Classes | Macros
Advanced Encryption Standard


struct  Aes
 Aes hardware registers. More...


#define AES_AADLENR_AADLEN(value)   ((AES_AADLENR_AADLEN_Msk & ((value) << AES_AADLENR_AADLEN_Pos)))
#define AES_AADLENR_AADLEN_Msk   (0xffffffffu << AES_AADLENR_AADLEN_Pos)
 (AES_AADLENR) Additional Authenticated Data Length More...
#define AES_AADLENR_AADLEN_Pos   0
#define AES_CLENR_CLEN(value)   ((AES_CLENR_CLEN_Msk & ((value) << AES_CLENR_CLEN_Pos)))
#define AES_CLENR_CLEN_Msk   (0xffffffffu << AES_CLENR_CLEN_Pos)
 (AES_CLENR) Plaintext/Ciphertext Length More...
#define AES_CLENR_CLEN_Pos   0
#define AES_CR_LOADSEED   (0x1u << 16)
 (AES_CR) Random Number Generator Seed Loading More...
#define AES_CR_START   (0x1u << 0)
 (AES_CR) Start Processing More...
#define AES_CR_SWRST   (0x1u << 8)
 (AES_CR) Software Reset More...
#define AES_CTRR_CTR_Msk   (0xffffffffu << AES_CTRR_CTR_Pos)
 (AES_CTRR) GCM Encryption Counter More...
#define AES_CTRR_CTR_Pos   0
#define AES_GCMHR_H(value)   ((AES_GCMHR_H_Msk & ((value) << AES_GCMHR_H_Pos)))
#define AES_GCMHR_H_Msk   (0xffffffffu << AES_GCMHR_H_Pos)
 (AES_GCMHR[4]) GCM H Word x More...
#define AES_GCMHR_H_Pos   0
#define AES_GHASHR_GHASH(value)   ((AES_GHASHR_GHASH_Msk & ((value) << AES_GHASHR_GHASH_Pos)))
#define AES_GHASHR_GHASH_Msk   (0xffffffffu << AES_GHASHR_GHASH_Pos)
 (AES_GHASHR[4]) Intermediate GCM Hash Word x More...
#define AES_GHASHR_GHASH_Pos   0
#define AES_IDATAR_IDATA(value)   ((AES_IDATAR_IDATA_Msk & ((value) << AES_IDATAR_IDATA_Pos)))
#define AES_IDATAR_IDATA_Msk   (0xffffffffu << AES_IDATAR_IDATA_Pos)
 (AES_IDATAR[4]) Input Data Word More...
#define AES_IDATAR_IDATA_Pos   0
#define AES_IDR_DATRDY   (0x1u << 0)
 (AES_IDR) Data Ready Interrupt Disable More...
#define AES_IDR_TAGRDY   (0x1u << 16)
 (AES_IDR) GCM Tag Ready Interrupt Disable More...
#define AES_IDR_URAD   (0x1u << 8)
 (AES_IDR) Unspecified Register Access Detection Interrupt Disable More...
#define AES_IER_DATRDY   (0x1u << 0)
 (AES_IER) Data Ready Interrupt Enable More...
#define AES_IER_TAGRDY   (0x1u << 16)
 (AES_IER) GCM Tag Ready Interrupt Enable More...
#define AES_IER_URAD   (0x1u << 8)
 (AES_IER) Unspecified Register Access Detection Interrupt Enable More...
#define AES_IMR_DATRDY   (0x1u << 0)
 (AES_IMR) Data Ready Interrupt Mask More...
#define AES_IMR_TAGRDY   (0x1u << 16)
 (AES_IMR) GCM Tag Ready Interrupt Mask More...
#define AES_IMR_URAD   (0x1u << 8)
 (AES_IMR) Unspecified Register Access Detection Interrupt Mask More...
#define AES_ISR_DATRDY   (0x1u << 0)
 (AES_ISR) Data Ready (cleared by setting bit START or bit SWRST in AES_CR or by reading AES_ODATARx) More...
#define AES_ISR_TAGRDY   (0x1u << 16)
 (AES_ISR) GCM Tag Ready More...
#define AES_ISR_URAD   (0x1u << 8)
 (AES_ISR) Unspecified Register Access Detection Status (cleared by writing SWRST in AES_CR) More...
#define AES_ISR_URAT_IDR_WR_PROCESSING   (0x0u << 12)
 (AES_ISR) Input Data Register written during the data processing when SMOD = 0x2 mode. More...
#define AES_ISR_URAT_MR_WR_PROCESSING   (0x2u << 12)
 (AES_ISR) Mode Register written during the data processing. More...
#define AES_ISR_URAT_MR_WR_SUBKGEN   (0x4u << 12)
 (AES_ISR) Mode Register written during the sub-keys generation. More...
