BaseImageTemplate.h [code] | Basic template for image data storage |
BoxFilter.h [code] | |
ButtonProcessAdministrator.cpp [code] | |
ButtonProcessAdministrator.h [code] | |
Camera.cpp [code] | |
Camera.h [code] | |
ColorImageRGB8.cpp [code] | |
ColorImageRGB8.h [code] | |
ColorImageRGBa8.cpp [code] | |
ColorImageRGBa8.h [code] | |
ColorImageUV8.cpp [code] | |
ColorImageUV8.h [code] | |
ColorImageYUV8.h [code] | |
ColorToGrayOperator.h [code] | |
CoordinateConverter.cpp [code] | |
CoordinateConverter.h [code] | |
CvFundamentalMat.cpp [code] | |
CvFundamentalMat.h [code] | |
CvHomography.cpp [code] | |
CvHomography.h [code] | |
DefaultExtractor.cpp [code] | |
DefaultExtractor.h [code] | |
Feature.h [code] | Contains a struct, used for computing the extrema of a FeatureImage |
FeatureImage.h [code] | Contains a superclass for all feature images |
FLANNMatcher.cpp [code] | |
FLANNMatcher.h [code] | |
detail/future.hpp [code] | TODO |
future.hpp [code] | TODO |
GaussOperator.h [code] | Contains the class GaussOperator for blurring an image |
GLImagePainter.cpp [code] | |
GLImagePainter.h [code] | |
GLImageWidget.cpp [code] | |
GLImageWidget.h [code] | |
GrabberUtils.cpp [code] | |
GrabberUtils.h [code] | |
GrabbingDevice.cpp [code] | |
GrabbingDevice.h [code] | |
GrabbingDeviceManager.cpp [code] | |
GrabbingDeviceManager.h [code] | |
GrayLevelImage16.cpp [code] | |
GrayLevelImage16.h [code] | |
GrayLevelImage8.cpp [code] | |
GrayLevelImage8.h [code] | |
GrayLevelImageFloat.cpp [code] | |
GrayLevelImageFloat.h [code] | |
HistogramUV.cpp [code] | |
HistogramUV.h [code] | |
HoughAccumulator.cpp [code] | |
HoughAccumulator.h [code] | |
HoughClusterer.cpp [code] | |
HoughClusterer.h [code] | |
HoughIndexCalculator.cpp [code] | |
HoughIndexCalculator.h [code] | |
Image.cpp [code] | |
Image.h [code] | |
ImageGrabber.cpp [code] | |
ImageGrabber.h [code] | |
ImageMask.cpp [code] | |
ImageMask.h [code] | |
ImageMessagesDisplay.cpp [code] | |
ImageMessagesDisplay.h [code] | |
ImageOperator.cpp [code] | |
ImageOperator.h [code] | |
ImageOperator8.cpp [code] | |
ImageOperator8.h [code] | |
ImagePainter.cpp [code] | |
ImagePainter.h [code] | |
ImagePairToImageOperator.h [code] | |
ImageProperties.cpp [code] | |
ImageProperties.h [code] | |
ImageReader.cpp [code] | |
ImageReader.h [code] | Contains ImageReader |
ImageSources.cpp [code] | |
ImageSources.h [code] | |
ImageSourceSelector.cpp [code] | |
ImageSourceSelector.h [code] | |
ImageSuperClasses.cpp [code] | |
ImageSuperClasses.h [code] | |
ImageToImageOperator.h [code] | |
ImageToImageOperator8.cpp [code] | |
ImageToImageOperator8.h [code] | |
ImageToImagePairOperator.h [code] | |
ImageWriter.cpp [code] | |
ImageWriter.h [code] | Contains ImageWriter |
jinclude.h [code] | |
jmemsrc.c [code] | |
KeyPoint.cpp [code] | |
KeyPointExtraction/KeyPoint.h [code] | |
ParallelSurf/KeyPoint.h [code] | |
KeyPointDescriptor.cpp [code] | |
KeyPointDescriptor.h [code] | |
KeyPointDetector.cpp [code] | |
KeyPointDetector.h [code] | |
KeyPointExtractor.h [code] | |
KeyPointHelper.cpp [code] | |
KeyPointHelper.h [code] | |
KeyPointMatch.h [code] | |
LaserScan3DPainter.cpp [code] | |
LaserScan3DPainter.h [code] | |
listener.cpp [code] | |
listener.h [code] | |
locking_ptr.hpp [code] | The locking_ptr is smart pointer with a scoped locking mechanism |
main.cpp [code] | |
MainWindow.cpp [code] | |
MainWindow.h [code] | |
MapPainter.cpp [code] | |
MapPainter.h [code] | |
MatchHelper.cpp [code] | |
MatchHelper.h [code] | |
