Generic board support | |
Implementation of SD/MMC/SDIO Stack | |
►SD/MMC/SDIO common stack | |
►SD/MMC Memory | |
Implementation of SD/MMC Memory | |
SD/MMC Protocol Definition | |
►BSP | |
Defines | |
Enumeration/Typedefs | |
Functions | |
Defines | |
Functions | |
►FLASH | |
Defines | |
Enumeration/Typedefs | |
Functions | |
►OTA | |
Functions | |
Defines | |
Enumeration/Typedefs | |
Defines | |
Functions | |
►WLAN | |
Defines | |
Enumeration/Typedefs | |
Functions | |
Defines | |
Byte Order | |
Error Codes | |
Enumeration/Typedefs | |
Functions | |
TLS Cipher Suite IDs | |
Functions | |
►Clock Management | |
Generic Clock Management | |
Oscillator Management | |
PLL Management | |
System Clock Management | |
Busy-Wait Delay Routines | |
General Purpose Input/Output | |
Common IOPORT API | |
Serial Interface (Serial) | |
Sleep manager | |
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) | |
USART in SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) mode | |
Memory Control Access | |
USB device descriptors for a single interface | |
►USB Stack | |
►USB Stack Device | |
►USB Device Controller (UDC) | |
Implementation of UDC | |
USB Device Controller (UDC) - Prerequisites | |
USB Device Controller (UDC) - Example code | |
USB Device Controller (UDC) - Workflow | |
USB Device Descriptor | |
►USB Device Driver (UDD) | |
USB High-Speed Port for device mode (USBHS) | |
►USB Device Interface (UDI) | |
►USB Device Interface (UDI) for Communication Class Device (CDC) | |
Interface with USB Device Core (UDC) | |
Implementation of UDI CDC | |
USB interface descriptors | |
Atmel USB Identifiers | |
►USB Protocol Definitions | |
Communication Device Class Definitions | |
USBHS OTG Driver | |
►Global interrupt management | |
Deprecated interrupt definitions | |
►Atmel part identification macros | |
AVR UC3 parts | |
AVR XMEGA parts | |
megaAVR parts | |
SAM parts | |
►Standard I/O (stdio) | |
Standard serial I/O (stdio) | |
Enhanced Embedded Flash Controller (EEFC) | |
►High Speed MultiMedia Card Interface (HSMCI) | |
High Speed MultiMedia Card Interface | |
SAM Control Area Network (MCAN) Low Level Driver | |
►MPU - Memory Protect Unit | |
MMU Initialization | |
Peripheral Parallel Input/Output (PIO) Controller | |
Power Management Controller (PMC) | |
Power Manager (PM) | |
Real-Time Clock (RTC) | |
Real-time Timer (RTT) | |
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) | |
SAM3/4S/4L/4E/4N/4CM/4C/G Timer Counter (TC) Driver | |
High-Speed Two-Wire Interface (TWIHS) | |
Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transceiver (UART) | |
Universal Synchronous Asynchronous | |
Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver | |
Watchdog Timer (WDT) | |
SAMV71/V70/E70/S70 XDMA Controller (XDMAC) Driver | |
Embedded Flash Service | |
►Compiler abstraction layer and code utilities | |
Preprocessor - Macro Repeat | |
Preprocessor - Stringize | |
Preprocessor - Token Paste | |
Basic Math Functions | |
►Fast Math Functions | |
Square Root | |
Complex Math Functions | |
Filtering Functions | |
Matrix Functions | |
Transform Functions | |
►Controller Functions | |
PID Motor Control | |
Vector Clarke Transform | |
Vector Inverse Clarke Transform | |
Vector Park Transform | |
Vector Inverse Park transform | |
Statistics Functions | |
Support Functions | |
►Interpolation Functions | |
Linear Interpolation | |
Bilinear Interpolation | |
Examples | |
CMSIS Global Defines | |
►Defines and Type Definitions | Type definitions and defines for Cortex-M processor based devices |
