►Ntuw | |
►Ncost_functions | |
CCfIntTrapSqr | |
CCFLatMap1Weight | |
CCFLatMap1Weight< TrajectorySimulator::LatticeVec, MapData > | |
CCFLatMap1WeightBase | |
CCfPowTrapSqr | |
CCfSum | |
CCfSumSqr | |
CCostFunc | |
CCostsArrayLat | |
CCostsArrayLatBase | |
CfuncPredef_FL1 | |
CfuncPredef_FL2 | |
CfuncPredef_FL3 | |
CLatticeMapWeight | |
►NDiffDrive | |
COptVarMapVW | |
COptVarStructVW | Defining the system optimization parameters structure |
CParamType | Defining the system optimization parameters structure |
CStateCfVW | Defining the system closed-form state variables |
CStateNmVW | Defining the system numerical state variables |
CStateNmWithLVW | Defining the system numerical state variables, including a scalar objective function L |
CStateSimVW | |
CStateSimVWBase | |
CStateWithGradSimVW | |
CStateWithLSimVW | |
CStateWithLWithGradSimVW | |
►NEdge8 | |
COptVarMapE8 | |
COptVarStructE8 | |
CParamType | |
CStateCf | |
CStateNm | |
CStateNmWithL | |
CStateSimE8Base | |
CStateSimVW | |
CStateWithGradSimVW | |
CStateWithLSimVW | |
CStateWithLWithGradSimVW | |
CBla | |
CContainerSubStateMapArray | |
CContainerSubStateMapArrayEmpty | |
CContainerSubStateMapVector | |
CContainerSubStateMapVectorEmpty | |
CCostsEvaluator | |
CCostsEvaluatorBase | |
CCostsEvaluatorCached | |
CDataBuffer | |
CDataBufferArray | |
CDataBufferVector | |
Ceuler_abc | |
CEvaluatedLattice | |
Cexplicit_generic_rk_impl | |
CFuncCacheData | |
CFuncCtrlPt | Control point variable |
Cheun_abc | |
CIntegrator | Minimal class performing numerically stable integration (using the Kahan summation algorithm) |
CKalmanFilter | Minimal cass implementing the Extended Kalman Filter algorithm |
CKalmanFilterInterface | Interface for simplified manipulation of specialized (Extended) Kalman Filter implementations |
CKalmanFilterLinOrd1 | Partial implementation of KalmanFilterPredictInterface for 1st order multivariate (linear) integrator systems. The state variables are expected to be ordered in a 2 * XDim vector where the first XDim variables are the order 0 states and the 2nd XDim variables are their corresponding derivatives |
CKalmanFilterPredictInterface | Interface for simplified manipulation of specialized (Extended) Kalman Filter prediction part |
CKalmanFilterUpdateInterface | Interface for simplified manipulation of specialized (Extended) Kalman Filter updates. To be used with KalmanFilterPredictInterface |
CLatticePoint | Structure containing an evaluation arc and a state pointer |
CLatticeTypeBaseCRTP | |
CLatticeTypeStateSimBeginEnd | |
CLatticeTypeStateSimCtrlPtKnots | |
CLatticeTypeStateSimCtrlPtKnotsP | |
CLatticeTypeStateSimCtrlPtKnotsV | |
►CLatticeTypeStateSimEqDs | |
CCosSinCache | |
CLatticeTypeStateSimEqDt | |
CLeafAccessTreeBase | |
CLeafAccessTreeBaseCRTP | |
CLeafAccessTreeBaseCRTP< Derived, LeafType, std::tuple< SetTypes... >, ContSize > | |
CLeafAccessTreeBaseVirt | |
CModelStamps | |
COdeStateSolverDummyAlias | |
COdeStateSolverRealAlias | |
COptimizationState | |
►CParamFuncs | Storage and manipulation of parametric functions collection |
CFuncCtrlPt | Control point variable |
CParamFuncsStructure | Containts parametric function initialization data |
CParamFuncs2State | Interface for a filter that outputs a desired state given an observed state and a parametric functions structure |
CParamFuncs2StateBase | |
CParamFuncsBase | |
CParamFuncsBaseArcVarsDyn | |
CParamFuncsBaseArcVarsStatic | |
CParamFuncsBaseCRTP | |
CParamFuncsBaseFuncVarsDyn | |
CParamFuncsBaseFuncVarsStatic | |
CParamFuncsBaseVirt | |
CParamFuncsDist | Extends manipulation of parametric functions collection with closed-form arc length (distance) computation |
CParamFuncsDistBase | |
CParamFuncsDistBaseCRTP | |
CParamFuncsDistBaseVirt | |
CParamFuncsEvaluator | Class manipulating a set of parametric-functions-to-state objects based on requested parametric functions input type |
►CParamFuncsSpline0Dist | |
CFuncCacheData | Structure referencing a control point and storing cached relevant function evaluation data (derivatives, integrals etc.) |
CParamFuncsSpline0DistArcVarsDyn | |
CParamFuncsSpline0DistArcVarsStatic | |
CParamFuncsSpline0DistFuncVarsDyn | |
CParamFuncsSpline0DistFuncVarsStatic | |
CParamFuncsStructure | Containts parametric function initialization data |
CRatioEval | |
Crk4_38_abc | |
CState | Generic tree-like recursive structure that allows sub-structure access as well as ordered (array-like) value access |
CStateArray | Implementation of State for a fixed size array of double values |
CStateArrayScoped | Extension of StateArray providing value access based on a scoped enumeration (compile-time) |
CStateFeedback | Interface for a filter that outputs a desired state given an observed state and a desired state |
CStateFeedback1Output | Partial implementation of the StateFeedback interface for 1-dimensional output linear state-feedback filter types |
CStateGradMapBase | |
CStateGradWithMatMap | |
CStateMapArray | |
CStateMapBase | |
CStateMapBaseCRTP | |
CStateMapBaseVirt | |
CStateMapping | Interface for a filter that performs a (nonlinear) mapping from the input state to an output state |
CStateMapTuple | |
CStateMapVector | |
CStateNestedArray | Implementation of State being formed by an array of substates |
CStateNestedArrayScoped | Extension of StateNestedArray providing sub-state access based on a scoped enumeration (compile-time) |
CStateNestedSet | Implementation of State being formed by tuple of substates |
CStateNestedSetScoped | Extension of StateNestedSet providing sub-state access based on a scoped enumeration (compile-time) |
CStateNestedVector | |
CStateSim | Interface for a state simulator structure that performs numerical integration of not-closed-form state variables |
CStateSimBase | |
CStateSimBaseCRTP | |
CStateSimBaseVirt | |
CStateSimTemplate | Templated partial implementation of StateSim |
CStateVector | Implementation of State for a dynamic size vector of double values |
CStateWithGradMapBase | |
CStateWithGradMapSimBase | |
CStateWithGradMapSimBaseInternal | |
CSubArrContainer | |
CSubEmpty | |
CSubSetContainer | |
CSubVecContainer | Dumb test |
CTrajectoryOptimizer | |
CTrajectorySimGrade | |
►CTrajectorySimulator | |
CLatticePoint | Structure containing an evaluation arc and a state pointer |
CLatticePointType | Structure containing the lattice type afferent to a |
CTrajectorySimulatorOnline | |
CTrajectorySimulatorPrecalc | |
CValArr | |
CValRef | |
CValVec | |
COneWheelType | OneWheelType with access via varialbe and enums |
CStateWhInpType |