#define AES_ISR_URAT_Msk   (0xfu << AES_ISR_URAT_Pos)
 (AES_ISR) Unspecified Register Access (cleared by writing SWRST in AES_CR) More...
#define AES_ISR_URAT_ODR_RD_PROCESSING   (0x1u << 12)
 (AES_ISR) Output Data Register read during the data processing. More...
#define AES_ISR_URAT_ODR_RD_SUBKGEN   (0x3u << 12)
 (AES_ISR) Output Data Register read during the sub-keys generation. More...
#define AES_ISR_URAT_Pos   12
#define AES_ISR_URAT_WOR_RD_ACCESS   (0x5u << 12)
 (AES_ISR) Write-only register read access. More...
#define AES_IVR_IV(value)   ((AES_IVR_IV_Msk & ((value) << AES_IVR_IV_Pos)))
#define AES_IVR_IV_Msk   (0xffffffffu << AES_IVR_IV_Pos)
 (AES_IVR[4]) Initialization Vector More...
#define AES_IVR_IV_Pos   0
#define AES_KEYWR_KEYW(value)   ((AES_KEYWR_KEYW_Msk & ((value) << AES_KEYWR_KEYW_Pos)))
#define AES_KEYWR_KEYW_Msk   (0xffffffffu << AES_KEYWR_KEYW_Pos)
 (AES_KEYWR[8]) Key Word More...
#define AES_KEYWR_KEYW_Pos   0
#define AES_MR_CFBS(value)   ((AES_MR_CFBS_Msk & ((value) << AES_MR_CFBS_Pos)))
#define AES_MR_CFBS_Msk   (0x7u << AES_MR_CFBS_Pos)
 (AES_MR) Cipher Feedback Data Size More...
#define AES_MR_CFBS_Pos   16
#define AES_MR_CFBS_SIZE_128BIT   (0x0u << 16)
 (AES_MR) 128-bit More...
#define AES_MR_CFBS_SIZE_16BIT   (0x3u << 16)
 (AES_MR) 16-bit More...
#define AES_MR_CFBS_SIZE_32BIT   (0x2u << 16)
 (AES_MR) 32-bit More...
#define AES_MR_CFBS_SIZE_64BIT   (0x1u << 16)
 (AES_MR) 64-bit More...
#define AES_MR_CFBS_SIZE_8BIT   (0x4u << 16)
 (AES_MR) 8-bit More...
#define AES_MR_CIPHER   (0x1u << 0)
 (AES_MR) Processing Mode More...
#define AES_MR_CKEY(value)   ((AES_MR_CKEY_Msk & ((value) << AES_MR_CKEY_Pos)))
#define AES_MR_CKEY_Msk   (0xfu << AES_MR_CKEY_Pos)
 (AES_MR) Key More...
#define AES_MR_CKEY_PASSWD   (0xEu << 20)
 (AES_MR) This field must be written with 0xE to allow CMTYPx bit configuration changes. Any other values will abort the write operation in CMTYPx bits.Always reads as 0. More...
#define AES_MR_CKEY_Pos   20
#define AES_MR_CMTYP1   (0x1u << 24)
 (AES_MR) Countermeasure Type 1 More...
#define AES_MR_CMTYP1_NOPROT_EXTKEY   (0x0u << 24)
 (AES_MR) Countermeasure type 1 is disabled. More...
#define AES_MR_CMTYP1_PROT_EXTKEY   (0x1u << 24)
 (AES_MR) Countermeasure type 1 is enabled. More...
#define AES_MR_CMTYP2   (0x1u << 25)
 (AES_MR) Countermeasure Type 2 More...
#define AES_MR_CMTYP2_NO_PAUSE   (0x0u << 25)
 (AES_MR) Countermeasure type 2 is disabled. More...
#define AES_MR_CMTYP2_PAUSE   (0x1u << 25)
 (AES_MR) Countermeasure type 2 is enabled. More...
#define AES_MR_CMTYP3   (0x1u << 26)
 (AES_MR) Countermeasure Type 3 More...
#define AES_MR_CMTYP3_DUMMY   (0x1u << 26)
 (AES_MR) Countermeasure type 3 is enabled. More...
#define AES_MR_CMTYP3_NO_DUMMY   (0x0u << 26)
 (AES_MR) Countermeasure type 3 is disabled. More...
#define AES_MR_CMTYP4   (0x1u << 27)
 (AES_MR) Countermeasure Type 4 More...
#define AES_MR_CMTYP4_NO_RESTART   (0x0u << 27)
 (AES_MR) Countermeasure type 4 is disabled. More...
#define AES_MR_CMTYP4_RESTART   (0x1u << 27)
 (AES_MR) Countermeasure type 4 is enabled. More...
#define AES_MR_CMTYP5   (0x1u << 28)
 (AES_MR) Countermeasure Type 5 More...
#define AES_MR_CMTYP5_ADDACCESS   (0x1u << 28)
 (AES_MR) Countermeasure type 5 is enabled. More...
