Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
Eigen::internal::abs2_impl< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::abs2_impl< std::complex< RealScalar > >
Eigen::internal::abs2_retval< Scalar >
ACADOcsparse(not yet documented)
Eigen::internal::accessors_level< Derived >
AcosImplements the scalar inverse cosine operator (arccos) within the symbolic operators family
ActuatorAllows to simulate the behaviour of actuators within the Process
AdaptiveReferenceTrajectoryAllows to define an adaptive reference trajectory that the ControlLaw aims to track
Eigen::GeneralProduct< Lhs, Rhs, OuterProduct >::add
Eigen::internal::add_const< T >
Eigen::internal::add_const< T & >
Eigen::internal::add_const_on_value_type< T >
Eigen::internal::add_const_on_value_type< T & >
Eigen::internal::add_const_on_value_type< T * >
Eigen::internal::add_const_on_value_type< T *const >
Eigen::internal::add_const_on_value_type< T const *const >
Eigen::internal::add_const_on_value_type_if_arithmetic< T >
AdditionImplements the scalar addition operator within the symbolic expressions family
Eigen::GeneralProduct< Lhs, Rhs, OuterProduct >::adds
AdjointERKExportAllows to export a tailored explicit Runge-Kutta integrator with adjoint first order sensitivity propagation for fast model predictive control
AlgebraicConsistencyConstraintDeals with algebraic consistency constraints within optimal control problems
AlgorithmicBaseBase class for all algorithmic modules within the ACADO Toolkit providing some basic functionality
Eigen::aligned_allocator< T >STL compatible allocator to use with with 16 byte aligned types
Eigen::aligned_allocator_indirection< T >
Eigen::internal::aligned_stack_memory_handler< T >
Eigen::AlignedBox< _Scalar, _AmbientDim >An axis aligned box
Eigen::internal::all_unroller< Derived, UnrollCount >
Eigen::internal::all_unroller< Derived, 1 >
Eigen::internal::all_unroller< Derived, Dynamic >
Eigen::internal::always_void< T >
Eigen::internal::AmbiVector< _Scalar, _Index >
Eigen::AMDOrdering< Index >
Eigen::AngleAxis< _Scalar >Represents a 3D rotation as a rotation angle around an arbitrary 3D axis
Eigen::internal::any_unroller< Derived, UnrollCount >
Eigen::internal::any_unroller< Derived, 1 >
Eigen::internal::any_unroller< Derived, Dynamic >
Eigen::Array< _Scalar, _Rows, _Cols, _Options, _MaxRows, _MaxCols >General-purpose arrays with easy API for coefficient-wise operations
Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived >Base class for all 1D and 2D array, and related expressions
Eigen::ArrayWrapper< ExpressionType >Expression of a mathematical vector or matrix as an array object
AsinImplements the scalar inverse sine operator (arcsin) within the symbolic operators family
Eigen::internal::assign_DefaultTraversal_CompleteUnrolling< Derived1, Derived2, Index, Stop >
Eigen::internal::assign_DefaultTraversal_CompleteUnrolling< Derived1, Derived2, Stop, Stop >
Eigen::internal::assign_DefaultTraversal_InnerUnrolling< Derived1, Derived2, Index, Stop >
Eigen::internal::assign_DefaultTraversal_InnerUnrolling< Derived1, Derived2, Stop, Stop >
Eigen::internal::assign_impl< Derived1, Derived2, DefaultTraversal, CompleteUnrolling, Version >
Eigen::internal::assign_impl< Derived1, Derived2, DefaultTraversal, InnerUnrolling, Version >
Eigen::internal::assign_impl< Derived1, Derived2, DefaultTraversal, NoUnrolling, Version >
Eigen::internal::assign_impl< Derived1, Derived2, InnerVectorizedTraversal, CompleteUnrolling, Version >
Eigen::internal::assign_impl< Derived1, Derived2, InnerVectorizedTraversal, InnerUnrolling, Version >
Eigen::internal::assign_impl< Derived1, Derived2, InnerVectorizedTraversal, NoUnrolling, Version >
Eigen::internal::assign_impl< Derived1, Derived2, InvalidTraversal, Unrolling, Version >
Eigen::internal::assign_impl< Derived1, Derived2, LinearTraversal, CompleteUnrolling, Version >
Eigen::internal::assign_impl< Derived1, Derived2, LinearTraversal, NoUnrolling, Version >
Eigen::internal::assign_impl< Derived1, Derived2, LinearVectorizedTraversal, CompleteUnrolling, Version >
Eigen::internal::assign_impl< Derived1, Derived2, LinearVectorizedTraversal, NoUnrolling, Version >
Eigen::internal::assign_impl< Derived1, Derived2, SliceVectorizedTraversal, NoUnrolling, Version >
Eigen::internal::assign_innervec_CompleteUnrolling< Derived1, Derived2, Index, Stop >
Eigen::internal::assign_innervec_CompleteUnrolling< Derived1, Derived2, Stop, Stop >
Eigen::internal::assign_innervec_InnerUnrolling< Derived1, Derived2, Index, Stop >
Eigen::internal::assign_innervec_InnerUnrolling< Derived1, Derived2, Stop, Stop >
Eigen::internal::assign_LinearTraversal_CompleteUnrolling< Derived1, Derived2, Index, Stop >
Eigen::internal::assign_LinearTraversal_CompleteUnrolling< Derived1, Derived2, Stop, Stop >
Eigen::internal::assign_selector< Derived, OtherDerived, false, false >
Eigen::internal::assign_selector< Derived, OtherDerived, false, true >
Eigen::internal::assign_selector< Derived, OtherDerived, true, false >
Eigen::internal::assign_selector< Derived, OtherDerived, true, true >
Eigen::internal::assign_traits< Derived, OtherDerived >
AtanImplements the scalar inverse tangens operator (arctan) within the symbolic operators family
Eigen::internal::atanh2_default_impl< Scalar, IsInteger >
Eigen::internal::atanh2_default_impl< Scalar, true >
Eigen::internal::atanh2_impl< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::atanh2_retval< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::auto_diff_special_op< _DerType, false >
Eigen::internal::auto_diff_special_op< _DerType, true >
Eigen::AutoDiffJacobian< Functor >
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar< _DerType >A scalar type replacement with automatic differentation capability
Eigen::AutoDiffVector< ValueType, JacobianType >
BandedCPData class for storing conic programs arising from optimal control
BandedCPsolverBase class for algorithms solving banded conic programs arising in optimal control
Eigen::internal::BandMatrix< _Scalar, Rows, Cols, Supers, Subs, Options >Represents a rectangular matrix with a banded storage
Eigen::internal::BandMatrixBase< Derived >
Eigen::internal::BandMatrixWrapper< _CoefficientsType, _Rows, _Cols, _Supers, _Subs, _Options >
BFGSupdateImplements BFGS updates for approximating second-order derivatives within NLPsolvers
Eigen::BiCGSTAB< _MatrixType, _Preconditioner >A bi conjugate gradient stabilized solver for sparse square problems
Eigen::internal::binary_result_of_select< Func, ArgType0, ArgType1, SizeOf >
Eigen::internal::binary_result_of_select< Func, ArgType0, ArgType1, sizeof(has_std_result_type)>
Eigen::internal::binary_result_of_select< Func, ArgType0, ArgType1, sizeof(has_tr1_result)>
BinaryOperatorAbstract base class for all scalar-valued binary operators within the symbolic operators family
Eigen::internal::blas_data_mapper< Scalar, Index, StorageOrder >
Eigen::internal::blas_traits< XprType >
Eigen::internal::blas_traits< const T >
Eigen::internal::blas_traits< CwiseUnaryOp< scalar_conjugate_op< Scalar >, NestedXpr > >
Eigen::internal::blas_traits< CwiseUnaryOp< scalar_multiple_op< Scalar >, NestedXpr > >
Eigen::internal::blas_traits< CwiseUnaryOp< scalar_opposite_op< Scalar >, NestedXpr > >
Eigen::internal::blas_traits< SelfCwiseBinaryOp< BinOp, NestedXpr, Rhs > >
Eigen::internal::blas_traits< Transpose< NestedXpr > >
Eigen::Block< XprType, BlockRows, BlockCols, InnerPanel >Expression of a fixed-size or dynamic-size block
Eigen::BlockImpl< SparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Options, _Index >, BlockRows, BlockCols, true, Sparse >
Eigen::BlockImpl< XprType, BlockRows, BlockCols, InnerPanel, Dense >
Eigen::BlockImpl< XprType, BlockRows, BlockCols, InnerPanel, Sparse >
Eigen::BlockImpl< XprType, BlockRows, BlockCols, true, Sparse >
Eigen::internal::BlockImpl_dense< XprType, BlockRows, BlockCols, InnerPanel, HasDirectAccess >
Eigen::internal::BlockImpl_dense< XprType, BlockRows, BlockCols, InnerPanel, true >
BlockMatrixImplements a very rudimentary block sparse matrix class
BoundaryConstraintStores and evaluates boundary constraints within optimal control problems
BoundsManages working sets of bounds (= box constraints)
BoxConstraintStores and evaluates box constraints within optimal control problems
CasADi::CasadiExceptionCasadi exception class
Eigen::internal::cast_impl< OldType, NewType >
Eigen::internal::cast_return_type< XprType, CastType >
CFunction(no description yet)
Eigen::internal::check_rows_cols_for_overflow< MaxSizeAtCompileTime >
Eigen::internal::check_rows_cols_for_overflow< Dynamic >
Eigen::internal::check_transpose_aliasing_compile_time_selector< DestIsTransposed, OtherDerived >
Eigen::internal::check_transpose_aliasing_compile_time_selector< DestIsTransposed, CwiseBinaryOp< BinOp, DerivedA, DerivedB > >
Eigen::internal::check_transpose_aliasing_run_time_selector< Scalar, DestIsTransposed, OtherDerived >
Eigen::internal::check_transpose_aliasing_run_time_selector< Scalar, DestIsTransposed, CwiseBinaryOp< BinOp, DerivedA, DerivedB > >
Eigen::internal::checkTransposeAliasing_impl< Derived, OtherDerived, MightHaveTransposeAliasing >
Eigen::internal::checkTransposeAliasing_impl< Derived, OtherDerived, false >
Eigen::CholmodBase< _MatrixType, _UpLo, Derived >The base class for the direct Cholesky factorization of Cholmod
Eigen::CholmodDecomposition< _MatrixType, _UpLo >A general Cholesky factorization and solver based on Cholmod
Eigen::CholmodSimplicialLDLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >A simplicial direct Cholesky (LDLT) factorization and solver based on Cholmod
Eigen::CholmodSimplicialLLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >A simplicial direct Cholesky (LLT) factorization and solver based on Cholmod
Eigen::CholmodSupernodalLLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >A supernodal Cholesky (LLT) factorization and solver based on Cholmod
ClippingFunctionalityAllows to transform the output of the ControlLaw before passing it to the Process
ClockBase class for all kind of time measurements
Eigen::internal::coeff_visitor< Derived >
Eigen::CoeffBasedProduct< LhsNested, RhsNested, NestingFlags >
internal::colamd_col< Index >
Eigen::internal::colamd_col< Index >
internal::Colamd_Row< Index >
Eigen::internal::Colamd_Row< Index >
Eigen::COLAMDOrdering< Index >
CollocationMethodDiscretizes a DifferentialEquation by means of a collocation scheme
ColoredNoiseGenerates pseudo-random colored noise for simulating the Process
Eigen::ColPivHouseholderQR< _MatrixType >Householder rank-revealing QR decomposition of a matrix with column-pivoting
Eigen::internal::column_dfs_traits< IndexVector, ScalarVector >
Eigen::CommaInitializer< XprType >Helper class used by the comma initializer operator
Eigen::internal::companion< _Scalar, _Deg >
Eigen::internal::complex_schur_reduce_to_hessenberg< MatrixType, IsComplex >
Eigen::internal::complex_schur_reduce_to_hessenberg< MatrixType, false >
Eigen::ComplexEigenSolver< _MatrixType >Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of general complex matrices
Eigen::ComplexSchur< _MatrixType >Performs a complex Schur decomposition of a real or complex square matrix
Eigen::internal::CompressedStorage< _Scalar, _Index >
Eigen::internal::compute_inverse< MatrixType, ResultType, Size >
Eigen::internal::compute_inverse< MatrixType, ResultType, 1 >
Eigen::internal::compute_inverse< MatrixType, ResultType, 2 >
Eigen::internal::compute_inverse< MatrixType, ResultType, 3 >
Eigen::internal::compute_inverse< MatrixType, ResultType, 4 >
Eigen::internal::compute_inverse_and_det_with_check< MatrixType, ResultType, Size >
Eigen::internal::compute_inverse_and_det_with_check< MatrixType, ResultType, 1 >
Eigen::internal::compute_inverse_and_det_with_check< MatrixType, ResultType, 2 >
Eigen::internal::compute_inverse_and_det_with_check< MatrixType, ResultType, 3 >
Eigen::internal::compute_inverse_and_det_with_check< MatrixType, ResultType, 4 >
Eigen::internal::compute_inverse_size4< Arch, Scalar, MatrixType, ResultType >
Eigen::internal::compute_inverse_size4< Architecture::SSE, double, MatrixType, ResultType >
Eigen::internal::compute_inverse_size4< Architecture::SSE, float, MatrixType, ResultType >
Eigen::internal::compute_matrix_flags< Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols >
CondensingBasedCPsolverSolves banded conic programs arising in optimal control using condensing
Eigen::internal::conditional< Condition, Then, Else >
Eigen::internal::conditional< false, Then, Else >
Eigen::internal::conj_expr_if< Cond, T >
Eigen::internal::conj_helper< Packet1cd, Packet1cd, false, true >
Eigen::internal::conj_helper< Packet1cd, Packet1cd, true, false >
Eigen::internal::conj_helper< Packet1cd, Packet1cd, true, true >
Eigen::internal::conj_helper< Packet1cd, Packet2d, false, false >
Eigen::internal::conj_helper< Packet2cf, Packet2cf, false, true >
Eigen::internal::conj_helper< Packet2cf, Packet2cf, true, false >
Eigen::internal::conj_helper< Packet2cf, Packet2cf, true, true >
Eigen::internal::conj_helper< Packet2cf, Packet4f, false, false >
Eigen::internal::conj_helper< Packet2d, Packet1cd, false, false >
Eigen::internal::conj_helper< Packet4f, Packet2cf, false, false >
Eigen::internal::conj_helper< RealScalar, std::complex< RealScalar >, false, Conj >
Eigen::internal::conj_helper< Scalar, Scalar, false, false >
Eigen::internal::conj_helper< std::complex< RealScalar >, RealScalar, Conj, false >
Eigen::internal::conj_helper< std::complex< RealScalar >, std::complex< RealScalar >, false, true >
Eigen::internal::conj_helper< std::complex< RealScalar >, std::complex< RealScalar >, true, false >
Eigen::internal::conj_helper< std::complex< RealScalar >, std::complex< RealScalar >, true, true >
Eigen::internal::conj_if< false >
Eigen::internal::conj_if< true >
Eigen::internal::conj_impl< Scalar, IsComplex >
Eigen::internal::conj_impl< Scalar, true >
Eigen::internal::conj_retval< Scalar >
Eigen::ConjugateGradient< _MatrixType, _UpLo, _Preconditioner >A conjugate gradient solver for sparse self-adjoint problems
ConjugateGradientMethodImplements a conjugate gradient method as sparse linear algebra solver
