Class playback

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class playback : public rs2::device

Public Functions

inline playback(device d)
inline void pause()

Pauses the playback Calling pause() in “Paused” status does nothing If pause() is called while playback status is “Playing” or “Stopped”, the playback will not play until resume() is called

inline void resume()

Un-pauses the playback Calling resume() while playback status is “Playing” or “Stopped” does nothing

inline std::string file_name() const

Retrieves the name of the playback file


Name of the playback file

inline uint64_t get_position() const

Retrieves the current position of the playback in the file in terms of time. Units are expressed in nanoseconds


Current position of the playback in the file in terms of time. Units are expressed in nanoseconds

inline std::chrono::nanoseconds get_duration() const

Retrieves the total duration of the file


Total duration of the file

inline void seek(std::chrono::nanoseconds time)

Sets the playback to a specified time point of the played data


time[in] The time point to which playback should seek, expressed in units of nanoseconds (zero value = start)

inline bool is_real_time() const

Indicates if playback is in real time mode or non real time


True iff playback is in real time mode

inline void set_real_time(bool real_time) const

Set the playback to work in real time or non real time

In real time mode, playback will play the same way the file was recorded. In real time mode if the application takes too long to handle the callback, frames may be dropped. In non real time mode, playback will wait for each callback to finish handling the data before reading the next frame. In this mode no frames will be dropped, and the application controls the frame rate of the playback (according to the callback handler duration).


real_time[in] Indicates if real time is requested, 0 means false, otherwise true


True on successfully setting the requested mode

inline void set_playback_speed(float speed) const

Set the playing speed


speed[in] Indicates a multiplication of the speed to play (e.g: 1 = normal, 0.5 twice as slow)

template<typename T>
inline void set_status_changed_callback(T callback)

Start passing frames into user provided callback

Callbacks are invoked from the reading thread, and as such any heavy processing in the callback handler will affect the reading thread and may cause frame drops\ high latency

  • callback[in] Stream callback, can be any callable object accepting rs2::frame Register to receive callback from playback device upon its status changes

  • callback[in] A callback handler that will be invoked when the playback status changes, can be any callable object accepting rs2_playback_status

inline rs2_playback_status current_status() const

Returns the current state of the playback device


Current state of the playback

inline void stop()

Stops the playback, effectively stopping all streaming playback sensors, and resetting the playback.

Protected Functions

inline explicit playback(std::shared_ptr<rs2_device> dev)

Protected Attributes

friend context