearFunction >
class  Minimum
class  Minimum< CubicPolynomial >
class  Minimum< LinearFunction >
class  NullaryFreeFunction
class  NullaryFreeFunction< void >
class  NullaryFunction
class  NullaryFunctionConcept
class  NullaryFunctionCopy
class  NullaryFunctionCopy< FunctionObject, void >
class  NullaryFunctionReference
class  NullaryFunctionReference< FunctionObject, void >
class  NullaryMemberFunction
class  NullaryMemberFunction< C, void >
class  numeric_limits
class  numeric_limits< char >
class  numeric_limits< double >
class  numeric_limits< float >
class  numeric_limits< int >
class  numeric_limits< long >
class  numeric_limits< long double >
class  numeric_limits< long long >
class  numeric_limits< short >
class  numeric_limits< unsigned char >
class  numeric_limits< unsigned int >
class  numeric_limits< unsigned long >
class  numeric_limits< unsigned long long >
class  numeric_limits< unsigned short >
class  OutputByteDeviceConcept
class  OutputCharDeviceConcept
class  Parameter
class  PartiallyBoundBinaryMemberFunction
class  PartiallyBoundUnaryMemberFunction
class  PascalsTriangle
class  PascalsTriangle< 3 >
class  PascalsTriangle< 5 >
class  Polynomial
class  Polynomial< 0 >
class  PosixErrorHandler
struct  PrecisionWidth
struct  PrecisionWidth< double >
struct  PrecisionWidth< float >
class  PushAndPop
class  PushAndPop< Type, DynamicStorage >
class  ReferenceWrapper
class  Roots
class  Roots< CubicPolynomial >
class  Roots< LinearFunction >
class  Roots< QuadraticPolynomial >
class  SignedByteContainerConcept
class  Singleton
class  SmoothLinearSpline
class  SplineFunction
class  StandardException
class  Stencil
class  Stencil< const unsigned char * >
class  Stencil< unsigned char * >
class  StreamConcept
class  TensionFunction
class  TensionSpline
class  UnaryFreeFunction
class  UnaryFreeFunction< A, void >
class  UnaryFunction
class  UnaryFunctionCopy
class  UnaryFunctionCopy< FunctionObject, T, void >
class  UnaryFunctionReference
class  UnaryFunctionReference< ReferenceWrapper, T, void >
class  UnaryMemberFunction
class  UnaryMemberFunction< C, A, void >
struct  Unsigned
struct  Unsigned< char >
struct  Unsigned< int >
struct  Unsigned< long >
struct  Unsigned< long long >
struct  Unsigned< short >
struct  Unsigned< unsigned char >
struct  Unsigned< unsigned int >
struct  Unsigned< unsigned long >
struct  Unsigned< unsigned long long >
struct  Unsigned< unsigned short >
class  UnsignedByteContainerConcept
class  Void


typedef CartesianPoint< double, 2 > CartesianPoint2d
typedef CartesianPoint< float, 2 > CartesianPoint2f
typedef CartesianPoint< int, 2 > CartesianPoint2i
typedef CartesianPoint< double, 3 > CartesianPoint3d
typedef CartesianPoint< float, 3 > CartesianPoint3f
typedef CartesianPoint< int, 3 > CartesianPoint3i
typedef Polynomial< 3 > CubicPolynomial
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef Bool< false > False
typedef HomogeneousPoint< double > HomogeneousPointd
typedef HomogeneousPoint< float > HomogeneousPointf
typedef Polynomial< 1 > LinearFunction
typedef Polynomial< 2 > QuadraticPolynomial
typedef Polynomial< 5 > QuinticPolynomial
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
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typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
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typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
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typedef Bool< true > True
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typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
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typedef Bool< true > True
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typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
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typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
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typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
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typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
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typedef Bool< true > True
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typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
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typedef Bool< true > True
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typedef Bool< true > True
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typedef Bool< true > True
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typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef Bool< true > True
typedef void(* VoidFunction) ()
typedef void(* VoidFunction) ()
typedef void(* VoidFunction) ()
typedef void(* VoidFunction) ()