Eigen::internal::conservative_resize_like_impl< Derived, OtherDerived, IsVector >
Eigen::internal::conservative_resize_like_impl< Derived, OtherDerived, true >
Eigen::internal::conservative_sparse_sparse_product_selector< Lhs, Rhs, ResultType, ColMajor, ColMajor, ColMajor >
Eigen::internal::conservative_sparse_sparse_product_selector< Lhs, Rhs, ResultType, ColMajor, ColMajor, RowMajor >
Eigen::internal::conservative_sparse_sparse_product_selector< Lhs, Rhs, ResultType, ColMajor, RowMajor, ColMajor >
Eigen::internal::conservative_sparse_sparse_product_selector< Lhs, Rhs, ResultType, ColMajor, RowMajor, RowMajor >
Eigen::internal::conservative_sparse_sparse_product_selector< Lhs, Rhs, ResultType, RowMajor, ColMajor, ColMajor >
Eigen::internal::conservative_sparse_sparse_product_selector< Lhs, Rhs, ResultType, RowMajor, ColMajor, RowMajor >
Eigen::internal::conservative_sparse_sparse_product_selector< Lhs, Rhs, ResultType, RowMajor, RowMajor, ColMajor >
Eigen::internal::conservative_sparse_sparse_product_selector< Lhs, Rhs, ResultType, RowMajor, RowMajor, RowMajor >
Eigen::internal::const_blas_data_mapper< Scalar, Index, StorageOrder >
ConstantHessianImplements a constant Hessian as approximation of second-order derivatives within NLPsolvers
Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived >::ConstDiagonalIndexReturnType< Index >
ConstFixedSegmentReturnType< Size >
Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::ConstFixedSegmentReturnType< Size >
Eigen::DenseBase< Derived >::ConstFixedSegmentReturnType< Size >
ConstNColsBlockXpr< N >
Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::ConstNColsBlockXpr< N >
Eigen::DenseBase< Derived >::ConstNColsBlockXpr< N >
ConstNRowsBlockXpr< N >
Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::ConstNRowsBlockXpr< N >
Eigen::DenseBase< Derived >::ConstNRowsBlockXpr< N >
ConstraintStores and evaluates the constraints of optimal control problems
ConstraintComponentData class for symbolically formulating constraints within optimal control problems
ConstraintElementBase class for all kind of constraints (except for bounds) within optimal control problems
ConstraintProductInterface for specifying user-defined evaluations of constraint products
ConstraintsManages working sets of constraints
Eigen::Transform< _Scalar, _Dim >::construct_from_matrix< OtherDerived, BigMatrix >
Eigen::Transform< _Scalar, _Dim >::construct_from_matrix< OtherDerived, true >
Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived >::ConstSelfAdjointViewReturnType< UpLo >
Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived >::ConstTriangularViewReturnType< Mode >
ControlLawBase class for interfacing online feedback laws to be used within a Controller
ControllerCalculates the control inputs of the Process based on the Process outputs
COperatorThe class COperator is an auxiliary class to use C-Functions within a function evaluation tree
CosImplements the scalar cosine operator within the symbolic operators family
Eigen::internal::member_redux< BinaryOp, Scalar >::Cost< _Scalar, Size >
CoupledPathConstraintStores and evaluates coupled path constraints within optimal control problems
Eigen::internal::cross3_impl< Arch, VectorLhs, VectorRhs, Scalar, Vectorizable >
Eigen::internal::cross3_impl< Architecture::SSE, VectorLhs, VectorRhs, float, true >
Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived >::cross_product_return_type< OtherDerived >
CurveAllows to work with piecewise-continous function defined over a scalar time interval
Eigen::Cwise< ExpressionType >Pseudo expression providing additional coefficient-wise operations
Eigen::CwiseBinaryOp< BinaryOp, Lhs, Rhs >Generic expression where a coefficient-wise binary operator is applied to two expressions
Eigen::CwiseBinaryOpImpl< BinaryOp, Lhs, Rhs, Dense >
Eigen::CwiseBinaryOpImpl< BinaryOp, Lhs, Rhs, Sparse >
Eigen::CwiseNullaryOp< NullaryOp, PlainObjectType >Generic expression of a matrix where all coefficients are defined by a functor
Eigen::CwiseUnaryOp< UnaryOp, XprType >Generic expression where a coefficient-wise unary operator is applied to an expression
Eigen::CwiseUnaryOpImpl< UnaryOp, MatrixType, Sparse >
Eigen::CwiseUnaryOpImpl< UnaryOp, XprType, Dense >
Eigen::CwiseUnaryView< ViewOp, MatrixType >Generic lvalue expression of a coefficient-wise unary operator of a matrix or a vector
Eigen::CwiseUnaryViewImpl< ViewOp, MatrixType, Dense >
Eigen::CwiseUnaryViewImpl< ViewOp, MatrixType, Sparse >
Eigen::internal::decrement_if_fixed_size< Size >
Eigen::internal::decrement_size< n >
Eigen::SparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Options, _Index >::default_prunning_func
Eigen::internal::dense_xpr_base< Derived, XprKind >
Eigen::internal::dense_xpr_base< Derived, ArrayXpr >
Eigen::internal::dense_xpr_base< Derived, MatrixXpr >
Eigen::DenseBase< Derived >Base class for all dense matrices, vectors, and arrays
Eigen::DenseCoeffsBase< Derived, DirectAccessors >Base class providing direct read-only coefficient access to matrices and arrays
Eigen::DenseCoeffsBase< Derived, DirectWriteAccessors >Base class providing direct read/write coefficient access to matrices and arrays
Eigen::DenseCoeffsBase< Derived, ReadOnlyAccessors >Base class providing read-only coefficient access to matrices and arrays
Eigen::DenseCoeffsBase< Derived, WriteAccessors >Base class providing read/write coefficient access to matrices and arrays
DenseCPData class for storing generic conic programs
DenseCPsolverBase class for algorithms solving conic programs
DenseMatrixInterfaces matrix-vector operations tailored to general dense matrices
DenseQPsolverAbstract base class for algorithms solving quadratic programs
Eigen::DenseSparseProductReturnType< Lhs, Rhs, InnerSize >
Eigen::DenseSparseProductReturnType< Lhs, Rhs, 1 >
Eigen::DenseStorage< T, Size, _Rows, _Cols, _Options >
Eigen::DenseStorage< T, 0, _Rows, _Cols, _Options >
Eigen::DenseStorage< T, 0, _Rows, Dynamic, _Options >
Eigen::DenseStorage< T, 0, Dynamic, _Cols, _Options >
Eigen::DenseStorage< T, 0, Dynamic, Dynamic, _Options >
Eigen::DenseStorage< T, Dynamic, _Rows, Dynamic, _Options >
Eigen::DenseStorage< T, Dynamic, Dynamic, _Cols, _Options >
Eigen::DenseStorage< T, Dynamic, Dynamic, Dynamic, _Options >
Eigen::DenseStorage< T, Size, _Rows, Dynamic, _Options >
Eigen::DenseStorage< T, Size, Dynamic, _Cols, _Options >
Eigen::DenseStorage< T, Size, Dynamic, Dynamic, _Options >
Eigen::DenseTimeSparseProduct< Lhs, Rhs >
Eigen::DenseTimeSparseSelfAdjointProduct< Lhs, Rhs, UpLo >
Eigen::internal::determinant_impl< Derived, DeterminantType >
Eigen::internal::determinant_impl< Derived, 1 >
Eigen::internal::determinant_impl< Derived, 2 >
Eigen::internal::determinant_impl< Derived, 3 >
Eigen::internal::determinant_impl< Derived, 4 >
Eigen::DGMRES< _MatrixType, _Preconditioner >A Restarted GMRES with deflation. This class implements a modification of the GMRES solver for sparse linear systems. The basis is built with modified Gram-Schmidt. At each restart, a few approximated eigenvectors corresponding to the smallest eigenvalues are used to build a preconditioner for the next cycle. This preconditioner for deflation can be combined with any other preconditioner, the IncompleteLUT for instance. The preconditioner is applied at right of the matrix and the combination is multiplicative
Eigen::Diagonal< MatrixType, _DiagIndex >Expression of a diagonal/subdiagonal/superdiagonal in a matrix
Eigen::DiagonalBase< Derived >
Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived >::DiagonalIndexReturnType< Index >
Eigen::internal::BandMatrixBase< Derived >::DiagonalIntReturnType< Index >
DiagonallyImplicitRKExportAllows to export a tailored diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta integrator for fast model predictive control
DiagonallyIRK3ExportAllows to export a tailored diagonally implicit 2-stage Runge-Kutta method of order 3 for fast model predictive control
DiagonallyIRK4ExportAllows to export a tailored diagonally implicit 3-stage Runge-Kutta method of order 4 for fast model predictive control
DiagonallyIRK5ExportAllows to export a tailored diagonally implicit 5-stage Runge-Kutta method of order 5 for fast model predictive control
Eigen::DiagonalMatrix< _Scalar, SizeAtCompileTime, MaxSizeAtCompileTime >Represents a diagonal matrix with its storage
Eigen::DiagonalPreconditioner< _Scalar >A preconditioner based on the digonal entries
Eigen::DiagonalProduct< MatrixType, DiagonalType, ProductOrder >
Eigen::DiagonalWrapper< _DiagonalVectorType >Expression of a diagonal matrix
DifferentialEquationAllows to setup and evaluate differential equations (ODEs and DAEs) based on SymbolicExpressions
Eigen::internal::direct_selfadjoint_eigenvalues< SolverType, Size, IsComplex >
Eigen::internal::direct_selfadjoint_eigenvalues< SolverType, 2, false >
Eigen::internal::direct_selfadjoint_eigenvalues< SolverType, 3, false >
DiscreteTimeExportAllows to export a tailored discrete-time 'integrator' for fast model predictive control
DiscretizedDifferentialEquationAllows to setup and evaluate discretized differential equations based on SymbolicExpressions
Eigen::internal::dot_nocheck< T, U, NeedToTranspose >
Eigen::internal::dot_nocheck< T, U, true >
DoubleConstantImplements a scalar constant within the symbolic operators family
Eigen::internal::gebp_traits< std::complex< RealScalar >, std::complex< RealScalar >, _ConjLhs, _ConjRhs >::DoublePacket
DynamicDiscretizationBase class for discretizing a DifferentialEquation for use in optimal control algorithms
DynamicEstimatorImplements an online state/parameter estimator based on dynamic optimization
Eigen::DynamicSparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Options, _Index >A sparse matrix class designed for matrix assembly purpose
DynamicSystemStores a DifferentialEquation together with an OutputFcn
Eigen::ei_cleantype< T >
Eigen::ei_cleantype< const T & >
Eigen::ei_cleantype< const T * >
Eigen::ei_cleantype< const T >
Eigen::ei_cleantype< T & >
Eigen::ei_cleantype< T * >
Eigen::ei_is_same_type< T, U >
Eigen::ei_is_same_type< T, T >
Eigen::ei_meta_if< Condition, Then, Else >
Eigen::ei_meta_if< false, Then, Else >
Eigen::ei_meta_sqrt< Y, InfX, SupX, Done >
Eigen::ei_meta_sqrt< Y, InfX, SupX, true >
Eigen::ei_quaternion_assign_impl< Other, 3, 3 >
Eigen::ei_quaternion_assign_impl< Other, 4, 1 >
Eigen::ei_traits< T >
Eigen::ei_traits< AngleAxis< _Scalar > >
Eigen::ei_traits< Quaternion< _Scalar > >
Eigen::ei_traits< Rotation2D< _Scalar > >
Eigen::ei_transform_product_impl< Other, Dim, HDim, Dim, 1 >
Eigen::ei_transform_product_impl< Other, Dim, HDim, Dim, Dim >
Eigen::ei_transform_product_impl< Other, Dim, HDim, HDim, 1 >
Eigen::ei_transform_product_impl< Other, Dim, HDim, HDim, HDim >
Eigen::ei_unconst< T >
Eigen::ei_unconst< const T >
Eigen::ei_unconst< T const & >
Eigen::ei_unconst< T const * >
Eigen::ei_unpointer< T >
Eigen::ei_unpointer< T * >
Eigen::ei_unpointer< T *const >
Eigen::ei_unref< T >
Eigen::ei_unref< T & >
Eigen::EigenBase< Derived >
Eigen::EigenSolver< _MatrixType >Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of general matrices
Eigen::internal::eigenvalues_selector< Derived, IsComplex >
Eigen::internal::eigenvalues_selector< Derived, false >
EllipsoidalIntegratorValidated integrator for ODEs based on Taylor models with ellipsoidal remainder term
Eigen::internal::enable_if< true, T >
EstimatorBase class for interfacing online state/parameter estimators
Eigen::internal::eval< Array< _Scalar, _Rows, _Cols, _Options, _MaxRows, _MaxCols >, Dense >
Eigen::internal::eval< Matrix< _Scalar, _Rows, _Cols, _Options, _MaxRows, _MaxCols >, Dense >
Eigen::internal::eval< T, Dense >
Eigen::internal::eval< T, IsSkyline >
Eigen::internal::eval< T, Sparse >
EvaluationBaseAbstract base class for templated evaluation of operators
EvaluationPointAllows to setup function evaluation points
EvaluationTemplate< T >Templated class for operator evaluation
ExactHessianImplements an exact Hessian computation for obtaining second-order derivatives within NLPsolvers
TaylorModel< T >::ExceptionsTaylor model exceptions
ExpImplements the scalar exponential operator within the symbolic operators family
ExplicitEulerExportAllows to export a tailored explicit Euler method for fast model predictive control
ExplicitRungeKutta2ExportAllows to export a tailored explicit Runge-Kutta integrator of order 2 for fast model predictive control
ExplicitRungeKutta3ExportAllows to export a tailored explicit Runge-Kutta integrator of order 3 for fast model predictive control
ExplicitRungeKutta4ExportAllows to export a tailored explicit Runge-Kutta integrator of order 4 for fast model predictive control
ExplicitRungeKuttaExportAllows to export a tailored explicit Runge-Kutta integrator for fast model predictive control
ExportAcadoFunctionAllows to export code of an ACADO function
ExportAlgorithmAllows to export automatically generated algorithms for fast model predictive control
ExportAlgorithmFactory< AlgorithmBase, AlgorithmType >Factory for creation of exported algorithms
ExportArgumentDefines a matrix-valued variable that can be passed as argument to exported functions
ExportArgumentInternalDefines a matrix-valued variable that can be passed as argument to exported functions
ExportArgumentListAllows to store a list of calling arguments of an ExportFunction
ExportArithmeticStatementAllows to export code of different arithmetic statements
ExportAuxiliaryFunctionsA class for generating some helper functions
ExportAuxiliarySimFunctionsA class for generating some helper functions
ExportCholeskyDecompositionA class for exporting a function for calculation of the Cholesky decomposition
ExportCholeskySolverAllows to export linear solver based on Cholesky factorization
ExportCommonHeaderCentralized place to export the common header for a generated module
ExportDataAbstract base class to define variables to be used for exporting code
ExportDataDeclarationAllows to export code containing variable declarations
ExportExactHessianQpDunesA class for export of an OCP solver using sparse QP solver qpDUNES
