Classes | Macros
Integrity Check Monitor


struct  Icm
 Icm hardware registers. More...


 (ICM_ADDRSIZE) Peripheral Bus Address Area Size More...
#define ICM_CFG_ASCD   (0x1u << 8)
 (ICM_CFG) Automatic Switch To Compare Digest More...
#define ICM_CFG_BBC(value)   ((ICM_CFG_BBC_Msk & ((value) << ICM_CFG_BBC_Pos)))
#define ICM_CFG_BBC_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_CFG_BBC_Pos)
 (ICM_CFG) Bus Burden Control More...
#define ICM_CFG_BBC_Pos   4
#define ICM_CFG_DAPROT(value)   ((ICM_CFG_DAPROT_Msk & ((value) << ICM_CFG_DAPROT_Pos)))
#define ICM_CFG_DAPROT_Msk   (0x3fu << ICM_CFG_DAPROT_Pos)
 (ICM_CFG) Region Descriptor Area Protection More...
#define ICM_CFG_DAPROT_Pos   24
#define ICM_CFG_DUALBUFF   (0x1u << 9)
 (ICM_CFG) Dual Input Buffer More...
#define ICM_CFG_EOMDIS   (0x1u << 1)
 (ICM_CFG) End of Monitoring Disable More...
#define ICM_CFG_HAPROT(value)   ((ICM_CFG_HAPROT_Msk & ((value) << ICM_CFG_HAPROT_Pos)))
#define ICM_CFG_HAPROT_Msk   (0x3fu << ICM_CFG_HAPROT_Pos)
 (ICM_CFG) Region Hash Area Protection More...
#define ICM_CFG_HAPROT_Pos   16
#define ICM_CFG_SLBDIS   (0x1u << 2)
 (ICM_CFG) Secondary List Branching Disable More...
#define ICM_CFG_UALGO(value)   ((ICM_CFG_UALGO_Msk & ((value) << ICM_CFG_UALGO_Pos)))
#define ICM_CFG_UALGO_Msk   (0x7u << ICM_CFG_UALGO_Pos)
 (ICM_CFG) User SHA Algorithm More...
#define ICM_CFG_UALGO_Pos   13
#define ICM_CFG_UALGO_SHA1   (0x0u << 13)
 (ICM_CFG) SHA1 algorithm processed More...
#define ICM_CFG_UALGO_SHA224   (0x4u << 13)
 (ICM_CFG) SHA224 algorithm processed More...
#define ICM_CFG_UALGO_SHA256   (0x1u << 13)
 (ICM_CFG) SHA256 algorithm processed More...
#define ICM_CFG_UIHASH   (0x1u << 12)
 (ICM_CFG) User Initial Hash Value More...
#define ICM_CFG_WBDIS   (0x1u << 0)
 (ICM_CFG) Write Back Disable More...
#define ICM_CTRL_DISABLE   (0x1u << 1)
 (ICM_CTRL) ICM Disable Register More...
#define ICM_CTRL_ENABLE   (0x1u << 0)
 (ICM_CTRL) ICM Enable More...
#define ICM_CTRL_REHASH(value)   ((ICM_CTRL_REHASH_Msk & ((value) << ICM_CTRL_REHASH_Pos)))
#define ICM_CTRL_REHASH_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_CTRL_REHASH_Pos)
 (ICM_CTRL) Recompute Internal Hash More...
#define ICM_CTRL_REHASH_Pos   4
#define ICM_CTRL_RMDIS(value)   ((ICM_CTRL_RMDIS_Msk & ((value) << ICM_CTRL_RMDIS_Pos)))
#define ICM_CTRL_RMDIS_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_CTRL_RMDIS_Pos)
 (ICM_CTRL) Region Monitoring Disable More...
#define ICM_CTRL_RMDIS_Pos   8
#define ICM_CTRL_RMEN(value)   ((ICM_CTRL_RMEN_Msk & ((value) << ICM_CTRL_RMEN_Pos)))
#define ICM_CTRL_RMEN_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_CTRL_RMEN_Pos)
 (ICM_CTRL) Region Monitoring Enable More...
#define ICM_CTRL_RMEN_Pos   12
#define ICM_CTRL_SWRST   (0x1u << 2)
 (ICM_CTRL) Software Reset More...
#define ICM_DSCR_DASA(value)   ((ICM_DSCR_DASA_Msk & ((value) << ICM_DSCR_DASA_Pos)))
#define ICM_DSCR_DASA_Msk   (0x3ffffffu << ICM_DSCR_DASA_Pos)
 (ICM_DSCR) Descriptor Area Start Address More...