enum  Alignment
enum  Alignment
enum  Alignment
enum  Alignment
enum  Alignment
enum  Alignment
enum  Bits
enum  Bits
enum  Bits
enum  Bits
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  ErrorFlag
enum  FloatBase
enum  FloatBase
enum  FloatBase
enum  FloatBase
enum  FloatBase
enum  FloatBase
enum  IntegralBase
enum  IntegralBase
enum  IntegralBase
enum  IntegralBase
enum  IntegralBase
enum  IntegralBase
enum  Pose2DStorageType
enum  StorageType
enum  StorageType


T * addressOf (T &v)
ReferenceWrapper< T const > cref (T const &wrapped_object)
Scalar cube_root (const Scalar &x)
ecl_geometry_PUBLICdegrees_to_radians (const T &degrees, typename enable_if< ecl::is_float< T > >::type *dummy=0)
euclidean_norm (const T &x1, const T &x2)
euclidean_norm (const T &x1, const T &x2, const T &x3)
BoundNullaryMemberFunction< C, R > generateFunctionObject (R(C::*function)(), C &c)
BoundUnaryMemberFunction< C, A, R > generateFunctionObject (R(C::*function)(A), C &c, const I &a)
BoundUnaryFreeFunction< A, R > generateFunctionObject (R(*function)(A), I &a)
BoundUnaryMemberFunction< C, A, R > generateFunctionObject (R(C::*function)(A), C &c, I &a)
PartiallyBoundUnaryMemberFunction< C, A, R > generateFunctionObject (R(C::*function)(A), C &c)
BoundUnaryFreeFunction< A, R > generateFunctionObject (R(*function)(A), const I &a)
NullaryFreeFunction< R > generateFunctionObject (R(*function)())
UnaryMemberFunction< C, A, R > generateFunctionObject (R(C::*function)(A))
NullaryMemberFunction< C, R > generateFunctionObject (R(C::*function)())
UnaryFreeFunction< A, R > generateFunctionObject (R(*function)(A))
bool is_big_endian ()
bool is_char_signed ()
bool isApprox (const Scalar &x, const OtherScalar &y, typename numeric_limits< Scalar >::Precision precision=numeric_limits< Scalar >::dummy_precision)
bool isApproxOrLessThan (const Scalar &x, const OtherScalar &y, typename numeric_limits< Scalar >::Precision precision=numeric_limits< Scalar >::dummy_precision)
int nsign (const Scalar &x)
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const TensionFunction &function)
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const PascalsTriangle< 5 > &triangle)
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const Polynomial< Degree > &polynomial)
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, Format< std::string > &formatter) ecl_assert_throw_decl(StandardException)
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const CubicSpline &cubic_spline)
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const Array< ElementType, ArraySize > &array)
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const Stencil< ArrayType > &stencil)
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const LegacyPose3D< Float_ > &pose)
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const Array< ElementType, DynamicStorage > &array)
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const LegacyPose2D< Float_, Storage_ > &pose)
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const CartesianPoint< Type, 2 > &point)
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const SmoothLinearSpline &smooth_linear_spline)
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const Void void_object)
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const PascalsTriangle< 3 > &triangle)
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const TensionSpline &tension_spline)
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const HomogeneousPoint< Type > &point)
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const PascalsTriangle< PowerN > &triangle)
OutputStream & operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const CartesianPoint< Type, 3 > &point)
int psign (const Scalar &x)
ecl_geometry_PUBLICradians_to_degrees (const T &radians, typename enable_if< ecl::is_float< T > >::type *dummy=0)
ReferenceWrapper< T > ref (T &wrapped_object)
int sign (const Scalar &x)
ecl_geometry_PUBLIC const float & wrap_angle (float &angle)
ecl_geometry_PUBLIC double wrap_angle (const double &angle)
ecl_geometry_PUBLIC const double & wrap_angle (double &angle)
ecl_geometry_PUBLIC float wrap_angle (const float &angle)

