►NAnaGuess | |
►NKNI | |
►NKNInet | |
►NMHF | |
CAddedMatrix | |
CArrayLengthSpecifier | |
CBad_alloc | |
CBandLUMatrix | LU decomposition of a band matrix |
CBandMatrix | Band matrix |
CBaseException | |
CBaseMatrix | Base of the matrix classes |
CCannotBuildException | Cannot build matrix with these properties exception |
CCannotGetSetPortAttributesException | |
CCannotOpenPortException | |
CCCdlBase | Abstract base class for devices |
CCCdlCOM | Encapsulates the serial port device |
CCCdlSocket | Encapsulates the socket communication device |
CCCplBase | Abstract base class for protocol definiton |
CCCplSerial | Base class of two different serial protocols |
CCCplSerialCRC | Implement the Serial-Zero protocol |
CCikBase | |
CCKatana | Extended Katana class with additional functions |
CCKatBase | Base Katana class |
CClik | Handle Closed Loop Inverse Kinematics scheme |
CCLMBase | Linear movement Class |
CCMotBase | Motor class |
CColedMatrix | |
CColumnVector | Column vector |
CComputed_torque_method | Computer torque method controller class |
CConcatenatedMatrix | |
CConfig | Handle configuration files |
CConfigFileEntryNotFoundException | |
CConfigFileOpenException | |
CConfigFileSectionNotFoundException | |
CConfigFileStateException | |
CConfigFileSubsectionNotFoundException | |
CConfigFileSyntaxErrorException | |
CConstRealStarStar | Let matrix simulate a C type const two dimensional array |
CContext | |
CControl_Select | Select controller class |
CControlWord | |
CConvergenceException | Covergence failure exception |
CCroutMatrix | |
CCSctBase | Sensor Controller class |
CCube | |
CData | Basic data element used in Config class |
CDeviceReadException | |
CDeviceWriteException | |
CDiagedMatrix | |
CDiagonalMatrix | Diagonal matrix |
CDomain_error | |
CDynamics | Dynamics simulation handling class |
CErrorException | |
CException | |
CFFT_Controller | Decide which fft method to use and carry out new fft function |
CFindMaximum2 | |
CFirmwareException | Exception reported by the firmware |
CFloatingPointPrecision | Floating point precision (type double) |
CFloatVector | |
CGeneralMatrix | The classes for matrices that can contain data are derived from this |
CGenericMatrix | A matrix which can be of any GeneralMatrix type |
CGetSubMatrix | |
CGNUcurve | Object for one curve |
CIdentityMatrix | Identity matrix |
CImpedance | Impedance controller class |
CIncompatibleDimensionsException | Incompatible dimensions exception |
CIndexException | Index exception |
CInternalException | Internal newmat exception - shouldn't happen |
CIntVector | |
CInvalid_argument | |
CInvertedMatrix | |
CIO_matrix_file | Read and write data at every iterations in a file |
CJanitor | |
CJointSpeedException | |
CKinematicsLib | Kinematics class using the kinematics lib |
CKPMatrix | |
CLength_error | |
CLinearEquationSolver | |
CLink | Link definitions |
CLinkStewart | LinkStewart definitions |
CLL_D_FI | |
CLoadAndStoreFlag | |
CLogAndSign | |
CLogic_error | |
CLowerBandMatrix | Lower triangular band matrix |
CLowerTriangularMatrix | Lower triangular matrix |
CMatedMatrix | |
CMatrix | The usual rectangular matrix |
CMatrixBandWidth | |
CMatrixCol | |
CMatrixColX | |
CMatrixInput | |
CMatrixRow | |
CMatrixRowCol | |
CMatrixType | |
CModel_3pe | |
CMotorCrashException | |
CMotorOutOfRangeException | |
CMotorTimeoutException | |
CmRobot | Modified DH notation robot class |
CmRobot_min_para | Modified DH notation and minimal inertial parameters robot class |
CMultipliedMatrix | |
CMultiRadixCounter | |
CMultWithCarry | |
CNegatedMatrix | |
CNegShiftedMatrix | |
CNew_dynamics | This is an example of customize Dynamics class |
CNonLinearLeastSquares | |
