Basic Math Functions | |
►Fast Math Functions | |
Square Root | |
Complex Math Functions | |
Filtering Functions | |
Matrix Functions | |
Transform Functions | |
►Controller Functions | |
PID Motor Control | |
Vector Clarke Transform | |
Vector Inverse Clarke Transform | |
Vector Park Transform | |
Vector Inverse Park transform | |
Statistics Functions | |
Support Functions | |
►Interpolation Functions | |
Linear Interpolation | |
Bilinear Interpolation | |
Examples | |
CMSIS Global Defines | |
►Defines and Type Definitions | Type definitions and defines for Cortex-M processor based devices |
Status and Control Registers | Core Register type definitions |
Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) | Type definitions for the NVIC Registers |
System Control Block (SCB) | Type definitions for the System Control Block Registers |
System Tick Timer (SysTick) | Type definitions for the System Timer Registers |
Core Debug Registers (CoreDebug) | Cortex-M0 Core Debug Registers (DCB registers, SHCSR, and DFSR) are only accessible over DAP and not via processor. Therefore they are not covered by the Cortex-M0 header file |
Core Definitions | Definitions for base addresses, unions, and structures |
System Controls not in SCB (SCnSCB) | Type definitions for the System Control and ID Register not in the SCB |
Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM) | Type definitions for the Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM) |
Data Watchpoint and Trace (DWT) | Type definitions for the Data Watchpoint and Trace (DWT) |
Trace Port Interface (TPI) | Type definitions for the Trace Port Interface (TPI) |
►Functions and Instructions Reference | |
NVIC Functions | Functions that manage interrupts and exceptions via the NVIC |
SysTick Functions | Functions that configure the System |
ITM Functions | Functions that access the ITM debug interface |
Cache Functions | Functions that configure Instruction and Data cache |
CMSIS Core Register Access Functions | |
CMSIS Core Instruction Interface | |
CMSIS SIMD Intrinsics | |
►CMSIS | |
►Stm32f4xx_system | |
STM32F4xx_System_Includes | Define to prevent recursive inclusion |
STM32F4xx_System_Exported_types | |
STM32F4xx_System_Exported_Constants | |
STM32F4xx_System_Exported_Macros | |
STM32F4xx_System_Exported_Functions | |
STM32F4xx_System_Private_Includes | |
STM32F4xx_System_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
STM32F4xx_System_Private_Defines | |
STM32F4xx_System_Private_Macros | |
STM32F4xx_System_Private_Variables | |
STM32F4xx_System_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
STM32F4xx_System_Private_Functions | |
►Stm32f4xx | |
Library_configuration_section | |
Configuration_section_for_CMSIS | |
Exported_types | |
Peripheral_registers_structures | |
Peripheral_memory_map | |
Peripheral_declaration | |
►Exported_constants | |
Peripheral_Registers_Bits_Definition | |
Exported_macro | |
►Stm32f10x | |
Library_configuration_section | |
Configuration_section_for_CMSIS | |
Exported_types | |
Peripheral_registers_structures | |
Peripheral_memory_map | |
Peripheral_declaration | |
►Exported_constants | |
Peripheral_Registers_Bits_Definition | |
Exported_macro | |
►Stm32f10x_system | |
STM32F10x_System_Includes | Define to prevent recursive inclusion |
STM32F10x_System_Exported_types | |
STM32F10x_System_Exported_Constants | |
STM32F10x_System_Exported_Macros | |
STM32F10x_System_Exported_Functions | |
►STM32F4xx_StdPeriph_Driver | |
►GPIO | GPIO driver modules |
►GPIO_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration | Initialization and Configuration |
GPIO Read and Write | GPIO Read and Write |
GPIO Alternate functions configuration function | GPIO Alternate functions configuration function |
►GPIO_Exported_Constants | |
GPIO_pins_define | |
GPIO_Pin_sources | |
GPIO_Alternat_function_selection_define | |
GPIO_Legacy | |
GPIO_Remap_define | |
GPIO_Port_Sources | |
Ethernet_Media_Interface | |
GPIO_Alternate_function_selection_define | |
GPIO_Speed_Legacy | |
GPIO_Exported_Types | |
GPIO_Exported_Macros | |
GPIO_Exported_Functions | |
GPIO_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
GPIO_Private_Defines | |
GPIO_Private_Macros | |
GPIO_Private_Variables | |
GPIO_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
Configuration_Mode_enumeration | |
Output_type_enumeration | |
Output_Maximum_frequency_enumeration | |
Configuration_Pull-Up_Pull-Down_enumeration | |
Bit_SET_and_Bit_RESET_enumeration | |
►RCC | RCC driver modules |
►RCC_Private_Functions | |
Internal and external clocks, PLL, CSS and MCO configuration functions | Internal and external clocks, PLL, CSS and MCO configuration functions |
System AHB and APB busses clocks configuration functions | System, AHB and APB busses clocks configuration functions |
Peripheral clocks configuration functions | Peripheral clocks configuration functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
►RCC_Exported_Constants | |
RCC_HSE_configuration | |
RCC_LSE_Dual_Mode_Selection | |
RCC_PLLSAIDivR_Factor | |
RCC_PLL_Clock_Source | |
RCC_System_Clock_Source | |
RCC_AHB_Clock_Source | |
RCC_APB1_APB2_Clock_Source | |
RCC_Interrupt_Source | |
RCC_LSE_Configuration | |
RCC_RTC_Clock_Source | |
RCC_TIM_PRescaler_Selection | |
RCC_AHB1_Peripherals | |
RCC_AHB2_Peripherals | |
RCC_AHB3_Peripherals | |
RCC_APB1_Peripherals | |
RCC_APB2_Peripherals | |
RCC_MCO1_Clock_Source_Prescaler | |
RCC_MCO2_Clock_Source_Prescaler | |
RCC_Flag | |
►RCC_I2S_Clock_Source | |
RCC_LSE_Drive_Configuration | |
RCC_AHB_Peripherals | |
RCC_APB2_Peripherals | |
RCC_APB1_Peripherals | |
RCC_MCO_Clock_Source | |
RCC_MCOPrescaler | |
RCC_USB_Device_clock_source | |
RCC_Flag | |
HSE_configuration | |
PLL_entry_clock_source | |
PLL_multiplication_factor | |
PREDIV1_division_factor | |
PREDIV1_clock_source | |
System_clock_source | |
AHB_clock_source | |
APB1_APB2_clock_source | |
RCC_Interrupt_source | |
USB_Device_clock_source | |
ADC_clock_source | |
LSE_configuration | |
RTC_clock_source | |
AHB_peripheral | |
APB2_peripheral | |
APB1_peripheral | |
Clock_source_to_output_on_MCO_pin | |
RCC_PLL_Multiplication_Factor | |
RCC_PREDIV1_division_factor | |
RCC_APB1_APB2_clock_source | |
RCC_ADC_clock_source | |
RCC_TIM_clock_source | |
RCC_HRTIM_clock_source | |
RCC_I2C_clock_source | |
RCC_USART_clock_source | |
RCC_LSE_configuration | |
RCC_Exported_Types | |
RCC_Exported_Macros | |
RCC_Exported_Functions | |
RCC_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
RCC_Private_Defines | |
RCC_Private_Macros | |
RCC_Private_Variables | |
RCC_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►MISC | MISC driver modules |
►MISC_Exported_Constants | |
MISC_Vector_Table_Base | |
MISC_System_Low_Power | |
MISC_Preemption_Priority_Group | |
MISC_SysTick_clock_source | |
Vector_Table_Base | |
System_Low_Power | |
Preemption_Priority_Group | |
SysTick_clock_source | |
MISC_Private_Functions | |
MISC_Exported_Types | |
NVIC_Priority_Table | |
MISC_Exported_Macros | |
MISC_Exported_Functions | |
MISC_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
MISC_Private_Defines | |
MISC_Private_Macros | |
MISC_Private_Variables | |
MISC_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►ADC | ADC driver modules |
►ADC_Exported_Constants | |
ADC_Common_mode | |
ADC_Prescaler | |
ADC_Direct_memory_access_mode_for_multi_mode | |
ADC_delay_between_2_sampling_phases | |
ADC_resolution | |
ADC_external_trigger_edge_for_regular_channels_conversion | |
ADC_extrenal_trigger_sources_for_regular_channels_conversion | |
ADC_data_align | |
ADC_channels | |
ADC_sampling_times | |
ADC_external_trigger_edge_for_injected_channels_conversion | |
ADC_extrenal_trigger_sources_for_injected_channels_conversion | |
ADC_injected_channel_selection | |
ADC_analog_watchdog_selection | |
ADC_interrupts_definition | |
ADC_flags_definition | |
ADC_thresholds | |
ADC_injected_offset | |
ADC_injected_length | |
ADC_injected_rank | |
ADC_regular_length | |
ADC_regular_rank | |
ADC_regular_discontinuous_mode_number | |
ADC_mode | |
ADC_external_trigger_sources_for_regular_channels_conversion | |
ADC_sampling_time | |
ADC_external_trigger_sources_for_injected_channels_conversion | |
ADC_ContinuousConvMode | |
ADC_OverunMode | |
ADC_AutoInjecMode | |
►ADC_external_trigger_edge_for_Injected_channels_conversion | |
ADC_external_trigger_sources_for_regular_channels_conversion | |
ADC_external_trigger_sources_for_Injected_channels_conversion | |
ADC_data_align | |
ADC_channels | |
ADC_mode | |
ADC_Clock | |
ADC_Direct_memory_access_mode_for_multi_mode | |
ADC_sampling_time | |
ADC_injected_Channel_selection | |
ADC_injected_Sequence_selection | |
ADC_analog_watchdog_selection | |
ADC_Calibration_Mode_definition | |
ADC_DMA_Mode_definition | |
ADC_interrupts_definition | |
ADC_flags_definition | |
ADC_Common_flags_definition | |
ADC_thresholds | |
ADC_injected_offset | |
ADC_injected_length | |
ADC_regular_length | |
ADC_regular_discontinuous_mode_number | |
ADC_two_sampling_delay_number | |
►ADC_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
Analog Watchdog configuration functions | Analog Watchdog configuration functions |
Temperature Sensor, Vrefint (Voltage Reference internal) | Temperature Sensor, Vrefint and VBAT management functions |
Regular Channels Configuration functions | Regular Channels Configuration functions |
Regular Channels DMA Configuration functions | Regular Channels DMA Configuration functions |
Injected channels Configuration functions | Injected channels Configuration functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
ADC_Exported_Types | |
ADC_Exported_Macros | |
ADC_Exported_Functions | |
ADC_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
ADC_Private_Defines | |
ADC_Private_Macros | |
ADC_Private_Variables | |
ADC_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►HRTIM_Exported_Constants | |
HRTIM_TimerIndex | Constants defining the timer indexes |
HRTIM_TimerIdentifier | Constants defining timer identifiers |
HRTIM_CompareUnit | Constants defining compare unit identifiers |
HRTIM_CaptureUnit | Constants defining capture unit identifiers |
HRTIM_TimerOutput | Constants defining timer output identifiers |
HRTIM_ADCTrigger | Constants defining ADC triggers identifiers |
HRTIM_ExternalEventChannels | Constants defining external event channel identifiers |
HRTIM_FaultChannel | Constants defining fault channel identifiers |
HRTIM_PrescalerRatio | Constants defining timer high-resolution clock prescaler ratio |
HRTIM_Mode | Constants defining timer counter operating mode |
HRTIM_HalfModeEnable | Constants defining half mode enabling status |
HRTIM_StartOnSyncInputEvent | Constants defining the timer behavior following the synchronization event |
HRTIM_ResetOnSyncInputEvent | Constants defining the timer behavior following the synchronization event |
HRTIM_DACSynchronization | Constants defining on which output the DAC synchronization event is sent |
HRTIM_RegisterPreloadEnable | Constants defining whether a write access into a preloadable register is done into the active or the preload register |
HRTIM_UpdateGating | Constants defining how the update occurs relatively to the burst DMA transaction and the external update request on update enable inputs 1 to 3 |
HRTIM_TimerBurstMode | Constants defining how the timer behaves during a burst mode operation |
HRTIM_TimerRepetitionUpdate | Constants defining whether registers are updated when the timer repetition period is completed (either due to roll-over or reset events) |
HRTIM_TimerPushPullMode | Constants defining whether or not the push-pull mode is enabled for a timer |
HRTIM_TimerFaultEnabling | Constants defining whether a faut channel is enabled for a timer |
HRTIM_TimerFaultLock | Constants defining whether or not fault enabling bits are write protected for a timer |
HRTIM_TimerDeadtimeInsertion | Constants defining whether or not fault the dead time insertion feature is enabled for a timer |
HRTIM_TimerDelayedProtectionMode | Constants defining all possible delayed protection modes for a timer. Also define the source and outputs on which the delayed protection schemes are applied |
HRTIM_TimerUpdateTrigger | Constants defining whether the registers update is done synchronously with any other timer or master update |
HRTIM_TimerResetTrigger | Constants defining the events that can be selected to trigger the reset of the timer counter |
HRTIM_TimerResetUpdate | Constants defining whether the register are updated upon Timerx counter reset or rollover to 0 after reaching the period value in continuous mode |
HRTIM_CompareUnitAutoDelayedMode | Constants defining whether the compare register is behaving in regular mode (compare match issued as soon as counter equal compare), or in auto-delayed mode |
HRTIM_BasicOCMode | Constants defining the behavior of the output signal when the timer operates in basic output compare mode |
HRTIM_OutputPolarity | Constants defining the polarity of a timer output |
HRTIM_OutputSetSource | Constants defining the events that can be selected to configure the set crossbar of a timer output |
HRTIM_OutputResetSource | Constants defining the events that can be selected to configure the set crossbar of a timer output |
HRTIM_OutputIdleMode | Constants defining whether or not the timer output transition to its IDLE state when burst mode is entered |
HRTIM_OutputIDLEState | Constants defining the IDLE state of a timer output |
HRTIM_OutputFAULTState | Constants defining the FAULT state of a timer output |
HRTIM_OutputChopperModeEnable | Constants defining whether or not chopper mode is enabled for a timer output |
HRTIM_OutputBurstModeEntryDelayed | Constants defining the idle mode entry is delayed by forcing a deadtime insertion before switching the outputs to their idle state |
HRTIM_CaptureUnitTrigger | Constants defining the events that can be selected to trigger the capture of the timing unit counter |
HRTIM_TimerExternalEventFilter | Constants defining the event filtering applied to external events by a timer |
HRTIM_TimerExternalEventLatch | Constants defining whether or not the external event is memorized (latched) and generated as soon as the blanking period is completed or the window ends |
HRTIM_DeadtimeRisingSign | Constants defining whether the deadtime is positive or negative (overlapping signal) on rising edge |
HRTIM_DeadtimeRisingLock | Constants defining whether or not the deadtime (rising sign and value) is write protected |
HRTIM_DeadtimeRisingSignLock | Constants defining whether or not the deadtime rising sign is write protected |
HRTIM_DeadtimeFallingSign | Constants defining whether the deadtime is positive or negative (overlapping signal) on falling edge |
HRTIM_DeadtimeFallingLock | Constants defining whether or not the deadtime (falling sign and value) is write protected |
HRTIM_DeadtimeFallingSignLock | Constants defining whether or not the deadtime falling sign is write protected |
HRTIM_SynchronizationInputSource | Constants defining defining the synchronization input source |
HRTIM_SynchronizationOutputSource | Constants defining the source and event to be sent on the synchronization outputs |
HRTIM_SynchronizationOutputPolarity | Constants defining the routing and conditioning of the synchronization output event |
HRTIM_ExternalEventSources | Constants defining available sources associated to external events |
HRTIM_ExternalEventPolarity | Constants defining the polarity of an external event |
HRTIM_ExternalEventSensitivity | Constants defining the sensitivity (level-sensitive or edge-sensitive) of an external event |
HRTIM_ExternalEventFastMode | Constants defining whether or not an external event is programmed in fast mode |
HRTIM_ExternalEventFilter | Constants defining the frequency used to sample an external event 6 input and the length (N) of the digital filter applied |
ExternalEventPrescaler | Constants defining division ratio between the timer clock frequency fHRTIM) and the external event signal sampling clock (fEEVS) used by the digital filters |
HRTIM_FaultSources | Constants defining whether a faults is be triggered by any external or internal fault source |
HRTIM_FaultPolarity | Constants defining the polarity of a fault event |
HRTIM_FaultFilter | |
HRTIM_FaultLock | Constants defining whether or not the fault programming bits are write protected |
HRTIM_ExternalFaultPrescaler | Constants defining the division ratio between the timer clock frequency (fHRTIM) and the fault signal sampling clock (fFLTS) used by the digital filters |
HRTIM_BurstModeOperatingmode | Constants defining if the burst mode is entered once or if it is continuously operating |
HRTIM_BurstModeClockSource | Constants defining the clock source for the burst mode counter |
HRTIM_BurstModePrescaler | Constants defining the prescaling ratio of the fHRTIM clock for the burst mode controller |
HRTIM_BurstModeRegisterPreloadEnable | Constants defining whether or not burst mode registers preload mechanism is enabled, i.e. a write access into a preloadable register (HRTIM_BMCMPR, HRTIM_BMPER) is done into the active or the preload register |
HRTIM_BurstModeTrigger | Constants defining the events that can be used tor trig the burst mode operation |
HRTIM_ADCTriggerUpdateSource | Constants defining the source triggering the update of the HRTIM_ADCxR register (transfer from preload to active register) |
HRTIM_ADCTriggerEvent | Constants defining the events triggering ADC conversion. HRTIM_ADCTRIGGEREVENT13_*: ADC Triggers 1 and 3 HRTIM_ADCTRIGGEREVENT24_*: ADC Triggers 2 and 4 |
HRTIM_DLLCalibrationRate | Constants defining the DLL calibration periods (in micro seconds) |
HRTIM_BurstDMARegistersUpdate | Constants defining the registers that can be written during a burst DMA operation |
HRTIM_BursttModeControl | Constants used to enable or disable the burst mode controller |
HRTIM_FaultModeControl | Constants used to enable or disable the Fault mode |
HRTIM_SoftwareTimerUpdate | Constants used to force timer registers update |
HRTIM_SoftwareTimerReset | Constants used to force timer counter reset |
HRTIM_OutputLevel | Constants defining the level of a timer output |