#define ICM_DSCR_DASA_Pos   6
#define ICM_FEATURES_BTYP   (0x1u << 8)
 (ICM_FEATURES) Bridge Type More...
#define ICM_FEATURES_CFGALGO   (0x1u << 0)
 (ICM_FEATURES) Configurable Algorithms More...
#define ICM_FEATURES_CFGPP   (0x1u << 2)
 (ICM_FEATURES) Configurable Processing Period More...
#define ICM_FEATURES_EF   (0x1u << 6)
 (ICM_FEATURES) Embedded LFSR More...
#define ICM_FEATURES_HDPP   (0x1u << 3)
 (ICM_FEATURES) Hardcoded Processing Period More...
#define ICM_FEATURES_HSHA1   (0x1u << 16)
 (ICM_FEATURES) SHA1 Hardcoded Mode More...
#define ICM_FEATURES_HSHA224   (0x1u << 17)
 (ICM_FEATURES) SHA224 Hardcoded Mode More...
#define ICM_FEATURES_HSHA256   (0x1u << 18)
 (ICM_FEATURES) SHA256 Hardcoded Mode More...
#define ICM_FEATURES_HSHA384   (0x1u << 19)
 (ICM_FEATURES) SHA384 Hardcoded Mode More...
#define ICM_FEATURES_HSHA512   (0x1u << 20)
 (ICM_FEATURES) SHA512 Hardcoded Mode More...
#define ICM_FEATURES_NAIS   (0x1u << 5)
 (ICM_FEATURES) No Access to Intermediate State More...
#define ICM_FEATURES_PDC   (0x1u << 4)
 (ICM_FEATURES) Peripheral DMA Logic More...
#define ICM_FEATURES_PDCOFF0C   (0x1u << 9)
 (ICM_FEATURES) PDC Offset is 0x0C More...
#define ICM_FEATURES_RFU   (0x1u << 1)
 (ICM_FEATURES) Reserved for Future Use More...
#define ICM_FEATURES_SI   (0x1u << 7)
 (ICM_FEATURES) Scan Intrusion More...
#define ICM_HASH_HASA(value)   ((ICM_HASH_HASA_Msk & ((value) << ICM_HASH_HASA_Pos)))
#define ICM_HASH_HASA_Msk   (0x1ffffffu << ICM_HASH_HASA_Pos)
 (ICM_HASH) Hash Area Start Address More...
#define ICM_HASH_HASA_Pos   7
#define ICM_IDR_RBE(value)   ((ICM_IDR_RBE_Msk & ((value) << ICM_IDR_RBE_Pos)))
#define ICM_IDR_RBE_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IDR_RBE_Pos)
 (ICM_IDR) Region Bus Error Interrupt Disable More...
#define ICM_IDR_RBE_Pos   8
#define ICM_IDR_RDM(value)   ((ICM_IDR_RDM_Msk & ((value) << ICM_IDR_RDM_Pos)))
#define ICM_IDR_RDM_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IDR_RDM_Pos)
 (ICM_IDR) Region Digest Mismatch Interrupt Disable More...
#define ICM_IDR_RDM_Pos   4
#define ICM_IDR_REC(value)   ((ICM_IDR_REC_Msk & ((value) << ICM_IDR_REC_Pos)))
#define ICM_IDR_REC_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IDR_REC_Pos)
 (ICM_IDR) Region End bit Condition detected Interrupt Disable More...
#define ICM_IDR_REC_Pos   16
#define ICM_IDR_RHC(value)   ((ICM_IDR_RHC_Msk & ((value) << ICM_IDR_RHC_Pos)))
#define ICM_IDR_RHC_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IDR_RHC_Pos)
 (ICM_IDR) Region Hash Completed Interrupt Disable More...
#define ICM_IDR_RHC_Pos   0
#define ICM_IDR_RSU(value)   ((ICM_IDR_RSU_Msk & ((value) << ICM_IDR_RSU_Pos)))
#define ICM_IDR_RSU_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IDR_RSU_Pos)
 (ICM_IDR) Region Status Updated Interrupt Disable More...
#define ICM_IDR_RSU_Pos   20
#define ICM_IDR_RWC(value)   ((ICM_IDR_RWC_Msk & ((value) << ICM_IDR_RWC_Pos)))
#define ICM_IDR_RWC_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IDR_RWC_Pos)