MatchResult.h [code] | |
MathStuff.cpp [code] | |
MathStuff.h [code] | |
Matrix.h [code] | |
MedianFilter.h [code] | |
Mirror.h [code] | Contains generic class Mirror |
MultiElementImage.h [code] | Basic template for image data storage |
Mutex.cpp [code] | |
Mutex.h [code] | |
NewLaserDataPainter.cpp [code] | |
NewLaserDataPainter.h [code] | |
NNRMatcher.cpp [code] | |
NNRMatcher.h [code] | |
ObjectImagesControl.cpp [code] | |
ObjectImagesControl.h [code] | |
ObjectLearningControl.cpp [code] | |
ObjectLearningControl.h [code] | |
ObjectLearningTab.cpp [code] | |
ObjectLearningTab.h [code] | |
ObjectList.cpp [code] | |
ObjectList.h [code] | |
ObjectProperties.cpp [code] | |
ObjectProperties.h [code] | |
ObjectRecognitionDisplay.cpp [code] | |
ObjectRecognitionDisplay.h [code] | |
ObjectRecognitionTab.cpp [code] | |
ObjectRecognitionTab.h [code] | |
openCvAdaptor.cpp [code] | |
openCvAdaptor.h [code] | |
OrigSurfExtractor.cpp [code] | |
OrigSurfExtractor.h [code] | |
PainterCheckBox.cpp [code] | |
PainterCheckBox.h [code] | |
PainterPlugin.cpp [code] | |
PainterPlugin.h [code] | |
ParallelSurfExtractor.cpp [code] | |
ParallelSurfExtractor.h [code] | |
ParticleGridPainter.cpp [code] | |
ParticleGridPainter.h [code] | |
ParticlePainter.cpp [code] | |
ParticlePainter.h [code] | |
PathPainter.cpp [code] | |
PathPainter.h [code] | |
PersonPainter.cpp [code] | |
PersonPainter.h [code] | |
PersonParticlePainter.cpp [code] | |
PersonParticlePainter.h [code] | |
PoiManager.cpp [code] | |
PoiManager.h [code] | |
PointOfInterest.cpp [code] | |
PointOfInterest.h [code] | |
POIPainter.cpp [code] | |
POIPainter.h [code] | |
pool.hpp [code] | Thread pool core |
pool_adaptors.hpp [code] | Pool adaptors |
pool_core.hpp [code] | Thread pool core |
puma2config.h [code] | |
PumaException.cpp [code] | |
PumaException.h [code] | Contains PumaException |
PumaMessages.h [code] | |
QtRosNode.cpp [code] | |
QtRosNode.h [code] | |
RGB8ToY8UV8Operator.cpp [code] | |
RGB8ToY8UV8Operator.h [code] | |
RGBDepthPainter.cpp [code] | |
RGBDepthPainter.h [code] | |
RobotPainter.cpp [code] | |
RobotPainter.h [code] | |
RobotPosesPainter.cpp [code] | |
RobotPosesPainter.h [code] | |
rosprocessbutton.cpp [code] | |
rosprocessbutton.h [code] | |
SceneGraphPainter.cpp [code] | |
SceneGraphPainter.h [code] | |
scheduling_policies.hpp [code] | Task scheduling policies |
scope_guard.hpp [code] | TODO |
SensorDataDisplay.cpp [code] | |
SensorDataDisplay.h [code] | |
SensorDataGLWidget.cpp [code] | |
SensorDataGLWidget.h [code] | |
shutdown_policies.hpp [code] | Shutdown policies |
SilhouettePainter.cpp [code] | |
SilhouettePainter.h [code] | |
SimpleHoughClusterer.cpp [code] | |
SimpleHoughClusterer.h [code] | |
SingleElementImage.h [code] | Basic template for image data storage |
size_policies.hpp [code] | Size policies |
SkeletonPainter.cpp [code] | |
SkeletonPainter.h [code] | |
SonarPainter.cpp [code] | |
SonarPainter.h [code] | |
SurfExtractorBase.cpp [code] | |
SurfExtractorBase.h [code] | |
talker.cpp [code] | |
talker.h [code] | |
task_adaptors.hpp [code] | Task adaptors |
ThermalToColorOperator.cpp [code] | |
ThermalToColorOperator.h [code] | |
threadpool.hpp [code] | Main include |
TofPainter.cpp [code] | |
TofPainter.h [code] | |
Types.h [code] | |
Util.h [code] | |
Vector.h [code] | |
VectorObject2D.cpp [code] | |
VectorObject2D.h [code] | |
WaveFilter.h [code] | |
worker_thread.hpp [code] | Thread pool worker |
Y8UV8ToRGB8Operator.cpp [code] | |
Y8UV8ToRGB8Operator.h [code] | |