ExportFileAllows to export files containing automatically generated algorithms for fast model predictive control
ExportForcesGeneratorGenerator of the FORCES interface, the to, be called from MATLAB
ExportForcesInterfaceA class for configuration and export for interface to the FORCES QP solver
ExportForLoopAllows to export code of a for-loop
ExportFunctionAllows to export code of an arbitrary function
ExportFunctionCallAllows to export code of a function call
ExportFunctionDeclarationAllows to export code containing function (forward) declarations
ExportGaussElimAllows to export Gaussian elimination for solving linear systems of specific dimensions
ExportGaussNewtonCN2An OCP solver based on the N^2 condensing algorithm
ExportGaussNewtonCondensedA class for export of Gauss-Newton condensed OCP solver
ExportGaussNewtonForcesA class for export of an OCP solver using sparse QP solver FORCES
ExportGaussNewtonQpDunesA class for export of an OCP solver using sparse QP solver qpDUNES
ExportGaussNewtonQpDunes2A class for export of an OCP solver using sparse QP solver qpDUNES
ExportHessianRegularizationA class for generating code implementing a symmetric EigenValue Decomposition
ExportHouseholderQRAllows to export Householder QR Factorization for solving linear systems of specific dimensions
ExportHpmpcInterfaceInterface generator for the HPMPC QP solver
ExportIndexDefines a scalar-valued index variable to be used for exporting code
ExportLinearSolverAllows to export automatically generated algorithms for solving linear systems of specific dimensions
ExportModuleUser-interface to automatically generate algorithms for fast model predictive control
ExportNLPSolverBase class for export of NLP/OCP solvers
ExportQpDunesInterfaceInterface generator for the qpDUNES QP solver
ExportQpOasesInterfaceA class for generating the glue code for interfacing qpOASES
ExportSimulinkInterfaceA class for generating the glue code and makefile for interfacing generated code and Simulink
ExportStatementBase class for all kind of statements to be exported by the code generation tool
ExportStatementBlockAllows to export code for a block of statements
ExportStatementStringAllows to export code writing a string
ExportTemplatedFileAllows export of template files
ExportVariableDefines a matrix-valued variable to be used for exporting code
ExportVariableInternalDefines a matrix-valued variable to be used for exporting code
ExpressionBase class for all variables within the symbolic expressions family
ExpressionType< Derived, Type, AllowCounter >
Eigen::VectorwiseOp< ExpressionType, Direction >::ExtendedType< OtherDerived >
Eigen::internal::extract_data_selector< T, HasUsableDirectAccess >
Eigen::internal::extract_data_selector< T, false >
FeedforwardLawImplements a feedforward law to be used within a Controller
Eigen::internal::fftw_impl< _Scalar >
Eigen::internal::fftw_plan< T >
Eigen::internal::fftw_plan< double >
Eigen::internal::fftw_plan< float >
Eigen::internal::fftw_plan< long double >
Eigen::internal::first_aligned_impl< Derived, JustReturnZero >
Eigen::internal::first_aligned_impl< Derived, false >
FixedSegmentReturnType< Size >
Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::FixedSegmentReturnType< Size >
Eigen::DenseBase< Derived >::FixedSegmentReturnType< Size >
Eigen::Flagged< ExpressionType, Added, Removed >Expression with modified flags
FlipperAuxiliary class for storing a copy of the current matrix factorisations
Eigen::internal::floor_log2< n, lower, upper, selector >
Eigen::internal::floor_log2< n, lower, upper, floor_log2_bogus >
Eigen::internal::floor_log2< n, lower, upper, floor_log2_move_down >
Eigen::internal::floor_log2< n, lower, upper, floor_log2_move_up >
Eigen::internal::floor_log2< n, lower, upper, floor_log2_terminate >
Eigen::internal::floor_log2_selector< n, lower, upper >
MatFile< T >::Fmatrix
Eigen::ForceAlignedAccess< ExpressionType >Enforce aligned packet loads and stores regardless of what is requested
ForwardIRKExportAllows to export a tailored implicit Runge-Kutta integrator with forward sensitivity generation for fast model predictive control
ForwardOverBackwardERKExportAllows to export a tailored explicit Runge-Kutta integrator with forward-over-backward second order sensitivity propagation for fast model predictive control
Eigen::FullPivHouseholderQR< _MatrixType >Householder rank-revealing QR decomposition of a matrix with full pivoting
Eigen::internal::FullPivHouseholderQRMatrixQReturnType< MatrixType >Expression type for return value of FullPivHouseholderQR::matrixQ()
Eigen::FullPivLU< _MatrixType >LU decomposition of a matrix with complete pivoting, and related features
FunctionAllows to setup and evaluate a general function based on SymbolicExpressions
FunctionEvaluationTreeOrganizes the evaluation of the function tree
Eigen::internal::functor_has_linear_access< Functor >
Eigen::internal::functor_has_linear_access< scalar_identity_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_is_product_like< Functor >
Eigen::internal::functor_is_product_like< scalar_conj_product_op< LhsScalar, RhsScalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_is_product_like< scalar_product_op< LhsScalar, RhsScalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_is_product_like< scalar_quotient_op< LhsScalar, RhsScalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< T >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< linspaced_op< Scalar, RandomAccess > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< max_coeff_visitor< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< min_coeff_visitor< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_abs2_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_abs_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_acos_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_add_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_asin_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_binary_pow_op< Scalar, OtherScalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_boolean_and_op >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_boolean_or_op >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_cast_op< Scalar, NewType > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_conj_product_op< LhsScalar, RhsScalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_conjugate_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_constant_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_cos_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_cube_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_difference_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_exp_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_hypot_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_identity_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_imag_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_imag_ref_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_inverse_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_log_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_max_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_min_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_multiple2_op< Scalar1, Scalar2 > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_multiple_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_opposite_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_pow_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_product_op< LhsScalar, RhsScalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_quotient1_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_quotient_op< LhsScalar, RhsScalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_random_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_real_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_real_ref_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_sin_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_sqrt_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_square_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_sum_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< scalar_tan_op< Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< std::binary_negate< T > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< std::binder1st< T > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< std::binder2nd< T > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< std::divides< T > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< std::equal_to< T > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< std::greater< T > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< std::greater_equal< T > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< std::less< T > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< std::less_equal< T > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< std::logical_and< T > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< std::logical_not< T > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< std::logical_or< T > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< std::minus< T > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< std::multiplies< T > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< std::negate< T > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< std::not_equal_to< T > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< std::plus< T > >
Eigen::internal::functor_traits< std::unary_negate< T > >
GaussianNoiseGenerates pseudo-random Gaussian noise for simulating the Process
GaussLegendre2ExportAllows to export a tailored Gauss-Legendre method of order 2 for fast model predictive control
GaussLegendre4ExportAllows to export a tailored Gauss-Legendre method of order 4 for fast model predictive control
GaussLegendre6ExportAllows to export a tailored Gauss-Legendre method of order 6 for fast model predictive control
GaussLegendre8ExportAllows to export a tailored Gauss-Legendre method of order 8 for fast model predictive control
GaussNewtonApproximationImplements a Gauss-Newton approximation as second-order derivatives within NLPsolvers
GaussNewtonApproximationWithBFGSImplements a Gauss-Newton approximation with block BFGS updates as second-order derivatives within NLPsolvers
Eigen::internal::gebp_kernel< LhsScalar, RhsScalar, Index, mr, nr, ConjugateLhs, ConjugateRhs >
Eigen::internal::gebp_madd_selector< CJ, A, B, C, T >
Eigen::internal::gebp_madd_selector< CJ, T, T, T, T >
Eigen::internal::gebp_traits< _LhsScalar, _RhsScalar, _ConjLhs, _ConjRhs >
Eigen::internal::gebp_traits< RealScalar, std::complex< RealScalar >, false, _ConjRhs >
Eigen::internal::gebp_traits< std::complex< RealScalar >, RealScalar, _ConjLhs, false >
Eigen::internal::gebp_traits< std::complex< RealScalar >, std::complex< RealScalar >, _ConjLhs, _ConjRhs >
Eigen::internal::gemm_blocking_space< StorageOrder, _LhsScalar, _RhsScalar, MaxRows, MaxCols, MaxDepth, KcFactor, false >
Eigen::internal::gemm_blocking_space< StorageOrder, _LhsScalar, _RhsScalar, MaxRows, MaxCols, MaxDepth, KcFactor, true >
Eigen::internal::gemm_functor< Scalar, Index, Gemm, Lhs, Rhs, Dest, BlockingType >
Eigen::internal::gemm_pack_lhs< Scalar, Index, Pack1, Pack2, StorageOrder, Conjugate, PanelMode >
Eigen::internal::gemm_pack_rhs< Scalar, Index, nr, ColMajor, Conjugate, PanelMode >
Eigen::internal::gemm_pack_rhs< Scalar, Index, nr, RowMajor, Conjugate, PanelMode >
Eigen::internal::GemmParallelInfo< Index >
Eigen::internal::gemv_selector< OnTheLeft, StorageOrder, BlasCompatible >
Eigen::internal::gemv_selector< OnTheRight, ColMajor, false >
Eigen::internal::gemv_selector< OnTheRight, ColMajor, true >
Eigen::internal::gemv_selector< OnTheRight, RowMajor, false >
Eigen::internal::gemv_selector< OnTheRight, RowMajor, true >
Eigen::internal::gemv_static_vector_if< Scalar, Size, Dynamic, true >
Eigen::internal::gemv_static_vector_if< Scalar, Size, MaxSize, false >
Eigen::internal::gemv_static_vector_if< Scalar, Size, MaxSize, true >
Eigen::internal::general_matrix_matrix_product< Index, LhsScalar, LhsStorageOrder, ConjugateLhs, RhsScalar, RhsStorageOrder, ConjugateRhs, ColMajor >
Eigen::internal::general_matrix_matrix_product< Index, LhsScalar, LhsStorageOrder, ConjugateLhs, RhsScalar, RhsStorageOrder, ConjugateRhs, RowMajor >
Eigen::internal::general_matrix_matrix_rankupdate< Index, Scalar, AStorageOrder, ConjugateA, ResStorageOrder, UpLo >
Eigen::internal::general_matrix_matrix_triangular_product< Index, LhsScalar, LhsStorageOrder, ConjugateLhs, RhsScalar, RhsStorageOrder, ConjugateRhs, ColMajor, UpLo, Version >
Eigen::internal::general_matrix_matrix_triangular_product< Index, LhsScalar, LhsStorageOrder, ConjugateLhs, RhsScalar, RhsStorageOrder, ConjugateRhs, RowMajor, UpLo, Version >
Eigen::internal::general_matrix_vector_product< Index, LhsScalar, ColMajor, ConjugateLhs, RhsScalar, ConjugateRhs, Version >
Eigen::internal::general_matrix_vector_product< Index, LhsScalar, RowMajor, ConjugateLhs, RhsScalar, ConjugateRhs, Version >
Eigen::internal::general_matrix_vector_product_gemv< Index, LhsScalar, LhsStorageOrder, ConjugateLhs, RhsScalar, ConjugateRhs >
Eigen::general_product_to_triangular_selector< MatrixType, ProductType, UpLo, false >
Eigen::general_product_to_triangular_selector< MatrixType, ProductType, UpLo, true >
Eigen::GeneralizedEigenSolver< _MatrixType >Computes the generalized eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a pair of general matrices
Eigen::GeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver< _MatrixType >Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the generalized selfadjoint eigen problem
GeneralProductExpression of the product of two general matrices or vectors
Eigen::GeneralProduct< Lhs, Rhs, GemmProduct >
Eigen::GeneralProduct< Lhs, Rhs, GemvProduct >
Eigen::GeneralProduct< Lhs, Rhs, InnerProduct >
Eigen::GeneralProduct< Lhs, Rhs, OuterProduct >
GenericMatrix< T >
Eigen::GenericNumTraits< T >
GenericVector< T >
Eigen::internal::get_boxes_helper< ObjectList, VolumeList, BoxIter >
Eigen::internal::get_boxes_helper< ObjectList, VolumeList, int >
Eigen::internal::get_factor< From, To >
