Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
CameraThis container class holds properties and settings of a camera
puma2::ColorImageRGB8Imageclass for an 8-bit, 3 channel RGB color image
puma2::ColorImageRGBa8Imageclass for an 8-bit, 4 channel RGBA color image
puma2::ColorImageUV8Represents the U and V channels of a YUV image
puma2::ColorImageYUV8Wrapper around the ColorImageRGB8 class to represent YUV Images
puma2::ColorToGrayOperator< C, G >
CoordinateConverterClass for converting 2D points between various coordinate systems
DPOperatorDemonstration of image operator for an 8-bit gray level image
puma2::Feature< T >Struct for obtaining extrema in a FeatureImage
puma2::FeatureImage< T >Superclass for all possible FeatureImages
puma2::GaussOperator< T >Gauss operator for a template image
GLImagePainterDisplays a color image (ColorImageRGB8) using OpenGL
GLImageWidgetDisplays a color image (ColorImageRGB8) using OpenGL
puma2::GrabbingDeviceGrabbing-device supported by unicap
puma2::GrabbingDeviceManagerCentral instance managing all connected (unicap-)video devices
puma2::GrayLevelImage16Imageclass for an 16-bit gray level image
puma2::GrayLevelImage8Imageclass for an 8-bit gray level image
puma2::GrayLevelImageFloatImageclass for an 8-bit gray level image
HistogramUVFast UV histogram supporting back projection
ImageGrabberThis class grabs mono and stereo images from the connected cameras
ImageMaskBinary image mask implementation
ImageMessagesDisplayWidget able to display the content of image messages
puma2::ImageOperatorImage operator for any image operator classes
ImagePainterDefault Painter Plugin template
puma2::ImagePairToImageOperator< I1, I2, O >
puma2::ImageReaderRead common image formats from file or other input channels
ImageSourcesHolds identifiers and descriptions of different image sources
ImageSourceSelectorAdd description here
puma2::ImageToImageOperator< I, O >
puma2::ImageToImagePairOperator< InputClass, OutputClass1, OutputClass2 >
puma2::ImageWriterWrite common image formats to file
LaserScan3DPainterPaints the LaserScan3DPointM
MapPainterPaints all Points of Interest
puma2::Matrix< T >Represents a matrix template class
puma2::MedianFilter< T >This class implements a basic median filter for images
puma2::Mirror< T >Vertical and horizontal mirror for any image
puma2::MultiElementImage< T, N >N-channel image template
puma2::MultiElementImageIter< T, N >Iterator class that will iteratate over all pixels (multi-channel)
puma2::MultiElementImageIterChannel< T, N >Iterator class that will access channels in a n-channel image
puma2::MultiElementPixel< T, N >
NewLaserDataPainterPaints the current LRF measurements
ObjectImagesControlList of images used in object learning
ObjectLearningControlImplements a widget to control the creation of new templates for object recognition
ObjectLearningTabInterface for learning new objects from camera images or files
ObjectListImplements a widget to control the RoboCup game "Lost and Found". TODO Why this comment??
ObjectRecognitionDisplayWidget displaying information about the object recognition process
ObjectRecognitionTabControls & displays for the object recognition subsystem
PainterCheckBoxSmall widget that displays a checkbox to enable/disable one painter plugin
PainterPluginAbstract class for SensorDataGLWidget plugins that paint some kind of 3D data using OpenGL
ParticleGridPainterPaints a weighted density grid of all SLAM particles
ParticlePainterPaints arrows representing the SLAM particles
PathPainterPaints the planned navigation path
PersonPainterPaints the currently tracked person
PersonParticlePainterPaints the information about the best particles in the particle filters for people tracking
PoiManagerThis class manages the List of points of interest (POIs)
PointOfInterestThis class represents a point of interest (POI)
POIPainterPaints all Points of Interest
puma2::PumaExceptionException base class for any type of exception within the PUMA libs
puma2::RGB8ToY8UV8OperatorConverts an RGB image to separate Y and UV images
RGBDepthPainterPaints the RGBDepthM
RobotPainterPaints the robot
RobotPosesPainterPaints arrows representing the pose hypothesis of all particle filters
SceneGraphPainterDefault Painter Plugin template
SensorDataDisplay3D world display
SensorDataGLWidgetOpenGL widget to display sensor data and the 3D world model
puma2::SingleElementImage< T >Single channel image template
SkeletonPainterPaints the information about the tracked skeletons
SonarPainterPaints the current sonar measurements
puma2::TBaseImg< T >Abstract Template base for all image templates
puma2::ThermalToColorOperatorConverts a GrayLevelImage containing temperature information to RGB
TofPainterTime-of-Flight camera Painter Plugin
puma2::Vector< T >Represents a vector template class
puma2::Y8UV8ToRGB8OperatorConverts a GrayLevelImage (the Y channel) and a ColorImageUV8 to RGB

Author(s): AGAS/
autogenerated on Mon Oct 6 2014 02:53:44