Class frameset

Nested Relationships

Nested Types

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class frameset : public rs2::frame

Public Functions

inline frameset()

Extends the frame class with additional frameset related attributes and functions

inline frameset(const frame &f)

Extends the frame class with additional frameset related attributes and functions


frame[in] - existing frame instance

inline frame first_or_default(rs2_stream s, rs2_format f = RS2_FORMAT_ANY) const

Retrieve the first frame of a specific stream and optionally with a specific format. If no frame is found, return an empty frame instance.

  • rs2_stream[in] s - frame to be retrieved from this stream type.

  • rs2_format[in] f - frame to be retrieved from this format type.


frame - first found frame with s stream type.

inline frame first(rs2_stream s, rs2_format f = RS2_FORMAT_ANY) const

Retrieve the first frame of a specific stream type and optionally with a specific format. If no frame is found, an error will be thrown.

  • rs2_stream[in] s - frame to be retrieved from this stream type.

  • rs2_format[in] f - frame to be retrieved from this format type.


frame - first found frame with s stream type.

inline depth_frame get_depth_frame() const

Retrieve the first depth frame, if no frame is found, return an empty frame instance.


depth_frame - first found depth frame.

inline video_frame get_color_frame() const

Retrieve the first color frame, if no frame is found, search for the color frame from IR stream. If one still can’t be found, return an empty frame instance.


video_frame - first found color frame.

inline video_frame get_infrared_frame(const size_t index = 0) const

Retrieve the first infrared frame, if no frame is found, return an empty frame instance.


size_t[in] index


video_frame - first found infrared frame.

inline video_frame get_fisheye_frame(const size_t index = 0) const

Retrieve the fisheye monochrome video frame


size_t[in] index


video_frame - the fisheye frame denoted by index.

inline pose_frame get_pose_frame(const size_t index = 0) const

Retrieve the pose frame


size_t[in] index


pose_frame - the sensor’s positional data

inline size_t size() const

Return the size of the frameset


size_t - frameset size.

template<class T>
inline void foreach_rs(T action) const

Template function, extract internal frame handles from the frameset and invoke the action function


action[in] - instance with () operator implemented will be invoke after frame extraction.

inline frame operator[](size_t index) const

Bracket operator retrieves back the frame from frameset using arrary notation


index[in] - index of array to retrieve data back.


frame - retrieved frame.

inline iterator begin() const
inline iterator end() const
class iterator

Public Types

using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag
using value_type = frame
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t
using pointer = frame*
using reference = frame&

Public Functions

inline iterator(const frameset *owner, size_t index = 0)
inline iterator &operator++()
inline bool operator==(const iterator &other) const
inline bool operator!=(const iterator &other) const
inline frame operator*()