#define AES_MR_CMTYP5_NO_ADDACCESS   (0x0u << 28)
 (AES_MR) Countermeasure type 5 is disabled. More...
#define AES_MR_CMTYP6   (0x1u << 29)
 (AES_MR) Countermeasure Type 6 More...
#define AES_MR_CMTYP6_IDLECURRENT   (0x1u << 29)
 (AES_MR) Countermeasure type 6 is enabled. More...
#define AES_MR_CMTYP6_NO_IDLECURRENT   (0x0u << 29)
 (AES_MR) Countermeasure type 6 is disabled. More...
#define AES_MR_DUALBUFF   (0x1u << 3)
 (AES_MR) Dual Input Buffer More...
#define AES_MR_DUALBUFF_ACTIVE   (0x1u << 3)
 (AES_MR) AES_IDATARx can be written during processing of previous block when SMOD = 0x2. It speeds up the overall runtime of large files. More...
#define AES_MR_DUALBUFF_INACTIVE   (0x0u << 3)
 (AES_MR) AES_IDATARx cannot be written during processing of previous block. More...
#define AES_MR_GTAGEN   (0x1u << 1)
 (AES_MR) GCM Automatic Tag Generation Enable More...
#define AES_MR_KEYSIZE(value)   ((AES_MR_KEYSIZE_Msk & ((value) << AES_MR_KEYSIZE_Pos)))
#define AES_MR_KEYSIZE_AES128   (0x0u << 10)
 (AES_MR) AES Key Size is 128 bits More...
#define AES_MR_KEYSIZE_AES192   (0x1u << 10)
 (AES_MR) AES Key Size is 192 bits More...
#define AES_MR_KEYSIZE_AES256   (0x2u << 10)
 (AES_MR) AES Key Size is 256 bits More...
#define AES_MR_KEYSIZE_Msk   (0x3u << AES_MR_KEYSIZE_Pos)
 (AES_MR) Key Size More...
#define AES_MR_KEYSIZE_Pos   10
#define AES_MR_LOD   (0x1u << 15)
 (AES_MR) Last Output Data Mode More...
#define AES_MR_OPMOD(value)   ((AES_MR_OPMOD_Msk & ((value) << AES_MR_OPMOD_Pos)))
#define AES_MR_OPMOD_CBC   (0x1u << 12)
 (AES_MR) CBC: Cipher Block Chaining mode More...
#define AES_MR_OPMOD_CFB   (0x3u << 12)
 (AES_MR) CFB: Cipher Feedback mode More...
#define AES_MR_OPMOD_CTR   (0x4u << 12)
 (AES_MR) CTR: Counter mode (16-bit internal counter) More...
#define AES_MR_OPMOD_ECB   (0x0u << 12)
 (AES_MR) ECB: Electronic Code Book mode More...
#define AES_MR_OPMOD_GCM   (0x5u << 12)
 (AES_MR) GCM: Galois/Counter mode More...
#define AES_MR_OPMOD_Msk   (0x7u << AES_MR_OPMOD_Pos)
 (AES_MR) Operation Mode More...
#define AES_MR_OPMOD_OFB   (0x2u << 12)
 (AES_MR) OFB: Output Feedback mode More...
#define AES_MR_OPMOD_Pos   12
#define AES_MR_PROCDLY(value)   ((AES_MR_PROCDLY_Msk & ((value) << AES_MR_PROCDLY_Pos)))
#define AES_MR_PROCDLY_Msk   (0xfu << AES_MR_PROCDLY_Pos)
 (AES_MR) Processing Delay More...
#define AES_MR_PROCDLY_Pos   4
#define AES_MR_SMOD(value)   ((AES_MR_SMOD_Msk & ((value) << AES_MR_SMOD_Pos)))
#define AES_MR_SMOD_AUTO_START   (0x1u << 8)
 (AES_MR) Auto Mode More...
#define AES_MR_SMOD_IDATAR0_START   (0x2u << 8)
 (AES_MR) AES_IDATAR0 access only Auto Mode (DMA) More...
#define AES_MR_SMOD_MANUAL_START   (0x0u << 8)
 (AES_MR) Manual Mode More...
#define AES_MR_SMOD_Msk   (0x3u << AES_MR_SMOD_Pos)
 (AES_MR) Start Mode More...
#define AES_MR_SMOD_Pos   8
#define AES_ODATAR_ODATA_Msk   (0xffffffffu << AES_ODATAR_ODATA_Pos)
 (AES_ODATAR[4]) Output Data More...
#define AES_ODATAR_ODATA_Pos   0
#define AES_TAGR_TAG_Msk   (0xffffffffu << AES_TAGR_TAG_Pos)
 (AES_TAGR[4]) GCM Authentication Tag x More...
#define AES_TAGR_TAG_Pos   0
#define AES_VERSION_MFN_Msk   (0x7u << AES_VERSION_MFN_Pos)
 (AES_VERSION) Metal Fix Number More...
#define AES_VERSION_MFN_Pos   16
 (AES_VERSION) Version of the Hardware Module More...

