Struct rmw_qos_profile_s

Struct Documentation

struct rmw_qos_profile_s

ROS MiddleWare quality of service profile.

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enum rmw_qos_history_policy_e history
size_t depth

Size of the message queue.

enum rmw_qos_reliability_policy_e reliability

Reliabiilty QoS policy setting.

enum rmw_qos_durability_policy_e durability

Durability QoS policy setting.

struct rmw_time_s deadline

The period at which messages are expected to be sent/received.

RMW_DURATION_UNSPEFICIED will use the RMW implementation’s default value, which may or may not be infinite. RMW_DURATION_INFINITE explicitly states that messages never miss a deadline expectation.

struct rmw_time_s lifespan

The age at which messages are considered expired and no longer valid.

RMW_DURATION_UNSPEFICIED will use the RMW implementation’s default value, which may or may not be infinite. RMW_DURATION_INFINITE explicitly states that messages do not expire.

enum rmw_qos_liveliness_policy_e liveliness

Liveliness QoS policy setting.

struct rmw_time_s liveliness_lease_duration

The time within which the RMW node or publisher must show that it is alive.

RMW_DURATION_UNSPEFICIED will use the RMW implementation’s default value, which may or may not be infinite. RMW_DURATION_INFINITE explicitly states that liveliness is not enforced.

bool avoid_ros_namespace_conventions

If true, any ROS specific namespacing conventions will be circumvented.

In the case of DDS and topics, for example, this means the typical ROS specific prefix of rt would not be applied as described here:

This might be useful when trying to directly connect a native DDS topic with a ROS 2 topic.