Go to the documentation of this file.
46 #include <gtsam/config.h>
48 #include <boost/archive/binary_iarchive.hpp>
49 #include <boost/archive/binary_oarchive.hpp>
50 #include <boost/program_options.hpp>
51 #include <boost/range/algorithm/set_algorithm.hpp>
58 #include <tbb/task_arena.h>
59 #include <tbb/task_group.h>
63 using namespace gtsam;
65 namespace po = boost::program_options;
80 for(
const std::shared_ptr<gtsam::NonlinearFactor>& nlf:
graph) {
81 graph_dim += (
83 double dof = double(graph_dim) - double(config.
115 int main(
int argc,
char *argv[]) {
117 po::options_description
"Available options");
119 (
"Print help message")
120 (
"write-solution,o", po::value<string>(&
"Write graph and solution to the specified file")
121 (
"read-solution,i", po::value<string>(&
"Read graph and solution from the specified file")
122 (
"dataset,d", po::value<string>(&
"Read a dataset file (if and only if --incremental is used)")
123 (
"first-step,f", po::value<int>(&
"First step to process from the dataset file")
124 (
"last-step,l", po::value<int>(&
"Last step to process, or -1 to process until the end of the dataset")
125 (
"threads", po::value<int>(&
"Number of threads, or -1 to use all processors")
126 (
"relinSkip", po::value<int>(&
"Fluid relinearization check every arg steps")
127 (
"Run in incremental mode using ISAM2 (default)")
128 (
"When in incremental mode, solve with Dogleg instead of Gauss-Newton in iSAM2")
129 (
"Run in batch mode, requires an initialization from --read-solution")
130 (
"compare", po::value<vector<string> >()->multitoken(),
"Compare two solution files")
131 (
"perturb", po::value<double>(&
"Perturb a solution file with the specified noise")
132 (
"Gather factorization statistics about the dataset, writes text-file histograms")
134 po::variables_map vm;
135 po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).
run(), vm);
138 batch = (vm.count(
"batch") > 0);
139 compare = (vm.count(
"compare") > 0);
140 perturb = (vm.count(
"perturb") > 0);
141 stats = (vm.count(
"stats") > 0);
143 incremental = (vm.count(
"incremental") > 0 || modesSpecified == 0);
144 dogleg = (vm.count(
"dogleg") > 0);
146 const vector<string>& compareFiles = vm[
"compare"].as<vector<string> >();
147 if(compareFiles.size() != 2) {
148 cout <<
"Must specify two files with --compare";
155 if(modesSpecified > 1) {
156 cout <<
"Only one of --incremental, --batch, --compare, --perturb, and --stats may be specified\n" <<
desc << endl;
160 cout <<
"In incremental and batch modes, a dataset must be specified\n" <<
desc << endl;
164 cout <<
"A dataset may only be specified in incremental or batch modes\n" <<
desc << endl;
168 cout <<
"In batch model, an input file must be specified\n" <<
desc << endl;
172 cout <<
"In perturb mode, specify input and output files\n" <<
desc << endl;
176 cout <<
"In stats mode, specify dataset and input file\n" <<
desc << endl;
183 cout <<
"Reading input file " <<
inputFile << endl;
184 std::ifstream readerStream(
inputFile.c_str(), ios::binary);
185 boost::archive::binary_iarchive
195 std::pair<NonlinearFactorGraph::shared_ptr, Values::shared_ptr>
data =
198 }
e) {
199 cout <<
e.what() << endl;
205 tbb::task_arena arena;
208 cout <<
"Using " <<
nThreads <<
" threads" << endl;
211 cout <<
"Using threads for all processors" << endl;
214 std::cout <<
"GTSAM is not compiled with TBB, so threading is disabled and the --threads option cannot be used." << endl;
249 params.enablePartialRelinearizationCheck =
253 cout <<
"Looking for first measurement from step " <<
firstStep << endl;
254 size_t nextMeasurement = 0;
255 bool havePreviousPose =
270 havePreviousPose =
279 cout <<
"The supplied first step is past the end of the dataset" << endl;
284 if(!havePreviousPose) {
285 cout <<
"Looks like " << firstPose <<
" is the first time step, so adding a prior on it" << endl;
289 newFactors.