CNotDefinedException | Not defined exception |
CNotSquareException | A matrix is not square exception |
CNPDException | Not positive definite exception |
CnricMatrix | Rectangular matrix for use with Numerical Recipes in C |
COneDimSolve | |
COut_of_range | |
COverflow_error | |
COverflowException | Real overflow exception |
CParameterReadingException | |
CParameterWritingException | |
CPlot2d | 2d plot object |
CPlot3d | 3d plot object |
CPlot_file | Creates a graphic from a data file |
CPortNotOpenException | |
CPrintCounter | |
CProgramException | Miscellaneous exception (details in character string) |
CProportional_Derivative | Proportional derivative controller class |
Cpthread_once_t_ | |
Cptw32_cleanup_t | |
Cptw32_handle_t | |
CQuaternion | Quaternion class definition |
CR1_Col_I_D | |
CR1_R1 | |
CRange_error | |
CReadNotCompleteException | |
CReadWriteNotCompleteException | |
CRealStarStar | Let matrix simulate a C type two dimensional array |
CRectMatrixCol | |
CRectMatrixDiag | |
CRectMatrixRow | |
CRectMatrixRowCol | |
CResolved_acc | Resolved rate acceleration controller class |
CReturnMatrix | |
CReversedMatrix | |
CRobot | DH notation robot class |
CRobot_basic | Virtual base robot class |
CRowedMatrix | |
CRowVector | Row vector |
CRuntime_error | |
CScaledMatrix | |
Csched_param | |
CShiftedMatrix | |
CSimpleIntArray | |
CSingularException | Singular matrix exception |
CSlaveErrorException | |
CSolutionException | |
CSolvedMatrix | |
CSpl_cubic | Natural cubic splines class |
CSpl_path | Cartesian or joint space trajectory |
CSpl_Quaternion | Cubic quaternions spline |
CSPMatrix | |
CSquareMatrix | Square matrix |
CStackedMatrix | |
CStewart | Stewart definitions |
CSubMatrixDimensionException | Submatrix dimension exception |
CSubtractedMatrix | |
CSymmetricBandMatrix | Symmetric band matrix |
CSymmetricEigenAnalysis | |
CSymmetricMatrix | Symmetric matrix |
CTCdlCOMDesc | This structrue stores the attributes for a serial port device |
CTCurrentMot | Structure for the currently active axis |
CTestClass | |
CTestUpdateQRZ | |
CTHeader | Header of a communication packet |
Ctime_lapse | |
Ctimespec | |
CTKatCBX | [CBX] connector box |
CTKatCTB | [CTB] command table defined in the firmware |
CTKatECH | [ECH] echo |
CTKatEFF | Inverse Kinematics structure of the endeffektor |
CTKatGNL | [GNL] general robot attributes |
CTKatIDS | [IDS] identification string |
CTKatMFW | [MFW] master firmware version/revision number |
CTKatMOT | [MOT] every motor's attributes |
CTKatSCT | [SCT] every sens ctrl's attributes |
CTMotAPS | [APS] actual position |
CTMotCLB | Calibration structure for single motors |
CTMotDesc | Motor description (partly) |
CTMotDYL | [DYL] dynamic limits |
CTMotENL | [ENL] limits in encoder values (INTERNAL STRUCTURE!) |
CTMotGNL | [GNL] motor generals |
CTMotInit | Initial motor parameters |
CTMotPVP | [PVP] position, velocity, pulse width modulation |
CTMotSCP | [SCP] static controller parameters |
CTMotSFW | [SFW] slave firmware |
CTMotTPS | [TPS] target position |
CTMovement | Structure for the |
CTPacket | Communication packet |
CTPoint | |
CTPos | Extern C because we want to access these interfaces from anywhere: |
CTpos | |
CTracer | |
CTrajectory_Select | Trajectory class selection |
CTransposedMatrix | |
CTSctDAT | [DAT] sensor data |
CTSctDesc | Sensor controller description (partly) |
CTSctGNL | [GNL] controller generals |
CUpperBandMatrix | Upper triangular band matrix |
CUpperTriangularMatrix | Upper triangular matrix |
CVectorException | Cannot convert to vector exception |
CWaitParameterException | |
CWriteNotCompleteException | |
CWrongCRCException | CRC check for the answer package failed |
CWrongParameterException |