Eigen::internal::get_factor< Scalar, typename NumTraits< Scalar >::Real >
Eigen::internal::global_math_functions_filtering_base< T, dummy >
Eigen::internal::global_math_functions_filtering_base< T, typename always_void< typename T::Eigen_BaseClassForSpecializationOfGlobalMathFuncImpl >::type >
Eigen::GMRES< _MatrixType, _Preconditioner >A GMRES solver for sparse square problems
GnuplotWindowProvides an interface to Gnuplot for plotting algorithmic outputs
GridAllows to conveniently handle (one-dimensional) grids consisting of time points
Eigen::internal::has_direct_access< Derived >
Eigen::HessenbergDecomposition< _MatrixType >Reduces a square matrix to Hessenberg form by an orthogonal similarity transformation
Eigen::internal::HessenbergDecompositionMatrixHReturnType< MatrixType >Expression type for return value of HessenbergDecomposition::matrixH()
Eigen::Homogeneous< MatrixType, _Direction >Expression of one (or a set of) homogeneous vector(s)
Eigen::internal::homogeneous_left_product_impl< Homogeneous< MatrixType, Vertical >, Lhs >
Eigen::internal::homogeneous_right_product_impl< Homogeneous< MatrixType, Horizontal >, Rhs >
Eigen::HouseholderQR< _MatrixType >Householder QR decomposition of a matrix
Eigen::HouseholderSequence< VectorsType, CoeffsType, Side >Sequence of Householder reflections acting on subspaces with decreasing size
Eigen::internal::hseq_side_dependent_impl< VectorsType, CoeffsType, Side >
Eigen::internal::hseq_side_dependent_impl< VectorsType, CoeffsType, OnTheRight >
Eigen::HybridNonLinearSolver< FunctorType, Scalar >Finds a zero of a system of n nonlinear functions in n variables by a modification of the Powell hybrid method ("dogleg")
Eigen::Hyperplane< _Scalar, _AmbientDim >A hyperplane
Eigen::internal::hypot_impl< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::hypot_retval< Scalar >
Eigen::IdentityPreconditionerA naive preconditioner which approximates any matrix as the identity matrix
Eigen::internal::imag_default_impl< Scalar, IsComplex >
Eigen::internal::imag_default_impl< Scalar, true >
Eigen::internal::imag_impl< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::imag_ref_default_impl< Scalar, IsComplex >
Eigen::internal::imag_ref_default_impl< Scalar, false >
Eigen::internal::imag_ref_impl< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::imag_ref_retval< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::imag_retval< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::image_retval< FullPivLU< _MatrixType > >
Eigen::internal::image_retval_base< _DecompositionType >
ImplicitRungeKuttaExportAllows to export a tailored implicit Runge-Kutta integrator for fast model predictive control
Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >Modified Incomplete Cholesky with dual threshold
Eigen::IncompleteLU< _Scalar >
Eigen::IncompleteLUT< _Scalar >Incomplete LU factorization with dual-threshold strategy
IndexlistStores and manages index lists
Eigen::internal::inner_stride_at_compile_time< Derived, HasDirectAccess >
Eigen::internal::inner_stride_at_compile_time< Derived, false >
Eigen::MappedSparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Flags, _Index >::InnerIterator
Eigen::BlockImpl< XprType, BlockRows, BlockCols, true, Sparse >::InnerIterator
Eigen::BlockImpl< SparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Options, _Index >, BlockRows, BlockCols, true, Sparse >::InnerIterator
Eigen::BlockImpl< XprType, BlockRows, BlockCols, InnerPanel, Sparse >::InnerIterator
Eigen::CwiseBinaryOpImpl< BinaryOp, Lhs, Rhs, Sparse >::InnerIterator
Eigen::CwiseUnaryOpImpl< UnaryOp, MatrixType, Sparse >::InnerIterator
Eigen::CwiseUnaryViewImpl< ViewOp, MatrixType, Sparse >::InnerIterator
Eigen::SparseDenseOuterProduct< Lhs, Rhs, Tr >::InnerIterator
Eigen::SparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Options, _Index >::InnerIterator
Eigen::TransposeImpl< MatrixType, Sparse >::InnerIterator
Eigen::SparseTriangularView< MatrixType, Mode >::InnerIterator
Eigen::SparseVector< _Scalar, _Options, _Index >::InnerIterator
Eigen::SparseView< MatrixType >::InnerIterator
Eigen::internal::MappedSuperNodalMatrix< _Scalar, _Index >::InnerIteratorInnerIterator class to iterate over nonzero values of the current column in the supernodal matrix L
Eigen::DenseBase< Derived >::InnerIterator< Derived >
Eigen::DynamicSparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Options, _Index >::InnerIterator
InnerIteratorAn InnerIterator allows to loop over the element of a sparse (or dense) matrix or expression
Eigen::SkylineMatrix< _Scalar, _Options >::InnerLowerIterator
Eigen::InnerStride< Value >Convenience specialization of Stride to specify only an inner stride See class Map for some examples
Eigen::SkylineMatrix< _Scalar, _Options >::InnerUpperIterator
Eigen::internal::inplace_transpose_selector< MatrixType, false >
Eigen::internal::inplace_transpose_selector< MatrixType, true >
IntegrationAlgorithmUser-interface to integrate a DynamicSystem, possibly over multiple stages
IntegratorAbstract base class for all kinds of algorithms for integrating differential equations (ODEs or DAEs)
IntegratorBDFImplements the backward-differentiation formula for integrating DAEs
IntegratorDiscretizedODEImplements a scheme for evaluating discretized ODEs
IntegratorExportAllows to export a tailored integrator for fast model predictive control
IntegratorLYAPUNOVBase class for all kinds of Runge-Kutta schemes for integrating ODEs
IntegratorLYAPUNOV45Implements the Runge-Kutta-45 scheme for integrating ODEs
IntegratorRKAbstract base class for all kinds of Runge-Kutta schemes for integrating ODEs
IntegratorRK12Implements the Runge-Kutta-12 scheme for integrating ODEs
IntegratorRK23Implements the Runge-Kutta-23 scheme for integrating ODEs
IntegratorRK45Implements the Runge-Kutta-45 scheme for integrating ODEs
IntegratorRK78Implements the Runge-Kutta-78 scheme for integrating ODEs
Eigen::internal::intersector_helper1< Volume1, Object1, Object2, Intersector >
Eigen::internal::intersector_helper2< Volume2, Object2, Object1, Intersector >
IntervalImplements a rudimentary interval class
Eigen::internal::inverse_impl< MatrixType >
Eigen::IOFormatStores a set of parameters controlling the way matrices are printed
IPmethodImplements different interior-point methods for solving NLPs
Eigen::internal::is_arithmetic< T >
Eigen::internal::is_arithmetic< __m128 >
Eigen::internal::is_arithmetic< __m128d >
Eigen::internal::is_arithmetic< __m128i >
Eigen::internal::is_arithmetic< bool >
Eigen::internal::is_arithmetic< char >
Eigen::internal::is_arithmetic< double >
Eigen::internal::is_arithmetic< float >
Eigen::internal::is_arithmetic< long double >
Eigen::internal::is_arithmetic< signed char >
Eigen::internal::is_arithmetic< signed int >
Eigen::internal::is_arithmetic< signed long >
Eigen::internal::is_arithmetic< signed short >
Eigen::internal::is_arithmetic< unsigned char >
Eigen::internal::is_arithmetic< unsigned int >
Eigen::internal::is_arithmetic< unsigned long >
Eigen::internal::is_arithmetic< unsigned short >
Eigen::internal::is_const< T >
Eigen::internal::is_const< T const >
Eigen::internal::is_diagonal< T >
Eigen::internal::is_diagonal< DiagonalBase< T > >
Eigen::internal::is_diagonal< DiagonalMatrix< T, S > >
Eigen::internal::is_diagonal< DiagonalWrapper< T > >
Eigen::internal::is_lvalue< ExpressionType >
Eigen::internal::is_same< T, U >
Eigen::internal::is_same< T, T >
Eigen::internal::isApprox_selector< Derived, OtherDerived, is_integer >
Eigen::internal::isApprox_selector< Derived, OtherDerived, true >
Eigen::internal::isMuchSmallerThan_object_selector< Derived, OtherDerived, is_integer >
Eigen::internal::isMuchSmallerThan_object_selector< Derived, OtherDerived, true >
Eigen::internal::isMuchSmallerThan_scalar_selector< Derived, is_integer >
Eigen::internal::isMuchSmallerThan_scalar_selector< Derived, true >
Eigen::GeneralProduct< Lhs, Rhs, OuterProduct >::IsRowMajor< T >
Eigen::IterationControllerControls the iterations of the iterative solvers
Eigen::IterativeSolverBase< Derived >Base class for linear iterative solvers
Eigen::internal::AmbiVector< _Scalar, _Index >::Iterator
Eigen::IterScaling< _MatrixType >
Eigen::JacobiRotation< Scalar >Rotation given by a cosine-sine pair
Eigen::JacobiSVD< _MatrixType, QRPreconditioner >Two-sided Jacobi SVD decomposition of a rectangular matrix
KalmanFilterProvides a Kalman filter for state estimation
Eigen::KdBVH< _Scalar, _Dim, _Object >A simple bounding volume hierarchy based on AlignedBox
Eigen::IncompleteLUT< _Scalar >::keep_diag
Eigen::SimplicialCholeskyBase< Derived >::keep_diag
Eigen::internal::kernel_retval< FullPivLU< _MatrixType > >
Eigen::internal::kernel_retval_base< _DecompositionType >
Eigen::internal::kiss_cpx_fft< _Scalar >
Eigen::internal::kissfft_impl< _Scalar >
Eigen::KroneckerProduct< Lhs, Rhs >Kronecker tensor product helper class for dense matrices
Eigen::KroneckerProductSparse< Lhs, Rhs >Kronecker tensor product helper class for sparse matrices
LagrangeTermStores and evaluates Lagrange terms within optimal control problems
Eigen::LazyProductReturnType< Lhs, Rhs >
Eigen::LDLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >Robust Cholesky decomposition of a matrix with pivoting
Eigen::internal::ldlt_inplace< Lower >
Eigen::internal::ldlt_inplace< Upper >
Eigen::internal::LDLT_Traits< MatrixType, Lower >
Eigen::internal::LDLT_Traits< MatrixType, Upper >
Eigen::internal::level3_blocking< _LhsScalar, _RhsScalar >
Eigen::LevenbergMarquardt< FunctorType, Scalar >Performs non linear optimization over a non-linear function, using a variant of the Levenberg Marquardt algorithm
LinearStateFeedbackImplements a linear state feedback law to be used within a Controller
Eigen::internal::linspaced_op< Scalar, RandomAccess >
Eigen::internal::linspaced_op_impl< Scalar, false >
Eigen::internal::linspaced_op_impl< Scalar, true >
Eigen::internal::AmbiVector< _Scalar, _Index >::ListEl
Eigen::LLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >Standard Cholesky decomposition (LL^T) of a matrix and associated features
Eigen::internal::llt_inplace< Scalar, Lower >
Eigen::internal::llt_inplace< Scalar, Upper >
Eigen::internal::LLT_Traits< MatrixType, Lower >
Eigen::internal::LLT_Traits< MatrixType, Upper >
LogarithmImplements the scalar logarithm operator within the symbolic operators family
LoggerA very simple logging class
LoggingProvides a generic way to store algorithmic information during runtime
LogRecordAllows to setup and store user-specified log records of algorithmic information
Eigen::internal::lpNorm_selector< Derived, p >
Eigen::internal::lpNorm_selector< Derived, 1 >
Eigen::internal::lpNorm_selector< Derived, 2 >
Eigen::internal::lpNorm_selector< Derived, Infinity >
LSQEndTermStores and evaluates LSQ mayer terms within optimal control problems
LSQTermStores and evaluates LSQ terms within optimal control problems
Eigen::LU< MatrixType >
Eigen::internal::LU_GlobalLU_t< IndexVector, ScalarVector >
Eigen::internal::LU_kernel_bmod< SegSizeAtCompileTime >Performs numeric block updates from a given supernode to a single column
Eigen::internal::LU_kernel_bmod< 1 >
LyapunovImplements a parameter
Eigen::internal::make_coherent_impl< A, B >
Eigen::internal::make_coherent_impl< A, Matrix< B_Scalar, B_Rows, B_Cols, B_Options, B_MaxRows, B_MaxCols > >
Eigen::internal::make_coherent_impl< Matrix< A_Scalar, A_Rows, A_Cols, A_Options, A_MaxRows, A_MaxCols >, B >
Eigen::internal::make_coherent_impl< Matrix< A_Scalar, A_Rows, A_Cols, A_Options, A_MaxRows, A_MaxCols >, Matrix< B_Scalar, B_Rows, B_Cols, B_Options, B_MaxRows, B_MaxCols > >
Eigen::internal::make_proper_matrix_type< _Scalar, _Rows, _Cols, _Options, _MaxRows, _MaxCols >
Eigen::Map< PlainObjectType, MapOptions, StrideType >A matrix or vector expression mapping an existing array of data
Eigen::Map< const Quaternion< _Scalar >, _Options >Quaternion expression mapping a constant memory buffer
Eigen::Map< PermutationMatrix< SizeAtCompileTime, MaxSizeAtCompileTime, IndexType >, _PacketAccess >
Eigen::Map< Quaternion< _Scalar >, _Options >Expression of a quaternion from a memory buffer
Eigen::Map< Transpositions< SizeAtCompileTime, MaxSizeAtCompileTime, IndexType >, PacketAccess >
MapBaseBase class for Map and Block expression with direct access
Eigen::MapBase< Derived, ReadOnlyAccessors >
Eigen::MapBase< Derived, WriteAccessors >
Eigen::MappedSparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Flags, _Index >Sparse matrix
Eigen::internal::MappedSuperNodalMatrix< _Scalar, _Index >Class to manipulate the L supernodal factor from the SparseLU factorization
Eigen::internal::traits< Ref< _PlainObjectType, _Options, _StrideType > >::match< Derived >
MatFile< T >Simple class for writing binary data file that are compatible with Matlab
Eigen::Matrix< _Scalar, _Rows, _Cols, _Options, _MaxRows, _MaxCols >The matrix class, also used for vectors and row-vectors
MatrixAbstract base class for interfacing tailored matrix-vector operations
Eigen::internal::matrix_swap_impl< MatrixTypeA, MatrixTypeB, SwapPointers >
Eigen::internal::matrix_swap_impl< MatrixTypeA, MatrixTypeB, true >
Eigen::internal::matrix_type_times_scalar_type< OtherScalarType, MatrixType >
Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived >Base class for all dense matrices, vectors, and expressions
Eigen::MatrixExponential< MatrixType >Class for computing the matrix exponential
Eigen::MatrixExponentialReturnValue< Derived >Proxy for the matrix exponential of some matrix (expression)
Eigen::MatrixFunction< MatrixType, AtomicType, IsComplex >Class for computing matrix functions
Eigen::MatrixFunction< MatrixType, AtomicType, 0 >
Eigen::MatrixFunction< MatrixType, AtomicType, 1 >
Eigen::MatrixFunctionAtomic< MatrixType >Helper class for computing matrix functions of atomic matrices
Eigen::MatrixFunctionReturnValue< Derived >Proxy for the matrix function of some matrix (expression)
Eigen::MatrixLogarithmAtomic< MatrixType >Helper class for computing matrix logarithm of atomic matrices
Eigen::MatrixLogarithmReturnValue< Derived >Proxy for the matrix logarithm of some matrix (expression)