Pose(), noiseModel::Unit::Create(3));
292 isam2.
update(newFactors, newVariables);
295 cout <<
"Playing forward time steps..." << endl;
297 for (
size_t step = firstPose;
305 gttic_(Collect_measurements);
319 throw runtime_error(
"Problem in data file, out-of-sequence measurements");
353 throw runtime_error(
"Problem in data file, out-of-sequence measurements");
368 double measuredRange =
369 newVariables.
375 throw std::runtime_error(
"Unknown factor type read from data file");
379 gttoc_(Collect_measurements);
384 isam2.
update(newFactors, newVariables);
386 }
e) {
387 cout <<
e.what() << endl;
391 if((
step - firstPose) % 1000 == 0) {
396 cout <<
"chi2 = " << chi2 << endl;
398 }
e) {
399 cout <<
e.what() << endl;
406 if((
step - firstPose) % 1000 == 0) {
407 cout <<
"Step " <<
step << endl;
415 cout <<
"Writing output file " <<
outputFile << endl;
416 std::ofstream writerStream(
outputFile.c_str(), ios::binary);
417 boost::archive::binary_oarchive writer(writerStream);
420 }
e) {
421 cout <<
e.what() << endl;
469 cout <<
"Creating batch optimizer..." << endl;
476 params.linearSolverType = NonlinearOptimizerParams::MULTIFRONTAL_CHOLESKY;
481 lastError = optimizer.
482 gttic_(Iterate_optimizer);
484 gttoc_(Iterate_optimizer);
485 cout <<
"Error: " << lastError <<
" -> " << optimizer.
error() << endl;
488 cout <<
"chi2 = " << chi2 << endl;
500 cout <<
"Writing output file " <<
outputFile << endl;
501 std::ofstream writerStream(
outputFile.c_str(), ios::binary);
502 boost::archive::binary_oarchive writer(writerStream);
503 writer << optimizer.
504 }
e) {
505 cout <<
e.what() << endl;
516 cout <<
"Reading solution file " <<
compareFile1 << endl;
518 std::ifstream readerStream(
compareFile1.c_str(), ios::binary);
519 boost::archive::binary_iarchive
523 cout <<
"Reading solution file " <<
compareFile2 << endl;
525 std::ifstream readerStream(
compareFile2.c_str(), ios::binary);
526 boost::archive::binary_iarchive
531 cout <<
"Comparing solutions..." << endl;
533 br::set_symmetric_difference(soln1.
keys(), soln2.
keys(), std::back_inserter(missingKeys));
534 if(!missingKeys.empty()) {
535 cout <<
" Keys unique to one solution file: ";
536 for(
size_t i = 0;
i < missingKeys.size(); ++
i) {
538 if(
i != missingKeys.size() - 1)
544 br::set_intersection(soln1.
keys(), soln2.
keys(), std::back_inserter(commonKeys));
545 double maxDiff = 0.0;
546 for(
Key j: commonKeys)
547 maxDiff =
std::max(maxDiff, soln1.
548 cout <<
" Maximum solution difference (norm of logmap): " << maxDiff << endl;
571 cout <<
"Writing output file " <<
outputFile << endl;
572 std::ofstream writerStream(
outputFile.c_str(), ios::binary);
573 boost::archive::binary_oarchive writer(writerStream);
575 }
e) {
576 cout <<
e.what() << endl;
585 cout <<
"Gathering statistics..." << endl;
592 cout <<
"Writing SolverComparer_Stats_problemSizeHistogram.txt..." << endl;
593 file.open(
597 cout <<
"Writing SolverComparer_Stats_numberOfChildrenHistogram.txt..." << endl;
598 file.open(
602 cout <<
"Writing SolverComparer_Stats_problemSizeOfSecondLargestChildHistogram.txt..." << endl;
603 file.open(
const Symbol key1('v', 1)
std::shared_ptr< This > shared_ptr
double absoluteErrorTol
The maximum absolute error decrease to stop iterating (default 1e-5)
static const Pose3 pose(Rot3(Vector3(1, -1, -1).asDiagonal()), Point3(0, 0, 0.5))
Array< double, 1, 3 > e(1./3., 0.5, 2.)