Detailed Description

SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Advanced Encryption Standard

Macro Definition Documentation


#define AES_AADLENR_AADLEN (   value)    ((AES_AADLENR_AADLEN_Msk & ((value) << AES_AADLENR_AADLEN_Pos)))

Definition at line 175 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_AADLENR_AADLEN_Msk   (0xffffffffu << AES_AADLENR_AADLEN_Pos)

(AES_AADLENR) Additional Authenticated Data Length

Definition at line 174 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_AADLENR_AADLEN_Pos   0

Definition at line 173 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_CLENR_CLEN (   value)    ((AES_CLENR_CLEN_Msk & ((value) << AES_CLENR_CLEN_Pos)))

Definition at line 179 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_CLENR_CLEN_Msk   (0xffffffffu << AES_CLENR_CLEN_Pos)

(AES_CLENR) Plaintext/Ciphertext Length

Definition at line 178 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_CLENR_CLEN_Pos   0

Definition at line 177 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_CR_LOADSEED   (0x1u << 16)

(AES_CR) Random Number Generator Seed Loading

Definition at line 71 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_CR_START   (0x1u << 0)

(AES_CR) Start Processing

Definition at line 69 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_CR_SWRST   (0x1u << 8)

(AES_CR) Software Reset

Definition at line 70 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_CTRR_CTR_Msk   (0xffffffffu << AES_CTRR_CTR_Pos)

(AES_CTRR) GCM Encryption Counter

Definition at line 189 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_CTRR_CTR_Pos   0

Definition at line 188 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_GCMHR_H (   value)    ((AES_GCMHR_H_Msk & ((value) << AES_GCMHR_H_Pos)))

Definition at line 193 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_GCMHR_H_Msk   (0xffffffffu << AES_GCMHR_H_Pos)

(AES_GCMHR[4]) GCM H Word x

Definition at line 192 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_GCMHR_H_Pos   0

Definition at line 191 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_GHASHR_GHASH (   value)    ((AES_GHASHR_GHASH_Msk & ((value) << AES_GHASHR_GHASH_Pos)))

Definition at line 183 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_GHASHR_GHASH_Msk   (0xffffffffu << AES_GHASHR_GHASH_Pos)

(AES_GHASHR[4]) Intermediate GCM Hash Word x

Definition at line 182 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_GHASHR_GHASH_Pos   0