HRTIM_OutputState | Constants defining the state of a timer output |
HRTIM_BurstModeStatus | Constants defining the operating state of the burst mode controller |
HRTIM_CurrentPushPullStatus | Constants defining on which output the signal is currently applied in push-pull mode |
HRTIM_IdlePushPullStatus | Constants defining on which output the signal was applied, in push-pull mode balanced fault mode or delayed idle mode, when the protection was triggered |
HRTIM_CommonInterrupt | |
HRTIM_CommonFlag | |
►HRTIM_MasterInterrupt | |
HRTIM_MasterFlag | |
HRTIM_TimingUnitInterrupt | |
HRTIM_TimingUnitFlag | |
HRTIM_MasterDMARequest | |
HRTIM_TimingUnitDMARequest | |
HRTIM_Instancedefinition | |
►CAN | CAN driver modules |
►CAN_Exported_Constants | |
CAN_InitStatus | |
CAN_operating_mode | |
CAN_operating_mode_status | |
CAN_synchronisation_jump_width | |
CAN_time_quantum_in_bit_segment_1 | |
CAN_time_quantum_in_bit_segment_2 | |
CAN_clock_prescaler | |
CAN_filter_number | |
CAN_filter_mode | |
CAN_filter_scale | |
CAN_filter_FIFO | |
CAN_Start_bank_filter_for_slave_CAN | |
CAN_Tx | |
CAN_identifier_type | |
CAN_remote_transmission_request | |
CAN_transmit_constants | |
CAN_receive_FIFO_number_constants | |
CAN_sleep_constants | |
CAN_wake_up_constants | |
CAN_Error_Code_constants | |
CAN_flags | |
CAN_interrupts | |
CAN_Mode | |
CAN_Operating_Mode | |
CAN_Mode_Status | |
Start_bank_filter_for_slave_CAN | |
CAN_Legacy | |
►CAN_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
CAN Frames Transmission functions | CAN Frames Transmission functions |
CAN Frames Reception functions | CAN Frames Reception functions |
CAN Operation modes functions | CAN Operation modes functions |
CAN Bus Error management functions | CAN Bus Error management functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
CAN_Exported_Types | |
CAN_Exported_Macros | |
CAN_Exported_Functions | |
CAN_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
CAN_Private_Defines | |
CAN_Private_Macros | |
CAN_Private_Variables | |
CAN_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►CRC | CRC driver modules |
CRC_Exported_Constants | |
►CRC_Private_Functions | |
Configuration of the CRC computation unit functions | Configuration of the CRC computation unit functions |
CRC computation of one/many 32-bit data functions | CRC computation of one/many 32-bit data functions |
CRC Independent Register (IDR) access functions | CRC Independent Register (IDR) access (write/read) functions |
CRC_Exported_Types | |
CRC_Exported_Macros | |
CRC_Exported_Functions | |
CRC_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
CRC_Private_Defines | |
CRC_Private_Macros | |
CRC_Private_Variables | |
CRC_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
CRC_ReverseInputData | |
CRC_PolynomialSize | |
►CRYP | CRYP driver modules |
►CRYP_Exported_Constants | |
CRYP_Algorithm_Direction | |
CRYP_Algorithm_Mode | |
CRYP_Phase | |
CRYP_Data_Type | |
CRYP_Key_Size_for_AES_only | |
CRYP_flags_definition | |
CRYP_interrupts_definition | |
CRYP_Encryption_Decryption_modes_definition | |
CRYP_DMA_transfer_requests | |
►CRYP_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
CRYP Data processing functions | CRYP Data processing functions |
Context swapping functions | Context swapping functions |
CRYP's DMA interface Configuration function | CRYP's DMA interface Configuration function |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
High Level AES functions | High Level AES functions |
High Level DES functions | High Level DES functions |
High Level TDES functions | High Level TDES functions |
►DAC | DAC driver modules |
►DAC_Exported_Constants | |
DAC_trigger_selection | |
DAC_wave_generation | |
DAC_lfsrunmask_triangleamplitude | |
DAC_output_buffer | |
DAC_Channel_selection | |
DAC_data_alignement | |
DAC_data | |
DAC_interrupts_definition | |
DAC_flags_definition | |
DAC_data_alignment | |
DAC_buffer_switch | |
►DAC_Private_Functions | |
DAC channels configuration | DAC channels configuration: trigger, output buffer, data format |
DMA management functions | DMA management functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
DAC_Exported_Types | |
DAC_Exported_Macros | |
DAC_Exported_Functions | |
DAC_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
DAC_Private_Defines | |
DAC_Private_Macros | |
DAC_Private_Variables | |
DAC_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►DBGMCU | DBGMCU driver modules |
DBGMCU_Exported_Constants | |
►DBGMCU_Private_Functions | |
Device and Revision ID management functions | Device and Revision ID management functions |
Peripherals Configuration functions | Peripherals Configuration |
DBGMCU_Exported_Types | |
DBGMCU_Exported_Macros | |
DBGMCU_Exported_Functions | |
DBGMCU_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
DBGMCU_Private_Defines | |
DBGMCU_Private_Macros | |
DBGMCU_Private_Variables | |
DBGMCU_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►DCMI | DCMI driver modules |
►DCMI_Exported_Constants | |
DCMI_Capture_Mode | |
DCMI_Synchronization_Mode | |
DCMI_PIXCK_Polarity | |
DCMI_VSYNC_Polarity | |
DCMI_HSYNC_Polarity | |
DCMI_Capture_Rate | |
DCMI_Extended_Data_Mode | |
DCMI_interrupt_sources | |
DCMI_Flags | |
►DCMI_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
Image capture functions | Image capture functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
►DMA | DMA driver modules |
►DMA_Exported_Constants | |
DMA_channel | |
DMA_data_transfer_direction | |
DMA_data_buffer_size | |
DMA_peripheral_incremented_mode | |
DMA_memory_incremented_mode | |
DMA_peripheral_data_size | |
DMA_memory_data_size | |
DMA_circular_normal_mode | |
DMA_priority_level | |
DMA_fifo_direct_mode | |
DMA_fifo_threshold_level | |
DMA_memory_burst | |
DMA_peripheral_burst | |
DMA_fifo_status_level | |
DMA_flags_definition | |
DMA_interrupt_enable_definitions | |
DMA_interrupts_definitions | |
DMA_peripheral_increment_offset | |
DMA_flow_controller_definitions | |
DMA_memory_targets_definitions | |
DMA_memory_to_memory | |
DMA_interrupts_definition | |
DMA_Buffer_Size | |
►DMA_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
Data Counter functions | Data Counter functions |
Double Buffer mode functions | Double Buffer mode functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
DMA_Exported_Types | |
DMA_Exported_Macros | |
DMA_Exported_Functions | |
DMA_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
DMA_Private_Defines | |
DMA_Private_Macros | |
DMA_Private_Variables | |
DMA_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►EXTI | EXTI driver modules |
►EXTI_Exported_Constants | |
EXTI_Lines | |
►EXTI_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
EXTI_Exported_Types | |
EXTI_Exported_Macros | |
EXTI_Exported_Functions | |
EXTI_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
EXTI_Private_Defines | |
EXTI_Private_Macros | |
EXTI_Private_Variables | |
EXTI_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►FLASH | FLASH driver modules |
►FLASH_Exported_Constants | |
Flash_Latency | |
FLASH_Voltage_Range | |
FLASH_Sectors | |
Option_Bytes_Write_Protection | |
FLASH_Option_Bytes_Read_Protection | |
FLASH_Option_Bytes_IWatchdog | |
FLASH_Option_Bytes_nRST_STOP | |
FLASH_Option_Bytes_nRST_STDBY | |
FLASH_BOR_Reset_Level | |
FLASH_Interrupts | |
FLASH_Flags | |
FLASH_Program_Parallelism | |
FLASH_Keys | |
Half_Cycle_Enable_Disable | |
Prefetch_Buffer_Enable_Disable | |
Option_Bytes_IWatchdog | |
Option_Bytes_nRST_STOP | |
Option_Bytes_nRST_STDBY | |
FLASH_Address | |
Option_Bytes_Read_Protection | |
Option_Bytes_BOOT1 | |
Option_Bytes_VDDA_Analog_Monitoring | |
FLASH_Option_Bytes_SRAM_Parity_Enable | |
Timeout_definition | |
►FLASH_Private_Functions | |
FLASH Interface configuration functions | FLASH Interface configuration functions |
FLASH Memory Programming functions | FLASH Memory Programming functions |
Option Bytes Programming functions | Option Bytes Programming functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
FLASH_Exported_Types | |
FLASH_Exported_Macros | |
FLASH_Exported_Functions | |
FLASH_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
FLASH_Private_Defines | |
FLASH_Private_Macros | |
FLASH_Private_Variables | |
FLASH_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►FSMC | FSMC driver modules |
►FSMC_Exported_Constants | |
FSMC_NAND_Bank | |
►FSMC_NOR_SRAM_Controller | |
FSMC_Data_Address_Bus_Multiplexing | |
FSMC_Memory_Type | |
FSMC_Data_Width | |
FSMC_Burst_Access_Mode | |
FSMC_AsynchronousWait | |
FSMC_Wait_Signal_Polarity | |
FSMC_Wrap_Mode | |
FSMC_Wait_Timing | |
FSMC_Write_Operation | |
FSMC_Wait_Signal | |
FSMC_Extended_Mode | |
FSMC_Write_Burst | |
FSMC_Address_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_Address_Hold_Time | |
FSMC_Data_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_Bus_Turn_around_Duration | |
FSMC_CLK_Division | |
FSMC_Data_Latency | |
FSMC_Access_Mode | |
►FSMC_NAND_PCCARD_Controller | |
FSMC_Wait_feature | |
FSMC_ECC_Page_Size | |
FSMC_TCLR_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_TAR_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_Wait_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_Hold_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_HiZ_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_Interrupt_sources | |
FSMC_Flags | |
►NOR_SRAM_Controller | |
FSMC_Data_Address_Bus_Multiplexing | |
FSMC_Memory_Type | |
FSMC_Data_Width | |
FSMC_Burst_Access_Mode | |
FSMC_AsynchronousWait | |
FSMC_Wait_Signal_Polarity | |
FSMC_Wrap_Mode | |
FSMC_Wait_Timing | |
FSMC_Write_Operation | |
FSMC_Wait_Signal | |
FSMC_Extended_Mode | |
FSMC_Write_Burst | |
FSMC_Address_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_Address_Hold_Time | |
FSMC_Data_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_Bus_Turn_around_Duration | |
FSMC_CLK_Division | |
FSMC_Data_Latency | |
FSMC_Access_Mode | |
►NAND_PCCARD_Controller | |
FSMC_Wait_feature | |
FSMC_ECC_Page_Size | |
FSMC_TCLR_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_TAR_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_Wait_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_Hold_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_HiZ_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_Interrupt_sources | |
FSMC_Flags | |
►FSMC_Private_Functions | |
NOR/SRAM Controller functions | NOR/SRAM Controller functions |
NAND Controller functions | NAND Controller functions |
PCCARD Controller functions | PCCARD Controller functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
FSMC_Exported_Types | |
FSMC_Exported_Macros | |
FSMC_Exported_Functions | |
FSMC_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
FSMC_Private_Defines | |
FSMC_Private_Macros | |
FSMC_Private_Variables | |
FSMC_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►HASH | HASH driver modules |
►HASH_Exported_Constants | |
HASH_Algo_Selection | |
HASH_processor_Algorithm_Mode | |
HASH_Data_Type | |
HASH_HMAC_Long_key_only_for_HMAC_mode | |
Number_of_valid_bits_in_last_word_of_the_message | |
HASH_interrupts_definition | |
HASH_flags_definition | |
►HASH_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
Message Digest generation functions | Message Digest generation functions |
Context swapping functions | Context swapping functions |
HASH's DMA interface Configuration function | HASH's DMA interface Configuration function |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
High Level MD5 functions | High Level MD5 Hash and HMAC functions |
High Level SHA1 functions | High Level SHA1 Hash and HMAC functions |
►I2C | I2C driver modules |
►I2C_Exported_Constants | |
I2C_Digital_Filter | |
I2C_mode | |
I2C_duty_cycle_in_fast_mode | |
I2C_acknowledgement | |
I2C_transfer_direction | |
I2C_acknowledged_address | |
I2C_registers | |
I2C_NACK_position | |
I2C_SMBus_alert_pin_level | |
I2C_PEC_position | |
I2C_interrupts_definition | |
I2C_flags_definition | |
I2C_Events | |
I2C_own_address1 | |
I2C_clock_speed | |
I2C_NCAK_position | |
I2C_Analog_Filter | |
I2C_DMA_transfer_requests | |
I2C_slave_address | |
I2C_own_address2 | |
I2C_own_address2_mask | |
I2C_timeout | |
I2C_ReloadEndMode_definition | |
I2C_StartStopMode_definition | |
►I2C_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
Data transfers functions | Data transfers functions |
PEC management functions | PEC management functions |
DMA transfers management functions | DMA transfers management functions |
Interrupts events and flags management functions | Interrupts, events and flags management functions |
DMA transfers management functions | DMA transfers management functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
I2C_Exported_Types | |
I2C_Exported_Macros | |
I2C_Exported_Functions | |
I2C_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
I2C_Private_Defines | |
I2C_Private_Macros | |
I2C_Private_Variables | |
I2C_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►IWDG | IWDG driver modules |
►IWDG_Exported_Constants | |
IWDG_WriteAccess | |
IWDG_prescaler | |
IWDG_Flag | |
IWDG_Reload_Value | |
IWDG_CounterWindow_Value | |
►IWDG_Private_Functions | |
Prescaler and Counter configuration functions | Prescaler and Counter configuration functions |
IWDG activation function | IWDG activation function |
Flag management function | Flag management function |
IWDG_Exported_Types | |
IWDG_Exported_Macros | |
IWDG_Exported_Functions | |
IWDG_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
IWDG_Private_Defines | |
IWDG_Private_Macros | |
IWDG_Private_Variables | |
IWDG_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►PWR | PWR driver modules |
►PWR_Exported_Constants | |
PWR_PVD_detection_level | |
PWR_Regulator_state_in_STOP_mode | |
►PWR_STOP_mode_entry | |
PWR_Regulator_Voltage_Scale | |
►PWR_Flag | |
PWR_Flag_Legacy | |
PVD_detection_level | |
Regulator_state_is_STOP_mode | |
STOP_mode_entry | |
PWR_WakeUp_Pins | |
PWR_Regulator_state_is_Sleep_STOP_mode | |
PWR_SLEEP_mode_entry | |
►PWR_Private_Functions | |
Backup Domain Access function | Backup Domain Access function |
PVD configuration functions | PVD configuration functions |
WakeUp pin configuration functions | WakeUp pin configuration functions |
Main and Backup Regulators configuration functions | Main and Backup Regulators configuration functions |
FLASH Power Down configuration functions | FLASH Power Down configuration functions |
Low Power modes configuration functions | Low Power modes configuration functions |
Flags management functions | Flags management functions |
PWR_Exported_Types | |
PWR_Exported_Macros | |
PWR_Exported_Functions | |
PWR_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
PWR_Private_Defines | |
PWR_Private_Macros | |
PWR_Private_Variables | |
PWR_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►RNG | RNG driver modules |
►RNG_Exported_Constants | |
RNG_flags_definition | |
RNG_interrupts_definition | |
►RNG_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
Get 32 bit Random number function | Get 32 bit Random number function |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
►RTC | RTC driver modules |
►RTC_Exported_Constants | |
RTC_Hour_Formats | |
RTC_Asynchronous_Predivider | |
RTC_Synchronous_Predivider | |
RTC_Time_Definitions | |
RTC_AM_PM_Definitions | |
RTC_Year_Date_Definitions | |
RTC_Month_Date_Definitions | |
RTC_WeekDay_Definitions | |
RTC_Alarm_Definitions | |
RTC_AlarmDateWeekDay_Definitions | |
RTC_AlarmMask_Definitions | |
RTC_Alarms_Definitions | |
RTC_Alarm_Sub_Seconds_Masks_Definitions | |
RTC_Alarm_Sub_Seconds_Value | |
RTC_Wakeup_Timer_Definitions | |
RTC_Time_Stamp_Edges_definitions | |
RTC_Output_selection_Definitions | |
RTC_Output_Polarity_Definitions | |
RTC_Digital_Calibration_Definitions | |
RTC_Calib_Output_selection_Definitions | |
RTC_Smooth_calib_period_Definitions | |
RTC_Smooth_calib_Plus_pulses_Definitions | |
RTC_Smooth_calib_Minus_pulses_Definitions | |
RTC_DayLightSaving_Definitions | |
RTC_Tamper_Trigger_Definitions | |
RTC_Tamper_Filter_Definitions | |
RTC_Tamper_Sampling_Frequencies_Definitions | |
RTC_Tamper_Pin_Precharge_Duration_Definitions | |
RTC_Tamper_Pins_Definitions | |
RTC_Tamper_Pin_Selection | |
RTC_TimeStamp_Pin_Selection | |
RTC_Output_Type_ALARM_OUT | |
RTC_Add_1_Second_Parameter_Definitions | |
RTC_Substract_Fraction_Of_Second_Value | |
RTC_Backup_Registers_Definitions | |
RTC_Input_parameter_format_definitions | |
RTC_Flags_Definitions | |
RTC_Interrupts_Definitions | |
RTC_Legacy | |
RTC_interrupts_define | |
RTC_interrupts_flags | |
►RTC_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
Time and Date configuration functions | Time and Date configuration functions |
Alarms configuration functions | Alarms (Alarm A and Alarm B) configuration functions |
WakeUp Timer configuration functions | WakeUp Timer configuration functions |
Daylight Saving configuration functions | Daylight Saving configuration functions |
Output pin Configuration function | Output pin Configuration function |
Digital Calibration configuration functions | Coarse Calibration configuration functions |
TimeStamp configuration functions | TimeStamp configuration functions |
Tampers configuration functions | Tampers configuration functions |
Backup Data Registers configuration functions | Backup Data Registers configuration functions |
RTC Tamper and TimeStamp Pins Selection and Output Type Config configuration functions | RTC Tamper and TimeStamp Pins Selection and Output Type Config configuration functions |
Shift control synchronisation functions | Shift control synchronisation functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
RTC_Exported_Types | |
RTC_Exported_Macros | |
RTC_Exported_Functions | |
RTC_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
RTC_Private_Defines | |
RTC_Private_Macros | |
RTC_Private_Variables | |
RTC_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►SDIO | SDIO driver modules |
►SDIO_Exported_Constants | |
SDIO_Clock_Edge | |
SDIO_Clock_Bypass | |
SDIO_Clock_Power_Save | |
SDIO_Bus_Wide | |
SDIO_Hardware_Flow_Control | |
SDIO_Power_State | |
