core Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for core:


directory  maps


file  geometry_utils.h [code]
 Defines some simple geometry structs and classes. There are struct Rectangle, struct DiscretePoint2D, class DiscreteLine2D.
file  grid_scan_matcher.h [code]
 Defines some interfaces for Scan Matchers. There are class GridScanMatcherObserver, ScanCostEstimator, GridScanMatcher.
file  laser_scan_grid_world.h [code]
 Defines the special type of World. There is class LaserScanGridWorld derived from World.
file  monte_carlo_scan_matcher.h [code]
 Defines the class of Scan matcher that uses Mote-Carlo method There is class MonteCarloScanMatcher derived from GridScanMatcher. Class contains virtual methods that should be overwritten. The main method consists of loop that estimates the best position of robot that fits to data from laser scan.
file  sensor_data.h [code]
 Defines some structures related to data obtained from sensors. There are structures ScanPoint and TransformedLaserScan.
file  state_data.h [code]
 Defines some classes related to a robot state. There are classes RobotState and World.

autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 15:30:57