 (ICM_IDR) Region Wrap Condition Detected Interrupt Disable More...
#define ICM_IDR_RWC_Pos   12
#define ICM_IDR_URAD   (0x1u << 24)
 (ICM_IDR) Undefined Register Access Detection Interrupt Disable More...
#define ICM_IER_RBE(value)   ((ICM_IER_RBE_Msk & ((value) << ICM_IER_RBE_Pos)))
#define ICM_IER_RBE_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IER_RBE_Pos)
 (ICM_IER) Region Bus Error Interrupt Enable More...
#define ICM_IER_RBE_Pos   8
#define ICM_IER_RDM(value)   ((ICM_IER_RDM_Msk & ((value) << ICM_IER_RDM_Pos)))
#define ICM_IER_RDM_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IER_RDM_Pos)
 (ICM_IER) Region Digest Mismatch Interrupt Enable More...
#define ICM_IER_RDM_Pos   4
#define ICM_IER_REC(value)   ((ICM_IER_REC_Msk & ((value) << ICM_IER_REC_Pos)))
#define ICM_IER_REC_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IER_REC_Pos)
 (ICM_IER) Region End bit Condition Detected Interrupt Enable More...
#define ICM_IER_REC_Pos   16
#define ICM_IER_RHC(value)   ((ICM_IER_RHC_Msk & ((value) << ICM_IER_RHC_Pos)))
#define ICM_IER_RHC_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IER_RHC_Pos)
 (ICM_IER) Region Hash Completed Interrupt Enable More...
#define ICM_IER_RHC_Pos   0
#define ICM_IER_RSU(value)   ((ICM_IER_RSU_Msk & ((value) << ICM_IER_RSU_Pos)))
#define ICM_IER_RSU_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IER_RSU_Pos)
 (ICM_IER) Region Status Updated Interrupt Disable More...
#define ICM_IER_RSU_Pos   20
#define ICM_IER_RWC(value)   ((ICM_IER_RWC_Msk & ((value) << ICM_IER_RWC_Pos)))
#define ICM_IER_RWC_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IER_RWC_Pos)
 (ICM_IER) Region Wrap Condition detected Interrupt Enable More...
#define ICM_IER_RWC_Pos   12
#define ICM_IER_URAD   (0x1u << 24)
 (ICM_IER) Undefined Register Access Detection Interrupt Enable More...
#define ICM_IMR_RBE_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IMR_RBE_Pos)
 (ICM_IMR) Region Bus Error Interrupt Mask More...
#define ICM_IMR_RBE_Pos   8
#define ICM_IMR_RDM_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IMR_RDM_Pos)
 (ICM_IMR) Region Digest Mismatch Interrupt Mask More...
#define ICM_IMR_RDM_Pos   4
#define ICM_IMR_REC_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IMR_REC_Pos)
 (ICM_IMR) Region End bit Condition Detected Interrupt Mask More...
#define ICM_IMR_REC_Pos   16
#define ICM_IMR_RHC_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IMR_RHC_Pos)
 (ICM_IMR) Region Hash Completed Interrupt Mask More...
#define ICM_IMR_RHC_Pos   0
#define ICM_IMR_RSU_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IMR_RSU_Pos)
 (ICM_IMR) Region Status Updated Interrupt Mask More...
#define ICM_IMR_RSU_Pos   20
#define ICM_IMR_RWC_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IMR_RWC_Pos)
 (ICM_IMR) Region Wrap Condition Detected Interrupt Mask More...
#define ICM_IMR_RWC_Pos   12
#define ICM_IMR_URAD   (0x1u << 24)
