tests Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for tests:


file  ImuMeasurement.h [code]
file  Measurement.h [code]
file  simulated2D.h [code]
 measurement functions and derivatives for simulated 2D robot
file  simulated2DConstraints.h [code]
 measurement functions and constraint definitions for simulated 2D robot
file  simulated2DOriented.h [code]
file  simulated3D.h [code]
file  smallExample.h [code]
 Create small example with two poses and one landmark.
file  testBoundingConstraint.cpp [code]
 test of nonlinear inequality constraints on scalar bounds
file  testDoglegOptimizer.cpp [code]
 Unit tests for DoglegOptimizer.
file  testExpressionFactor.cpp [code]
 unit tests for Block Automatic Differentiation
file  testExtendedKalmanFilter.cpp [code]
file  testGaussianBayesTreeB.cpp [code]
file  testGaussianFactorGraphB.cpp [code]
 Unit tests for Linear Factor Graph.
file  testGaussianISAM.cpp [code]
 Unit tests for GaussianISAM.
file  testGaussianISAM2.cpp [code]
 Unit tests for GaussianISAM2.
file  testGaussianJunctionTreeB.cpp [code]
file  testGeneralSFMFactorB.cpp [code]
 test general SFM class, with nonlinear optimization and BAL files
file  testGncOptimizer.cpp [code]
 Unit tests for GncOptimizer class.
file  testGraph.cpp [code]
 unit test for graph-inl.h
file  testImuPreintegration.cpp [code]
 Unit tests for IMU Preintegration.
file  testIterative.cpp [code]
 Unit tests for iterative methods.
file  testLie.cpp [code]
 unit tests for Lie group type machinery
file  testManifold.cpp [code]
 unit tests for Manifold type machinery
file  testMarginals.cpp [code]
file  testNonlinearEquality.cpp [code]
file  testNonlinearFactor.cpp [code]
 Unit tests for Non-Linear Factor, create a non linear factor graph and a values structure for it and calculate the error for the factor.
file  testNonlinearFactorGraph.cpp [code]
 Unit tests for Non-Linear Factor NonlinearFactorGraph.
file  testNonlinearISAM.cpp [code]
file  testNonlinearOptimizer.cpp [code]
 Unit tests for NonlinearOptimizer class.
file  testPCGSolver.cpp [code]
 Unit tests for PCGSolver class.
file  testPreconditioner.cpp [code]
 Unit tests for Preconditioners.
file  testRobust.cpp [code]
 Unit tests for Robust loss functions.
file  testRot3Optimization.cpp [code]
file  testSerializationSlam.cpp [code]
 all serialization tests in this directory
file  testSimulated2D.cpp [code]
 Unit tests for simulated 2D measurement functions.
file  testSimulated2DOriented.cpp [code]
 unit tests for simulated2DOriented
file  testSimulated3D.cpp [code]
 Unit tests for simulated 3D measurement functions.
file  testSubgraphPreconditioner.cpp [code]
file  testSubgraphSolver.cpp [code]
 Unit tests for SubgraphSolver.
file  testTranslationRecovery.cpp [code]
 test recovering translations when rotations are given.
file  testVisualISAM2.cpp [code]
 Test convergence of visualSLAM example.

autogenerated on Wed Mar 19 2025 03:16:06