Status and Control Registers | Core Register type definitions |
Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) | Type definitions for the NVIC Registers |
System Control Block (SCB) | Type definitions for the System Control Block Registers |
System Controls not in SCB (SCnSCB) | Type definitions for the System Control and ID Register not in the SCB |
System Tick Timer (SysTick) | Type definitions for the System Timer Registers |
Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM) | Type definitions for the Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM) |
Data Watchpoint and Trace (DWT) | Type definitions for the Data Watchpoint and Trace (DWT) |
Trace Port Interface (TPI) | Type definitions for the Trace Port Interface (TPI) |
Core Debug Registers (CoreDebug) | Type definitions for the Core Debug Registers |
Core Definitions | Definitions for base addresses, unions, and structures |
►Functions and Instructions Reference | |
NVIC Functions | Functions that manage interrupts and exceptions via the NVIC |
Cache Functions | Functions that configure Instruction and Data cache |
SysTick Functions | Functions that configure the System |
ITM Functions | Functions that access the ITM debug interface |
CMSIS Core Register Access Functions | |
CMSIS Core Instruction Interface | |
CMSIS SIMD Intrinsics | |
Port of low level driver for FatFS | |
FatFS file system service | |
xCoRoutineCreate | |
vCoRoutineSchedule | |
crSTART | |
crDELAY | |
►EventGroup | |
EventGroupHandle_t | |
xEventGroupCreate | |
xEventGroupWaitBits | |
xEventGroupClearBits | |
xEventGroupClearBitsFromISR | |
xEventGroupSetBits | |
xEventGroupSetBitsFromISR | |
xEventGroupSync | |
xEventGroupGetBits | |
xEventGroupGetBitsFromISR | |
xMessageBufferCreate | |
xMessageBufferCreateStatic | |
xMessageBufferSend | |
xMessageBufferSendFromISR | |
xMessageBufferReceive | |
xMessageBufferReceiveFromISR | |
xMessageBufferReset | |
xMessageBufferSpaceAvailable | |
xMessageBufferSendCompletedFromISR | |
xMessageBufferReceiveCompletedFromISR | |
xQueueCreate | |
xQueueCreateStatic | |
xQueueSend | |
xQueueOverwrite | |
xQueuePeek | |
xQueuePeekFromISR | |
xQueueReceive | |
uxQueueMessagesWaiting | |
vQueueDelete | |
xQueueSendFromISR | |
xQueueOverwriteFromISR | |
xQueueReceiveFromISR | |
vSemaphoreCreateBinary | |
xSemaphoreCreateBinary | |
xSemaphoreCreateBinaryStatic | |
xSemaphoreTake | |
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive | |
xSemaphoreGive | |
xSemaphoreGiveRecursive | |
xSemaphoreGiveFromISR | |
xSemaphoreCreateMutex | |
xSemaphoreCreateMutexStatic | |
xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutex | |
xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutexStatic | |
xSemaphoreCreateCounting | |
xSemaphoreCreateCountingStatic | |
vSemaphoreDelete | |
xStreamBufferCreate | |
xStreamBufferCreateStatic | |
xStreamBufferSend | |
xStreamBufferSendFromISR | |
xStreamBufferReceive | |
xStreamBufferReceiveFromISR | |
vStreamBufferDelete | |
xStreamBufferIsFull | |
xStreamBufferIsEmpty | |
xStreamBufferReset | |
xStreamBufferSpacesAvailable | |
xStreamBufferBytesAvailable | |
xStreamBufferSetTriggerLevel | |
xStreamBufferSendCompletedFromISR | |
xStreamBufferReceiveCompletedFromISR | |
TaskHandle_t | |
taskYIELD | |
xTaskCreate | |
xTaskCreateStatic | |
xTaskCreateRestricted | |
xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic | |
vTaskDelete | |
vTaskDelay | |
vTaskDelayUntil | |
xTaskAbortDelay | |