SDIO_Interrupt_sources | |
SDIO_Command_Index | |
SDIO_Response_Type | |
SDIO_Wait_Interrupt_State | |
SDIO_CPSM_State | |
SDIO_Response_Registers | |
SDIO_Data_Length | |
SDIO_Data_Block_Size | |
SDIO_Transfer_Direction | |
SDIO_Transfer_Type | |
SDIO_DPSM_State | |
SDIO_Flags | |
SDIO_Read_Wait_Mode | |
►SDIO_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
Command path state machine (CPSM) management functions | Command path state machine (CPSM) management functions |
Data path state machine (DPSM) management functions | Data path state machine (DPSM) management functions |
SDIO IO Cards mode management functions | SDIO IO Cards mode management functions |
CE-ATA mode management functions | CE-ATA mode management functions |
DMA transfers management functions | DMA transfers management functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
SDIO_Exported_Types | |
SDIO_Exported_Macros | |
SDIO_Exported_Functions | |
SDIO_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
SDIO_Private_Defines | |
SDIO_Private_Macros | |
SDIO_Private_Variables | |
SDIO_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►SPI | SPI driver modules |
►SPI_Exported_Constants | |
SPI_data_direction | |
SPI_mode | |
SPI_data_size | |
SPI_Clock_Polarity | |
SPI_Clock_Phase | |
SPI_Slave_Select_management | |
SPI_BaudRate_Prescaler | |
SPI_MSB_LSB_transmission | |
SPI_I2S_Mode | |
SPI_I2S_Standard | |
SPI_I2S_Data_Format | |
SPI_I2S_MCLK_Output | |
SPI_I2S_Audio_Frequency | |
SPI_I2S_Clock_Polarity | |
SPI_I2S_DMA_transfer_requests | |
SPI_NSS_internal_software_management | |
SPI_CRC_Transmit_Receive | |
SPI_direction_transmit_receive | |
SPI_I2S_interrupts_definition | |
SPI_I2S_flags_definition | |
SPI_CRC_polynomial | |
SPI_I2S_Legacy | |
I2S_Mode | |
I2S_Standard | |
I2S_Data_Format | |
I2S_MCLK_Output | |
I2S_Audio_Frequency | |
I2S_Clock_Polarity | |
SPI_CRC_length | |
SPI_FIFO_reception_threshold | |
SPI_last_DMA_transfers | |
SPI_transmission_fifo_status_level | |
SPI_reception_fifo_status_level | |
►SPI_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
Data transfers functions | Data transfers functions |
Hardware CRC Calculation functions | Hardware CRC Calculation functions |
DMA transfers management functions | DMA transfers management functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
SPI_Exported_Types | |
SPI_Exported_Macros | |
SPI_Exported_Functions | |
SPI_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
SPI_Private_Defines | |
SPI_Private_Macros | |
SPI_Private_Variables | |
SPI_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►SYSCFG | SYSCFG driver modules |
►SYSCFG_Exported_Constants | |
SYSCFG_EXTI_Port_Sources | |
SYSCFG_EXTI_Pin_Sources | |
SYSCFG_Memory_Remap_Config | |
SYSCFG_ETHERNET_Media_Interface | |
SYSCFG_EXTI_Pin_sources | |
SYSCFG_DMA_Remap_Config | |
SYSCFG_Trigger_Remap_Config | |
SYSCFG_EncoderRemap_Config | |
SYSCFG_I2C_FastModePlus_Config | |
SYSCFG_FPU_Interrupt_Config | |
SYSCFG_Lock_Config | |
SYSCFG_flags_definition | |
►SYSCFG_Private_Functions | |
SYSCFG Initialization and Configuration functions | SYSCFG Initialization and Configuration functions |
►TIM | TIM driver modules |
►TIM_Exported_constants | |
TIM_Output_Compare_and_PWM_modes | |
TIM_One_Pulse_Mode | |
TIM_Channel | |
TIM_Clock_Division_CKD | |
TIM_Counter_Mode | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Polarity | |
TIM_Output_Compare_N_Polarity | |
TIM_Output_Compare_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_N_State | |
TIM_Capture_Compare_State | |
TIM_Capture_Compare_N_State | |
TIM_Break_Input_enable_disable | |
TIM_Break_Polarity | |
TIM_AOE_Bit_Set_Reset | |
TIM_Lock_level | |
TIM_OSSI_Off_State_Selection_for_Idle_mode_state | |
TIM_OSSR_Off_State_Selection_for_Run_mode_state | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Idle_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_N_Idle_State | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Polarity | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Selection | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Prescaler | |
TIM_interrupt_sources | |
TIM_DMA_Base_address | |
TIM_DMA_Burst_Length | |
TIM_DMA_sources | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Prescaler | |
TIM_Internal_Trigger_Selection | |
TIM_TIx_External_Clock_Source | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Polarity | |
TIM_Prescaler_Reload_Mode | |
TIM_Forced_Action | |
TIM_Encoder_Mode | |
TIM_Event_Source | |
TIM_Update_Source | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Preload_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Fast_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Clear_State | |
TIM_Trigger_Output_Source | |
TIM_Slave_Mode | |
TIM_Master_Slave_Mode | |
TIM_Remap | |
TIM_Flags | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Filer_Value | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Filter | |
TIM_Legacy | |
TIM_Break1_Input_enable_disable | |
TIM_Break2_Input_enable_disable | |
TIM_Break1_Polarity | |
TIM_Break2_Polarity | |
TIM_Break1_Filter | |
TIM_Break2_Filter | |
►TIM_OCReferenceClear | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Filer_Value | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Filter | |
TIM_Legacy | |
►TIM_Private_Functions | |
TimeBase management functions | TimeBase management functions |
Output Compare management functions | Output Compare management functions |
Input Capture management functions | Input Capture management functions |
Advanced-control timers (TIM1 and TIM8) specific features | Advanced-control timers (TIM1 and TIM8) specific features |
Interrupts DMA and flags management functions | Interrupts, DMA and flags management functions |
Clocks management functions | Clocks management functions |
Synchronization management functions | Synchronization management functions |
Specific interface management functions | Specific interface management functions |
Specific remapping management function | Specific remapping management function |
►TIM_Exported_Types | |
►TIM_Exported_constants | |
TIM_Output_Compare_and_PWM_modes | |
TIM_One_Pulse_Mode | |
TIM_Channel | |
TIM_Clock_Division_CKD | |
TIM_Counter_Mode | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Polarity | |
TIM_Output_Compare_N_Polarity | |
TIM_Output_Compare_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_N_State | |
TIM_Capture_Compare_State | |
TIM_Capture_Compare_N_State | |
TIM_Break_Input_enable_disable | |
TIM_Break_Polarity | |
TIM_AOE_Bit_Set_Reset | |
TIM_Lock_level | |
TIM_OSSI_Off_State_Selection_for_Idle_mode_state | |
TIM_OSSR_Off_State_Selection_for_Run_mode_state | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Idle_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_N_Idle_State | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Polarity | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Selection | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Prescaler | |
TIM_interrupt_sources | |
TIM_DMA_Base_address | |
TIM_DMA_Burst_Length | |
TIM_DMA_sources | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Prescaler | |
TIM_Internal_Trigger_Selection | |
TIM_TIx_External_Clock_Source | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Polarity | |
TIM_Prescaler_Reload_Mode | |
TIM_Forced_Action | |
TIM_Encoder_Mode | |
TIM_Event_Source | |
TIM_Update_Source | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Preload_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Fast_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Clear_State | |
TIM_Trigger_Output_Source | |
TIM_Slave_Mode | |
TIM_Master_Slave_Mode | |
TIM_Remap | |
TIM_Flags | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Filer_Value | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Filter | |
TIM_Legacy | |
TIM_Break1_Input_enable_disable | |
TIM_Break2_Input_enable_disable | |
TIM_Break1_Polarity | |
TIM_Break2_Polarity | |
TIM_Break1_Filter | |
TIM_Break2_Filter | |
►TIM_OCReferenceClear | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Filer_Value | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Filter | |
TIM_Legacy | |
TIM_Output_Compare_state | |
TIM_Output_Compare_N_state | |
TIM_Capture_Compare_state | |
TIM_Capture_Compare_N_state | |
Break_Input_enable_disable | |
Break_Polarity | |
Lock_level | |
OSSI_Off_State_Selection_for_Idle_mode_state | |
OSSR_Off_State_Selection_for_Run_mode_state | |
TIM_Exported_Macros | |
TIM_Exported_Functions | |
TIM_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
TIM_Private_Defines | |
TIM_Private_Macros | |
TIM_Private_Variables | |
TIM_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►USART | USART driver modules |
►USART_Exported_Constants | |
USART_Word_Length | |
USART_Stop_Bits | |
USART_Parity | |
USART_Mode | |
USART_Hardware_Flow_Control | |
USART_Clock | |
USART_Clock_Polarity | |
USART_Clock_Phase | |
USART_Last_Bit | |
►USART_Interrupt_definition | USART Interrupt definition USART_IT possible values Elements values convention: 0xZZZZYYXX XX: Position of the corresponding Interrupt YY: Register index ZZZZ: Flag position |
USART_Legacy | |
USART_DMA_Requests | |
USART_WakeUp_methods | |
USART_LIN_Break_Detection_Length | |
USART_IrDA_Low_Power | |
USART_Flags | |
USART_DMA_Recception_Error | |
USART_MuteMode_WakeUp_methods | |
USART_Address_Detection | |
USART_StopMode_WakeUp_methods | |
USART_DE_Polarity | |
USART_Inversion_Pins | |
USART_AutoBaudRate_Mode | |
USART_Request | |
USART_Global_definition | |
►USART_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
Data transfers functions | Data transfers functions |
MultiProcessor Communication functions | Multi-Processor Communication functions |
LIN mode functions | LIN mode functions |
Halfduplex mode function | Half-duplex mode function |
Smartcard mode functions | Smartcard mode functions |
IrDA mode functions | IrDA mode functions |
DMA transfers management functions | DMA transfers management functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
RS485 mode function | RS485 mode function |
DMA transfers management functions | DMA transfers management functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
USART_Exported_Types | |
USART_Exported_Macros | |
USART_Exported_Functions | |
USART_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
USART_Private_Defines | |
USART_Private_Macros | |
USART_Private_Variables | |
USART_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►WWDG | WWDG driver modules |
►WWDG_Exported_Constants | |
WWDG_Prescaler | |
►WWDG_Private_Functions | |
Prescaler, Refresh window and Counter configuration functions | Prescaler, Refresh window and Counter configuration functions |
WWDG activation functions | WWDG activation functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
WWDG_Exported_Types | |
WWDG_Exported_Macros | |
WWDG_Exported_Functions | |
WWDG_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
WWDG_Private_Defines | |
WWDG_Private_Macros | |
WWDG_Private_Variables | |
WWDG_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►Usbd_audio | This file is the Header file for USBD_audio.c |
Usbd_audio_Exported_Defines | |
USBD_CORE_Exported_TypesDefinitions | |
USBD_CORE_Exported_Macros | |
USBD_CORE_Exported_Variables | |
USB_CORE_Exported_Functions | |
Usbd_audio_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
Usbd_audio_Private_Defines | |
Usbd_audio_Private_Macros | |
Usbd_audio_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
Usbd_audio_Private_Variables | |
Usbd_audio_Private_Functions | |
►Usbd_audio_out_if | Usbd out interface module |
Usbd_audio_out_if_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
Usbd_audio_out_if_Private_Defines | |
Usbd_audio_out_if_Private_Macros | |
Usbd_audio_out_if_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
Usbd_audio_out_if_Private_Variables | |
Usbd_audio_out_if_Private_Functions | |
►Usbd_cdc | This file is the Header file for USBD_cdc.c |
Usbd_cdc_Exported_Defines | |
USBD_CORE_Exported_TypesDefinitions | |
USBD_CORE_Exported_Macros | |
USBD_CORE_Exported_Variables | |
USB_CORE_Exported_Functions | |
Usbd_cdc_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
Usbd_cdc_Private_Defines | |
Usbd_cdc_Private_Macros | |
Usbd_cdc_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
Usbd_cdc_Private_Variables | |
Usbd_cdc_Private_Functions | |
►Usbd_dfu | This file is the Header file for USBD_dfu.c |
Usbd_dfu_Exported_Defines | |
USBD_CORE_Exported_TypesDefinitions | |
USBD_CORE_Exported_Macros | |
USBD_CORE_Exported_Variables | |
USB_CORE_Exported_Functions | |
Usbd_dfu_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
Usbd_dfu_Private_Defines | |
Usbd_dfu_Private_Macros | |
Usbd_dfu_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
Usbd_dfu_Private_Variables | |
Usbd_dfu_Private_Functions | |
►USBD_HID | This file is the Header file for USBD_msc.c |
USBD_HID_Exported_Defines | |
USBD_CORE_Exported_TypesDefinitions | |
USBD_CORE_Exported_Macros | |
USBD_CORE_Exported_Variables | |
USB_CORE_Exported_Functions | |
USBD_HID_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
USBD_HID_Private_Defines | |
USBD_HID_Private_Macros | |
USBD_HID_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
USBD_HID_Private_Variables | |
USBD_HID_Private_Functions | |
►MSC_BOT | This file is the Header file for usbd_bot.c |
USBD_CORE_Exported_Defines | |
MSC_CORE_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
USBD_CORE_Exported_Types | |
USBD_CORE_Exported_FunctionsPrototypes | |
MSC_BOT_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
MSC_BOT_Private_Defines | |
MSC_BOT_Private_Macros | |
MSC_BOT_Private_Variables | |
MSC_BOT_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
MSC_BOT_Private_Functions | |
►USB_INFO | General defines for the usb device library file |
USB_INFO_Exported_Defines | |
USBD_INFO_Exported_TypesDefinitions | |
USBD_INFO_Exported_Macros | |
USBD_INFO_Exported_Variables | |
USBD_INFO_Exported_FunctionsPrototypes | |
►USBD_MEM | Header file for the storage disk file |
USBD_MEM_Exported_Defines | |
USBD_MEM_Exported_TypesDefinitions | |
USBD_MEM_Exported_Macros | |
USBD_MEM_Exported_Variables | |
USBD_MEM_Exported_FunctionsPrototype | |
►USBD_SCSI | Header file for the storage disk file |
USBD_SCSI_Exported_Defines | |
USBD_SCSI_Exported_TypesDefinitions | |
USBD_SCSI_Exported_Macros | |
USBD_SCSI_Exported_Variables | |
USBD_SCSI_Exported_FunctionsPrototype | |
►MSC_CORE | Mass storage core module |
MSC_CORE_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
MSC_CORE_Private_Defines | |
MSC_CORE_Private_Macros | |
MSC_CORE_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
MSC_CORE_Private_Variables | |
MSC_CORE_Private_Functions | |
►MSC_DATA | Mass storage info/data module |
MSC_DATA_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
MSC_DATA_Private_Defines | |
MSC_DATA_Private_Macros | |
MSC_DATA_Private_Variables | |
MSC_DATA_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
MSC_DATA_Private_Functions | |
►MSC_SCSI | Mass storage SCSI layer module |
MSC_SCSI_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
MSC_SCSI_Private_Defines | |
MSC_SCSI_Private_Macros | |
MSC_SCSI_Private_Variables | |
MSC_SCSI_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
MSC_SCSI_Private_Functions | |
►USBD_CORE | This file is the Header file for usbd_core.c file |
USBD_CORE_Exported_Defines | |
USBD_CORE_Exported_TypesDefinitions | |
USBD_CORE_Exported_Macros | |
USBD_CORE_Exported_Variables | |
USBD_CORE_Exported_FunctionsPrototype | |
USBD_CORE_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
USBD_CORE_Private_Defines | |
USBD_CORE_Private_Macros | |
USBD_CORE_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
USBD_CORE_Private_Variables | |
USBD_CORE_Private_Functions | |
►USB_DEF | General defines for the usb device library file |
USB_DEF_Exported_Defines | |
USBD_DEF_Exported_TypesDefinitions | |
USBD_DEF_Exported_Macros | |
USBD_DEF_Exported_Variables | |
USBD_DEF_Exported_FunctionsPrototype | |
►USBD_IOREQ | Header file for the usbd_ioreq.c file |
USBD_IOREQ_Exported_Defines | |
USBD_IOREQ_Exported_Types | |
USBD_IOREQ_Exported_Macros | |
USBD_IOREQ_Exported_Variables | |
USBD_IOREQ_Exported_FunctionsPrototype | |
USBD_IOREQ_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
USBD_IOREQ_Private_Defines | |
USBD_IOREQ_Private_Macros | |
USBD_IOREQ_Private_Variables | |
USBD_IOREQ_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
USBD_IOREQ_Private_Functions | |
►USBD_REQ | Header file for the usbd_ioreq.c file |
USBD_REQ_Exported_Defines | |
USBD_REQ_Exported_Types | |
USBD_REQ_Exported_Macros | |
USBD_REQ_Exported_Variables | |
USBD_REQ_Exported_FunctionsPrototype | |
USBD_REQ_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
USBD_REQ_Private_Defines | |
USBD_REQ_Private_Macros | |
USBD_REQ_Private_Variables | |
USBD_REQ_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
USBD_REQ_Private_Functions | |
►USBD_DESC | USBD descriptors module |
USBD_DESC_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
►USBD_DESC_Private_Defines | |
USB_String_Descriptors | |
USBD_DESC_Private_Macros | |
USBD_DESC_Private_Variables | |
USBD_DESC_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
USBD_DESC_Private_Functions | |
►USB_DESC | General defines for the usb device library file |
USB_DESC_Exported_Defines | |
USBD_DESC_Exported_TypesDefinitions | |
USBD_DESC_Exported_Macros | |
USBD_DESC_Exported_Variables | |
USBD_DESC_Exported_FunctionsPrototype | |
►USBD_MSC | This file is the Header file for USBD_msc.c |
USBD_BOT_Exported_Defines | |
USB_CORE_Exported_Types | |
►USBD_USR | This file is the Header file for usbd_usr.c |
USBD_USR_Exported_Types | |
USBD_USR_Exported_Defines | |
USBD_USR_Exported_Macros | |
USBD_USR_Exported_Variables | |
USBD_USR_Exported_FunctionsPrototype | |
►USB_BSP | This file is the |
USB_BSP_Exported_Defines | |
USB_BSP_Exported_Types | |
USB_BSP_Exported_Macros | |
USB_BSP_Exported_Variables | |
USB_BSP_Exported_FunctionsPrototype | |
USB_BSP_Private_Defines | |
USB_BSP_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
USB_BSP_Private_Macros | |
