Template Class SickThread

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

template<typename T, void (T::* M)(bool&, UINT16&)>
class SickThread : public ThreadWrapperBase

Wrapper class for posix threads.

Usage: Using object must create an instance of this class, and then call start() with its callback function as argument (see start() for more details). To stop the thread execution, call stop().

Setting the parameter m_beVerbose to true (e.g. via enableVerboseDebugOutput in function start()) will turn on very verbose output that should be useful for debugging.

The thread callback function itself has 2 parameters:

endThisThread: A bool flag that may be set by the callback function to “false” in case the thread function decides this thread needs to end.

sleepTimeMs: The sleep time, in ms, that will be spent between subsequent calls to the callback function. Default is 10 ms, but other times may be set. Note that not all operating systems may be able to schedule very short sleep times.

Public Functions

inline void join()
inline SickThread(const std::string &thread_name = "")
inline virtual ~SickThread()

Public Members

bool m_threadShouldRun