Eigen::MatrixMarketIterator< Scalar >Iterator to browse matrices from a specified folder
Eigen::MatrixPower< MatrixType >Class for computing matrix powers
Eigen::MatrixPowerAtomic< MatrixType >
Eigen::MatrixPowerReturnValue< Derived >Proxy for the matrix power of some matrix (expression)
Eigen::MatrixPowerRetval< MatrixType >
Eigen::MatrixSquareRoot< MatrixType, IsComplex >Class for computing matrix square roots of general matrices
Eigen::MatrixSquareRoot< MatrixType, 0 >
Eigen::MatrixSquareRoot< MatrixType, 1 >
Eigen::MatrixSquareRootQuasiTriangular< MatrixType >Class for computing matrix square roots of upper quasi-triangular matrices
Eigen::MatrixSquareRootReturnValue< Derived >Proxy for the matrix square root of some matrix (expression)
Eigen::MatrixSquareRootTriangular< MatrixType >Class for computing matrix square roots of upper triangular matrices
MatrixVariableProvides matrix-valued optimization variables
MatrixVariablesGridProvides a time grid consisting of matrix-valued optimization variables at each grid point
Eigen::MatrixWrapper< ExpressionType >Expression of an array as a mathematical vector or matrix
Eigen::internal::max_coeff_visitor< Derived >
MayerTermStores and evaluates Mayer terms within optimal control problems
Eigen::internal::member_redux< BinaryOp, Scalar >
MessageHandlingHandles all kind of error messages, warnings and other information
Eigen::internal::meta_sqrt< Y, InfX, SupX, Done >
Eigen::internal::meta_sqrt< Y, InfX, SupX, true >
Eigen::MetisOrdering< Index >
MHEalgorithmUser-interface to formulate and solve moving horizon estimation problems
Eigen::internal::min_coeff_visitor< Derived >
Eigen::internal::minimizer_helper1< Volume1, Object1, Object2, Minimizer >
Eigen::internal::minimizer_helper2< Volume2, Object2, Object1, Minimizer >
Eigen::Minor< MatrixType >Expression of a minor
Eigen::MINRES< _MatrixType, _UpLo, _Preconditioner >A minimal residual solver for sparse symmetric problems
ModelContainerContainer class to store and pass data to the ModelData class
ModelDataData class for defining models and everything that is related, to be passed to the integrator
MultiObjectiveAlgorithmUser-interface to formulate and solve optimal control problems with multiple objectives
MultiObjectiveFunctionalityEncapsulates functionality for defining OCPs having multiple objectives
Eigen::internal::must_nest_by_value< T >
MyConstraintProductExample illustrating the use of the ConstraintProduct class
NARXExportAllows to export a tailored polynomial NARX integrator for fast model predictive control
Eigen::NaturalOrdering< Index >
NColsBlockXpr< N >
Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::NColsBlockXpr< N >
Eigen::DenseBase< Derived >::NColsBlockXpr< N >
Eigen::NestByValue< ExpressionType >Expression which must be nested by value
Eigen::internal::nested< T, n, PlainObject >
Eigen::internal::nested< CoeffBasedProduct< Lhs, Rhs, EvalBeforeNestingBit|EvalBeforeAssigningBit >, N, PlainObject >
Eigen::internal::nested< GeneralProduct< Lhs, Rhs, Mode >, N, PlainObject >
Eigen::internal::nested< ReturnByValue< Derived >, n, PlainObject >
NLPData class for defining static optimization problems
NLPderivativeApproximationBase class for techniques of approximating second-order derivatives within NLPsolvers
NLPsolverBase class for different algorithms for solving nonlinear programming (NLP) problems
Eigen::NoAlias< ExpressionType, StorageBase >Pseudo expression providing an operator = assuming no aliasing
NoiseBase class for generating pseudo-random noise for simulating the Process
NonsmoothOperatorAbstract base class for all scalar-valued symbolic operators
Eigen::internal::norm1_default_impl< Scalar, IsComplex >
Eigen::internal::norm1_default_impl< Scalar, false >
Eigen::internal::norm1_impl< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::norm1_retval< Scalar >
NormalConjugateGradientMethodImplements a conjugate gradient method as sparse linear algebra solver for non-symmetric linear systems
NRowsBlockXpr< N >
Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >::NRowsBlockXpr< N >
Eigen::DenseBase< Derived >::NRowsBlockXpr< N >
Eigen::NumericalDiff< _Functor, mode >
Eigen::NumTraits< T >Holds information about the various numeric (i.e. scalar) types allowed by Eigen
Eigen::NumTraits< Array< Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > >
Eigen::NumTraits< double >
Eigen::NumTraits< float >
Eigen::NumTraits< long double >
Eigen::NumTraits< std::complex< _Real > >
ObjectiveStores and evaluates the objective function of optimal control problems
ObjectiveElementBase class for all kind of objective function terms within optimal control problems
ObjectPool< T, C >
OCPData class for defining optimal control problems
OCPexportA user class for auto-generation of OCP solvers
OCPiterateData class for storing generic optimization variables
OperatorAbstract base class for all scalar-valued symbolic operators
Eigen::VectorwiseOp< ExpressionType, Direction >::OppositeExtendedType< OtherDerived >
OptimizationAlgorithmUser-interface to formulate and solve optimal control problems and static NLPs
OptimizationAlgorithmBaseBase class for user-interfaces to formulate and solve optimal control problems and static NLPs
OptionsProvides a generic way to set and pass user-specified options
TaylorModel< T >::OptionsTaylor model options
OptionsListProvides a generic list of options (for internal use)
OptionsList::OptionValue< T >
Eigen::internal::outer_stride_at_compile_time< Derived, HasDirectAccess >
Eigen::internal::outer_stride_at_compile_time< Derived, false >
Eigen::OuterStride< Value >Convenience specialization of Stride to specify only an outer stride See class Map for some examples
OutputFcnAllows to setup and evaluate output functions based on SymbolicExpressions
Eigen::internal::packet_traits< T >
Eigen::internal::packet_traits< double >
Eigen::internal::packet_traits< float >
Eigen::internal::packet_traits< int >
Eigen::internal::packet_traits< std::complex< double > >
Eigen::internal::packet_traits< std::complex< float > >
Eigen::internal::palign_impl< Offset, PacketType >
Eigen::internal::palign_impl< Offset, Packet1cd >
Eigen::internal::palign_impl< Offset, Packet2cf >
Eigen::internal::palign_impl< Offset, Packet2d >
Eigen::internal::palign_impl< Offset, Packet4f >
Eigen::internal::palign_impl< Offset, Packet4i >
Eigen::internal::panel_dfs_traits< IndexVector >
ParameterEstimationAlgorithmUser-interface to formulate and solve parameter estimation problems
Eigen::HybridNonLinearSolver< FunctorType, Scalar >::Parameters
Eigen::LevenbergMarquardt< FunctorType, Scalar >::Parameters
Eigen::ParametrizedLine< _Scalar, _AmbientDim >A parametrized line
Eigen::internal::pardiso_run_selector< Index >
Eigen::internal::pardiso_run_selector< long long int >
Eigen::internal::pardiso_traits< PardisoLDLT< _MatrixType, Options > >
Eigen::internal::pardiso_traits< PardisoLLT< _MatrixType, Options > >
Eigen::internal::pardiso_traits< PardisoLU< _MatrixType > >
Eigen::PardisoImpl< Derived >
Eigen::PardisoLDLT< MatrixType, Options >A sparse direct Cholesky (LDLT) factorization and solver based on the PARDISO library
Eigen::PardisoLLT< MatrixType, _UpLo >A sparse direct Cholesky (LLT) factorization and solver based on the PARDISO library
Eigen::PardisoLU< MatrixType >A sparse direct LU factorization and solver based on the PARDISO library
Eigen::internal::partial_lu_impl< Scalar, StorageOrder, PivIndex >
Eigen::PartialPivLU< _MatrixType >LU decomposition of a matrix with partial pivoting, and related features
Eigen::PartialReduxExpr< MatrixType, MemberOp, Direction >Generic expression of a partially reduxed matrix
Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, Options > >
Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< PastixLLT< _MatrixType, Options > >
Eigen::internal::pastix_traits< PastixLU< _MatrixType > >
Eigen::PastixBase< Derived >
Eigen::PastixLDLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >A sparse direct supernodal Cholesky (LLT) factorization and solver based on the PaStiX library
Eigen::PastixLLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >A sparse direct supernodal Cholesky (LLT) factorization and solver based on the PaStiX library
Eigen::PastixLU< _MatrixType, IsStrSym >Sparse direct LU solver based on PaStiX library
PathConstraintStores and evaluates path constraints within optimal control problems
Eigen::internal::perfvalues< Index >
PeriodicReferenceTrajectoryAllows to define a static periodic reference trajectory that the ControlLaw aims to track
Eigen::internal::permut_matrix_product_retval< PermutationType, MatrixType, Side, Transposed >
Eigen::internal::permut_sparsematrix_product_retval< PermutationType, MatrixType, Side, Transposed >
Eigen::PermutationBase< Derived >Base class for permutations
Eigen::PermutationMatrix< SizeAtCompileTime, MaxSizeAtCompileTime, IndexType >Permutation matrix
Eigen::PermutationWrapper< _IndicesType >Class to view a vector of integers as a permutation matrix
PIDcontrollerImplements a PID control law to be used within a Controller
Eigen::internal::plain_array< T, Size, MatrixOrArrayOptions, Alignment >
Eigen::internal::plain_array< T, 0, MatrixOrArrayOptions, Alignment >
Eigen::internal::plain_array< T, Size, MatrixOrArrayOptions, 16 >
Eigen::internal::plain_col_type< ExpressionType, Scalar >
Eigen::internal::plain_diag_type< ExpressionType, Scalar >
Eigen::internal::plain_matrix_type< T, Dense >
Eigen::internal::plain_matrix_type< T, Sparse >
Eigen::internal::plain_matrix_type_column_major< T >
Eigen::internal::plain_matrix_type_dense< T, ArrayXpr >
Eigen::internal::plain_matrix_type_dense< T, MatrixXpr >
Eigen::internal::plain_matrix_type_row_major< T >
Eigen::internal::plain_row_type< ExpressionType, Scalar >
Eigen::PlainObjectBase< Derived >Dense storage base class for matrices and arrays
PlotCollectionProvides a generic list of plot windows (for internal use)
PlottingProvides a generic way to plot algorithmic outputs during runtime
PlotWindowAllows to setup and plot user-specified plot windows for algorithmic outputs
PlotWindowSubplotAllows to manage sub-windows of user-specified plot windows for algorithmic outputs (for internal use)
PointConstraintStores and evaluates pointwise constraints within optimal control problems
Eigen::PolynomialSolver< _Scalar, _Deg >A polynomial solver
Eigen::PolynomialSolver< _Scalar, 1 >
Eigen::PolynomialSolverBase< _Scalar, _Deg >Defined to be inherited by polynomial solvers: it provides convenient methods such as
Eigen::internal::pow_default_impl< Scalar, IsInteger >
Eigen::internal::pow_default_impl< Scalar, true >
Eigen::internal::pow_impl< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::pow_retval< Scalar >
PowerImplements the scalar power operator within the symbolic operators family
Power_IntImplements the scalar power operator with integer exponent within the symbolic operators family
CasADi::PrintableObjectBase class for objects that have a natural string representation
ProcessSimulates the process to be controlled based on a dynamic model
ProductImplements the scalar product operator within the symbolic operators family
Eigen::internal::product_coeff_impl< DefaultTraversal, 0, Lhs, Rhs, RetScalar >
Eigen::internal::product_coeff_impl< DefaultTraversal, Dynamic, Lhs, Rhs, RetScalar >
Eigen::internal::product_coeff_impl< DefaultTraversal, UnrollingIndex, Lhs, Rhs, RetScalar >
Eigen::internal::product_coeff_impl< InnerVectorizedTraversal, Dynamic, Lhs, Rhs, RetScalar >
Eigen::internal::product_coeff_impl< InnerVectorizedTraversal, UnrollingIndex, Lhs, Rhs, RetScalar >
Eigen::internal::product_coeff_vectorized_dyn_selector< Lhs, Rhs, LhsRows, RhsCols >
Eigen::internal::product_coeff_vectorized_dyn_selector< Lhs, Rhs, 1, 1 >
Eigen::internal::product_coeff_vectorized_dyn_selector< Lhs, Rhs, 1, RhsCols >
Eigen::internal::product_coeff_vectorized_dyn_selector< Lhs, Rhs, LhsRows, 1 >
Eigen::internal::product_coeff_vectorized_unroller< UnrollingIndex, Lhs, Rhs, Packet >
Eigen::internal::product_coeff_vectorized_unroller< 0, Lhs, Rhs, Packet >
Eigen::internal::product_packet_impl< ColMajor, 0, Lhs, Rhs, Packet, LoadMode >
Eigen::internal::product_packet_impl< ColMajor, Dynamic, Lhs, Rhs, Packet, LoadMode >
Eigen::internal::product_packet_impl< ColMajor, UnrollingIndex, Lhs, Rhs, Packet, LoadMode >
Eigen::internal::product_packet_impl< RowMajor, 0, Lhs, Rhs, Packet, LoadMode >
Eigen::internal::product_packet_impl< RowMajor, Dynamic, Lhs, Rhs, Packet, LoadMode >
Eigen::internal::product_packet_impl< RowMajor, UnrollingIndex, Lhs, Rhs, Packet, LoadMode >
Eigen::internal::product_selfadjoint_matrix< Scalar, Index, LhsStorageOrder, false, ConjugateLhs, RhsStorageOrder, true, ConjugateRhs, ColMajor >
Eigen::internal::product_selfadjoint_matrix< Scalar, Index, LhsStorageOrder, LhsSelfAdjoint, ConjugateLhs, RhsStorageOrder, RhsSelfAdjoint, ConjugateRhs, RowMajor >
Eigen::internal::product_selfadjoint_matrix< Scalar, Index, LhsStorageOrder, true, ConjugateLhs, RhsStorageOrder, false, ConjugateRhs, ColMajor >
Eigen::internal::product_size_category< Size, MaxSize >
Eigen::internal::product_triangular_matrix_matrix< Scalar, Index, Mode, false, LhsStorageOrder, ConjugateLhs, RhsStorageOrder, ConjugateRhs, ColMajor, Version >
Eigen::internal::product_triangular_matrix_matrix< Scalar, Index, Mode, LhsIsTriangular, LhsStorageOrder, ConjugateLhs, RhsStorageOrder, ConjugateRhs, RowMajor, Version >
Eigen::internal::product_triangular_matrix_matrix< Scalar, Index, Mode, true, LhsStorageOrder, ConjugateLhs, RhsStorageOrder, ConjugateRhs, ColMajor, Version >
Eigen::internal::product_triangular_matrix_matrix_trmm< Scalar, Index, Mode, LhsIsTriangular, LhsStorageOrder, ConjugateLhs, RhsStorageOrder, ConjugateRhs, ResStorageOrder >
Eigen::internal::product_type< Lhs, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::product_type_selector< 1, 1, 1 >
Eigen::internal::product_type_selector< 1, 1, Depth >
Eigen::internal::product_type_selector< 1, Large, Large >
Eigen::internal::product_type_selector< 1, Large, Small >
Eigen::internal::product_type_selector< 1, Small, Large >