Definition at line 181 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_IDATAR_IDATA (   value)    ((AES_IDATAR_IDATA_Msk & ((value) << AES_IDATAR_IDATA_Pos)))

Definition at line 164 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_IDATAR_IDATA_Msk   (0xffffffffu << AES_IDATAR_IDATA_Pos)

(AES_IDATAR[4]) Input Data Word

Definition at line 163 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_IDATAR_IDATA_Pos   0

Definition at line 162 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_IDR_DATRDY   (0x1u << 0)

(AES_IDR) Data Ready Interrupt Disable

Definition at line 138 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_IDR_TAGRDY   (0x1u << 16)

(AES_IDR) GCM Tag Ready Interrupt Disable

Definition at line 140 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_IDR_URAD   (0x1u << 8)

(AES_IDR) Unspecified Register Access Detection Interrupt Disable

Definition at line 139 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_IER_DATRDY   (0x1u << 0)

(AES_IER) Data Ready Interrupt Enable

Definition at line 134 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_IER_TAGRDY   (0x1u << 16)

(AES_IER) GCM Tag Ready Interrupt Enable

Definition at line 136 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_IER_URAD   (0x1u << 8)

(AES_IER) Unspecified Register Access Detection Interrupt Enable

Definition at line 135 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_IMR_DATRDY   (0x1u << 0)

(AES_IMR) Data Ready Interrupt Mask

Definition at line 142 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_IMR_TAGRDY   (0x1u << 16)

(AES_IMR) GCM Tag Ready Interrupt Mask

Definition at line 144 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_IMR_URAD   (0x1u << 8)

(AES_IMR) Unspecified Register Access Detection Interrupt Mask

Definition at line 143 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_ISR_DATRDY   (0x1u << 0)

(AES_ISR) Data Ready (cleared by setting bit START or bit SWRST in AES_CR or by reading AES_ODATARx)

Definition at line 146 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_ISR_TAGRDY   (0x1u << 16)

(AES_ISR) GCM Tag Ready

Definition at line 156 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_ISR_URAD   (0x1u << 8)

(AES_ISR) Unspecified Register Access Detection Status (cleared by writing SWRST in AES_CR)

Definition at line 147 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_ISR_URAT_IDR_WR_PROCESSING   (0x0u << 12)

(AES_ISR) Input Data Register written during the data processing when SMOD = 0x2 mode.

Definition at line 150 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_ISR_URAT_MR_WR_PROCESSING   (0x2u << 12)

(AES_ISR) Mode Register written during the data processing.

Definition at line 152 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_ISR_URAT_MR_WR_SUBKGEN   (0x4u << 12)

(AES_ISR) Mode Register written during the sub-keys generation.

Definition at line 154 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_ISR_URAT_Msk   (0xfu << AES_ISR_URAT_Pos)

(AES_ISR) Unspecified Register Access (cleared by writing SWRST in AES_CR)

Definition at line 149 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_ISR_URAT_ODR_RD_PROCESSING   (0x1u << 12)

(AES_ISR) Output Data Register read during the data processing.

Definition at line 151 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_ISR_URAT_ODR_RD_SUBKGEN   (0x3u << 12)

(AES_ISR) Output Data Register read during the sub-keys generation.

Definition at line 153 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_ISR_URAT_Pos   12

Definition at line 148 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_ISR_URAT_WOR_RD_ACCESS   (0x5u << 12)

(AES_ISR) Write-only register read access.

Definition at line 155 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_IVR_IV (   value)    ((AES_IVR_IV_Msk & ((value) << AES_IVR_IV_Pos)))

Definition at line 171 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_IVR_IV_Msk   (0xffffffffu << AES_IVR_IV_Pos)

(AES_IVR[4]) Initialization Vector

Definition at line 170 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_IVR_IV_Pos   0

Definition at line 169 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_KEYWR_KEYW (   value)    ((AES_KEYWR_KEYW_Msk & ((value) << AES_KEYWR_KEYW_Pos)))

Definition at line 160 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_KEYWR_KEYW_Msk   (0xffffffffu << AES_KEYWR_KEYW_Pos)

(AES_KEYWR[8]) Key Word

Definition at line 159 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_KEYWR_KEYW_Pos   0

Definition at line 158 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CFBS (   value)    ((AES_MR_CFBS_Msk & ((value) << AES_MR_CFBS_Pos)))

