Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CBinParserHandles a byte buffer and functionality to iteratively parse the content
 CIConsumerParent class for for arbitrary consumers
 CINotifierParent class for notifiers
 CIProducerParent class for arbitrary producers of packages
 CMultiConsumerConsumer, that allows one product to be consumed by multiple arbitrary conusmers
 CPackageSerializerA helper class to serialize packages. Contains methods for serializing all relevant datatypes
 CParserThe parser is a general paser. The namsepace rtde_interface and primary_interface both iclude classes which inherit from it (rtdeParser and primaryParser). The parser functionality also embodies a factory function taking in an uint8
 CPipelineThe Pipepline manages the production and optionally consumption of packages. Cyclically the producer is called and returned packages are saved in a queue. This queue is then either also cyclically utilized by the registered consumer or can be externally used
 CReverseInterfaceHandles communication to the robot. It starts a server and waits for the robot to connect via its URCaps program
 CScriptSenderStarts a TCPServer for a robot to connect to and waits for a request to receive a program. This program is then delivered to the requesting robot
 CShellConsumerThe ShellConsumer class is a simple consumer that writes a readable representation to the logging info channel
 CTCPServerWrapper class for a TCP socket server
 CTCPSocketClass for TCP socket abstraction
 CURPackageThe URPackage a parent class. From that two implementations are inherited, one for the primary, one for the rtde interface (primary_interface::primaryPackage; rtde_interface::rtdePackage). The URPackage makes use of the template HeaderT
 CURProducerA general producer for URPackages. Implements funcionality to produce packages by reading and parsing from a byte stream
 CURStreamThe stream is an abstraction of the TCPSocket that offers reading a full UR data package out of the socket. This means, it has to have some knowledge about the package structure to peek at the field defining the package length. This is why it is templated with the package header type
 CAbstractPrimaryConsumerBase consumer for primary packages
 CKinematicsInfoThis messages contains information about the robot's calibration. The DH parameters are a combination between the perfect model parameters and the correction deltas as noted in the configuration files on the robot controller
 CPackageHeaderThis class represents the header for primary packages
 CPrimaryPackageThe PrimaryPackage is solely an abstraction level. It inherits form the URPackage and is also a parent class for primary_interface::RobotMessage, primary_interface::RobotState
 CPrimaryParserThe primary specific parser. Interprets a given byte stream as serialized primary packages and parses it accordingly
 CRobotMessageParent class for the different received robot messages
 CRobotStateBase class for a RobotState data packages will be used directly
 CVersionMessageHandles the version messages sent via the primary UR interface
 CControlPackagePauseThis class handles the robot's response to a requested stop in RTDE data package communication
 CControlPackagePauseRequestThis class is used to request a stop in RTDE data package communication
 CControlPackageSetupInputsThis class handles the robot's response to a requested input recipe setup
 CControlPackageSetupInputsRequestThis class is used to setup the input recipe as part of the initial RTDE handshake
 CControlPackageSetupOutputsThis class handles the robot's response to a requested output recipe setup
 CControlPackageSetupOutputsRequestThis class is used to setup the output recipe as part of the initial RTDE handshake
 CControlPackageStartThis class handles the robot's response to a requested start in RTDE data package communication
 CControlPackageStartRequestThis class is used to request a stop in RTDE data package communication
 CDataPackageHandles communication in the form of RTDE data packages both to and from the robot. It contains functionality to parse and serialize packages for arbitrary recipes
 CGetUrcontrolVersionThis class handles the package detailing the UR control version sent by the robot
 CGetUrcontrolVersionRequestThis class is used to request the used UR control version from the robot
 CPackageHeaderThis class represents the header for RTDE packages
 CRequestProtocolVersionThis class handles the robot's response after trying to set the used RTDE protocol version
 CRequestProtocolVersionRequestThis class handles producing a request towards the robot to use a specific RTDE protocol version
 CRTDEClientManages communication over the RTDE interface. It contains the RTDE handshake and read and write functionality to and from the robot
 CRTDEParserThe RTDE specific parser. Interprets a given byte stream as serialized RTDE packages and parses it accordingly
 CRTDEWriterOffers an abstraction layer to send data to the robot via the RTDE interface. Several simple to use functions to create data packages to send exist, which are then sent to the robot in an additional thread
 CTextMessageThis class handles RTDE text messages sent by the robot
 CCalibrationCheckerConsumes primary packages ignoring all but KinematicsInfo packages. These are then checked against the used kinematics to see if the correct calibration is used
 CDashboardClientThis class is a wrapper around the dashboard server
 CDefaultLogHandlerLogHandler object for default handling of logging messages. This class is used when no other LogHandler is registered
 CLimitedHelper class that represents a numeric value with a lower and an upper boundary
 CLogHandlerInherit from this class to change the behavior when logging messages
 CTimeoutExceptionA specialized exception representing that communication to the tool is not possible
 CToolCommNotAvailableA specialized exception representing that communication to the tool is not possible
 CToolCommSetupClass holding a tool communication configuration
 CUrDriverThis is the main class for interfacing the driver
 CUrExceptionOur base class for exceptions. Specialized exceptions should inherit from those
 CVersionInformationStruct containing a robot's version information
 CVersionMismatchA specialized exception representing detection of a not supported UR control version

Author(s): Thomas Timm Andersen, Simon Rasmussen, Felix Exner, Lea Steffen, Tristan Schnell
autogenerated on Sun May 9 2021 02:16:26