Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CCartesianConfigurationClass to define a robot configuration in space with the help of cartesian coordinates
 CCartesianPathConstraintsBuilderHelper class to build moveit_msgs::Constraints from a given configuration
 CCenterClass to define the center point of the circle on which the robot is supposed to move via circ command
 CCircData class storing all information regarding a Circ command
 CCircAuxiliaryBase class to define an auxiliary point needed to specify circ commands
 CGoalConstraintMsgConvertibleInterface class to express that a derived class can be converted into a moveit_msgs::Constaints
 CInterimClass to define a point on the circle on which the robot is supposed to move via circ command
 CJointConfigurationClass to define a robot configuration in space with the help of joint values
 CLinData class storing all information regarding a linear command
 CMotionCmdBase class for commands storing all general information of a command
 CMotionPlanRequestConvertibleInterface class to express that a derived class can be converted into a planning_interface::MotionPlanRequest
 CPtpData class storing all information regarding a Ptp command
 CRobotConfigurationClass to define robot configuration in space
 CRobotStateMsgConvertibleInterface class to express that a derived class can be converted into a moveit_msgs::RobotState
 CSequenceData class storing all information regarding a Sequence command
 CTestdataLoaderAbstract base class describing the interface to access test data like robot poses and robot commands
 CToBaseVisitorVisitor returning not the specific command type but the base type
 CToReqVisitorVisitor transforming the stored command into a MotionPlanRequest
 CXmlTestdataLoaderImplements a test data loader which uses a xml file to store the test data
 CAbstractCmdGetterAdapterAbstract base class providing a GENERIC getter-function signature which can be used to load DIFFERENT command types (like Ptp, Lin, etc.) from the test data file

autogenerated on Mon Apr 6 2020 03:17:28