Definition at line 105 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CFBS_Msk   (0x7u << AES_MR_CFBS_Pos)

(AES_MR) Cipher Feedback Data Size

Definition at line 104 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CFBS_Pos   16

Definition at line 103 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CFBS_SIZE_128BIT   (0x0u << 16)

(AES_MR) 128-bit

Definition at line 106 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CFBS_SIZE_16BIT   (0x3u << 16)

(AES_MR) 16-bit

Definition at line 109 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CFBS_SIZE_32BIT   (0x2u << 16)

(AES_MR) 32-bit

Definition at line 108 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CFBS_SIZE_64BIT   (0x1u << 16)

(AES_MR) 64-bit

Definition at line 107 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CFBS_SIZE_8BIT   (0x4u << 16)

(AES_MR) 8-bit

Definition at line 110 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CIPHER   (0x1u << 0)

(AES_MR) Processing Mode

Definition at line 73 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CKEY (   value)    ((AES_MR_CKEY_Msk & ((value) << AES_MR_CKEY_Pos)))

Definition at line 113 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CKEY_Msk   (0xfu << AES_MR_CKEY_Pos)

(AES_MR) Key

Definition at line 112 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CKEY_PASSWD   (0xEu << 20)

(AES_MR) This field must be written with 0xE to allow CMTYPx bit configuration changes. Any other values will abort the write operation in CMTYPx bits.Always reads as 0.

Definition at line 114 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CKEY_Pos   20

Definition at line 111 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CMTYP1   (0x1u << 24)

(AES_MR) Countermeasure Type 1

Definition at line 115 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CMTYP1_NOPROT_EXTKEY   (0x0u << 24)

(AES_MR) Countermeasure type 1 is disabled.

Definition at line 116 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CMTYP1_PROT_EXTKEY   (0x1u << 24)

(AES_MR) Countermeasure type 1 is enabled.

Definition at line 117 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CMTYP2   (0x1u << 25)

(AES_MR) Countermeasure Type 2

Definition at line 118 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CMTYP2_NO_PAUSE   (0x0u << 25)

(AES_MR) Countermeasure type 2 is disabled.

Definition at line 119 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CMTYP2_PAUSE   (0x1u << 25)

(AES_MR) Countermeasure type 2 is enabled.

Definition at line 120 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CMTYP3   (0x1u << 26)

(AES_MR) Countermeasure Type 3

Definition at line 121 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CMTYP3_DUMMY   (0x1u << 26)

(AES_MR) Countermeasure type 3 is enabled.

Definition at line 123 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CMTYP3_NO_DUMMY   (0x0u << 26)

(AES_MR) Countermeasure type 3 is disabled.

Definition at line 122 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CMTYP4   (0x1u << 27)

(AES_MR) Countermeasure Type 4

Definition at line 124 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CMTYP4_NO_RESTART   (0x0u << 27)

(AES_MR) Countermeasure type 4 is disabled.

Definition at line 125 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CMTYP4_RESTART   (0x1u << 27)

(AES_MR) Countermeasure type 4 is enabled.

Definition at line 126 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CMTYP5   (0x1u << 28)

(AES_MR) Countermeasure Type 5

Definition at line 127 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CMTYP5_ADDACCESS   (0x1u << 28)

(AES_MR) Countermeasure type 5 is enabled.

Definition at line 129 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CMTYP5_NO_ADDACCESS   (0x0u << 28)

(AES_MR) Countermeasure type 5 is disabled.

Definition at line 128 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CMTYP6   (0x1u << 29)

(AES_MR) Countermeasure Type 6

Definition at line 130 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CMTYP6_IDLECURRENT   (0x1u << 29)

(AES_MR) Countermeasure type 6 is enabled.

Definition at line 132 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_CMTYP6_NO_IDLECURRENT   (0x0u << 29)

(AES_MR) Countermeasure type 6 is disabled.

Definition at line 131 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_DUALBUFF   (0x1u << 3)

(AES_MR) Dual Input Buffer

Definition at line 75 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_DUALBUFF_ACTIVE   (0x1u << 3)

(AES_MR) AES_IDATARx can be written during processing of previous block when SMOD = 0x2. It speeds up the overall runtime of large files.

Definition at line 77 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_DUALBUFF_INACTIVE   (0x0u << 3)

(AES_MR) AES_IDATARx cannot be written during processing of previous block.