 (ICM_IMR) Undefined Register Access Detection Interrupt Mask More...
#define ICM_IPNAME_IPNAME_Msk   (0xffffffffu << ICM_IPNAME_IPNAME_Pos)
 (ICM_IPNAME[2]) IP Name in ASCII Format More...
#define ICM_IPNAME_IPNAME_Pos   0
#define ICM_ISR_RBE_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_ISR_RBE_Pos)
 (ICM_ISR) Region Bus Error More...
#define ICM_ISR_RBE_Pos   8
#define ICM_ISR_RDM_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_ISR_RDM_Pos)
 (ICM_ISR) Region Digest Mismatch More...
#define ICM_ISR_RDM_Pos   4
#define ICM_ISR_REC_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_ISR_REC_Pos)
 (ICM_ISR) Region End bit Condition Detected More...
#define ICM_ISR_REC_Pos   16
#define ICM_ISR_RHC_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_ISR_RHC_Pos)
 (ICM_ISR) Region Hash Completed More...
#define ICM_ISR_RHC_Pos   0
#define ICM_ISR_RSU_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_ISR_RSU_Pos)
 (ICM_ISR) Region Status Updated Detected More...
#define ICM_ISR_RSU_Pos   20
#define ICM_ISR_RWC_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_ISR_RWC_Pos)
 (ICM_ISR) Region Wrap Condition Detected More...
#define ICM_ISR_RWC_Pos   12
#define ICM_ISR_URAD   (0x1u << 24)
 (ICM_ISR) Undefined Register Access Detection Status More...
#define ICM_SR_ENABLE   (0x1u << 0)
 (ICM_SR) ICM Controller Enable Register More...
#define ICM_SR_RAWRMDIS(value)   ((ICM_SR_RAWRMDIS_Msk & ((value) << ICM_SR_RAWRMDIS_Pos)))
#define ICM_SR_RAWRMDIS_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_SR_RAWRMDIS_Pos)
 (ICM_SR) RAW Region Monitoring Disabled Status More...
#define ICM_SR_RAWRMDIS_Pos   8
#define ICM_SR_RMDIS(value)   ((ICM_SR_RMDIS_Msk & ((value) << ICM_SR_RMDIS_Pos)))
#define ICM_SR_RMDIS_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_SR_RMDIS_Pos)
 (ICM_SR) Region Monitoring Disabled Status More...
#define ICM_SR_RMDIS_Pos   12
#define ICM_UASR_URAT_ICM_CFG_MODIFIED   (0x1u << 0)
 (ICM_UASR) ICM_CFG modified during active monitoring. More...
#define ICM_UASR_URAT_ICM_DSCR_MODIFIED   (0x2u << 0)
 (ICM_UASR) ICM_DSCR modified during active monitoring. More...
#define ICM_UASR_URAT_ICM_HASH_MODIFIED   (0x3u << 0)
 (ICM_UASR) ICM_HASH modified during active monitoring More...
#define ICM_UASR_URAT_Msk   (0x7u << ICM_UASR_URAT_Pos)
 (ICM_UASR) Undefined Register Access Trace More...
#define ICM_UASR_URAT_Pos   0
#define ICM_UASR_URAT_READ_ACCESS   (0x4u << 0)
 (ICM_UASR) Write-only register read access More...
 (ICM_UASR) Unspecified structure member set to one detected when the descriptor is loaded. More...
#define ICM_UIHVAL_VAL(value)   ((ICM_UIHVAL_VAL_Msk & ((value) << ICM_UIHVAL_VAL_Pos)))
#define ICM_UIHVAL_VAL_Msk   (0xffffffffu << ICM_UIHVAL_VAL_Pos)
 (ICM_UIHVAL[8]) Initial Hash Value More...
#define ICM_UIHVAL_VAL_Pos   0
#define ICM_VERSION_MFN_Msk   (0x7u << ICM_VERSION_MFN_Pos)
 (ICM_VERSION) Metal Fix Number More...
#define ICM_VERSION_MFN_Pos   16
 (ICM_VERSION) Version of the Hardware Module More...