USBH_BSP_Private_Variables | |
USBH_BSP_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
USB_BSP_Private_Functions | |
►USB_CONF | USB low level driver configuration file |
►USB_CONF_Exported_Defines | |
USB_VCP_Class_Layer_Parameter | |
USB_CONF_Exported_Types | |
USB_CONF_Exported_Macros | |
USB_CONF_Exported_Variables | |
USB_CONF_Exported_FunctionsPrototype | |
USB_CONF_Exported_Types | |
USB_CONF_Exported_Macros | |
USB_CONF_Exported_Variables | |
USB_CONF_Exported_FunctionsPrototype | |
►USB_CORE | Usb otg driver core layer |
USB_CORE_Exported_Defines | |
USB_CORE_Exported_Types | |
USB_CORE_Exported_Macros | |
USB_CORE_Exported_Variables | |
USB_CORE_Exported_FunctionsPrototype | |
USB_CORE_Private_Defines | |
USB_CORE_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
USB_CORE_Private_Macros | |
USB_CORE_Private_Variables | |
USB_CORE_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
USB_CORE_Private_Functions | |
►USB_DCD | This file is the |
USB_DCD_Exported_Defines | |
USB_DCD_Exported_Types | |
USB_DCD_Exported_Macros | |
USB_DCD_Exported_Variables | |
USB_DCD_Exported_FunctionsPrototype | |
USB_DCD_Private_Defines | |
USB_DCD_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
USB_DCD_Private_Macros | |
USB_DCD_Private_Variables | |
USB_DCD_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
USB_DCD_Private_Functions | |
►USB_DCD_INT | This file is the |
USB_DCD_INT_Exported_Defines | |
USB_DCD_INT_Exported_Types | |
USB_DCD_INT_Exported_Macros | |
USB_DCD_INT_Exported_Variables | |
USB_DCD_INT_Exported_FunctionsPrototype | |
USB_DCD_INT_Private_Defines | |
USB_DCD_INT_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
USB_DCD_INT_Private_Macros | |
USB_DCD_INT_Private_Variables | |
USB_DCD_INT_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
USB_DCD_INT_Private_Functions | |
►USB_DEFINES | This file is the |
USB_DEFINES_Exported_Defines | |
_OnTheGo_DEFINES_ | |
USB_DEFINES_Exported_Types | |
USB_DEFINES_Exported_Macros | |
USB_DEFINES_Exported_Variables | |
USB_DEFINES_Exported_FunctionsPrototype | |
's | |
►USB_HCD | This file is the |
USB_HCD_Exported_Defines | |
USB_HCD_Exported_Types | |
USB_HCD_Exported_Macros | |
USB_HCD_Exported_Variables | |
USB_HCD_Exported_FunctionsPrototype | |
USB_HCD_Private_Defines | |
USB_HCD_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
USB_HCD_Private_Macros | |
USB_HCD_Private_Variables | |
USB_HCD_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
USB_HCD_Private_Functions | |
►USB_HCD_INT | This file is the |
USB_HCD_INT_Exported_Defines | |
USB_HCD_INT_Exported_Types | |
USB_HCD_INT_Exported_Macros | |
USB_HCD_INT_Exported_Variables | |
USB_HCD_INT_Exported_FunctionsPrototype | |
USB_HCD_INT_Private_Defines | |
USB_HCD_INT_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
USB_HCD_INT_Private_Macros | |
USB_HCD_INT_Private_Variables | |
USB_HCD_INT_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
USB_HCD_INT_Private_Functions | |
►USB_OTG | This file is the |
USB_OTG_Exported_Defines | |
USB_OTG_Exported_Types | |
USB_OTG_Exported_Macros | |
USB_OTG_Exported_Variables | |
USB_OTG_Exported_FunctionsPrototype | |
USB_OTG_Private_Defines | |
USB_OTG_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
USB_OTG_Private_Macros | |
USB_OTG_Private_Variables | |
USB_OTG_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
USB_OTG_Private_Functions | |
►USB_REGS | This file is the |
USB_REGS_Exported_Defines | |
►USB_REGS_Exported_Types | |
__USB_OTG_Core_register | |
__device_Registers | |
__IN_Endpoint-Specific_Register | |
__OUT_Endpoint-Specific_Registers | |
__Host_Mode_Register_Structures | |
__Host_Channel_Specific_Registers | |
__otg_Core_registers | |
USB_REGS_Exported_Macros | |
USB_REGS_Exported_Variables | |
USB_REGS_Exported_FunctionsPrototype | |
CMSIS CM3 Core Lint Configuration | |
►CM3 Core Definitions | |
►CMSIS CM3 Core Register | |
CMSIS CM3 SysTick | |
CMSIS CM3 Interrupt Type | |
CMSIS CM3 Core Debug | |
CMSIS CM3 Core Function Interface | |
CMSIS CM3 Core Debug Interface | |
►STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver | |
►MISC | MISC driver modules |
►MISC_Exported_Constants | |
MISC_Vector_Table_Base | |
MISC_System_Low_Power | |
MISC_Preemption_Priority_Group | |
MISC_SysTick_clock_source | |
Vector_Table_Base | |
System_Low_Power | |
Preemption_Priority_Group | |
SysTick_clock_source | |
MISC_Private_Functions | |
MISC_Exported_Types | |
NVIC_Priority_Table | |
MISC_Exported_Macros | |
MISC_Exported_Functions | |
MISC_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
MISC_Private_Defines | |
MISC_Private_Macros | |
MISC_Private_Variables | |
MISC_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►ADC | ADC driver modules |
►ADC_Exported_Constants | |
ADC_Common_mode | |
ADC_Prescaler | |
ADC_Direct_memory_access_mode_for_multi_mode | |
ADC_delay_between_2_sampling_phases | |
ADC_resolution | |
ADC_external_trigger_edge_for_regular_channels_conversion | |
ADC_extrenal_trigger_sources_for_regular_channels_conversion | |
ADC_data_align | |
ADC_channels | |
ADC_sampling_times | |
ADC_external_trigger_edge_for_injected_channels_conversion | |
ADC_extrenal_trigger_sources_for_injected_channels_conversion | |
ADC_injected_channel_selection | |
ADC_analog_watchdog_selection | |
ADC_interrupts_definition | |
ADC_flags_definition | |
ADC_thresholds | |
ADC_injected_offset | |
ADC_injected_length | |
ADC_injected_rank | |
ADC_regular_length | |
ADC_regular_rank | |
ADC_regular_discontinuous_mode_number | |
ADC_mode | |
ADC_external_trigger_sources_for_regular_channels_conversion | |
ADC_sampling_time | |
ADC_external_trigger_sources_for_injected_channels_conversion | |
ADC_ContinuousConvMode | |
ADC_OverunMode | |
ADC_AutoInjecMode | |
►ADC_external_trigger_edge_for_Injected_channels_conversion | |
ADC_external_trigger_sources_for_regular_channels_conversion | |
ADC_external_trigger_sources_for_Injected_channels_conversion | |
ADC_data_align | |
ADC_channels | |
ADC_mode | |
ADC_Clock | |
ADC_Direct_memory_access_mode_for_multi_mode | |
ADC_sampling_time | |
ADC_injected_Channel_selection | |
ADC_injected_Sequence_selection | |
ADC_analog_watchdog_selection | |
ADC_Calibration_Mode_definition | |
ADC_DMA_Mode_definition | |
ADC_interrupts_definition | |
ADC_flags_definition | |
ADC_Common_flags_definition | |
ADC_thresholds | |
ADC_injected_offset | |
ADC_injected_length | |
ADC_regular_length | |
ADC_regular_discontinuous_mode_number | |
ADC_two_sampling_delay_number | |
►ADC_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
Analog Watchdog configuration functions | Analog Watchdog configuration functions |
Temperature Sensor, Vrefint (Voltage Reference internal) | Temperature Sensor, Vrefint and VBAT management functions |
Regular Channels Configuration functions | Regular Channels Configuration functions |
Regular Channels DMA Configuration functions | Regular Channels DMA Configuration functions |
Injected channels Configuration functions | Injected channels Configuration functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
ADC_Exported_Types | |
ADC_Exported_Macros | |
ADC_Exported_Functions | |
ADC_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
ADC_Private_Defines | |
ADC_Private_Macros | |
ADC_Private_Variables | |
ADC_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►HRTIM_Exported_Constants | |
HRTIM_TimerIndex | Constants defining the timer indexes |
HRTIM_TimerIdentifier | Constants defining timer identifiers |
HRTIM_CompareUnit | Constants defining compare unit identifiers |
HRTIM_CaptureUnit | Constants defining capture unit identifiers |
HRTIM_TimerOutput | Constants defining timer output identifiers |
HRTIM_ADCTrigger | Constants defining ADC triggers identifiers |
HRTIM_ExternalEventChannels | Constants defining external event channel identifiers |
HRTIM_FaultChannel | Constants defining fault channel identifiers |
HRTIM_PrescalerRatio | Constants defining timer high-resolution clock prescaler ratio |
HRTIM_Mode | Constants defining timer counter operating mode |
HRTIM_HalfModeEnable | Constants defining half mode enabling status |
HRTIM_StartOnSyncInputEvent | Constants defining the timer behavior following the synchronization event |
HRTIM_ResetOnSyncInputEvent | Constants defining the timer behavior following the synchronization event |
HRTIM_DACSynchronization | Constants defining on which output the DAC synchronization event is sent |
HRTIM_RegisterPreloadEnable | Constants defining whether a write access into a preloadable register is done into the active or the preload register |
HRTIM_UpdateGating | Constants defining how the update occurs relatively to the burst DMA transaction and the external update request on update enable inputs 1 to 3 |
HRTIM_TimerBurstMode | Constants defining how the timer behaves during a burst mode operation |
HRTIM_TimerRepetitionUpdate | Constants defining whether registers are updated when the timer repetition period is completed (either due to roll-over or reset events) |
HRTIM_TimerPushPullMode | Constants defining whether or not the push-pull mode is enabled for a timer |
HRTIM_TimerFaultEnabling | Constants defining whether a faut channel is enabled for a timer |
HRTIM_TimerFaultLock | Constants defining whether or not fault enabling bits are write protected for a timer |
HRTIM_TimerDeadtimeInsertion | Constants defining whether or not fault the dead time insertion feature is enabled for a timer |
HRTIM_TimerDelayedProtectionMode | Constants defining all possible delayed protection modes for a timer. Also define the source and outputs on which the delayed protection schemes are applied |
HRTIM_TimerUpdateTrigger | Constants defining whether the registers update is done synchronously with any other timer or master update |
HRTIM_TimerResetTrigger | Constants defining the events that can be selected to trigger the reset of the timer counter |
HRTIM_TimerResetUpdate | Constants defining whether the register are updated upon Timerx counter reset or rollover to 0 after reaching the period value in continuous mode |
HRTIM_CompareUnitAutoDelayedMode | Constants defining whether the compare register is behaving in regular mode (compare match issued as soon as counter equal compare), or in auto-delayed mode |
HRTIM_BasicOCMode | Constants defining the behavior of the output signal when the timer operates in basic output compare mode |
HRTIM_OutputPolarity | Constants defining the polarity of a timer output |
HRTIM_OutputSetSource | Constants defining the events that can be selected to configure the set crossbar of a timer output |
HRTIM_OutputResetSource | Constants defining the events that can be selected to configure the set crossbar of a timer output |
HRTIM_OutputIdleMode | Constants defining whether or not the timer output transition to its IDLE state when burst mode is entered |
HRTIM_OutputIDLEState | Constants defining the IDLE state of a timer output |
HRTIM_OutputFAULTState | Constants defining the FAULT state of a timer output |
HRTIM_OutputChopperModeEnable | Constants defining whether or not chopper mode is enabled for a timer output |
HRTIM_OutputBurstModeEntryDelayed | Constants defining the idle mode entry is delayed by forcing a deadtime insertion before switching the outputs to their idle state |
HRTIM_CaptureUnitTrigger | Constants defining the events that can be selected to trigger the capture of the timing unit counter |
HRTIM_TimerExternalEventFilter | Constants defining the event filtering applied to external events by a timer |
HRTIM_TimerExternalEventLatch | Constants defining whether or not the external event is memorized (latched) and generated as soon as the blanking period is completed or the window ends |
HRTIM_DeadtimeRisingSign | Constants defining whether the deadtime is positive or negative (overlapping signal) on rising edge |
HRTIM_DeadtimeRisingLock | Constants defining whether or not the deadtime (rising sign and value) is write protected |
HRTIM_DeadtimeRisingSignLock | Constants defining whether or not the deadtime rising sign is write protected |
HRTIM_DeadtimeFallingSign | Constants defining whether the deadtime is positive or negative (overlapping signal) on falling edge |
HRTIM_DeadtimeFallingLock | Constants defining whether or not the deadtime (falling sign and value) is write protected |
HRTIM_DeadtimeFallingSignLock | Constants defining whether or not the deadtime falling sign is write protected |
HRTIM_SynchronizationInputSource | Constants defining defining the synchronization input source |
HRTIM_SynchronizationOutputSource | Constants defining the source and event to be sent on the synchronization outputs |
HRTIM_SynchronizationOutputPolarity | Constants defining the routing and conditioning of the synchronization output event |
HRTIM_ExternalEventSources | Constants defining available sources associated to external events |
HRTIM_ExternalEventPolarity | Constants defining the polarity of an external event |
HRTIM_ExternalEventSensitivity | Constants defining the sensitivity (level-sensitive or edge-sensitive) of an external event |
HRTIM_ExternalEventFastMode | Constants defining whether or not an external event is programmed in fast mode |
HRTIM_ExternalEventFilter | Constants defining the frequency used to sample an external event 6 input and the length (N) of the digital filter applied |
ExternalEventPrescaler | Constants defining division ratio between the timer clock frequency fHRTIM) and the external event signal sampling clock (fEEVS) used by the digital filters |
HRTIM_FaultSources | Constants defining whether a faults is be triggered by any external or internal fault source |
HRTIM_FaultPolarity | Constants defining the polarity of a fault event |
HRTIM_FaultFilter | |
HRTIM_FaultLock | Constants defining whether or not the fault programming bits are write protected |
HRTIM_ExternalFaultPrescaler | Constants defining the division ratio between the timer clock frequency (fHRTIM) and the fault signal sampling clock (fFLTS) used by the digital filters |
HRTIM_BurstModeOperatingmode | Constants defining if the burst mode is entered once or if it is continuously operating |
HRTIM_BurstModeClockSource | Constants defining the clock source for the burst mode counter |
HRTIM_BurstModePrescaler | Constants defining the prescaling ratio of the fHRTIM clock for the burst mode controller |
HRTIM_BurstModeRegisterPreloadEnable | Constants defining whether or not burst mode registers preload mechanism is enabled, i.e. a write access into a preloadable register (HRTIM_BMCMPR, HRTIM_BMPER) is done into the active or the preload register |
HRTIM_BurstModeTrigger | Constants defining the events that can be used tor trig the burst mode operation |
HRTIM_ADCTriggerUpdateSource | Constants defining the source triggering the update of the HRTIM_ADCxR register (transfer from preload to active register) |
HRTIM_ADCTriggerEvent | Constants defining the events triggering ADC conversion. HRTIM_ADCTRIGGEREVENT13_*: ADC Triggers 1 and 3 HRTIM_ADCTRIGGEREVENT24_*: ADC Triggers 2 and 4 |
HRTIM_DLLCalibrationRate | Constants defining the DLL calibration periods (in micro seconds) |
HRTIM_BurstDMARegistersUpdate | Constants defining the registers that can be written during a burst DMA operation |
HRTIM_BursttModeControl | Constants used to enable or disable the burst mode controller |
HRTIM_FaultModeControl | Constants used to enable or disable the Fault mode |
HRTIM_SoftwareTimerUpdate | Constants used to force timer registers update |
HRTIM_SoftwareTimerReset | Constants used to force timer counter reset |
HRTIM_OutputLevel | Constants defining the level of a timer output |
HRTIM_OutputState | Constants defining the state of a timer output |
HRTIM_BurstModeStatus | Constants defining the operating state of the burst mode controller |
HRTIM_CurrentPushPullStatus | Constants defining on which output the signal is currently applied in push-pull mode |
HRTIM_IdlePushPullStatus | Constants defining on which output the signal was applied, in push-pull mode balanced fault mode or delayed idle mode, when the protection was triggered |
HRTIM_CommonInterrupt | |
HRTIM_CommonFlag | |
►HRTIM_MasterInterrupt | |
HRTIM_MasterFlag | |
HRTIM_TimingUnitInterrupt | |
HRTIM_TimingUnitFlag | |
HRTIM_MasterDMARequest | |
HRTIM_TimingUnitDMARequest | |
HRTIM_Instancedefinition | |
►BKP | BKP driver modules |
BKP_Exported_Types | |
►BKP_Exported_Constants | |
Tamper_Pin_active_level | |
RTC_output_source_to_output_on_the_Tamper_pin | |
Data_Backup_Register | |
BKP_Exported_Macros | |
BKP_Exported_Functions | |
BKP_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
BKP_Private_Defines | |
BKP_Private_Macros | |
BKP_Private_Variables | |
BKP_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
BKP_Private_Functions | |
►CAN | CAN driver modules |
►CAN_Exported_Constants | |
CAN_InitStatus | |
CAN_operating_mode | |
CAN_operating_mode_status | |
CAN_synchronisation_jump_width | |
CAN_time_quantum_in_bit_segment_1 | |
CAN_time_quantum_in_bit_segment_2 | |
CAN_clock_prescaler | |
CAN_filter_number | |
CAN_filter_mode | |
CAN_filter_scale | |
CAN_filter_FIFO | |
CAN_Start_bank_filter_for_slave_CAN | |
CAN_Tx | |
CAN_identifier_type | |
CAN_remote_transmission_request | |
CAN_transmit_constants | |
CAN_receive_FIFO_number_constants | |
CAN_sleep_constants | |
CAN_wake_up_constants | |
CAN_Error_Code_constants | |
CAN_flags | |
CAN_interrupts | |
CAN_Mode | |
CAN_Operating_Mode | |
CAN_Mode_Status | |
Start_bank_filter_for_slave_CAN | |
CAN_Legacy | |
►CAN_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
CAN Frames Transmission functions | CAN Frames Transmission functions |
CAN Frames Reception functions | CAN Frames Reception functions |
CAN Operation modes functions | CAN Operation modes functions |
CAN Bus Error management functions | CAN Bus Error management functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
CAN_Exported_Types | |
CAN_Exported_Macros | |
CAN_Exported_Functions | |
CAN_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
CAN_Private_Defines | |
CAN_Private_Macros | |
CAN_Private_Variables | |