Eigen::internal::product_type_selector< 1, Small, Small >
Eigen::internal::product_type_selector< Large, 1, Large >
Eigen::internal::product_type_selector< Large, 1, Small >
Eigen::internal::product_type_selector< Large, Large, Large >
Eigen::internal::product_type_selector< Large, Large, Small >
Eigen::internal::product_type_selector< Large, Small, 1 >
Eigen::internal::product_type_selector< Large, Small, Large >
Eigen::internal::product_type_selector< Large, Small, Small >
Eigen::internal::product_type_selector< M, N, 1 >
Eigen::internal::product_type_selector< Small, 1, Large >
Eigen::internal::product_type_selector< Small, 1, Small >
Eigen::internal::product_type_selector< Small, Large, 1 >
Eigen::internal::product_type_selector< Small, Large, Large >
Eigen::internal::product_type_selector< Small, Large, Small >
Eigen::internal::product_type_selector< Small, Small, 1 >
Eigen::internal::product_type_selector< Small, Small, Large >
Eigen::internal::product_type_selector< Small, Small, Small >
Eigen::ProductBase< Derived, Lhs, Rhs >
Eigen::ProductReturnType< Lhs, Rhs, ProductType >Helper class to get the correct and optimized returned type of operator*
Eigen::ProductReturnType< Lhs, Rhs, CoeffBasedProductMode >
Eigen::ProductReturnType< Lhs, Rhs, LazyCoeffBasedProductMode >
ProjectionImplements the projection operator within the symbolic operators family
Eigen::internal::projective_transform_inverse< TransformType, Mode >
Eigen::internal::projective_transform_inverse< TransformType, Projective >
Eigen::internal::promote_index_type< I1, I2 >
Eigen::internal::promote_storage_type< A, A >
Eigen::internal::promote_storage_type< Dense, Sparse >
Eigen::internal::promote_storage_type< Sparse, Dense >
QProblemImplements the online active set strategy for QPs with general constraints
QProblemBImplements the online active set strategy for box-constrained QPs
QPsolver_qpOASES(not yet documented)
Eigen::QR< MatrixType >
Eigen::internal::qr_preconditioner_impl< MatrixType, QRPreconditioner, Case, DoAnything >
Eigen::internal::qr_preconditioner_impl< MatrixType, ColPivHouseholderQRPreconditioner, PreconditionIfMoreColsThanRows, true >
Eigen::internal::qr_preconditioner_impl< MatrixType, ColPivHouseholderQRPreconditioner, PreconditionIfMoreRowsThanCols, true >
Eigen::internal::qr_preconditioner_impl< MatrixType, FullPivHouseholderQRPreconditioner, PreconditionIfMoreColsThanRows, true >
Eigen::internal::qr_preconditioner_impl< MatrixType, FullPivHouseholderQRPreconditioner, PreconditionIfMoreRowsThanCols, true >
Eigen::internal::qr_preconditioner_impl< MatrixType, HouseholderQRPreconditioner, PreconditionIfMoreColsThanRows, true >
Eigen::internal::qr_preconditioner_impl< MatrixType, HouseholderQRPreconditioner, PreconditionIfMoreRowsThanCols, true >
Eigen::internal::qr_preconditioner_impl< MatrixType, QRPreconditioner, Case, false >
Eigen::internal::qr_preconditioner_should_do_anything< MatrixType, QRPreconditioner, Case >
Eigen::internal::quat_product< Arch, Derived1, Derived2, Scalar, _Options >
Eigen::internal::quat_product< Architecture::SSE, Derived, OtherDerived, double, Aligned >
Eigen::internal::quat_product< Architecture::SSE, Derived, OtherDerived, float, Aligned >
Eigen::Quaternion< _Scalar >The quaternion class used to represent 3D orientations and rotations
Eigen::QuaternionBase< Derived >Base class for quaternion expressions
Eigen::internal::quaternionbase_assign_impl< Other, 3, 3 >
Eigen::internal::quaternionbase_assign_impl< Other, 4, 1 >
QuotientImplements the scalar quotient operator within the symbolic operators family
RadauIIA1ExportAllows to export a tailored Radau IIA method of order 1 for fast model predictive control
RadauIIA3ExportAllows to export a tailored Radau IIA method of order 3 for fast model predictive control
RadauIIA5ExportAllows to export a tailored Radau IIA method of order 5 for fast model predictive control
Eigen::internal::random_default_impl< Scalar, IsComplex, IsInteger >
Eigen::internal::random_default_impl< Scalar, false, false >
Eigen::internal::random_default_impl< Scalar, false, true >
Eigen::internal::random_default_impl< Scalar, true, false >
Eigen::internal::random_impl< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::random_impl< bool >
Eigen::internal::random_retval< Scalar >
Eigen::RandomSetter< SparseMatrixType, MapTraits, OuterPacketBits >The RandomSetter is a wrapper object allowing to set/update a sparse matrix with random access
Eigen::internal::real_default_impl< Scalar, IsComplex >
Eigen::internal::real_default_impl< Scalar, true >
Eigen::internal::real_impl< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::real_ref_impl< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::real_ref_retval< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::real_retval< Scalar >
RealClockAllows real time measurements based on the system's clock
Eigen::RealQZ< _MatrixType >Performs a real QZ decomposition of a pair of square matrices
Eigen::RealSchur< _MatrixType >Performs a real Schur decomposition of a square matrix
RealTimeAlgorithmUser-interface to formulate and solve model predictive control problems
Eigen::aligned_allocator< T >::rebind< U >
Eigen::aligned_allocator_indirection< T >::rebind< U >
Eigen::internal::redux_impl< Func, Derived, DefaultTraversal, CompleteUnrolling >
Eigen::internal::redux_impl< Func, Derived, DefaultTraversal, NoUnrolling >
Eigen::internal::redux_impl< Func, Derived, LinearVectorizedTraversal, CompleteUnrolling >
Eigen::internal::redux_impl< Func, Derived, LinearVectorizedTraversal, NoUnrolling >
Eigen::internal::redux_impl< Func, Derived, SliceVectorizedTraversal, NoUnrolling >
Eigen::internal::redux_novec_unroller< Func, Derived, Start, Length >
Eigen::internal::redux_novec_unroller< Func, Derived, Start, 0 >
Eigen::internal::redux_novec_unroller< Func, Derived, Start, 1 >
Eigen::internal::redux_traits< Func, Derived >
Eigen::internal::redux_vec_unroller< Func, Derived, Start, Length >
Eigen::internal::redux_vec_unroller< Func, Derived, Start, 1 >
Eigen::VectorwiseOp< ExpressionType, Direction >::ReduxReturnType< BinaryOp >
Eigen::Ref< PlainObjectType, Options, StrideType >A matrix or vector expression mapping an existing expressions
Eigen::Ref< const TPlainObjectType, Options, StrideType >
Eigen::internal::ref_selector< T >
Eigen::RefBase< Derived >
ReferenceTrajectoryAbstract base class to define a reference trajectory that the ControlLaw aims to track
Eigen::internal::remove_all< T >
Eigen::internal::remove_all< const T >
Eigen::internal::remove_all< T & >
Eigen::internal::remove_all< T * >
Eigen::internal::remove_all< T const & >
Eigen::internal::remove_all< T const * >
Eigen::internal::remove_const< T >
Eigen::internal::remove_const< const T >
Eigen::internal::remove_const< const T[]>
Eigen::internal::remove_const< const T[Size]>
Eigen::internal::remove_pointer< T >
Eigen::internal::remove_pointer< T * >
Eigen::internal::remove_pointer< T *const >
Eigen::internal::remove_reference< T >
Eigen::internal::remove_reference< T & >
Eigen::Replicate< MatrixType, RowFactor, ColFactor >Expression of the multiple replication of a matrix or vector
Eigen::internal::result_of< T >
Eigen::internal::result_of< Func(ArgType)>
Eigen::internal::result_of< Func(ArgType0, ArgType1)>
Eigen::ReturnByValue< Derived >
Eigen::VectorwiseOp< ExpressionType, Direction >::ReturnType< Functor, Scalar >
returnValueAllows to pass back messages to the calling function
ReturnValueListData structure for entries in returnValueList
Eigen::Reverse< MatrixType, Direction >Expression of the reverse of a vector or matrix
Eigen::internal::reverse_packet_cond< PacketScalar, ReversePacket >
Eigen::internal::reverse_packet_cond< PacketScalar, false >
Eigen::MappedSparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Flags, _Index >::ReverseInnerIterator
Eigen::CwiseUnaryOpImpl< UnaryOp, MatrixType, Sparse >::ReverseInnerIterator
Eigen::BlockImpl< XprType, BlockRows, BlockCols, true, Sparse >::ReverseInnerIterator
Eigen::TransposeImpl< MatrixType, Sparse >::ReverseInnerIterator
Eigen::SparseVector< _Scalar, _Options, _Index >::ReverseInnerIterator
Eigen::SparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Options, _Index >::ReverseInnerIterator
Eigen::SparseTriangularView< MatrixType, Mode >::ReverseInnerIterator
Eigen::DynamicSparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Options, _Index >::ReverseInnerIterator
Eigen::BlockImpl< SparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Options, _Index >, BlockRows, BlockCols, true, Sparse >::ReverseInnerIterator
Eigen::BlockImpl< XprType, BlockRows, BlockCols, InnerPanel, Sparse >::ReverseInnerIterator
Eigen::CwiseUnaryViewImpl< ViewOp, MatrixType, Sparse >::ReverseInnerIterator
RKSensitivitiesExportAllows to export a tailored Runge-Kutta sensitivity propagation for fast model predictive control
Eigen::Rotation2D< _Scalar >Represents a rotation/orientation in a 2 dimensional space
Eigen::internal::rotation_base_generic_product_selector< RotationDerived, DiagonalMatrix< Scalar, Dim, MaxDim >, false >
Eigen::internal::rotation_base_generic_product_selector< RotationDerived, MatrixType, false >
Eigen::internal::rotation_base_generic_product_selector< RotationDerived, OtherVectorType, true >
Eigen::RotationBase< Derived, _Dim >Common base class for compact rotation representations
RungeKuttaExportAllows to export a tailored Runge-Kutta integrator for fast model predictive control
Eigen::internal::scalar_abs2_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_abs_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_acos_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_add_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_asin_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_binary_pow_op< Scalar, OtherScalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_cast_op< Scalar, NewType >
Eigen::internal::scalar_conj_product_op< LhsScalar, RhsScalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_conjugate_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_constant_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_cos_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_cube_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_difference_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_exp_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_fuzzy_default_impl< Scalar, IsComplex, IsInteger >
Eigen::internal::scalar_fuzzy_default_impl< Scalar, false, false >
Eigen::internal::scalar_fuzzy_default_impl< Scalar, false, true >
Eigen::internal::scalar_fuzzy_default_impl< Scalar, true, false >
Eigen::internal::scalar_fuzzy_impl< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_fuzzy_impl< bool >
Eigen::internal::scalar_hypot_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_identity_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_imag_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_imag_ref_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_inverse_mult_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_inverse_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_log_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_max_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_min_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_multiple2_op< Scalar1, Scalar2 >
Eigen::internal::scalar_multiple_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_opposite_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_pow_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_product_op< LhsScalar, RhsScalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_product_traits< T, U >
Eigen::internal::scalar_product_traits< A_Scalar, Matrix< A_Scalar, A_Rows, A_Cols, A_Options, A_MaxRows, A_MaxCols > >
Eigen::internal::scalar_product_traits< AutoDiffScalar< DerType >, typename DerType::Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_product_traits< Matrix< A_Scalar, A_Rows, A_Cols, A_Options, A_MaxRows, A_MaxCols >, A_Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_product_traits< std::complex< T >, T >
Eigen::internal::scalar_product_traits< T, std::complex< T > >
Eigen::internal::scalar_product_traits< T, T >
Eigen::internal::scalar_product_traits< typename DerType::Scalar, AutoDiffScalar< DerType > >
Eigen::internal::scalar_quotient1_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_quotient_op< LhsScalar, RhsScalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_random_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_real_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_real_ref_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_sin_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_sqrt_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_square_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_sum_op< Scalar >
Eigen::internal::scalar_tan_op< Scalar >
Eigen::RandomSetter< SparseMatrixType, MapTraits, OuterPacketBits >::ScalarWrapper
Eigen::ScaledProduct< NestedProduct >
Eigen::Scaling< _Scalar, _Dim >Represents a possibly non uniform scaling transformation
SCPevaluationBase class for different ways to evaluate functions and derivatives within an SCPmethod for solving NLPs
SCPmeritFunctionAllows to evaluate a merit function within an SCPmethod for solving NLPs
SCPmethodImplements different sequential convex programming methods for solving NLPs
SCPstepBase class for different ways to perform a step of an SCPmethod for solving NLPs
SCPstepFullstepImplements a fullstep to perform a step of an SCPmethod for solving NLPs
SCPstepLinesearchImplements linesearch techniques to perform a globalized step of an SCPmethod for solving NLPs
Eigen::Select< ConditionMatrixType, ThenMatrixType, ElseMatrixType >Expression of a coefficient wise version of the C++ ternary operator ?:
Eigen::internal::selfadjoint_matrix_vector_product< Scalar, Index, StorageOrder, UpLo, ConjugateLhs, ConjugateRhs, Version >
Eigen::internal::selfadjoint_matrix_vector_product_symv< Scalar, Index, StorageOrder, UpLo, ConjugateLhs, ConjugateRhs >
Eigen::selfadjoint_product_selector< MatrixType, OtherType, UpLo, false >