Detailed Description


Macro Definition Documentation



(ICM_ADDRSIZE) Peripheral Bus Address Area Size

Definition at line 200 of file component/icm.h.



Definition at line 199 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CFG_ASCD   (0x1u << 8)

(ICM_CFG) Automatic Switch To Compare Digest

Definition at line 74 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CFG_BBC (   value)    ((ICM_CFG_BBC_Msk & ((value) << ICM_CFG_BBC_Pos)))

Definition at line 73 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CFG_BBC_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_CFG_BBC_Pos)

(ICM_CFG) Bus Burden Control

Definition at line 72 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CFG_BBC_Pos   4

Definition at line 71 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CFG_DAPROT (   value)    ((ICM_CFG_DAPROT_Msk & ((value) << ICM_CFG_DAPROT_Pos)))

Definition at line 88 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CFG_DAPROT_Msk   (0x3fu << ICM_CFG_DAPROT_Pos)

(ICM_CFG) Region Descriptor Area Protection

Definition at line 87 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CFG_DAPROT_Pos   24

Definition at line 86 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CFG_DUALBUFF   (0x1u << 9)

(ICM_CFG) Dual Input Buffer

Definition at line 75 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CFG_EOMDIS   (0x1u << 1)

(ICM_CFG) End of Monitoring Disable

Definition at line 69 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CFG_HAPROT (   value)    ((ICM_CFG_HAPROT_Msk & ((value) << ICM_CFG_HAPROT_Pos)))

Definition at line 85 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CFG_HAPROT_Msk   (0x3fu << ICM_CFG_HAPROT_Pos)

(ICM_CFG) Region Hash Area Protection

Definition at line 84 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CFG_HAPROT_Pos   16

Definition at line 83 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CFG_SLBDIS   (0x1u << 2)

(ICM_CFG) Secondary List Branching Disable

Definition at line 70 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CFG_UALGO (   value)    ((ICM_CFG_UALGO_Msk & ((value) << ICM_CFG_UALGO_Pos)))

Definition at line 79 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CFG_UALGO_Msk   (0x7u << ICM_CFG_UALGO_Pos)

(ICM_CFG) User SHA Algorithm

Definition at line 78 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CFG_UALGO_Pos   13

Definition at line 77 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CFG_UALGO_SHA1   (0x0u << 13)

(ICM_CFG) SHA1 algorithm processed

Definition at line 80 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CFG_UALGO_SHA224   (0x4u << 13)

(ICM_CFG) SHA224 algorithm processed

Definition at line 82 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CFG_UALGO_SHA256   (0x1u << 13)

(ICM_CFG) SHA256 algorithm processed

Definition at line 81 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CFG_UIHASH   (0x1u << 12)

(ICM_CFG) User Initial Hash Value

Definition at line 76 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CFG_WBDIS   (0x1u << 0)

(ICM_CFG) Write Back Disable

Definition at line 68 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CTRL_DISABLE   (0x1u << 1)

(ICM_CTRL) ICM Disable Register

Definition at line 91 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CTRL_ENABLE   (0x1u << 0)


Definition at line 90 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CTRL_REHASH (   value)    ((ICM_CTRL_REHASH_Msk & ((value) << ICM_CTRL_REHASH_Pos)))

Definition at line 95 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CTRL_REHASH_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_CTRL_REHASH_Pos)

(ICM_CTRL) Recompute Internal Hash

Definition at line 94 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CTRL_REHASH_Pos   4

Definition at line 93 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CTRL_RMDIS (   value)    ((ICM_CTRL_RMDIS_Msk & ((value) << ICM_CTRL_RMDIS_Pos)))

Definition at line 98 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CTRL_RMDIS_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_CTRL_RMDIS_Pos)

(ICM_CTRL) Region Monitoring Disable

Definition at line 97 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CTRL_RMDIS_Pos   8

Definition at line 96 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CTRL_RMEN (   value)    ((ICM_CTRL_RMEN_Msk & ((value) << ICM_CTRL_RMEN_Pos)))

Definition at line 101 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CTRL_RMEN_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_CTRL_RMEN_Pos)

(ICM_CTRL) Region Monitoring Enable

Definition at line 100 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CTRL_RMEN_Pos   12

Definition at line 99 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_CTRL_SWRST   (0x1u << 2)

(ICM_CTRL) Software Reset

Definition at line 92 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_DSCR_DASA (   value)    ((ICM_DSCR_DASA_Msk & ((value) << ICM_DSCR_DASA_Pos)))

Definition at line 189 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_DSCR_DASA_Msk   (0x3ffffffu << ICM_DSCR_DASA_Pos)