Definition at line 76 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_GTAGEN   (0x1u << 1)

(AES_MR) GCM Automatic Tag Generation Enable

Definition at line 74 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_KEYSIZE (   value)    ((AES_MR_KEYSIZE_Msk & ((value) << AES_MR_KEYSIZE_Pos)))

Definition at line 89 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_KEYSIZE_AES128   (0x0u << 10)

(AES_MR) AES Key Size is 128 bits

Definition at line 90 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_KEYSIZE_AES192   (0x1u << 10)

(AES_MR) AES Key Size is 192 bits

Definition at line 91 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_KEYSIZE_AES256   (0x2u << 10)

(AES_MR) AES Key Size is 256 bits

Definition at line 92 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_KEYSIZE_Msk   (0x3u << AES_MR_KEYSIZE_Pos)

(AES_MR) Key Size

Definition at line 88 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_KEYSIZE_Pos   10

Definition at line 87 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_LOD   (0x1u << 15)

(AES_MR) Last Output Data Mode

Definition at line 102 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_OPMOD (   value)    ((AES_MR_OPMOD_Msk & ((value) << AES_MR_OPMOD_Pos)))

Definition at line 95 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_OPMOD_CBC   (0x1u << 12)

(AES_MR) CBC: Cipher Block Chaining mode

Definition at line 97 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_OPMOD_CFB   (0x3u << 12)

(AES_MR) CFB: Cipher Feedback mode

Definition at line 99 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_OPMOD_CTR   (0x4u << 12)

(AES_MR) CTR: Counter mode (16-bit internal counter)

Definition at line 100 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_OPMOD_ECB   (0x0u << 12)

(AES_MR) ECB: Electronic Code Book mode

Definition at line 96 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_OPMOD_GCM   (0x5u << 12)

(AES_MR) GCM: Galois/Counter mode

Definition at line 101 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_OPMOD_Msk   (0x7u << AES_MR_OPMOD_Pos)

(AES_MR) Operation Mode

Definition at line 94 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_OPMOD_OFB   (0x2u << 12)

(AES_MR) OFB: Output Feedback mode

Definition at line 98 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_OPMOD_Pos   12

Definition at line 93 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_PROCDLY (   value)    ((AES_MR_PROCDLY_Msk & ((value) << AES_MR_PROCDLY_Pos)))

Definition at line 80 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_PROCDLY_Msk   (0xfu << AES_MR_PROCDLY_Pos)

(AES_MR) Processing Delay

Definition at line 79 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_PROCDLY_Pos   4

Definition at line 78 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_SMOD (   value)    ((AES_MR_SMOD_Msk & ((value) << AES_MR_SMOD_Pos)))

Definition at line 83 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_SMOD_AUTO_START   (0x1u << 8)

(AES_MR) Auto Mode

Definition at line 85 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_SMOD_IDATAR0_START   (0x2u << 8)

(AES_MR) AES_IDATAR0 access only Auto Mode (DMA)

Definition at line 86 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_SMOD_MANUAL_START   (0x0u << 8)

(AES_MR) Manual Mode

Definition at line 84 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_SMOD_Msk   (0x3u << AES_MR_SMOD_Pos)

(AES_MR) Start Mode

Definition at line 82 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_MR_SMOD_Pos   8

Definition at line 81 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_ODATAR_ODATA_Msk   (0xffffffffu << AES_ODATAR_ODATA_Pos)

(AES_ODATAR[4]) Output Data

Definition at line 167 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_ODATAR_ODATA_Pos   0

Definition at line 166 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_TAGR_TAG_Msk   (0xffffffffu << AES_TAGR_TAG_Pos)

(AES_TAGR[4]) GCM Authentication Tag x

Definition at line 186 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_TAGR_TAG_Pos   0

Definition at line 185 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_VERSION_MFN_Msk   (0x7u << AES_VERSION_MFN_Pos)

(AES_VERSION) Metal Fix Number

Definition at line 198 of file component/aes.h.


#define AES_VERSION_MFN_Pos   16

Definition at line 197 of file component/aes.h.



(AES_VERSION) Version of the Hardware Module

Definition at line 196 of file component/aes.h.



Definition at line 195 of file component/aes.h.

autogenerated on Sat Sep 19 2020 03:19:08