Eigen::selfadjoint_product_selector< MatrixType, OtherType, UpLo, true >
Eigen::selfadjoint_rank1_update< Scalar, Index, ColMajor, UpLo, ConjLhs, ConjRhs >
Eigen::selfadjoint_rank1_update< Scalar, Index, RowMajor, UpLo, ConjLhs, ConjRhs >
Eigen::internal::selfadjoint_rank2_update_selector< Scalar, Index, UType, VType, Lower >
Eigen::internal::selfadjoint_rank2_update_selector< Scalar, Index, UType, VType, Upper >
Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver< _MatrixType >Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of selfadjoint matrices
Eigen::SelfadjointProductMatrix< Lhs, 0, true, Rhs, RhsMode, false >
Eigen::SelfadjointProductMatrix< Lhs, LhsMode, false, Rhs, 0, true >
Eigen::SelfadjointProductMatrix< Lhs, LhsMode, false, Rhs, RhsMode, false >
Eigen::SelfAdjointView< MatrixType, UpLo >Expression of a selfadjoint matrix from a triangular part of a dense matrix
Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived >::SelfAdjointViewReturnType< UpLo >
Eigen::SelfCwiseBinaryOp< BinaryOp, Lhs, Rhs >
SensorAllows to simulate the behaviour of sensors within the Process
Eigen::GeneralProduct< Lhs, Rhs, OuterProduct >::set
Eigen::internal::setIdentity_impl< Derived, Big >
Eigen::internal::setIdentity_impl< Derived, true >
CasADi::SharedObjectSharedObject implements a reference counting framework simular for effient and easily-maintained memory management
CasADi::SharedObjectNodeInternal class for the reference counting framework, see comments on the public class
ShootingMethodDiscretizes a DifferentialEquation by means of single or multiple shooting
Eigen::internal::significant_decimals_default_impl< Scalar, IsInteger >
Eigen::internal::significant_decimals_default_impl< Scalar, true >
Eigen::internal::significant_decimals_impl< Scalar >
SIMexportUser-interface to automatically generate simulation algorithms for fast optimal control
Eigen::SimplicialCholesky< _MatrixType, _UpLo >
Eigen::SimplicialCholeskyBase< Derived >A direct sparse Cholesky factorizations
Eigen::SimplicialLDLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >A direct sparse LDLT Cholesky factorizations without square root
Eigen::SimplicialLLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >A direct sparse LLT Cholesky factorizations
SimulatedReferenceTrajectoryAllows to define a simulated reference trajectory that the ControlLaw aims to track
SimulationBlockBase class for building-blocks of the SimulationEnvironment
SimulationClockSimulates real time measurements for simulations
SimulationEnvironmentAllows to run closed-loop simulations of dynamic systems
SinImplements the scalar sine operator within the symbolic operators family
Eigen::SparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Options, _Index >::SingletonVector
Eigen::internal::size_at_compile_time< _Rows, _Cols >
Eigen::internal::skyline_product_selector< Lhs, Rhs, ResultType, ColMajor >
Eigen::internal::skyline_product_selector< Lhs, Rhs, ResultType, RowMajor >
Eigen::SkylineInplaceLU< MatrixType >Inplace LU decomposition of a skyline matrix and associated features
Eigen::SkylineMatrix< _Scalar, _Options >The main skyline matrix class
Eigen::SkylineMatrixBase< Derived >Base class of any skyline matrices or skyline expressions
Eigen::internal::SkylineProduct< LhsNested, RhsNested, ProductMode >
Eigen::SkylineProductReturnType< Lhs, Rhs, ProductMode >
Eigen::SkylineStorage< Scalar >
Eigen::SluMatrixMapHelper< Matrix< Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MRows, MCols > >
Eigen::SluMatrixMapHelper< SparseMatrixBase< Derived > >
Eigen::internal::smart_copy_helper< T, false >
Eigen::internal::smart_copy_helper< T, true >
SmoothOperatorAbstract base class for all scalar-valued symbolic operators
SolutionAnalysisProvides additional tools for analysing QP solutions
Eigen::internal::solve_retval< BiCGSTAB< _MatrixType, _Preconditioner >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::solve_retval< CholmodBase< _MatrixType, _UpLo, Derived >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::solve_retval< ColPivHouseholderQR< _MatrixType >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::solve_retval< ConjugateGradient< _MatrixType, _UpLo, _Preconditioner >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::solve_retval< DGMRES< _MatrixType, _Preconditioner >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::solve_retval< DiagonalPreconditioner< _MatrixType >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::solve_retval< FullPivHouseholderQR< _MatrixType >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::solve_retval< FullPivLU< _MatrixType >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::solve_retval< GMRES< _MatrixType, _Preconditioner >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::solve_retval< HouseholderQR< _MatrixType >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::solve_retval< IncompleteCholesky< _Scalar, _UpLo, OrderingType >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::solve_retval< IncompleteLU< _MatrixType >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::solve_retval< IncompleteLUT< _MatrixType >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::solve_retval< JacobiSVD< _MatrixType, QRPreconditioner >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::solve_retval< LDLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::solve_retval< LLT< _MatrixType, UpLo >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::solve_retval< MINRES< _MatrixType, _UpLo, _Preconditioner >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::solve_retval< PardisoImpl< _Derived >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::solve_retval< PartialPivLU< _MatrixType >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::solve_retval< PastixBase< _MatrixType >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::solve_retval< SimplicialCholeskyBase< Derived >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::solve_retval< SparseLU< _MatrixType, Derived >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::solve_retval< SparseQR< _MatrixType, OrderingType >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::solve_retval< SPQR< _MatrixType >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::solve_retval< SuperLUBase< _MatrixType, Derived >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::solve_retval< UmfPackLU< _MatrixType >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::solve_retval_base< _DecompositionType, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::solve_retval_with_guess< DecompositionType, Rhs, Guess >
Eigen::internal::sparse_cwise_binary_op_inner_iterator_selector< BinaryOp, Lhs, Rhs, Derived, Sparse, Sparse >
Eigen::internal::sparse_cwise_binary_op_inner_iterator_selector< scalar_product_op< T >, Lhs, Rhs, Derived, Dense, Sparse >
Eigen::internal::sparse_cwise_binary_op_inner_iterator_selector< scalar_product_op< T >, Lhs, Rhs, Derived, Sparse, Dense >
Eigen::internal::sparse_cwise_binary_op_inner_iterator_selector< scalar_product_op< T >, Lhs, Rhs, Derived, Sparse, Sparse >
Eigen::internal::sparse_diagonal_product_inner_iterator_selector< Lhs, Rhs, SparseDiagonalProductType, SDP_IsDiagonal, SDP_IsSparseColMajor >
Eigen::internal::sparse_diagonal_product_inner_iterator_selector< Lhs, Rhs, SparseDiagonalProductType, SDP_IsDiagonal, SDP_IsSparseRowMajor >
Eigen::internal::sparse_diagonal_product_inner_iterator_selector< Lhs, Rhs, SparseDiagonalProductType, SDP_IsSparseColMajor, SDP_IsDiagonal >
Eigen::internal::sparse_diagonal_product_inner_iterator_selector< Lhs, Rhs, SparseDiagonalProductType, SDP_IsSparseRowMajor, SDP_IsDiagonal >
Eigen::internal::sparse_eval< T, Rows, Cols >
Eigen::internal::sparse_eval< T, 1, 1 >
Eigen::internal::sparse_eval< T, 1, Cols >
Eigen::internal::sparse_eval< T, Rows, 1 >
Eigen::internal::sparse_solve_retval< CholmodBase< _MatrixType, _UpLo, Derived >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::sparse_solve_retval< IterativeSolverBase< Derived >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::sparse_solve_retval< PardisoImpl< Derived >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::sparse_solve_retval< PastixBase< _MatrixType >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::sparse_solve_retval< SimplicialCholeskyBase< Derived >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::sparse_solve_retval< SparseLU< _MatrixType, Derived >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::sparse_solve_retval< SparseQR< _MatrixType, OrderingType >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::sparse_solve_retval< SuperLUBase< _MatrixType, Derived >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::sparse_solve_retval< UmfPackLU< _MatrixType >, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::sparse_solve_retval_base< _DecompositionType, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::sparse_solve_triangular_selector< Lhs, Rhs, Mode, Lower, ColMajor >
Eigen::internal::sparse_solve_triangular_selector< Lhs, Rhs, Mode, Lower, RowMajor >
Eigen::internal::sparse_solve_triangular_selector< Lhs, Rhs, Mode, Upper, ColMajor >
Eigen::internal::sparse_solve_triangular_selector< Lhs, Rhs, Mode, Upper, RowMajor >
Eigen::internal::sparse_solve_triangular_sparse_selector< Lhs, Rhs, Mode, UpLo, ColMajor >
Eigen::internal::sparse_sparse_product_with_pruning_selector< Lhs, Rhs, ResultType, ColMajor, ColMajor, ColMajor >
Eigen::internal::sparse_sparse_product_with_pruning_selector< Lhs, Rhs, ResultType, ColMajor, ColMajor, RowMajor >
Eigen::internal::sparse_sparse_product_with_pruning_selector< Lhs, Rhs, ResultType, RowMajor, RowMajor, ColMajor >
Eigen::internal::sparse_sparse_product_with_pruning_selector< Lhs, Rhs, ResultType, RowMajor, RowMajor, RowMajor >
Eigen::internal::sparse_time_dense_product_impl< SparseLhsType, DenseRhsType, DenseResType, ColMajor, false >
Eigen::internal::sparse_time_dense_product_impl< SparseLhsType, DenseRhsType, DenseResType, ColMajor, true >
Eigen::internal::sparse_time_dense_product_impl< SparseLhsType, DenseRhsType, DenseResType, RowMajor, false >
Eigen::internal::sparse_time_dense_product_impl< SparseLhsType, DenseRhsType, DenseResType, RowMajor, true >
Eigen::internal::sparse_vector_assign_selector< Dest, Src, SVA_Inner >
Eigen::internal::sparse_vector_assign_selector< Dest, Src, SVA_Outer >
Eigen::internal::sparse_vector_assign_selector< Dest, Src, SVA_RuntimeSwitch >
Eigen::SparseDenseOuterProduct< Lhs, Rhs, Tr >
Eigen::SparseDenseProductReturnType< Lhs, Rhs, InnerSize >
Eigen::SparseDenseProductReturnType< Lhs, Rhs, 1 >
Eigen::SparseDiagonalProduct< Lhs, Rhs >
Eigen::SparseLU< _MatrixType, _OrderingType >Sparse supernodal LU factorization for general matrices
Eigen::internal::SparseLUImpl< Scalar, Index >
Eigen::SparseLUMatrixLReturnType< MappedSupernodalType >
Eigen::SparseLUMatrixUReturnType< MatrixLType, MatrixUType >
Eigen::SparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Options, _Index >A versatible sparse matrix representation
SparseMatrixInterfaces matrix-vector operations tailored to general sparse matrices
Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived >Base class of any sparse matrices or sparse expressions
Eigen::SparseQR< _MatrixType, _OrderingType >Sparse left-looking rank-revealing QR factorization
Eigen::SparseQR_QProduct< SparseQRType, Derived >
Eigen::SparseQRMatrixQReturnType< SparseQRType >
Eigen::SparseQRMatrixQTransposeReturnType< SparseQRType >
Eigen::SparseSelfAdjointTimeDenseProduct< Lhs, Rhs, UpLo >
Eigen::SparseSelfAdjointView< MatrixType, UpLo >Pseudo expression to manipulate a triangular sparse matrix as a selfadjoint matrix
SparseSolverGeneric interface for sparse solvers to be coupled with ACADO Toolkit
Eigen::SparseSparseProduct< LhsNested, RhsNested >
Eigen::SparseSparseProductReturnType< Lhs, Rhs >
Eigen::SparseSymmetricPermutationProduct< MatrixType, UpLo >
Eigen::SparseTimeDenseProduct< Lhs, Rhs >
Eigen::SparseTriangularView< MatrixType, Mode >
Eigen::SparseVector< _Scalar, _Options, _Index >Sparse vector class
Eigen::SparseView< MatrixType >
Eigen::internal::special_scalar_op_base< Derived, Scalar, OtherScalar, EnableIt >
Eigen::internal::special_scalar_op_base< Derived, Scalar, OtherScalar, true >
Eigen::Spline< _Scalar, _Dim, _Degree >A class representing multi-dimensional spline curves
Eigen::SplineFitting< SplineType >Spline fitting methods
Eigen::SplineTraits< SplineType, DerivativeOrder >
Eigen::SplineTraits< Spline< _Scalar, _Dim, _Degree >, _DerivativeOrder >Compile-time attributes of the Spline class for fixed degree
Eigen::SplineTraits< Spline< _Scalar, _Dim, _Degree >, Dynamic >Compile-time attributes of the Spline class for Dynamic degree
Eigen::SPQR< _MatrixType >Sparse QR factorization based on SuiteSparseQR library
Eigen::SPQR_QProduct< SPQRType, Derived >
Eigen::SPQRMatrixQReturnType< SPQRType >
Eigen::SPQRMatrixQTransposeReturnType< SPQRType >
SQProblemImplements the online active set strategy for QPs with varying matrices
Eigen::internal::static_assertion< condition >
Eigen::internal::static_assertion< true >
StaticReferenceTrajectoryAllows to define a static reference trajectory that the ControlLaw aims to track
Eigen::StdMapTraits< Scalar >
Eigen::StdStemFunctions< Scalar >Stem functions corresponding to standard mathematical functions
Eigen::internal::stem_function< Scalar >
Eigen::Stride< _OuterStrideAtCompileTime, _InnerStrideAtCompileTime >Holds strides information for Map
Eigen::PlainObjectBase< Derived >::StridedAlignedMapType< StrideType >
Eigen::PlainObjectBase< Derived >::StridedConstAlignedMapType< StrideType >
Eigen::PlainObjectBase< Derived >::StridedConstMapType< StrideType >
Eigen::PlainObjectBase< Derived >::StridedMapType< StrideType >
Eigen::GeneralProduct< Lhs, Rhs, OuterProduct >::sub
SubjectToBase class for managing working sets of bounds and constraints
SubtractionImplements the scalar subtraction operator within the symbolic operators family
Eigen::SuperLU< _MatrixType >A sparse direct LU factorization and solver based on the SuperLU library
Eigen::SuperLUBase< _MatrixType, Derived >The base class for the direct and incomplete LU factorization of SuperLU