const Values & values() const
return values in current optimizer state
iterator insert(const std::pair< Key, Vector > &key_value)
const NonlinearFactorGraph & getFactorsUnsafe() const
Verbosity verbosity
The printing verbosity during optimization (default SILENT)
std::shared_ptr< GaussianFactorGraph > linearize(const Values &linearizationPoint) const
Linearize a nonlinear factor graph.
static const SmartProjectionParams params
FastVector< Key > KeyVector
Define collection type once and for all - also used in wrappers.
std::shared_ptr< This > shared_ptr
double error() const
return error in current optimizer state
KeyFormatter DefaultKeyFormatter
Assign default key formatter.
bool checkConvergence(double relativeErrorTreshold, double absoluteErrorTreshold, double errorThreshold, double currentError, double newError, NonlinearOptimizerParams::Verbosity verbosity)
DecisionTreeFactor factor(D &C &B &A, "0.0 0.0 0.0 0.60658897 0.61241912 0.61241969 0.61247685 0.61247742 0.0 " "0.0 0.0 0.99995287 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0")
NoiseModelFactorN< Pose, Pose > NM2
Double_ range(const Point2_ &p, const Point2_ &q)
const Values & getLinearizationPoint() const
Access the current linearization point.
double error(const Values &values) const
const ValueType at(Key j) const
const Symbol key2('v', 2)
utility functions for loading datasets
BearingRangeFactor< Pose, Point2 > BR
const GaussNewtonParams & params() const
void tictoc_finishedIteration_()
std::shared_ptr< BetweenFactor > shared_ptr
void addPrior(Key key, const T &prior, const SharedNoiseModel &model=nullptr)
def step(data, isam, result, truth, currPoseIndex, isamArgs=())
NoiseModelFactorN< Pose > NM1
Histogram problemSizeOfSecondLargestChildHistogram
Unit3_ normal(const OrientedPlane3_ &p)
Histogram problemSizeHistogram
const gtsam::Symbol key('X', 0)
Values calculateEstimate() const
std::vector< double > measurements
Incremental update functionality (ISAM2) for BayesTree, with fluid relinearization.
Point2 rotate(const Point2 &p, OptionalJacobian< 2, 1 > H1={}, OptionalJacobian< 2, 2 > H2={}) const
idx_t idx_t idx_t idx_t idx_t idx_t idx_t real_t real_t idx_t * options
GraphAndValues load2D(const std::string &filename, SharedNoiseModel model, size_t maxIndex, bool addNoise, bool smart, NoiseFormat noiseFormat, KernelFunctionType kernelFunctionType)
virtual ISAM2Result update(const NonlinearFactorGraph &newFactors=NonlinearFactorGraph(), const Values &newTheta=Values(), const FactorIndices &removeFactorIndices=FactorIndices(), const std::optional< FastMap< Key, int > > &constrainedKeys={}, const std::optional< FastList< Key > > &noRelinKeys={}, const std::optional< FastList< Key > > &extraReelimKeys={}, bool force_relinearize=false)
A class for computing marginals in a NonlinearFactorGraph.
IsDerived< DERIVEDFACTOR > push_back(std::shared_ptr< DERIVEDFACTOR > factor)
Add a factor directly using a shared_ptr.
const KeyVector & keys() const
Access the factor's involved variable keys.
Point3 transformFrom(const Point3 &point, OptionalJacobian< 3, 6 > Hself={}, OptionalJacobian< 3, 3 > Hpoint={}) const
takes point in Pose coordinates and transforms it to world coordinates
ForestStatistics GatherStatistics(const FOREST &forest)
void insert(Key j, const Value &val)
Struct to store gathered statistics about a forest.
double chi2_red(const gtsam::NonlinearFactorGraph &graph, const gtsam::Values &config)
GaussianFactorGraph::shared_ptr iterate() override
double relativeErrorTol
The maximum relative error decrease to stop iterating (default 1e-5)
double errorTol
The maximum total error to stop iterating (default 0.0)
GTSAM_EXPORT std::string findExampleDataFile(const std::string &name)
NonlinearFactorGraph datasetMeasurements
NonlinearFactorGraph graph
std::uint64_t Key
Integer nonlinear key type.
Histogram numberOfChildrenHistogram
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
a single factor contains both the bearing and the range to prevent handle to pair bearing and range f...
The Index type as used for the API.
autogenerated on Wed Mar 19 2025 03:03:42