(ICM_DSCR) Descriptor Area Start Address

Definition at line 188 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_DSCR_DASA_Pos   6

Definition at line 187 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_FEATURES_BTYP   (0x1u << 8)

(ICM_FEATURES) Bridge Type

Definition at line 213 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_FEATURES_CFGALGO   (0x1u << 0)

(ICM_FEATURES) Configurable Algorithms

Definition at line 205 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_FEATURES_CFGPP   (0x1u << 2)

(ICM_FEATURES) Configurable Processing Period

Definition at line 207 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_FEATURES_EF   (0x1u << 6)


Definition at line 211 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_FEATURES_HDPP   (0x1u << 3)

(ICM_FEATURES) Hardcoded Processing Period

Definition at line 208 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_FEATURES_HSHA1   (0x1u << 16)

(ICM_FEATURES) SHA1 Hardcoded Mode

Definition at line 215 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_FEATURES_HSHA224   (0x1u << 17)

(ICM_FEATURES) SHA224 Hardcoded Mode

Definition at line 216 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_FEATURES_HSHA256   (0x1u << 18)

(ICM_FEATURES) SHA256 Hardcoded Mode

Definition at line 217 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_FEATURES_HSHA384   (0x1u << 19)

(ICM_FEATURES) SHA384 Hardcoded Mode

Definition at line 218 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_FEATURES_HSHA512   (0x1u << 20)

(ICM_FEATURES) SHA512 Hardcoded Mode

Definition at line 219 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_FEATURES_NAIS   (0x1u << 5)

(ICM_FEATURES) No Access to Intermediate State

Definition at line 210 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_FEATURES_PDC   (0x1u << 4)

(ICM_FEATURES) Peripheral DMA Logic

Definition at line 209 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_FEATURES_PDCOFF0C   (0x1u << 9)

(ICM_FEATURES) PDC Offset is 0x0C

Definition at line 214 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_FEATURES_RFU   (0x1u << 1)

(ICM_FEATURES) Reserved for Future Use

Definition at line 206 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_FEATURES_SI   (0x1u << 7)

(ICM_FEATURES) Scan Intrusion

Definition at line 212 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_HASH_HASA (   value)    ((ICM_HASH_HASA_Msk & ((value) << ICM_HASH_HASA_Pos)))

Definition at line 193 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_HASH_HASA_Msk   (0x1ffffffu << ICM_HASH_HASA_Pos)

(ICM_HASH) Hash Area Start Address

Definition at line 192 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_HASH_HASA_Pos   7

Definition at line 191 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IDR_RBE (   value)    ((ICM_IDR_RBE_Msk & ((value) << ICM_IDR_RBE_Pos)))

Definition at line 139 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IDR_RBE_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IDR_RBE_Pos)

(ICM_IDR) Region Bus Error Interrupt Disable

Definition at line 138 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IDR_RBE_Pos   8

Definition at line 137 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IDR_RDM (   value)    ((ICM_IDR_RDM_Msk & ((value) << ICM_IDR_RDM_Pos)))

Definition at line 136 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IDR_RDM_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IDR_RDM_Pos)

(ICM_IDR) Region Digest Mismatch Interrupt Disable

Definition at line 135 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IDR_RDM_Pos   4

Definition at line 134 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IDR_REC (   value)    ((ICM_IDR_REC_Msk & ((value) << ICM_IDR_REC_Pos)))

Definition at line 145 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IDR_REC_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IDR_REC_Pos)

(ICM_IDR) Region End bit Condition detected Interrupt Disable

Definition at line 144 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IDR_REC_Pos   16

Definition at line 143 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IDR_RHC (   value)    ((ICM_IDR_RHC_Msk & ((value) << ICM_IDR_RHC_Pos)))

Definition at line 133 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IDR_RHC_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IDR_RHC_Pos)

(ICM_IDR) Region Hash Completed Interrupt Disable

Definition at line 132 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IDR_RHC_Pos   0

Definition at line 131 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IDR_RSU (   value)    ((ICM_IDR_RSU_Msk & ((value) << ICM_IDR_RSU_Pos)))

Definition at line 148 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IDR_RSU_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IDR_RSU_Pos)

(ICM_IDR) Region Status Updated Interrupt Disable

Definition at line 147 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IDR_RSU_Pos   20