uxTaskPriorityGet | |
vTaskGetInfo | |
vTaskPrioritySet | |
vTaskSuspend | |
vTaskResume | |
vTaskResumeFromISR | |
vTaskStartScheduler | |
vTaskEndScheduler | |
vTaskSuspendAll | |
xTaskResumeAll | |
xTaskGetTickCount | |
xTaskGetTickCountFromISR | |
uxTaskGetNumberOfTasks | |
pcTaskGetName | |
pcTaskGetHandle | |
vTaskList | |
vTaskGetRunTimeStats | |
xTaskNotify | |
xTaskNotifyWait | |
xTaskNotifyGive | |
ulTaskNotifyTake | |
xTaskNotifyStateClear | |
Analog Comparator Controller | |
Advanced Encryption Standard | |
Analog Front-End Controller | |
Chip Identifier | |
Digital-to-Analog Converter Controller | |
Embedded Flash Controller | |
Gigabit Ethernet MAC | |
General Purpose Backup Registers | |
High Speed MultiMedia Card Interface | |
Inter-IC Sound Controller | |
Integrity Check Monitor | |
Image Sensor Interface | |
AHB Bus Matrix | |
Controller Area Network | |
Parallel Input/Output Controller | |
Power Management Controller | |
Pulse Width Modulation Controller | |
Quad Serial Peripheral Interface | |
Reset Controller | |
Reinforced Safety Watchdog Timer | |
Real-time Clock | |
Real-time Timer | |
SDRAM Controller | |
Static Memory Controller | |
Serial Peripheral Interface | |
Synchronous Serial Controller | |
Supply Controller | |
Timer Counter | |
True Random Number Generator | |
Two-wire Interface High Speed | |
Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter | |
Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter | |
USB High-Speed Interface | |
USB Transmitter Interface Macrocell | |
Watchdog Timer | |
Extensible DMA Controller | |
►SAME70J19 definitions | |
CMSIS Definitions | |
Peripheral Software API | |
Registers Access Definitions | |
Peripheral Ids Definitions | |
Peripheral Base Address Definitions | |
Peripheral Pio Definitions | |
►SAME70J19B definitions | |
CMSIS Definitions | |
Peripheral Software API | |
Registers Access Definitions | |
Peripheral Ids Definitions | |
Peripheral Base Address Definitions | |
Peripheral Pio Definitions | |
►SAME70J20 definitions | |
CMSIS Definitions | |
Peripheral Software API | |
Registers Access Definitions | |
Peripheral Ids Definitions | |
Peripheral Base Address Definitions | |
Peripheral Pio Definitions | |
►SAME70J20B definitions | |
CMSIS Definitions | |
Peripheral Software API | |
Registers Access Definitions | |
Peripheral Ids Definitions | |
Peripheral Base Address Definitions | |
Peripheral Pio Definitions | |
►SAME70J21 definitions | |
CMSIS Definitions | |
Peripheral Software API | |
Registers Access Definitions | |
Peripheral Ids Definitions | |
Peripheral Base Address Definitions | |
Peripheral Pio Definitions | |
►SAME70J21B definitions | |
CMSIS Definitions | |
Peripheral Software API | |
Registers Access Definitions | |
Peripheral Ids Definitions | |
Peripheral Base Address Definitions | |
Peripheral Pio Definitions | |
►SAME70N19 definitions | |
CMSIS Definitions | |
Peripheral Software API | |
Registers Access Definitions | |
Peripheral Ids Definitions | |
Peripheral Base Address Definitions | |
Peripheral Pio Definitions | |
►SAME70N19B definitions | |
CMSIS Definitions | |
Peripheral Software API | |
Registers Access Definitions | |
Peripheral Ids Definitions | |
Peripheral Base Address Definitions | |
Peripheral Pio Definitions | |
►SAME70N20 definitions | |
CMSIS Definitions | |
Peripheral Software API | |
Registers Access Definitions | |
Peripheral Ids Definitions | |
Peripheral Base Address Definitions | |
Peripheral Pio Definitions | |
