This is a ROS message definition.
# Message that sends a mission to the interpreter
string drone_id # ID of the drone that will execute the mission
int32 mission_id # ID of the mission to be executed
int32 item_id # ID of the item to be executed
uint8 EXECUTE = 0 # Execute a mission in the interpreter
uint8 LOAD = 1 # Load a mission to the interpreter
uint8 START = 2 # Start the execution of a mission
uint8 PAUSE = 3 # Pause the execution of a mission
uint8 RESUME = 4 # Resume the execution of a mission
uint8 STOP = 5 # Stop the execution of a mission
uint8 JUMP_TO = 6 # Jump to a specific item in the mission
uint8 REPEAT = 7 # Repeat the execution of a mission
uint8 INSERT = 8 # Insert an item in the mission
uint8 MODIFY = 9 # Modify an item in the mission
uint8 REMOVE = 10 # Remove an item in the mission
uint8 RESET = 11 # Reset the interpreter
uint8 ABORT = 12 # Abort the execution of a mission
uint8 action # Action to be performed in the interpreter
string mission # JSON formatted mission to be executed