CAN_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►CEC | CEC driver modules |
CEC_Exported_Types | |
►CEC_Exported_Constants | |
CEC_BitTiming_Mode | |
CEC_BitPeriod_Mode | |
CEC_interrupts_definition | |
CEC_Own_Address | |
CEC_Prescaler | |
CEC_flags_definition | |
CEC_Exported_Macros | |
CEC_Exported_Functions | |
CEC_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
CEC_Private_Defines | |
CEC_Private_Macros | |
CEC_Private_Variables | |
CEC_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
CEC_Private_Functions | |
►CRC | CRC driver modules |
CRC_Exported_Constants | |
►CRC_Private_Functions | |
Configuration of the CRC computation unit functions | Configuration of the CRC computation unit functions |
CRC computation of one/many 32-bit data functions | CRC computation of one/many 32-bit data functions |
CRC Independent Register (IDR) access functions | CRC Independent Register (IDR) access (write/read) functions |
CRC_Exported_Types | |
CRC_Exported_Macros | |
CRC_Exported_Functions | |
CRC_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
CRC_Private_Defines | |
CRC_Private_Macros | |
CRC_Private_Variables | |
CRC_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
CRC_ReverseInputData | |
CRC_PolynomialSize | |
►DAC | DAC driver modules |
►DAC_Exported_Constants | |
DAC_trigger_selection | |
DAC_wave_generation | |
DAC_lfsrunmask_triangleamplitude | |
DAC_output_buffer | |
DAC_Channel_selection | |
DAC_data_alignement | |
DAC_data | |
DAC_interrupts_definition | |
DAC_flags_definition | |
DAC_data_alignment | |
DAC_buffer_switch | |
►DAC_Private_Functions | |
DAC channels configuration | DAC channels configuration: trigger, output buffer, data format |
DMA management functions | DMA management functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
DAC_Exported_Types | |
DAC_Exported_Macros | |
DAC_Exported_Functions | |
DAC_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
DAC_Private_Defines | |
DAC_Private_Macros | |
DAC_Private_Variables | |
DAC_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►DBGMCU | DBGMCU driver modules |
DBGMCU_Exported_Constants | |
►DBGMCU_Private_Functions | |
Device and Revision ID management functions | Device and Revision ID management functions |
Peripherals Configuration functions | Peripherals Configuration |
DBGMCU_Exported_Types | |
DBGMCU_Exported_Macros | |
DBGMCU_Exported_Functions | |
DBGMCU_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
DBGMCU_Private_Defines | |
DBGMCU_Private_Macros | |
DBGMCU_Private_Variables | |
DBGMCU_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►DMA | DMA driver modules |
►DMA_Exported_Constants | |
DMA_channel | |
DMA_data_transfer_direction | |
DMA_data_buffer_size | |
DMA_peripheral_incremented_mode | |
DMA_memory_incremented_mode | |
DMA_peripheral_data_size | |
DMA_memory_data_size | |
DMA_circular_normal_mode | |
DMA_priority_level | |
DMA_fifo_direct_mode | |
DMA_fifo_threshold_level | |
DMA_memory_burst | |
DMA_peripheral_burst | |
DMA_fifo_status_level | |
DMA_flags_definition | |
DMA_interrupt_enable_definitions | |
DMA_interrupts_definitions | |
DMA_peripheral_increment_offset | |
DMA_flow_controller_definitions | |
DMA_memory_targets_definitions | |
DMA_memory_to_memory | |
DMA_interrupts_definition | |
DMA_Buffer_Size | |
►DMA_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
Data Counter functions | Data Counter functions |
Double Buffer mode functions | Double Buffer mode functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
DMA_Exported_Types | |
DMA_Exported_Macros | |
DMA_Exported_Functions | |
DMA_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
DMA_Private_Defines | |
DMA_Private_Macros | |
DMA_Private_Variables | |
DMA_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►EXTI | EXTI driver modules |
►EXTI_Exported_Constants | |
EXTI_Lines | |
►EXTI_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
EXTI_Exported_Types | |
EXTI_Exported_Macros | |
EXTI_Exported_Functions | |
EXTI_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
EXTI_Private_Defines | |
EXTI_Private_Macros | |
EXTI_Private_Variables | |
EXTI_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►FLASH | FLASH driver modules |
►FLASH_Exported_Constants | |
Flash_Latency | |
FLASH_Voltage_Range | |
FLASH_Sectors | |
Option_Bytes_Write_Protection | |
FLASH_Option_Bytes_Read_Protection | |
FLASH_Option_Bytes_IWatchdog | |
FLASH_Option_Bytes_nRST_STOP | |
FLASH_Option_Bytes_nRST_STDBY | |
FLASH_BOR_Reset_Level | |
FLASH_Interrupts | |
FLASH_Flags | |
FLASH_Program_Parallelism | |
FLASH_Keys | |
Half_Cycle_Enable_Disable | |
Prefetch_Buffer_Enable_Disable | |
Option_Bytes_IWatchdog | |
Option_Bytes_nRST_STOP | |
Option_Bytes_nRST_STDBY | |
FLASH_Address | |
Option_Bytes_Read_Protection | |
Option_Bytes_BOOT1 | |
Option_Bytes_VDDA_Analog_Monitoring | |
FLASH_Option_Bytes_SRAM_Parity_Enable | |
Timeout_definition | |
►FLASH_Private_Functions | |
FLASH Interface configuration functions | FLASH Interface configuration functions |
FLASH Memory Programming functions | FLASH Memory Programming functions |
Option Bytes Programming functions | Option Bytes Programming functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
FLASH_Exported_Types | |
FLASH_Exported_Macros | |
FLASH_Exported_Functions | |
FLASH_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
FLASH_Private_Defines | |
FLASH_Private_Macros | |
FLASH_Private_Variables | |
FLASH_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►FSMC | FSMC driver modules |
►FSMC_Exported_Constants | |
FSMC_NAND_Bank | |
►FSMC_NOR_SRAM_Controller | |
FSMC_Data_Address_Bus_Multiplexing | |
FSMC_Memory_Type | |
FSMC_Data_Width | |
FSMC_Burst_Access_Mode | |
FSMC_AsynchronousWait | |
FSMC_Wait_Signal_Polarity | |
FSMC_Wrap_Mode | |
FSMC_Wait_Timing | |
FSMC_Write_Operation | |
FSMC_Wait_Signal | |
FSMC_Extended_Mode | |
FSMC_Write_Burst | |
FSMC_Address_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_Address_Hold_Time | |
FSMC_Data_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_Bus_Turn_around_Duration | |
FSMC_CLK_Division | |
FSMC_Data_Latency | |
FSMC_Access_Mode | |
►FSMC_NAND_PCCARD_Controller | |
FSMC_Wait_feature | |
FSMC_ECC_Page_Size | |
FSMC_TCLR_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_TAR_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_Wait_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_Hold_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_HiZ_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_Interrupt_sources | |
FSMC_Flags | |
►NOR_SRAM_Controller | |
FSMC_Data_Address_Bus_Multiplexing | |
FSMC_Memory_Type | |
FSMC_Data_Width | |
FSMC_Burst_Access_Mode | |
FSMC_AsynchronousWait | |
FSMC_Wait_Signal_Polarity | |
FSMC_Wrap_Mode | |
FSMC_Wait_Timing | |
FSMC_Write_Operation | |
FSMC_Wait_Signal | |
FSMC_Extended_Mode | |
FSMC_Write_Burst | |
FSMC_Address_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_Address_Hold_Time | |
FSMC_Data_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_Bus_Turn_around_Duration | |
FSMC_CLK_Division | |
FSMC_Data_Latency | |
FSMC_Access_Mode | |
►NAND_PCCARD_Controller | |
FSMC_Wait_feature | |
FSMC_ECC_Page_Size | |
FSMC_TCLR_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_TAR_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_Wait_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_Hold_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_HiZ_Setup_Time | |
FSMC_Interrupt_sources | |
FSMC_Flags | |
►FSMC_Private_Functions | |
NOR/SRAM Controller functions | NOR/SRAM Controller functions |
NAND Controller functions | NAND Controller functions |
PCCARD Controller functions | PCCARD Controller functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
FSMC_Exported_Types | |
FSMC_Exported_Macros | |
FSMC_Exported_Functions | |
FSMC_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
FSMC_Private_Defines | |
FSMC_Private_Macros | |
FSMC_Private_Variables | |
FSMC_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►GPIO | GPIO driver modules |
►GPIO_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration | Initialization and Configuration |
GPIO Read and Write | GPIO Read and Write |
GPIO Alternate functions configuration function | GPIO Alternate functions configuration function |
►GPIO_Exported_Constants | |
GPIO_pins_define | |
GPIO_Pin_sources | |
GPIO_Alternat_function_selection_define | |
GPIO_Legacy | |
GPIO_Remap_define | |
GPIO_Port_Sources | |
Ethernet_Media_Interface | |
GPIO_Alternate_function_selection_define | |
GPIO_Speed_Legacy | |
GPIO_Exported_Types | |
GPIO_Exported_Macros | |
GPIO_Exported_Functions | |
GPIO_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
GPIO_Private_Defines | |
GPIO_Private_Macros | |
GPIO_Private_Variables | |
GPIO_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
Configuration_Mode_enumeration | |
Output_type_enumeration | |
Output_Maximum_frequency_enumeration | |
Configuration_Pull-Up_Pull-Down_enumeration | |
Bit_SET_and_Bit_RESET_enumeration | |
►I2C | I2C driver modules |
►I2C_Exported_Constants | |
I2C_Digital_Filter | |
I2C_mode | |
I2C_duty_cycle_in_fast_mode | |
I2C_acknowledgement | |
I2C_transfer_direction | |
I2C_acknowledged_address | |
I2C_registers | |
I2C_NACK_position | |
I2C_SMBus_alert_pin_level | |
I2C_PEC_position | |
I2C_interrupts_definition | |
I2C_flags_definition | |
I2C_Events | |
I2C_own_address1 | |
I2C_clock_speed | |
I2C_NCAK_position | |
I2C_Analog_Filter | |
I2C_DMA_transfer_requests | |
I2C_slave_address | |
I2C_own_address2 | |
I2C_own_address2_mask | |
I2C_timeout | |
I2C_ReloadEndMode_definition | |
I2C_StartStopMode_definition | |
►I2C_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
Data transfers functions | Data transfers functions |
PEC management functions | PEC management functions |
DMA transfers management functions | DMA transfers management functions |
Interrupts events and flags management functions | Interrupts, events and flags management functions |
DMA transfers management functions | DMA transfers management functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
I2C_Exported_Types | |
I2C_Exported_Macros | |
I2C_Exported_Functions | |
I2C_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
I2C_Private_Defines | |
I2C_Private_Macros | |
I2C_Private_Variables | |
I2C_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►IWDG | IWDG driver modules |
►IWDG_Exported_Constants | |
IWDG_WriteAccess | |
IWDG_prescaler | |
IWDG_Flag | |
IWDG_Reload_Value | |
IWDG_CounterWindow_Value | |
►IWDG_Private_Functions | |
Prescaler and Counter configuration functions | Prescaler and Counter configuration functions |
IWDG activation function | IWDG activation function |
Flag management function | Flag management function |
IWDG_Exported_Types | |
IWDG_Exported_Macros | |
IWDG_Exported_Functions | |
IWDG_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
IWDG_Private_Defines | |
IWDG_Private_Macros | |
IWDG_Private_Variables | |
IWDG_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►PWR | PWR driver modules |
►PWR_Exported_Constants | |
PWR_PVD_detection_level | |
PWR_Regulator_state_in_STOP_mode | |
►PWR_STOP_mode_entry | |
PWR_Regulator_Voltage_Scale | |
►PWR_Flag | |
PWR_Flag_Legacy | |
PVD_detection_level | |
Regulator_state_is_STOP_mode | |
STOP_mode_entry | |
PWR_WakeUp_Pins | |
PWR_Regulator_state_is_Sleep_STOP_mode | |
PWR_SLEEP_mode_entry | |
►PWR_Private_Functions | |
Backup Domain Access function | Backup Domain Access function |
PVD configuration functions | PVD configuration functions |
WakeUp pin configuration functions | WakeUp pin configuration functions |
Main and Backup Regulators configuration functions | Main and Backup Regulators configuration functions |
FLASH Power Down configuration functions | FLASH Power Down configuration functions |
Low Power modes configuration functions | Low Power modes configuration functions |
Flags management functions | Flags management functions |
PWR_Exported_Types | |
PWR_Exported_Macros | |
PWR_Exported_Functions | |
PWR_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
PWR_Private_Defines | |
PWR_Private_Macros | |
PWR_Private_Variables | |
PWR_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►RCC | RCC driver modules |
►RCC_Private_Functions | |
Internal and external clocks, PLL, CSS and MCO configuration functions | Internal and external clocks, PLL, CSS and MCO configuration functions |
System AHB and APB busses clocks configuration functions | System, AHB and APB busses clocks configuration functions |
Peripheral clocks configuration functions | Peripheral clocks configuration functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
►RCC_Exported_Constants | |
RCC_HSE_configuration | |
RCC_LSE_Dual_Mode_Selection | |
RCC_PLLSAIDivR_Factor | |
RCC_PLL_Clock_Source | |
RCC_System_Clock_Source | |
RCC_AHB_Clock_Source | |
RCC_APB1_APB2_Clock_Source | |
RCC_Interrupt_Source | |
RCC_LSE_Configuration | |
RCC_RTC_Clock_Source | |
RCC_TIM_PRescaler_Selection | |
RCC_AHB1_Peripherals | |
RCC_AHB2_Peripherals | |
RCC_AHB3_Peripherals | |
RCC_APB1_Peripherals | |
RCC_APB2_Peripherals | |
RCC_MCO1_Clock_Source_Prescaler | |
RCC_MCO2_Clock_Source_Prescaler | |
RCC_Flag | |
►RCC_I2S_Clock_Source | |
RCC_LSE_Drive_Configuration | |
RCC_AHB_Peripherals | |
RCC_APB2_Peripherals | |
RCC_APB1_Peripherals | |
RCC_MCO_Clock_Source | |
RCC_MCOPrescaler | |
RCC_USB_Device_clock_source | |
RCC_Flag | |
HSE_configuration | |
PLL_entry_clock_source | |
PLL_multiplication_factor | |
PREDIV1_division_factor | |
PREDIV1_clock_source | |
System_clock_source | |
AHB_clock_source | |
APB1_APB2_clock_source | |
RCC_Interrupt_source | |
USB_Device_clock_source | |
ADC_clock_source | |
LSE_configuration | |
RTC_clock_source | |
AHB_peripheral | |
APB2_peripheral | |
APB1_peripheral | |
Clock_source_to_output_on_MCO_pin | |
RCC_PLL_Multiplication_Factor | |
RCC_PREDIV1_division_factor | |
RCC_APB1_APB2_clock_source | |
RCC_ADC_clock_source | |
RCC_TIM_clock_source | |
RCC_HRTIM_clock_source | |
RCC_I2C_clock_source | |
RCC_USART_clock_source | |
RCC_LSE_configuration | |
RCC_Exported_Types | |
RCC_Exported_Macros | |
RCC_Exported_Functions | |
RCC_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
RCC_Private_Defines | |
RCC_Private_Macros | |
RCC_Private_Variables | |
RCC_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►RTC | RTC driver modules |
►RTC_Exported_Constants | |
RTC_Hour_Formats | |
RTC_Asynchronous_Predivider | |
RTC_Synchronous_Predivider | |
RTC_Time_Definitions | |
RTC_AM_PM_Definitions | |
RTC_Year_Date_Definitions | |
RTC_Month_Date_Definitions | |
RTC_WeekDay_Definitions | |
RTC_Alarm_Definitions | |
RTC_AlarmDateWeekDay_Definitions | |
RTC_AlarmMask_Definitions | |
RTC_Alarms_Definitions | |
RTC_Alarm_Sub_Seconds_Masks_Definitions | |
RTC_Alarm_Sub_Seconds_Value | |
RTC_Wakeup_Timer_Definitions | |
RTC_Time_Stamp_Edges_definitions | |
RTC_Output_selection_Definitions | |
RTC_Output_Polarity_Definitions | |
RTC_Digital_Calibration_Definitions | |
RTC_Calib_Output_selection_Definitions | |
RTC_Smooth_calib_period_Definitions | |
RTC_Smooth_calib_Plus_pulses_Definitions | |
RTC_Smooth_calib_Minus_pulses_Definitions | |
RTC_DayLightSaving_Definitions | |
RTC_Tamper_Trigger_Definitions | |
RTC_Tamper_Filter_Definitions | |
RTC_Tamper_Sampling_Frequencies_Definitions | |
RTC_Tamper_Pin_Precharge_Duration_Definitions | |
RTC_Tamper_Pins_Definitions | |
RTC_Tamper_Pin_Selection | |
RTC_TimeStamp_Pin_Selection | |
RTC_Output_Type_ALARM_OUT | |
RTC_Add_1_Second_Parameter_Definitions | |
RTC_Substract_Fraction_Of_Second_Value | |
RTC_Backup_Registers_Definitions | |
RTC_Input_parameter_format_definitions | |
RTC_Flags_Definitions | |
RTC_Interrupts_Definitions | |
RTC_Legacy | |
RTC_interrupts_define | |
RTC_interrupts_flags | |
►RTC_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
Time and Date configuration functions | Time and Date configuration functions |
Alarms configuration functions | Alarms (Alarm A and Alarm B) configuration functions |
WakeUp Timer configuration functions | WakeUp Timer configuration functions |
Daylight Saving configuration functions | Daylight Saving configuration functions |
Output pin Configuration function | Output pin Configuration function |
Digital Calibration configuration functions | Coarse Calibration configuration functions |
TimeStamp configuration functions | TimeStamp configuration functions |
Tampers configuration functions | Tampers configuration functions |
Backup Data Registers configuration functions | Backup Data Registers configuration functions |
RTC Tamper and TimeStamp Pins Selection and Output Type Config configuration functions | RTC Tamper and TimeStamp Pins Selection and Output Type Config configuration functions |
Shift control synchronisation functions | Shift control synchronisation functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
RTC_Exported_Types | |
RTC_Exported_Macros | |
RTC_Exported_Functions | |
RTC_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
RTC_Private_Defines | |
RTC_Private_Macros | |
RTC_Private_Variables | |
RTC_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►SDIO | SDIO driver modules |
►SDIO_Exported_Constants | |
SDIO_Clock_Edge | |
SDIO_Clock_Bypass | |
SDIO_Clock_Power_Save | |
SDIO_Bus_Wide | |
SDIO_Hardware_Flow_Control | |
SDIO_Power_State | |
SDIO_Interrupt_sources | |
SDIO_Command_Index | |
SDIO_Response_Type | |
SDIO_Wait_Interrupt_State | |
SDIO_CPSM_State | |
SDIO_Response_Registers | |
SDIO_Data_Length | |
SDIO_Data_Block_Size | |
SDIO_Transfer_Direction | |
SDIO_Transfer_Type | |
SDIO_DPSM_State | |
SDIO_Flags | |
SDIO_Read_Wait_Mode | |
►SDIO_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
Command path state machine (CPSM) management functions | Command path state machine (CPSM) management functions |
Data path state machine (DPSM) management functions | Data path state machine (DPSM) management functions |
SDIO IO Cards mode management functions | SDIO IO Cards mode management functions |
CE-ATA mode management functions | CE-ATA mode management functions |