►SAME70N20B definitions | |
CMSIS Definitions | |
Peripheral Software API | |
Registers Access Definitions | |
Peripheral Ids Definitions | |
Peripheral Base Address Definitions | |
Peripheral Pio Definitions | |
►SAME70N21 definitions | |
CMSIS Definitions | |
Peripheral Software API | |
Registers Access Definitions | |
Peripheral Ids Definitions | |
Peripheral Base Address Definitions | |
Peripheral Pio Definitions | |
►SAME70N21B definitions | |
CMSIS Definitions | |
Peripheral Software API | |
Registers Access Definitions | |
Peripheral Ids Definitions | |
Peripheral Base Address Definitions | |
Peripheral Pio Definitions | |
►SAME70Q19 definitions | |
CMSIS Definitions | |
Peripheral Software API | |
Registers Access Definitions | |
Peripheral Ids Definitions | |
Peripheral Base Address Definitions | |
Peripheral Pio Definitions | |
►SAME70Q19B definitions | |
CMSIS Definitions | |
Peripheral Software API | |
Registers Access Definitions | |
Peripheral Ids Definitions | |
Peripheral Base Address Definitions | |
Peripheral Pio Definitions | |
►SAME70Q20 definitions | |
CMSIS Definitions | |
Peripheral Software API | |
Registers Access Definitions | |
Peripheral Ids Definitions | |
Peripheral Base Address Definitions | |
Peripheral Pio Definitions | |
►SAME70Q20B definitions | |
CMSIS Definitions | |
Peripheral Software API | |
Registers Access Definitions | |
Peripheral Ids Definitions | |
Peripheral Base Address Definitions | |
Peripheral Pio Definitions | |
►SAME70Q21 definitions | |
CMSIS Definitions | |
Peripheral Software API | |
Registers Access Definitions | |
Peripheral Ids Definitions | |
Peripheral Base Address Definitions | |
Peripheral Pio Definitions | |
►SAME70Q21B definitions | |
CMSIS Definitions | |
Peripheral Software API | |
Registers Access Definitions | |
Peripheral Ids Definitions | |
Peripheral Base Address Definitions | |
Peripheral Pio Definitions | |
►Usb_cdc | |
USB CDC Specification Release Numbers | |
CDC Descriptor Types | |
CDC Descriptor Subtypes | |
USB CDC Device Descriptor Values | |
USB CDC Communication Interface Descriptor | |
USB CDC Data Interface Values | |
USB CDC CallManagement Capabilities | |
USB CDC ACM Capabilities | |
CDC SerialState bits | |
USB CDC Request Codes | |
USB CDC ControlLineState bitmap | |
USB CDC LineCoding StopBits | |
USB CDC LineCoding ParityCheckings | |
Usbd_hal | |
►Usbd_cdc | |
USB Device CDC Serial Interface IDs | |
USB Device Serial Port Descriptor Values | |
USB Device Serial Port Events | |
►Usbd_interface | |
USB device API return codes | |
USB device states | |
►Usbd_config | |
USBD Device IDs | |
USBD General Configure | |
USB MassStorage Configure | |
USB CDC Serial Configure | |
USB CDC EEM Configure | |
USB Audio General Configure | |
USB Speaker Configure | |
USB Speaker Phone Configure | |
USB HID Keyboard Device Configure | |
USB HID Mouse Device Configure | |
USB HID Transfer Device Configure | |
USB Composite Device Configure | |
►Usb_general | |
►USB Descriptors | |
USB Descriptor types | |
USB release numbers | |
USB Device Attributes | |
►USB Endpoint definitions | |
USB Endpoint directions | |
USB Endpoint types | |
USB Endpoint maximum sizes | |
USB Endpoint address define | |
USB String Descriptor Definitions | |
►USB Requests | |
►USB Generic Request definitions | |
USB Request codes | |
USB Request Recipients | |
USB Request Types | |
USB Request Directions | |
►USB Feature Request Definitions | |
USB Feature selectors | |
USB Test mode selectors | |