Definition at line 146 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IDR_RWC (   value)    ((ICM_IDR_RWC_Msk & ((value) << ICM_IDR_RWC_Pos)))

Definition at line 142 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IDR_RWC_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IDR_RWC_Pos)

(ICM_IDR) Region Wrap Condition Detected Interrupt Disable

Definition at line 141 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IDR_RWC_Pos   12

Definition at line 140 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IDR_URAD   (0x1u << 24)

(ICM_IDR) Undefined Register Access Detection Interrupt Disable

Definition at line 149 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IER_RBE (   value)    ((ICM_IER_RBE_Msk & ((value) << ICM_IER_RBE_Pos)))

Definition at line 119 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IER_RBE_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IER_RBE_Pos)

(ICM_IER) Region Bus Error Interrupt Enable

Definition at line 118 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IER_RBE_Pos   8

Definition at line 117 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IER_RDM (   value)    ((ICM_IER_RDM_Msk & ((value) << ICM_IER_RDM_Pos)))

Definition at line 116 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IER_RDM_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IER_RDM_Pos)

(ICM_IER) Region Digest Mismatch Interrupt Enable

Definition at line 115 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IER_RDM_Pos   4

Definition at line 114 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IER_REC (   value)    ((ICM_IER_REC_Msk & ((value) << ICM_IER_REC_Pos)))

Definition at line 125 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IER_REC_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IER_REC_Pos)

(ICM_IER) Region End bit Condition Detected Interrupt Enable

Definition at line 124 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IER_REC_Pos   16

Definition at line 123 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IER_RHC (   value)    ((ICM_IER_RHC_Msk & ((value) << ICM_IER_RHC_Pos)))

Definition at line 113 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IER_RHC_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IER_RHC_Pos)

(ICM_IER) Region Hash Completed Interrupt Enable

Definition at line 112 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IER_RHC_Pos   0

Definition at line 111 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IER_RSU (   value)    ((ICM_IER_RSU_Msk & ((value) << ICM_IER_RSU_Pos)))

Definition at line 128 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IER_RSU_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IER_RSU_Pos)

(ICM_IER) Region Status Updated Interrupt Disable

Definition at line 127 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IER_RSU_Pos   20

Definition at line 126 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IER_RWC (   value)    ((ICM_IER_RWC_Msk & ((value) << ICM_IER_RWC_Pos)))

Definition at line 122 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IER_RWC_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IER_RWC_Pos)

(ICM_IER) Region Wrap Condition detected Interrupt Enable

Definition at line 121 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IER_RWC_Pos   12

Definition at line 120 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IER_URAD   (0x1u << 24)

(ICM_IER) Undefined Register Access Detection Interrupt Enable

Definition at line 129 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IMR_RBE_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IMR_RBE_Pos)

(ICM_IMR) Region Bus Error Interrupt Mask

Definition at line 156 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IMR_RBE_Pos   8

Definition at line 155 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IMR_RDM_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IMR_RDM_Pos)

(ICM_IMR) Region Digest Mismatch Interrupt Mask

Definition at line 154 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IMR_RDM_Pos   4

Definition at line 153 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IMR_REC_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IMR_REC_Pos)

(ICM_IMR) Region End bit Condition Detected Interrupt Mask

Definition at line 160 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IMR_REC_Pos   16

Definition at line 159 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IMR_RHC_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IMR_RHC_Pos)

(ICM_IMR) Region Hash Completed Interrupt Mask

Definition at line 152 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IMR_RHC_Pos   0

Definition at line 151 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IMR_RSU_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IMR_RSU_Pos)

(ICM_IMR) Region Status Updated Interrupt Mask

Definition at line 162 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IMR_RSU_Pos   20

Definition at line 161 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IMR_RWC_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_IMR_RWC_Pos)

(ICM_IMR) Region Wrap Condition Detected Interrupt Mask

Definition at line 158 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IMR_RWC_Pos   12

Definition at line 157 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IMR_URAD   (0x1u << 24)

(ICM_IMR) Undefined Register Access Detection Interrupt Mask

Definition at line 163 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IPNAME_IPNAME_Msk   (0xffffffffu << ICM_IPNAME_IPNAME_Pos)

(ICM_IPNAME[2]) IP Name in ASCII Format

Definition at line 203 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_IPNAME_IPNAME_Pos   0