DMA transfers management functions | DMA transfers management functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
SDIO_Exported_Types | |
SDIO_Exported_Macros | |
SDIO_Exported_Functions | |
SDIO_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
SDIO_Private_Defines | |
SDIO_Private_Macros | |
SDIO_Private_Variables | |
SDIO_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►SPI | SPI driver modules |
►SPI_Exported_Constants | |
SPI_data_direction | |
SPI_mode | |
SPI_data_size | |
SPI_Clock_Polarity | |
SPI_Clock_Phase | |
SPI_Slave_Select_management | |
SPI_BaudRate_Prescaler | |
SPI_MSB_LSB_transmission | |
SPI_I2S_Mode | |
SPI_I2S_Standard | |
SPI_I2S_Data_Format | |
SPI_I2S_MCLK_Output | |
SPI_I2S_Audio_Frequency | |
SPI_I2S_Clock_Polarity | |
SPI_I2S_DMA_transfer_requests | |
SPI_NSS_internal_software_management | |
SPI_CRC_Transmit_Receive | |
SPI_direction_transmit_receive | |
SPI_I2S_interrupts_definition | |
SPI_I2S_flags_definition | |
SPI_CRC_polynomial | |
SPI_I2S_Legacy | |
I2S_Mode | |
I2S_Standard | |
I2S_Data_Format | |
I2S_MCLK_Output | |
I2S_Audio_Frequency | |
I2S_Clock_Polarity | |
SPI_CRC_length | |
SPI_FIFO_reception_threshold | |
SPI_last_DMA_transfers | |
SPI_transmission_fifo_status_level | |
SPI_reception_fifo_status_level | |
►SPI_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
Data transfers functions | Data transfers functions |
Hardware CRC Calculation functions | Hardware CRC Calculation functions |
DMA transfers management functions | DMA transfers management functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
SPI_Exported_Types | |
SPI_Exported_Macros | |
SPI_Exported_Functions | |
SPI_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
SPI_Private_Defines | |
SPI_Private_Macros | |
SPI_Private_Variables | |
SPI_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►TIM | TIM driver modules |
►TIM_Exported_constants | |
TIM_Output_Compare_and_PWM_modes | |
TIM_One_Pulse_Mode | |
TIM_Channel | |
TIM_Clock_Division_CKD | |
TIM_Counter_Mode | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Polarity | |
TIM_Output_Compare_N_Polarity | |
TIM_Output_Compare_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_N_State | |
TIM_Capture_Compare_State | |
TIM_Capture_Compare_N_State | |
TIM_Break_Input_enable_disable | |
TIM_Break_Polarity | |
TIM_AOE_Bit_Set_Reset | |
TIM_Lock_level | |
TIM_OSSI_Off_State_Selection_for_Idle_mode_state | |
TIM_OSSR_Off_State_Selection_for_Run_mode_state | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Idle_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_N_Idle_State | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Polarity | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Selection | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Prescaler | |
TIM_interrupt_sources | |
TIM_DMA_Base_address | |
TIM_DMA_Burst_Length | |
TIM_DMA_sources | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Prescaler | |
TIM_Internal_Trigger_Selection | |
TIM_TIx_External_Clock_Source | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Polarity | |
TIM_Prescaler_Reload_Mode | |
TIM_Forced_Action | |
TIM_Encoder_Mode | |
TIM_Event_Source | |
TIM_Update_Source | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Preload_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Fast_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Clear_State | |
TIM_Trigger_Output_Source | |
TIM_Slave_Mode | |
TIM_Master_Slave_Mode | |
TIM_Remap | |
TIM_Flags | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Filer_Value | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Filter | |
TIM_Legacy | |
TIM_Break1_Input_enable_disable | |
TIM_Break2_Input_enable_disable | |
TIM_Break1_Polarity | |
TIM_Break2_Polarity | |
TIM_Break1_Filter | |
TIM_Break2_Filter | |
►TIM_OCReferenceClear | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Filer_Value | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Filter | |
TIM_Legacy | |
►TIM_Private_Functions | |
TimeBase management functions | TimeBase management functions |
Output Compare management functions | Output Compare management functions |
Input Capture management functions | Input Capture management functions |
Advanced-control timers (TIM1 and TIM8) specific features | Advanced-control timers (TIM1 and TIM8) specific features |
Interrupts DMA and flags management functions | Interrupts, DMA and flags management functions |
Clocks management functions | Clocks management functions |
Synchronization management functions | Synchronization management functions |
Specific interface management functions | Specific interface management functions |
Specific remapping management function | Specific remapping management function |
►TIM_Exported_Types | |
►TIM_Exported_constants | |
TIM_Output_Compare_and_PWM_modes | |
TIM_One_Pulse_Mode | |
TIM_Channel | |
TIM_Clock_Division_CKD | |
TIM_Counter_Mode | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Polarity | |
TIM_Output_Compare_N_Polarity | |
TIM_Output_Compare_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_N_State | |
TIM_Capture_Compare_State | |
TIM_Capture_Compare_N_State | |
TIM_Break_Input_enable_disable | |
TIM_Break_Polarity | |
TIM_AOE_Bit_Set_Reset | |
TIM_Lock_level | |
TIM_OSSI_Off_State_Selection_for_Idle_mode_state | |
TIM_OSSR_Off_State_Selection_for_Run_mode_state | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Idle_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_N_Idle_State | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Polarity | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Selection | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Prescaler | |
TIM_interrupt_sources | |
TIM_DMA_Base_address | |
TIM_DMA_Burst_Length | |
TIM_DMA_sources | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Prescaler | |
TIM_Internal_Trigger_Selection | |
TIM_TIx_External_Clock_Source | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Polarity | |
TIM_Prescaler_Reload_Mode | |
TIM_Forced_Action | |
TIM_Encoder_Mode | |
TIM_Event_Source | |
TIM_Update_Source | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Preload_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Fast_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Clear_State | |
TIM_Trigger_Output_Source | |
TIM_Slave_Mode | |
TIM_Master_Slave_Mode | |
TIM_Remap | |
TIM_Flags | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Filer_Value | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Filter | |
TIM_Legacy | |
TIM_Break1_Input_enable_disable | |
TIM_Break2_Input_enable_disable | |
TIM_Break1_Polarity | |
TIM_Break2_Polarity | |
TIM_Break1_Filter | |
TIM_Break2_Filter | |
►TIM_OCReferenceClear | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Filer_Value | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Filter | |
TIM_Legacy | |
TIM_Output_Compare_state | |
TIM_Output_Compare_N_state | |
TIM_Capture_Compare_state | |
TIM_Capture_Compare_N_state | |
Break_Input_enable_disable | |
Break_Polarity | |
Lock_level | |
OSSI_Off_State_Selection_for_Idle_mode_state | |
OSSR_Off_State_Selection_for_Run_mode_state | |
TIM_Exported_Macros | |
TIM_Exported_Functions | |
TIM_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
TIM_Private_Defines | |
TIM_Private_Macros | |
TIM_Private_Variables | |
TIM_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►USART | USART driver modules |
►USART_Exported_Constants | |
USART_Word_Length | |
USART_Stop_Bits | |
USART_Parity | |
USART_Mode | |
USART_Hardware_Flow_Control | |
USART_Clock | |
USART_Clock_Polarity | |
USART_Clock_Phase | |
USART_Last_Bit | |
►USART_Interrupt_definition | USART Interrupt definition USART_IT possible values Elements values convention: 0xZZZZYYXX XX: Position of the corresponding Interrupt YY: Register index ZZZZ: Flag position |
USART_Legacy | |
USART_DMA_Requests | |
USART_WakeUp_methods | |
USART_LIN_Break_Detection_Length | |
USART_IrDA_Low_Power | |
USART_Flags | |
USART_DMA_Recception_Error | |
USART_MuteMode_WakeUp_methods | |
USART_Address_Detection | |
USART_StopMode_WakeUp_methods | |
USART_DE_Polarity | |
USART_Inversion_Pins | |
USART_AutoBaudRate_Mode | |
USART_Request | |
USART_Global_definition | |
►USART_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
Data transfers functions | Data transfers functions |
MultiProcessor Communication functions | Multi-Processor Communication functions |
LIN mode functions | LIN mode functions |
Halfduplex mode function | Half-duplex mode function |
Smartcard mode functions | Smartcard mode functions |
IrDA mode functions | IrDA mode functions |
DMA transfers management functions | DMA transfers management functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
RS485 mode function | RS485 mode function |
DMA transfers management functions | DMA transfers management functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
USART_Exported_Types | |
USART_Exported_Macros | |
USART_Exported_Functions | |
USART_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
USART_Private_Defines | |
USART_Private_Macros | |
USART_Private_Variables | |
USART_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►WWDG | WWDG driver modules |
►WWDG_Exported_Constants | |
WWDG_Prescaler | |
►WWDG_Private_Functions | |
Prescaler, Refresh window and Counter configuration functions | Prescaler, Refresh window and Counter configuration functions |
WWDG activation functions | WWDG activation functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
WWDG_Exported_Types | |
WWDG_Exported_Macros | |
WWDG_Exported_Functions | |
WWDG_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
WWDG_Private_Defines | |
WWDG_Private_Macros | |
WWDG_Private_Variables | |
WWDG_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►STM32F30x_StdPeriph_Driver | |
►ADC | ADC driver modules |
►ADC_Exported_Constants | |
ADC_Common_mode | |
ADC_Prescaler | |
ADC_Direct_memory_access_mode_for_multi_mode | |
ADC_delay_between_2_sampling_phases | |
ADC_resolution | |
ADC_external_trigger_edge_for_regular_channels_conversion | |
ADC_extrenal_trigger_sources_for_regular_channels_conversion | |
ADC_data_align | |
ADC_channels | |
ADC_sampling_times | |
ADC_external_trigger_edge_for_injected_channels_conversion | |
ADC_extrenal_trigger_sources_for_injected_channels_conversion | |
ADC_injected_channel_selection | |
ADC_analog_watchdog_selection | |
ADC_interrupts_definition | |
ADC_flags_definition | |
ADC_thresholds | |
ADC_injected_offset | |
ADC_injected_length | |
ADC_injected_rank | |
ADC_regular_length | |
ADC_regular_rank | |
ADC_regular_discontinuous_mode_number | |
ADC_mode | |
ADC_external_trigger_sources_for_regular_channels_conversion | |
ADC_sampling_time | |
ADC_external_trigger_sources_for_injected_channels_conversion | |
ADC_ContinuousConvMode | |
ADC_OverunMode | |
ADC_AutoInjecMode | |
►ADC_external_trigger_edge_for_Injected_channels_conversion | |
ADC_external_trigger_sources_for_regular_channels_conversion | |
ADC_external_trigger_sources_for_Injected_channels_conversion | |
ADC_data_align | |
ADC_channels | |
ADC_mode | |
ADC_Clock | |
ADC_Direct_memory_access_mode_for_multi_mode | |
ADC_sampling_time | |
ADC_injected_Channel_selection | |
ADC_injected_Sequence_selection | |
ADC_analog_watchdog_selection | |
ADC_Calibration_Mode_definition | |
ADC_DMA_Mode_definition | |
ADC_interrupts_definition | |
ADC_flags_definition | |
ADC_Common_flags_definition | |
ADC_thresholds | |
ADC_injected_offset | |
ADC_injected_length | |
ADC_regular_length | |
ADC_regular_discontinuous_mode_number | |
ADC_two_sampling_delay_number | |
►ADC_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
Analog Watchdog configuration functions | Analog Watchdog configuration functions |
Temperature Sensor, Vrefint (Voltage Reference internal) | Temperature Sensor, Vrefint and VBAT management functions |
Regular Channels Configuration functions | Regular Channels Configuration functions |
Regular Channels DMA Configuration functions | Regular Channels DMA Configuration functions |
Injected channels Configuration functions | Injected channels Configuration functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
ADC_Exported_Types | |
ADC_Exported_Macros | |
ADC_Exported_Functions | |
ADC_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
ADC_Private_Defines | |
ADC_Private_Macros | |
ADC_Private_Variables | |
ADC_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►HRTIM_Exported_Constants | |
HRTIM_TimerIndex | Constants defining the timer indexes |
HRTIM_TimerIdentifier | Constants defining timer identifiers |
HRTIM_CompareUnit | Constants defining compare unit identifiers |
HRTIM_CaptureUnit | Constants defining capture unit identifiers |
HRTIM_TimerOutput | Constants defining timer output identifiers |
HRTIM_ADCTrigger | Constants defining ADC triggers identifiers |
HRTIM_ExternalEventChannels | Constants defining external event channel identifiers |
HRTIM_FaultChannel | Constants defining fault channel identifiers |
HRTIM_PrescalerRatio | Constants defining timer high-resolution clock prescaler ratio |
HRTIM_Mode | Constants defining timer counter operating mode |
HRTIM_HalfModeEnable | Constants defining half mode enabling status |
HRTIM_StartOnSyncInputEvent | Constants defining the timer behavior following the synchronization event |
HRTIM_ResetOnSyncInputEvent | Constants defining the timer behavior following the synchronization event |
HRTIM_DACSynchronization | Constants defining on which output the DAC synchronization event is sent |
HRTIM_RegisterPreloadEnable | Constants defining whether a write access into a preloadable register is done into the active or the preload register |
HRTIM_UpdateGating | Constants defining how the update occurs relatively to the burst DMA transaction and the external update request on update enable inputs 1 to 3 |
HRTIM_TimerBurstMode | Constants defining how the timer behaves during a burst mode operation |
HRTIM_TimerRepetitionUpdate | Constants defining whether registers are updated when the timer repetition period is completed (either due to roll-over or reset events) |
HRTIM_TimerPushPullMode | Constants defining whether or not the push-pull mode is enabled for a timer |
HRTIM_TimerFaultEnabling | Constants defining whether a faut channel is enabled for a timer |
HRTIM_TimerFaultLock | Constants defining whether or not fault enabling bits are write protected for a timer |
HRTIM_TimerDeadtimeInsertion | Constants defining whether or not fault the dead time insertion feature is enabled for a timer |
HRTIM_TimerDelayedProtectionMode | Constants defining all possible delayed protection modes for a timer. Also define the source and outputs on which the delayed protection schemes are applied |
HRTIM_TimerUpdateTrigger | Constants defining whether the registers update is done synchronously with any other timer or master update |
HRTIM_TimerResetTrigger | Constants defining the events that can be selected to trigger the reset of the timer counter |
HRTIM_TimerResetUpdate | Constants defining whether the register are updated upon Timerx counter reset or rollover to 0 after reaching the period value in continuous mode |
HRTIM_CompareUnitAutoDelayedMode | Constants defining whether the compare register is behaving in regular mode (compare match issued as soon as counter equal compare), or in auto-delayed mode |
HRTIM_BasicOCMode | Constants defining the behavior of the output signal when the timer operates in basic output compare mode |
HRTIM_OutputPolarity | Constants defining the polarity of a timer output |
HRTIM_OutputSetSource | Constants defining the events that can be selected to configure the set crossbar of a timer output |
HRTIM_OutputResetSource | Constants defining the events that can be selected to configure the set crossbar of a timer output |
HRTIM_OutputIdleMode | Constants defining whether or not the timer output transition to its IDLE state when burst mode is entered |
HRTIM_OutputIDLEState | Constants defining the IDLE state of a timer output |
HRTIM_OutputFAULTState | Constants defining the FAULT state of a timer output |
HRTIM_OutputChopperModeEnable | Constants defining whether or not chopper mode is enabled for a timer output |
HRTIM_OutputBurstModeEntryDelayed | Constants defining the idle mode entry is delayed by forcing a deadtime insertion before switching the outputs to their idle state |
HRTIM_CaptureUnitTrigger | Constants defining the events that can be selected to trigger the capture of the timing unit counter |
HRTIM_TimerExternalEventFilter | Constants defining the event filtering applied to external events by a timer |
HRTIM_TimerExternalEventLatch | Constants defining whether or not the external event is memorized (latched) and generated as soon as the blanking period is completed or the window ends |
HRTIM_DeadtimeRisingSign | Constants defining whether the deadtime is positive or negative (overlapping signal) on rising edge |
HRTIM_DeadtimeRisingLock | Constants defining whether or not the deadtime (rising sign and value) is write protected |
HRTIM_DeadtimeRisingSignLock | Constants defining whether or not the deadtime rising sign is write protected |
HRTIM_DeadtimeFallingSign | Constants defining whether the deadtime is positive or negative (overlapping signal) on falling edge |
HRTIM_DeadtimeFallingLock | Constants defining whether or not the deadtime (falling sign and value) is write protected |
HRTIM_DeadtimeFallingSignLock | Constants defining whether or not the deadtime falling sign is write protected |
HRTIM_SynchronizationInputSource | Constants defining defining the synchronization input source |
HRTIM_SynchronizationOutputSource | Constants defining the source and event to be sent on the synchronization outputs |
HRTIM_SynchronizationOutputPolarity | Constants defining the routing and conditioning of the synchronization output event |
HRTIM_ExternalEventSources | Constants defining available sources associated to external events |
HRTIM_ExternalEventPolarity | Constants defining the polarity of an external event |
HRTIM_ExternalEventSensitivity | Constants defining the sensitivity (level-sensitive or edge-sensitive) of an external event |
HRTIM_ExternalEventFastMode | Constants defining whether or not an external event is programmed in fast mode |
HRTIM_ExternalEventFilter | Constants defining the frequency used to sample an external event 6 input and the length (N) of the digital filter applied |
ExternalEventPrescaler | Constants defining division ratio between the timer clock frequency fHRTIM) and the external event signal sampling clock (fEEVS) used by the digital filters |
HRTIM_FaultSources | Constants defining whether a faults is be triggered by any external or internal fault source |
HRTIM_FaultPolarity | Constants defining the polarity of a fault event |
HRTIM_FaultFilter | |
HRTIM_FaultLock | Constants defining whether or not the fault programming bits are write protected |
HRTIM_ExternalFaultPrescaler | Constants defining the division ratio between the timer clock frequency (fHRTIM) and the fault signal sampling clock (fFLTS) used by the digital filters |
HRTIM_BurstModeOperatingmode | Constants defining if the burst mode is entered once or if it is continuously operating |
HRTIM_BurstModeClockSource | Constants defining the clock source for the burst mode counter |
HRTIM_BurstModePrescaler | Constants defining the prescaling ratio of the fHRTIM clock for the burst mode controller |
HRTIM_BurstModeRegisterPreloadEnable | Constants defining whether or not burst mode registers preload mechanism is enabled, i.e. a write access into a preloadable register (HRTIM_BMCMPR, HRTIM_BMPER) is done into the active or the preload register |
HRTIM_BurstModeTrigger | Constants defining the events that can be used tor trig the burst mode operation |
HRTIM_ADCTriggerUpdateSource | Constants defining the source triggering the update of the HRTIM_ADCxR register (transfer from preload to active register) |
HRTIM_ADCTriggerEvent | Constants defining the events triggering ADC conversion. HRTIM_ADCTRIGGEREVENT13_*: ADC Triggers 1 and 3 HRTIM_ADCTRIGGEREVENT24_*: ADC Triggers 2 and 4 |
HRTIM_DLLCalibrationRate | Constants defining the DLL calibration periods (in micro seconds) |
HRTIM_BurstDMARegistersUpdate | Constants defining the registers that can be written during a burst DMA operation |
HRTIM_BursttModeControl | Constants used to enable or disable the burst mode controller |
HRTIM_FaultModeControl | Constants used to enable or disable the Fault mode |
HRTIM_SoftwareTimerUpdate | Constants used to force timer registers update |
HRTIM_SoftwareTimerReset | Constants used to force timer counter reset |
HRTIM_OutputLevel | Constants defining the level of a timer output |
HRTIM_OutputState | Constants defining the state of a timer output |
HRTIM_BurstModeStatus | Constants defining the operating state of the burst mode controller |
HRTIM_CurrentPushPullStatus | Constants defining on which output the signal is currently applied in push-pull mode |
HRTIM_IdlePushPullStatus | Constants defining on which output the signal was applied, in push-pull mode balanced fault mode or delayed idle mode, when the protection was triggered |
HRTIM_CommonInterrupt | |
HRTIM_CommonFlag | |
►HRTIM_MasterInterrupt | |
HRTIM_MasterFlag | |
HRTIM_TimingUnitInterrupt | |
HRTIM_TimingUnitFlag | |
HRTIM_MasterDMARequest | |
HRTIM_TimingUnitDMARequest | |
HRTIM_Instancedefinition | |
►CAN | CAN driver modules |
►CAN_Exported_Constants | |
CAN_InitStatus | |
CAN_operating_mode | |
CAN_operating_mode_status | |
CAN_synchronisation_jump_width | |
CAN_time_quantum_in_bit_segment_1 | |
CAN_time_quantum_in_bit_segment_2 | |
CAN_clock_prescaler | |
CAN_filter_number | |
CAN_filter_mode | |
CAN_filter_scale | |
CAN_filter_FIFO | |
CAN_Start_bank_filter_for_slave_CAN | |
CAN_Tx | |
CAN_identifier_type | |
CAN_remote_transmission_request | |
CAN_transmit_constants | |
CAN_receive_FIFO_number_constants | |
CAN_sleep_constants | |
CAN_wake_up_constants | |
CAN_Error_Code_constants | |
CAN_flags | |
CAN_interrupts | |
CAN_Mode | |
CAN_Operating_Mode | |
CAN_Mode_Status | |
Start_bank_filter_for_slave_CAN | |
CAN_Legacy | |
►CAN_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
CAN Frames Transmission functions | CAN Frames Transmission functions |
CAN Frames Reception functions | CAN Frames Reception functions |
CAN Operation modes functions | CAN Operation modes functions |
CAN Bus Error management functions | CAN Bus Error management functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
CAN_Exported_Types | |
CAN_Exported_Macros | |
CAN_Exported_Functions | |
CAN_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
CAN_Private_Defines | |
CAN_Private_Macros | |
CAN_Private_Variables | |
CAN_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►COMP | COMP driver modules |
►COMP_Exported_Constants | |
COMP_Selection | |
COMP_InvertingInput | |
COMP_NonInvertingInput | |
COMP_Output | |
COMP_BlankingSrce | |
COMP_OutputPoloarity | |
COMP_Hysteresis | |
COMP_Mode | |
COMP_OutputLevel | |
COMP_WindowMode | |
►COMP_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
Window mode control function | Window mode control function |
COMP configuration locking function | COMP1, COMP2,...COMP7 configuration locking function COMP1, COMP2,...COMP7 configuration can be locked each separately. Unlocking is performed by system reset |
►CRC | CRC driver modules |
CRC_Exported_Constants | |
►CRC_Private_Functions | |
Configuration of the CRC computation unit functions | Configuration of the CRC computation unit functions |
CRC computation of one/many 32-bit data functions | CRC computation of one/many 32-bit data functions |
CRC Independent Register (IDR) access functions | CRC Independent Register (IDR) access (write/read) functions |
CRC_Exported_Types | |
CRC_Exported_Macros | |
CRC_Exported_Functions | |
CRC_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
CRC_Private_Defines | |
CRC_Private_Macros | |
CRC_Private_Variables | |
CRC_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
CRC_ReverseInputData | |
CRC_PolynomialSize | |
►DAC | DAC driver modules |
►DAC_Exported_Constants | |
DAC_trigger_selection | |
DAC_wave_generation | |
DAC_lfsrunmask_triangleamplitude | |
DAC_output_buffer | |
DAC_Channel_selection | |
DAC_data_alignement | |
DAC_data | |
DAC_interrupts_definition | |
DAC_flags_definition | |
DAC_data_alignment | |
DAC_buffer_switch | |
►DAC_Private_Functions | |
DAC channels configuration | DAC channels configuration: trigger, output buffer, data format |
DMA management functions | DMA management functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
DAC_Exported_Types | |
DAC_Exported_Macros | |
DAC_Exported_Functions | |
DAC_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
DAC_Private_Defines | |
DAC_Private_Macros | |
DAC_Private_Variables | |
DAC_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►DBGMCU | DBGMCU driver modules |
DBGMCU_Exported_Constants | |
►DBGMCU_Private_Functions | |
Device and Revision ID management functions | Device and Revision ID management functions |
Peripherals Configuration functions | Peripherals Configuration |
DBGMCU_Exported_Types | |
DBGMCU_Exported_Macros | |
DBGMCU_Exported_Functions | |
DBGMCU_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
DBGMCU_Private_Defines | |
DBGMCU_Private_Macros | |
DBGMCU_Private_Variables | |
DBGMCU_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►DMA | DMA driver modules |
►DMA_Exported_Constants | |
DMA_channel | |
DMA_data_transfer_direction | |
DMA_data_buffer_size | |
DMA_peripheral_incremented_mode | |
DMA_memory_incremented_mode | |
DMA_peripheral_data_size | |
DMA_memory_data_size | |
DMA_circular_normal_mode | |
DMA_priority_level | |
DMA_fifo_direct_mode | |
DMA_fifo_threshold_level | |
DMA_memory_burst | |
DMA_peripheral_burst | |
DMA_fifo_status_level | |
DMA_flags_definition | |
DMA_interrupt_enable_definitions | |
DMA_interrupts_definitions | |
DMA_peripheral_increment_offset | |
DMA_flow_controller_definitions | |
DMA_memory_targets_definitions | |
DMA_memory_to_memory | |
DMA_interrupts_definition | |
DMA_Buffer_Size | |
►DMA_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
Data Counter functions | Data Counter functions |
Double Buffer mode functions | Double Buffer mode functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
DMA_Exported_Types | |
DMA_Exported_Macros | |
DMA_Exported_Functions | |
DMA_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
DMA_Private_Defines | |
DMA_Private_Macros | |
DMA_Private_Variables | |
DMA_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►EXTI | EXTI driver modules |
►EXTI_Exported_Constants | |
EXTI_Lines | |
►EXTI_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
EXTI_Exported_Types | |
EXTI_Exported_Macros | |
EXTI_Exported_Functions | |
EXTI_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
EXTI_Private_Defines | |
EXTI_Private_Macros | |
EXTI_Private_Variables | |
EXTI_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►FLASH | FLASH driver modules |
►FLASH_Exported_Constants | |
Flash_Latency | |
FLASH_Voltage_Range | |
FLASH_Sectors | |
Option_Bytes_Write_Protection | |
FLASH_Option_Bytes_Read_Protection | |
FLASH_Option_Bytes_IWatchdog | |
FLASH_Option_Bytes_nRST_STOP | |
FLASH_Option_Bytes_nRST_STDBY | |
FLASH_BOR_Reset_Level | |
FLASH_Interrupts | |
FLASH_Flags | |
FLASH_Program_Parallelism | |
FLASH_Keys | |
Half_Cycle_Enable_Disable | |
Prefetch_Buffer_Enable_Disable | |
Option_Bytes_IWatchdog | |
Option_Bytes_nRST_STOP | |
Option_Bytes_nRST_STDBY | |
FLASH_Address | |
Option_Bytes_Read_Protection | |
Option_Bytes_BOOT1 | |
Option_Bytes_VDDA_Analog_Monitoring | |
FLASH_Option_Bytes_SRAM_Parity_Enable | |
Timeout_definition | |
►FLASH_Private_Functions | |
FLASH Interface configuration functions | FLASH Interface configuration functions |
FLASH Memory Programming functions | FLASH Memory Programming functions |
Option Bytes Programming functions | Option Bytes Programming functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
FLASH_Exported_Types | |
FLASH_Exported_Macros | |
FLASH_Exported_Functions | |
FLASH_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
FLASH_Private_Defines | |
FLASH_Private_Macros | |
FLASH_Private_Variables | |
FLASH_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►GPIO | GPIO driver modules |
►GPIO_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration | Initialization and Configuration |
GPIO Read and Write | GPIO Read and Write |
GPIO Alternate functions configuration function | GPIO Alternate functions configuration function |
►GPIO_Exported_Constants | |
GPIO_pins_define | |
GPIO_Pin_sources | |
GPIO_Alternat_function_selection_define | |
GPIO_Legacy | |
GPIO_Remap_define | |
GPIO_Port_Sources | |
Ethernet_Media_Interface | |
GPIO_Alternate_function_selection_define | |
GPIO_Speed_Legacy | |
GPIO_Exported_Types | |
GPIO_Exported_Macros | |
GPIO_Exported_Functions | |
GPIO_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
GPIO_Private_Defines | |
GPIO_Private_Macros | |
GPIO_Private_Variables | |
GPIO_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
Configuration_Mode_enumeration | |
Output_type_enumeration | |
Output_Maximum_frequency_enumeration | |
Configuration_Pull-Up_Pull-Down_enumeration | |
Bit_SET_and_Bit_RESET_enumeration | |
►HRTIM | HRTIM driver module |
►HRTIM_Private_Functions | |
Initialization/de-initialization methods | Initialization and Configuration functions |
I/O operation methods | Data transfers functions |
Peripheral Control methods | Management functions |
Peripheral State methods | Peripheral State functions |
►I2C | I2C driver modules |
►I2C_Exported_Constants | |
I2C_Digital_Filter | |
I2C_mode | |
I2C_duty_cycle_in_fast_mode | |
I2C_acknowledgement | |
I2C_transfer_direction | |
I2C_acknowledged_address | |
I2C_registers | |
I2C_NACK_position | |
I2C_SMBus_alert_pin_level | |
I2C_PEC_position | |
I2C_interrupts_definition | |
I2C_flags_definition | |
I2C_Events | |
I2C_own_address1 | |
I2C_clock_speed | |
I2C_NCAK_position | |
I2C_Analog_Filter | |
I2C_DMA_transfer_requests | |
I2C_slave_address | |
I2C_own_address2 | |
I2C_own_address2_mask | |
I2C_timeout | |
I2C_ReloadEndMode_definition | |
I2C_StartStopMode_definition | |
►I2C_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
Data transfers functions | Data transfers functions |
PEC management functions | PEC management functions |
DMA transfers management functions | DMA transfers management functions |
Interrupts events and flags management functions | Interrupts, events and flags management functions |
DMA transfers management functions | DMA transfers management functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
I2C_Exported_Types | |
I2C_Exported_Macros | |
I2C_Exported_Functions | |
I2C_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
I2C_Private_Defines | |
I2C_Private_Macros | |
I2C_Private_Variables | |
I2C_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►IWDG | IWDG driver modules |
►IWDG_Exported_Constants | |
IWDG_WriteAccess | |
IWDG_prescaler | |
IWDG_Flag | |
IWDG_Reload_Value | |
IWDG_CounterWindow_Value | |
►IWDG_Private_Functions | |
Prescaler and Counter configuration functions | Prescaler and Counter configuration functions |
IWDG activation function | IWDG activation function |
Flag management function | Flag management function |
IWDG_Exported_Types | |
IWDG_Exported_Macros | |
IWDG_Exported_Functions | |
IWDG_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
IWDG_Private_Defines | |
IWDG_Private_Macros | |
IWDG_Private_Variables | |
IWDG_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►MISC | MISC driver modules |
►MISC_Exported_Constants | |
MISC_Vector_Table_Base | |
MISC_System_Low_Power | |
MISC_Preemption_Priority_Group | |
MISC_SysTick_clock_source | |
Vector_Table_Base | |
System_Low_Power | |
Preemption_Priority_Group | |
SysTick_clock_source | |
MISC_Private_Functions | |
MISC_Exported_Types | |
NVIC_Priority_Table | |
MISC_Exported_Macros | |
MISC_Exported_Functions | |
MISC_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
MISC_Private_Defines | |
MISC_Private_Macros | |
MISC_Private_Variables | |
MISC_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►OPAMP | OPAMP driver modules |
►OPAMP_Exported_Constants | |
OPAMP_Selection | |
OPAMP_InvertingInput | |
OPAMP_NonInvertingInput | |
OPAMP_PGAGain_Config | |
OPAMP_PGAConnect_Config | |
OPAMP_SecondaryInvertingInput | |
OPAMP_Input | |
OPAMP_Vref | |
OPAMP_Trimming | |
OPAMP_TrimValue | |
OPAMP_OutputLevel | |
►OPAMP_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
OPAMP configuration locking function | OPAMP1,...OPAMP4 configuration locking function OPAMP1,...OPAMP4 configuration can be locked each separately. Unlocking is performed by system reset |
►PWR | PWR driver modules |
►PWR_Exported_Constants | |
PWR_PVD_detection_level | |
PWR_Regulator_state_in_STOP_mode | |
►PWR_STOP_mode_entry | |
PWR_Regulator_Voltage_Scale | |
►PWR_Flag | |
PWR_Flag_Legacy | |
PVD_detection_level | |
Regulator_state_is_STOP_mode | |
STOP_mode_entry | |
PWR_WakeUp_Pins | |
PWR_Regulator_state_is_Sleep_STOP_mode | |
PWR_SLEEP_mode_entry | |
►PWR_Private_Functions | |
Backup Domain Access function | Backup Domain Access function |
PVD configuration functions | PVD configuration functions |
WakeUp pin configuration functions | WakeUp pin configuration functions |
Main and Backup Regulators configuration functions | Main and Backup Regulators configuration functions |
FLASH Power Down configuration functions | FLASH Power Down configuration functions |
Low Power modes configuration functions | Low Power modes configuration functions |
Flags management functions | Flags management functions |
PWR_Exported_Types | |
PWR_Exported_Macros | |
PWR_Exported_Functions | |
PWR_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
PWR_Private_Defines | |
PWR_Private_Macros | |
PWR_Private_Variables | |
PWR_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►RCC | RCC driver modules |
►RCC_Private_Functions | |
Internal and external clocks, PLL, CSS and MCO configuration functions | Internal and external clocks, PLL, CSS and MCO configuration functions |
System AHB and APB busses clocks configuration functions | System, AHB and APB busses clocks configuration functions |
Peripheral clocks configuration functions | Peripheral clocks configuration functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
►RCC_Exported_Constants | |
RCC_HSE_configuration | |
RCC_LSE_Dual_Mode_Selection | |
RCC_PLLSAIDivR_Factor | |
RCC_PLL_Clock_Source | |
RCC_System_Clock_Source | |
RCC_AHB_Clock_Source | |
RCC_APB1_APB2_Clock_Source | |
RCC_Interrupt_Source | |
RCC_LSE_Configuration | |
RCC_RTC_Clock_Source | |
RCC_TIM_PRescaler_Selection | |
RCC_AHB1_Peripherals | |
RCC_AHB2_Peripherals | |
RCC_AHB3_Peripherals | |
RCC_APB1_Peripherals | |
RCC_APB2_Peripherals | |
RCC_MCO1_Clock_Source_Prescaler | |
RCC_MCO2_Clock_Source_Prescaler | |
RCC_Flag | |
►RCC_I2S_Clock_Source | |
RCC_LSE_Drive_Configuration | |
RCC_AHB_Peripherals | |
RCC_APB2_Peripherals | |
RCC_APB1_Peripherals | |
RCC_MCO_Clock_Source | |
RCC_MCOPrescaler | |
RCC_USB_Device_clock_source | |
RCC_Flag | |
HSE_configuration | |
PLL_entry_clock_source | |
PLL_multiplication_factor | |
PREDIV1_division_factor | |
PREDIV1_clock_source | |
System_clock_source | |
AHB_clock_source | |
APB1_APB2_clock_source | |
RCC_Interrupt_source | |
USB_Device_clock_source | |
ADC_clock_source | |
LSE_configuration | |
RTC_clock_source | |
AHB_peripheral | |
APB2_peripheral | |
APB1_peripheral | |
Clock_source_to_output_on_MCO_pin | |
RCC_PLL_Multiplication_Factor | |
RCC_PREDIV1_division_factor | |
RCC_APB1_APB2_clock_source | |
RCC_ADC_clock_source | |
RCC_TIM_clock_source | |
RCC_HRTIM_clock_source | |
RCC_I2C_clock_source | |
RCC_USART_clock_source | |
RCC_LSE_configuration | |
RCC_Exported_Types | |
RCC_Exported_Macros | |
RCC_Exported_Functions | |
RCC_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
RCC_Private_Defines | |
RCC_Private_Macros | |
RCC_Private_Variables | |
RCC_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►RTC | RTC driver modules |
►RTC_Exported_Constants | |
RTC_Hour_Formats | |
RTC_Asynchronous_Predivider | |