Definition at line 202 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_ISR_RBE_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_ISR_RBE_Pos)

(ICM_ISR) Region Bus Error

Definition at line 170 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_ISR_RBE_Pos   8

Definition at line 169 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_ISR_RDM_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_ISR_RDM_Pos)

(ICM_ISR) Region Digest Mismatch

Definition at line 168 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_ISR_RDM_Pos   4

Definition at line 167 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_ISR_REC_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_ISR_REC_Pos)

(ICM_ISR) Region End bit Condition Detected

Definition at line 174 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_ISR_REC_Pos   16

Definition at line 173 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_ISR_RHC_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_ISR_RHC_Pos)

(ICM_ISR) Region Hash Completed

Definition at line 166 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_ISR_RHC_Pos   0

Definition at line 165 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_ISR_RSU_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_ISR_RSU_Pos)

(ICM_ISR) Region Status Updated Detected

Definition at line 176 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_ISR_RSU_Pos   20

Definition at line 175 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_ISR_RWC_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_ISR_RWC_Pos)

(ICM_ISR) Region Wrap Condition Detected

Definition at line 172 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_ISR_RWC_Pos   12

Definition at line 171 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_ISR_URAD   (0x1u << 24)

(ICM_ISR) Undefined Register Access Detection Status

Definition at line 177 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_SR_ENABLE   (0x1u << 0)

(ICM_SR) ICM Controller Enable Register

Definition at line 103 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_SR_RAWRMDIS (   value)    ((ICM_SR_RAWRMDIS_Msk & ((value) << ICM_SR_RAWRMDIS_Pos)))

Definition at line 106 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_SR_RAWRMDIS_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_SR_RAWRMDIS_Pos)

(ICM_SR) RAW Region Monitoring Disabled Status

Definition at line 105 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_SR_RAWRMDIS_Pos   8

Definition at line 104 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_SR_RMDIS (   value)    ((ICM_SR_RMDIS_Msk & ((value) << ICM_SR_RMDIS_Pos)))

Definition at line 109 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_SR_RMDIS_Msk   (0xfu << ICM_SR_RMDIS_Pos)

(ICM_SR) Region Monitoring Disabled Status

Definition at line 108 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_SR_RMDIS_Pos   12

Definition at line 107 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_UASR_URAT_ICM_CFG_MODIFIED   (0x1u << 0)

(ICM_UASR) ICM_CFG modified during active monitoring.

Definition at line 182 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_UASR_URAT_ICM_DSCR_MODIFIED   (0x2u << 0)

(ICM_UASR) ICM_DSCR modified during active monitoring.

Definition at line 183 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_UASR_URAT_ICM_HASH_MODIFIED   (0x3u << 0)

(ICM_UASR) ICM_HASH modified during active monitoring

Definition at line 184 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_UASR_URAT_Msk   (0x7u << ICM_UASR_URAT_Pos)

(ICM_UASR) Undefined Register Access Trace

Definition at line 180 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_UASR_URAT_Pos   0

Definition at line 179 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_UASR_URAT_READ_ACCESS   (0x4u << 0)

(ICM_UASR) Write-only register read access

Definition at line 185 of file component/icm.h.



(ICM_UASR) Unspecified structure member set to one detected when the descriptor is loaded.

Definition at line 181 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_UIHVAL_VAL (   value)    ((ICM_UIHVAL_VAL_Msk & ((value) << ICM_UIHVAL_VAL_Pos)))

Definition at line 197 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_UIHVAL_VAL_Msk   (0xffffffffu << ICM_UIHVAL_VAL_Pos)

(ICM_UIHVAL[8]) Initial Hash Value

Definition at line 196 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_UIHVAL_VAL_Pos   0

Definition at line 195 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_VERSION_MFN_Msk   (0x7u << ICM_VERSION_MFN_Pos)

(ICM_VERSION) Metal Fix Number

Definition at line 224 of file component/icm.h.


#define ICM_VERSION_MFN_Pos   16

Definition at line 223 of file component/icm.h.



(ICM_VERSION) Version of the Hardware Module

Definition at line 222 of file component/icm.h.



Definition at line 221 of file component/icm.h.

autogenerated on Sat Sep 19 2020 03:19:08