RTC_Synchronous_Predivider | |
RTC_Time_Definitions | |
RTC_AM_PM_Definitions | |
RTC_Year_Date_Definitions | |
RTC_Month_Date_Definitions | |
RTC_WeekDay_Definitions | |
RTC_Alarm_Definitions | |
RTC_AlarmDateWeekDay_Definitions | |
RTC_AlarmMask_Definitions | |
RTC_Alarms_Definitions | |
RTC_Alarm_Sub_Seconds_Masks_Definitions | |
RTC_Alarm_Sub_Seconds_Value | |
RTC_Wakeup_Timer_Definitions | |
RTC_Time_Stamp_Edges_definitions | |
RTC_Output_selection_Definitions | |
RTC_Output_Polarity_Definitions | |
RTC_Digital_Calibration_Definitions | |
RTC_Calib_Output_selection_Definitions | |
RTC_Smooth_calib_period_Definitions | |
RTC_Smooth_calib_Plus_pulses_Definitions | |
RTC_Smooth_calib_Minus_pulses_Definitions | |
RTC_DayLightSaving_Definitions | |
RTC_Tamper_Trigger_Definitions | |
RTC_Tamper_Filter_Definitions | |
RTC_Tamper_Sampling_Frequencies_Definitions | |
RTC_Tamper_Pin_Precharge_Duration_Definitions | |
RTC_Tamper_Pins_Definitions | |
RTC_Tamper_Pin_Selection | |
RTC_TimeStamp_Pin_Selection | |
RTC_Output_Type_ALARM_OUT | |
RTC_Add_1_Second_Parameter_Definitions | |
RTC_Substract_Fraction_Of_Second_Value | |
RTC_Backup_Registers_Definitions | |
RTC_Input_parameter_format_definitions | |
RTC_Flags_Definitions | |
RTC_Interrupts_Definitions | |
RTC_Legacy | |
RTC_interrupts_define | |
RTC_interrupts_flags | |
►RTC_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
Time and Date configuration functions | Time and Date configuration functions |
Alarms configuration functions | Alarms (Alarm A and Alarm B) configuration functions |
WakeUp Timer configuration functions | WakeUp Timer configuration functions |
Daylight Saving configuration functions | Daylight Saving configuration functions |
Output pin Configuration function | Output pin Configuration function |
Digital Calibration configuration functions | Coarse Calibration configuration functions |
TimeStamp configuration functions | TimeStamp configuration functions |
Tampers configuration functions | Tampers configuration functions |
Backup Data Registers configuration functions | Backup Data Registers configuration functions |
RTC Tamper and TimeStamp Pins Selection and Output Type Config configuration functions | RTC Tamper and TimeStamp Pins Selection and Output Type Config configuration functions |
Shift control synchronisation functions | Shift control synchronisation functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
RTC_Exported_Types | |
RTC_Exported_Macros | |
RTC_Exported_Functions | |
RTC_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
RTC_Private_Defines | |
RTC_Private_Macros | |
RTC_Private_Variables | |
RTC_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►SPI | SPI driver modules |
►SPI_Exported_Constants | |
SPI_data_direction | |
SPI_mode | |
SPI_data_size | |
SPI_Clock_Polarity | |
SPI_Clock_Phase | |
SPI_Slave_Select_management | |
SPI_BaudRate_Prescaler | |
SPI_MSB_LSB_transmission | |
SPI_I2S_Mode | |
SPI_I2S_Standard | |
SPI_I2S_Data_Format | |
SPI_I2S_MCLK_Output | |
SPI_I2S_Audio_Frequency | |
SPI_I2S_Clock_Polarity | |
SPI_I2S_DMA_transfer_requests | |
SPI_NSS_internal_software_management | |
SPI_CRC_Transmit_Receive | |
SPI_direction_transmit_receive | |
SPI_I2S_interrupts_definition | |
SPI_I2S_flags_definition | |
SPI_CRC_polynomial | |
SPI_I2S_Legacy | |
I2S_Mode | |
I2S_Standard | |
I2S_Data_Format | |
I2S_MCLK_Output | |
I2S_Audio_Frequency | |
I2S_Clock_Polarity | |
SPI_CRC_length | |
SPI_FIFO_reception_threshold | |
SPI_last_DMA_transfers | |
SPI_transmission_fifo_status_level | |
SPI_reception_fifo_status_level | |
►SPI_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
Data transfers functions | Data transfers functions |
Hardware CRC Calculation functions | Hardware CRC Calculation functions |
DMA transfers management functions | DMA transfers management functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
SPI_Exported_Types | |
SPI_Exported_Macros | |
SPI_Exported_Functions | |
SPI_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
SPI_Private_Defines | |
SPI_Private_Macros | |
SPI_Private_Variables | |
SPI_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►SYSCFG | SYSCFG driver modules |
►SYSCFG_Exported_Constants | |
SYSCFG_EXTI_Port_Sources | |
SYSCFG_EXTI_Pin_Sources | |
SYSCFG_Memory_Remap_Config | |
SYSCFG_ETHERNET_Media_Interface | |
SYSCFG_EXTI_Pin_sources | |
SYSCFG_DMA_Remap_Config | |
SYSCFG_Trigger_Remap_Config | |
SYSCFG_EncoderRemap_Config | |
SYSCFG_I2C_FastModePlus_Config | |
SYSCFG_FPU_Interrupt_Config | |
SYSCFG_Lock_Config | |
SYSCFG_flags_definition | |
►SYSCFG_Private_Functions | |
SYSCFG Initialization and Configuration functions | SYSCFG Initialization and Configuration functions |
►TIM | TIM driver modules |
►TIM_Exported_constants | |
TIM_Output_Compare_and_PWM_modes | |
TIM_One_Pulse_Mode | |
TIM_Channel | |
TIM_Clock_Division_CKD | |
TIM_Counter_Mode | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Polarity | |
TIM_Output_Compare_N_Polarity | |
TIM_Output_Compare_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_N_State | |
TIM_Capture_Compare_State | |
TIM_Capture_Compare_N_State | |
TIM_Break_Input_enable_disable | |
TIM_Break_Polarity | |
TIM_AOE_Bit_Set_Reset | |
TIM_Lock_level | |
TIM_OSSI_Off_State_Selection_for_Idle_mode_state | |
TIM_OSSR_Off_State_Selection_for_Run_mode_state | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Idle_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_N_Idle_State | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Polarity | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Selection | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Prescaler | |
TIM_interrupt_sources | |
TIM_DMA_Base_address | |
TIM_DMA_Burst_Length | |
TIM_DMA_sources | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Prescaler | |
TIM_Internal_Trigger_Selection | |
TIM_TIx_External_Clock_Source | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Polarity | |
TIM_Prescaler_Reload_Mode | |
TIM_Forced_Action | |
TIM_Encoder_Mode | |
TIM_Event_Source | |
TIM_Update_Source | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Preload_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Fast_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Clear_State | |
TIM_Trigger_Output_Source | |
TIM_Slave_Mode | |
TIM_Master_Slave_Mode | |
TIM_Remap | |
TIM_Flags | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Filer_Value | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Filter | |
TIM_Legacy | |
TIM_Break1_Input_enable_disable | |
TIM_Break2_Input_enable_disable | |
TIM_Break1_Polarity | |
TIM_Break2_Polarity | |
TIM_Break1_Filter | |
TIM_Break2_Filter | |
►TIM_OCReferenceClear | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Filer_Value | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Filter | |
TIM_Legacy | |
►TIM_Private_Functions | |
TimeBase management functions | TimeBase management functions |
Output Compare management functions | Output Compare management functions |
Input Capture management functions | Input Capture management functions |
Advanced-control timers (TIM1 and TIM8) specific features | Advanced-control timers (TIM1 and TIM8) specific features |
Interrupts DMA and flags management functions | Interrupts, DMA and flags management functions |
Clocks management functions | Clocks management functions |
Synchronization management functions | Synchronization management functions |
Specific interface management functions | Specific interface management functions |
Specific remapping management function | Specific remapping management function |
►TIM_Exported_Types | |
►TIM_Exported_constants | |
TIM_Output_Compare_and_PWM_modes | |
TIM_One_Pulse_Mode | |
TIM_Channel | |
TIM_Clock_Division_CKD | |
TIM_Counter_Mode | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Polarity | |
TIM_Output_Compare_N_Polarity | |
TIM_Output_Compare_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_N_State | |
TIM_Capture_Compare_State | |
TIM_Capture_Compare_N_State | |
TIM_Break_Input_enable_disable | |
TIM_Break_Polarity | |
TIM_AOE_Bit_Set_Reset | |
TIM_Lock_level | |
TIM_OSSI_Off_State_Selection_for_Idle_mode_state | |
TIM_OSSR_Off_State_Selection_for_Run_mode_state | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Idle_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_N_Idle_State | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Polarity | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Selection | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Prescaler | |
TIM_interrupt_sources | |
TIM_DMA_Base_address | |
TIM_DMA_Burst_Length | |
TIM_DMA_sources | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Prescaler | |
TIM_Internal_Trigger_Selection | |
TIM_TIx_External_Clock_Source | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Polarity | |
TIM_Prescaler_Reload_Mode | |
TIM_Forced_Action | |
TIM_Encoder_Mode | |
TIM_Event_Source | |
TIM_Update_Source | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Preload_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Fast_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Clear_State | |
TIM_Trigger_Output_Source | |
TIM_Slave_Mode | |
TIM_Master_Slave_Mode | |
TIM_Remap | |
TIM_Flags | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Filer_Value | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Filter | |
TIM_Legacy | |
TIM_Break1_Input_enable_disable | |
TIM_Break2_Input_enable_disable | |
TIM_Break1_Polarity | |
TIM_Break2_Polarity | |
TIM_Break1_Filter | |
TIM_Break2_Filter | |
►TIM_OCReferenceClear | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Filer_Value | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Filter | |
TIM_Legacy | |
TIM_Output_Compare_state | |
TIM_Output_Compare_N_state | |
TIM_Capture_Compare_state | |
TIM_Capture_Compare_N_state | |
Break_Input_enable_disable | |
Break_Polarity | |
Lock_level | |
OSSI_Off_State_Selection_for_Idle_mode_state | |
OSSR_Off_State_Selection_for_Run_mode_state | |
TIM_Exported_Macros | |
TIM_Exported_Functions | |
TIM_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
TIM_Private_Defines | |
TIM_Private_Macros | |
TIM_Private_Variables | |
TIM_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►USART | USART driver modules |
►USART_Exported_Constants | |
USART_Word_Length | |
USART_Stop_Bits | |
USART_Parity | |
USART_Mode | |
USART_Hardware_Flow_Control | |
USART_Clock | |
USART_Clock_Polarity | |
USART_Clock_Phase | |
USART_Last_Bit | |
►USART_Interrupt_definition | USART Interrupt definition USART_IT possible values Elements values convention: 0xZZZZYYXX XX: Position of the corresponding Interrupt YY: Register index ZZZZ: Flag position |
USART_Legacy | |
USART_DMA_Requests | |
USART_WakeUp_methods | |
USART_LIN_Break_Detection_Length | |
USART_IrDA_Low_Power | |
USART_Flags | |
USART_DMA_Recception_Error | |
USART_MuteMode_WakeUp_methods | |
USART_Address_Detection | |
USART_StopMode_WakeUp_methods | |
USART_DE_Polarity | |
USART_Inversion_Pins | |
USART_AutoBaudRate_Mode | |
USART_Request | |
USART_Global_definition | |
►USART_Private_Functions | |
Initialization and Configuration functions | Initialization and Configuration functions |
Data transfers functions | Data transfers functions |
MultiProcessor Communication functions | Multi-Processor Communication functions |
LIN mode functions | LIN mode functions |
Halfduplex mode function | Half-duplex mode function |
Smartcard mode functions | Smartcard mode functions |
IrDA mode functions | IrDA mode functions |
DMA transfers management functions | DMA transfers management functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
RS485 mode function | RS485 mode function |
DMA transfers management functions | DMA transfers management functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
USART_Exported_Types | |
USART_Exported_Macros | |
USART_Exported_Functions | |
USART_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
USART_Private_Defines | |
USART_Private_Macros | |
USART_Private_Variables | |
USART_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►WWDG | WWDG driver modules |
►WWDG_Exported_Constants | |
WWDG_Prescaler | |
►WWDG_Private_Functions | |
Prescaler, Refresh window and Counter configuration functions | Prescaler, Refresh window and Counter configuration functions |
WWDG activation functions | WWDG activation functions |
Interrupts and flags management functions | Interrupts and flags management functions |
WWDG_Exported_Types | |
WWDG_Exported_Macros | |
WWDG_Exported_Functions | |
WWDG_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
WWDG_Private_Defines | |
WWDG_Private_Macros | |
WWDG_Private_Variables | |
WWDG_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |
►Stm32f30x_StdPeriph_Driver | |
►TIM | TIM driver modules |
►TIM_Exported_constants | |
TIM_Output_Compare_and_PWM_modes | |
TIM_One_Pulse_Mode | |
TIM_Channel | |
TIM_Clock_Division_CKD | |
TIM_Counter_Mode | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Polarity | |
TIM_Output_Compare_N_Polarity | |
TIM_Output_Compare_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_N_State | |
TIM_Capture_Compare_State | |
TIM_Capture_Compare_N_State | |
TIM_Break_Input_enable_disable | |
TIM_Break_Polarity | |
TIM_AOE_Bit_Set_Reset | |
TIM_Lock_level | |
TIM_OSSI_Off_State_Selection_for_Idle_mode_state | |
TIM_OSSR_Off_State_Selection_for_Run_mode_state | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Idle_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_N_Idle_State | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Polarity | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Selection | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Prescaler | |
TIM_interrupt_sources | |
TIM_DMA_Base_address | |
TIM_DMA_Burst_Length | |
TIM_DMA_sources | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Prescaler | |
TIM_Internal_Trigger_Selection | |
TIM_TIx_External_Clock_Source | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Polarity | |
TIM_Prescaler_Reload_Mode | |
TIM_Forced_Action | |
TIM_Encoder_Mode | |
TIM_Event_Source | |
TIM_Update_Source | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Preload_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Fast_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Clear_State | |
TIM_Trigger_Output_Source | |
TIM_Slave_Mode | |
TIM_Master_Slave_Mode | |
TIM_Remap | |
TIM_Flags | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Filer_Value | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Filter | |
TIM_Legacy | |
TIM_Break1_Input_enable_disable | |
TIM_Break2_Input_enable_disable | |
TIM_Break1_Polarity | |
TIM_Break2_Polarity | |
TIM_Break1_Filter | |
TIM_Break2_Filter | |
►TIM_OCReferenceClear | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Filer_Value | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Filter | |
TIM_Legacy | |
►TIM_Private_Functions | |
TimeBase management functions | TimeBase management functions |
Output Compare management functions | Output Compare management functions |
Input Capture management functions | Input Capture management functions |
Advanced-control timers (TIM1 and TIM8) specific features | Advanced-control timers (TIM1 and TIM8) specific features |
Interrupts DMA and flags management functions | Interrupts, DMA and flags management functions |
Clocks management functions | Clocks management functions |
Synchronization management functions | Synchronization management functions |
Specific interface management functions | Specific interface management functions |
Specific remapping management function | Specific remapping management function |
►TIM_Exported_Types | |
►TIM_Exported_constants | |
TIM_Output_Compare_and_PWM_modes | |
TIM_One_Pulse_Mode | |
TIM_Channel | |
TIM_Clock_Division_CKD | |
TIM_Counter_Mode | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Polarity | |
TIM_Output_Compare_N_Polarity | |
TIM_Output_Compare_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_N_State | |
TIM_Capture_Compare_State | |
TIM_Capture_Compare_N_State | |
TIM_Break_Input_enable_disable | |
TIM_Break_Polarity | |
TIM_AOE_Bit_Set_Reset | |
TIM_Lock_level | |
TIM_OSSI_Off_State_Selection_for_Idle_mode_state | |
TIM_OSSR_Off_State_Selection_for_Run_mode_state | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Idle_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_N_Idle_State | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Polarity | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Selection | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Prescaler | |
TIM_interrupt_sources | |
TIM_DMA_Base_address | |
TIM_DMA_Burst_Length | |
TIM_DMA_sources | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Prescaler | |
TIM_Internal_Trigger_Selection | |
TIM_TIx_External_Clock_Source | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Polarity | |
TIM_Prescaler_Reload_Mode | |
TIM_Forced_Action | |
TIM_Encoder_Mode | |
TIM_Event_Source | |
TIM_Update_Source | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Preload_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Fast_State | |
TIM_Output_Compare_Clear_State | |
TIM_Trigger_Output_Source | |
TIM_Slave_Mode | |
TIM_Master_Slave_Mode | |
TIM_Remap | |
TIM_Flags | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Filer_Value | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Filter | |
TIM_Legacy | |
TIM_Break1_Input_enable_disable | |
TIM_Break2_Input_enable_disable | |
TIM_Break1_Polarity | |
TIM_Break2_Polarity | |
TIM_Break1_Filter | |
TIM_Break2_Filter | |
►TIM_OCReferenceClear | |
TIM_Input_Capture_Filer_Value | |
TIM_External_Trigger_Filter | |
TIM_Legacy | |
TIM_Output_Compare_state | |
TIM_Output_Compare_N_state | |
TIM_Capture_Compare_state | |
TIM_Capture_Compare_N_state | |
Break_Input_enable_disable | |
Break_Polarity | |
Lock_level | |
OSSI_Off_State_Selection_for_Idle_mode_state | |
OSSR_Off_State_Selection_for_Run_mode_state | |
TIM_Exported_Macros | |
TIM_Exported_Functions | |
TIM_Private_TypesDefinitions | |
TIM_Private_Defines | |
TIM_Private_Macros | |
TIM_Private_Variables | |
TIM_Private_FunctionPrototypes | |