Eigen::SVD< MatrixType >Standard SVD decomposition of a matrix and associated features
Eigen::internal::svd_precondition_2x2_block_to_be_real< MatrixType, QRPreconditioner, IsComplex >
Eigen::internal::svd_precondition_2x2_block_to_be_real< MatrixType, QRPreconditioner, false >
Eigen::internal::svd_precondition_2x2_block_to_be_real< MatrixType, QRPreconditioner, true >
Eigen::SwapWrapper< ExpressionType >
SymbolicIndexListManages the indices of SymbolicVariables
SymDenseMatInterfaces matrix-vector operations tailored to symmetric dense matrices
Eigen::internal::symm_pack_lhs< Scalar, Index, Pack1, Pack2, StorageOrder >
Eigen::internal::symm_pack_rhs< Scalar, Index, nr, StorageOrder >
SymmetricConjugateGradientMethodImplements a conjugate gradient method as sparse linear algebra solver for symmetric linear systems
SymmetricMatrixAbstract base class for interfacing matrix-vector operations tailored to symmetric matrices
SymSparseMatInterfaces matrix-vector operations tailored to symmetric sparse matrices
Eigen::internal::take_matrix_for_product< MatrixOrTransformType >
Eigen::internal::take_matrix_for_product< Transform< Scalar, Dim, Mode, Options > >
Eigen::internal::take_matrix_for_product< Transform< Scalar, Dim, Projective, Options > >
TanImplements the scalar tangens operator within the symbolic operators family
TaylorModel< T >C++ class supporting the definition and computation of Taylor models for factorable functions
TaylorVariable< T >C++ template class for definition of and operation on variables in a Taylor model
TevaluationPoint< T >Allows to setup function evaluation points
ThreeSweepsERKExportAllows to export a tailored explicit Runge-Kutta integrator with three-sweeps second order sensitivity propagation for fast model predictive control
Tmatrix< T >Implements a templated dense matrix class
Eigen::internal::traits< ACADO::GenericMatrix< T > >
Eigen::internal::traits< AngleAxis< _Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::traits< Array< _Scalar, _Rows, _Cols, _Options, _MaxRows, _MaxCols > >
Eigen::internal::traits< ArrayWrapper< ExpressionType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< BandMatrix< _Scalar, _Rows, _Cols, _Supers, _Subs, _Options > >
Eigen::internal::traits< BandMatrixWrapper< _CoefficientsType, _Rows, _Cols, _Supers, _Subs, _Options > >
Eigen::internal::traits< BiCGSTAB< _MatrixType, _Preconditioner > >
Eigen::internal::traits< Block< XprType, BlockRows, BlockCols, InnerPanel > >
Eigen::internal::traits< CoeffBasedProduct< LhsNested, RhsNested, NestingFlags > >
Eigen::internal::traits< ConjugateGradient< _MatrixType, _UpLo, _Preconditioner > >
Eigen::internal::traits< const T >
Eigen::internal::traits< CwiseBinaryOp< BinaryOp, Lhs, Rhs > >
Eigen::internal::traits< CwiseNullaryOp< NullaryOp, PlainObjectType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< CwiseUnaryOp< UnaryOp, XprType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< CwiseUnaryView< ViewOp, MatrixType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< DenseTimeSparseProduct< Lhs, Rhs > >
Eigen::internal::traits< DenseTimeSparseSelfAdjointProduct< Lhs, Rhs, UpLo > >
Eigen::internal::traits< DGMRES< _MatrixType, _Preconditioner > >
Eigen::internal::traits< Diagonal< const SparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Options, _Index >, DiagIndex > >
Eigen::internal::traits< Diagonal< MatrixType, DiagIndex > >
Eigen::internal::traits< DiagonalMatrix< _Scalar, SizeAtCompileTime, MaxSizeAtCompileTime > >
Eigen::internal::traits< DiagonalProduct< MatrixType, DiagonalType, ProductOrder > >
Eigen::internal::traits< DiagonalWrapper< _DiagonalVectorType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< DynamicSparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Options, _Index > >
Eigen::internal::traits< Flagged< ExpressionType, Added, Removed > >
Eigen::internal::traits< ForceAlignedAccess< ExpressionType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< FullPivHouseholderQRMatrixQReturnType< MatrixType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< GeneralProduct< Lhs, Rhs, GemmProduct > >
Eigen::internal::traits< GeneralProduct< Lhs, Rhs, GemvProduct > >
Eigen::internal::traits< GeneralProduct< Lhs, Rhs, InnerProduct > >
Eigen::internal::traits< GeneralProduct< Lhs, Rhs, OuterProduct > >
Eigen::internal::traits< GMRES< _MatrixType, _Preconditioner > >
Eigen::internal::traits< HessenbergDecompositionMatrixHReturnType< MatrixType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< Homogeneous< MatrixType, Direction > >
Eigen::internal::traits< homogeneous_left_product_impl< Homogeneous< MatrixType, Vertical >, Lhs > >
Eigen::internal::traits< homogeneous_right_product_impl< Homogeneous< MatrixType, Horizontal >, Rhs > >
Eigen::internal::traits< HouseholderSequence< VectorsType, CoeffsType, Side > >
Eigen::internal::traits< image_retval_base< DecompositionType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< inverse_impl< MatrixType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< kernel_retval_base< DecompositionType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< KroneckerProduct< _Lhs, _Rhs > >
Eigen::internal::traits< KroneckerProductSparse< _Lhs, _Rhs > >
Eigen::internal::traits< Map< const Quaternion< _Scalar >, _Options > >
Eigen::internal::traits< Map< PermutationMatrix< SizeAtCompileTime, MaxSizeAtCompileTime, IndexType >, _PacketAccess > >
Eigen::internal::traits< Map< PlainObjectType, MapOptions, StrideType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< Map< Quaternion< _Scalar >, _Options > >
Eigen::internal::traits< Map< Transpositions< SizeAtCompileTime, MaxSizeAtCompileTime, IndexType >, _PacketAccess > >
Eigen::internal::traits< MappedSparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Flags, _Index > >
Eigen::internal::traits< Matrix< _Scalar, _Rows, _Cols, _Options, _MaxRows, _MaxCols > >
Eigen::internal::traits< MatrixExponentialReturnValue< Derived > >
Eigen::internal::traits< MatrixFunctionReturnValue< Derived > >
Eigen::internal::traits< MatrixLogarithmReturnValue< Derived > >
Eigen::internal::traits< MatrixPowerReturnValue< Derived > >
Eigen::internal::traits< MatrixPowerRetval< MatrixPowerType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< MatrixSquareRootReturnValue< Derived > >
Eigen::internal::traits< MatrixWrapper< ExpressionType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< Minor< MatrixType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< MINRES< _MatrixType, _UpLo, _Preconditioner > >
Eigen::internal::traits< NestByValue< ExpressionType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< PartialReduxExpr< MatrixType, MemberOp, Direction > >
Eigen::internal::traits< permut_matrix_product_retval< PermutationType, MatrixType, Side, Transposed > >
Eigen::internal::traits< permut_sparsematrix_product_retval< PermutationType, MatrixType, Side, Transposed > >
Eigen::internal::traits< PermutationMatrix< SizeAtCompileTime, MaxSizeAtCompileTime, IndexType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< PermutationWrapper< _IndicesType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< ProductBase< Derived, _Lhs, _Rhs > >
Eigen::internal::traits< Quaternion< _Scalar, _Options > >
Eigen::internal::traits< Ref< _PlainObjectType, _Options, _StrideType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< RefBase< Derived > >
Eigen::internal::traits< Replicate< MatrixType, RowFactor, ColFactor > >
Eigen::internal::traits< ReturnByValue< Derived > >
Eigen::internal::traits< Reverse< MatrixType, Direction > >
Eigen::internal::traits< Rotation2D< _Scalar > >
Eigen::internal::traits< ScaledProduct< NestedProduct > >
Eigen::internal::traits< Select< ConditionMatrixType, ThenMatrixType, ElseMatrixType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< SelfadjointProductMatrix< Lhs, 0, true, Rhs, RhsMode, false > >
Eigen::internal::traits< SelfadjointProductMatrix< Lhs, LhsMode, false, Rhs, 0, true > >
Eigen::internal::traits< SelfadjointProductMatrix< Lhs, LhsMode, false, Rhs, RhsMode, false > >
Eigen::internal::traits< SelfAdjointView< MatrixType, UpLo > >
Eigen::internal::traits< SelfCwiseBinaryOp< BinaryOp, Lhs, Rhs > >
Eigen::internal::traits< SimplicialCholesky< _MatrixType, _UpLo > >
Eigen::internal::traits< SimplicialLDLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo > >
Eigen::internal::traits< SimplicialLLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo > >
Eigen::internal::traits< SkylineMatrix< _Scalar, _Options > >
Eigen::internal::traits< SkylineProduct< LhsNested, RhsNested, ProductMode > >
Eigen::internal::traits< solve_retval_base< DecompositionType, Rhs > >
Eigen::internal::traits< solve_retval_with_guess< DecompositionType, Rhs, Guess > >
Eigen::internal::traits< sparse_solve_retval_base< DecompositionType, Rhs > >
Eigen::internal::traits< SparseDenseOuterProduct< Lhs, Rhs, Tr > >
Eigen::internal::traits< SparseDiagonalProduct< Lhs, Rhs > >
Eigen::internal::traits< SparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Options, _Index > >
Eigen::internal::traits< SparseQR_QProduct< SparseQRType, Derived > >
Eigen::internal::traits< SparseQRMatrixQReturnType< SparseQRType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< SparseQRMatrixQTransposeReturnType< SparseQRType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< SparseSelfAdjointTimeDenseProduct< Lhs, Rhs, UpLo > >
Eigen::internal::traits< SparseSelfAdjointView< MatrixType, UpLo > >
Eigen::internal::traits< SparseSparseProduct< LhsNested, RhsNested > >
Eigen::internal::traits< SparseSymmetricPermutationProduct< MatrixType, UpLo > >
Eigen::internal::traits< SparseTimeDenseProduct< Lhs, Rhs > >
Eigen::internal::traits< SparseTriangularView< MatrixType, Mode > >
Eigen::internal::traits< SparseVector< _Scalar, _Options, _Index > >
Eigen::internal::traits< SparseView< MatrixType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< SPQR_QProduct< SPQRType, Derived > >
Eigen::internal::traits< SPQRMatrixQReturnType< SPQRType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< SPQRMatrixQTransposeReturnType< SPQRType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< SwapWrapper< ExpressionType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< Transpose< MatrixType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< Transpose< PermutationBase< Derived > > >
Eigen::internal::traits< transposition_matrix_product_retval< TranspositionType, MatrixType, Side, Transposed > >
Eigen::internal::traits< Transpositions< SizeAtCompileTime, MaxSizeAtCompileTime, IndexType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< TranspositionsWrapper< _IndicesType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< triangular_solve_retval< Side, TriangularType, Rhs > >
Eigen::internal::traits< TriangularProduct< Mode, LhsIsTriangular, Lhs, false, Rhs, false > >
Eigen::internal::traits< TriangularProduct< Mode, LhsIsTriangular, Lhs, false, Rhs, true > >
Eigen::internal::traits< TriangularProduct< Mode, LhsIsTriangular, Lhs, true, Rhs, false > >
Eigen::internal::traits< TriangularView< MatrixType, _Mode > >
Eigen::internal::traits< TridiagonalizationMatrixTReturnType< MatrixType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< VectorBlock< VectorType, Size > >
Eigen::internal::transfer_constness< T1, T2 >
TransferDeviceBase class for simulating Actuator and Sensor behaviour wihtin the Process
Eigen::Transform< _Scalar, _Dim >Represents an homogeneous transformation in a N dimensional space
Eigen::internal::transform_construct_from_matrix< Other, AffineCompact, Options, Dim, HDim, HDim, HDim >
Eigen::internal::transform_construct_from_matrix< Other, Mode, Options, Dim, HDim, Dim, Dim >
Eigen::internal::transform_construct_from_matrix< Other, Mode, Options, Dim, HDim, Dim, HDim >
Eigen::internal::transform_construct_from_matrix< Other, Mode, Options, Dim, HDim, HDim, HDim >
Eigen::internal::transform_left_product_impl< Other, AffineCompact, Options, Dim, HDim, Dim, HDim >
Eigen::internal::transform_left_product_impl< Other, AffineCompact, Options, Dim, HDim, HDim, HDim >
Eigen::internal::transform_left_product_impl< Other, Mode, Options, Dim, HDim, Dim, Dim >
Eigen::internal::transform_left_product_impl< Other, Mode, Options, Dim, HDim, Dim, HDim >
Eigen::internal::transform_left_product_impl< Other, Mode, Options, Dim, HDim, HDim, HDim >
Eigen::internal::transform_product_result< LhsMode, RhsMode >
Eigen::internal::transform_right_product_impl< TransformType, MatrixType, 0 >
Eigen::internal::transform_right_product_impl< TransformType, MatrixType, 1 >
Eigen::internal::transform_right_product_impl< TransformType, MatrixType, 2 >
Eigen::internal::transform_take_affine_part< TransformType >
Eigen::internal::transform_take_affine_part< Transform< Scalar, Dim, AffineCompact, Options > >
Eigen::internal::transform_traits< Transform >
Eigen::internal::transform_transform_product_impl< Transform< Scalar, Dim, AffineCompact, LhsOptions >, Transform< Scalar, Dim, Projective, RhsOptions >, true >
Eigen::internal::transform_transform_product_impl< Transform< Scalar, Dim, LhsMode, LhsOptions >, Transform< Scalar, Dim, RhsMode, RhsOptions >, false >
Eigen::internal::transform_transform_product_impl< Transform< Scalar, Dim, LhsMode, LhsOptions >, Transform< Scalar, Dim, RhsMode, RhsOptions >, true >
Eigen::internal::transform_transform_product_impl< Transform< Scalar, Dim, Projective, LhsOptions >, Transform< Scalar, Dim, AffineCompact, RhsOptions >, true >
TransitionAllows to setup and evaluate transition functions based on SymbolicExpressions
Eigen::Translation< _Scalar, _Dim >Represents a translation transformation
Eigen::Transpose< MatrixType >Expression of the transpose of a matrix
Eigen::Transpose< PermutationBase< Derived > >
Eigen::Transpose< TranspositionsBase< TranspositionsDerived > >
Eigen::TransposeImpl< MatrixType, Dense >
Eigen::TransposeImpl< MatrixType, Sparse >
Eigen::internal::TransposeImpl_base< MatrixType, HasDirectAccess >
Eigen::internal::TransposeImpl_base< MatrixType, false >
Eigen::internal::transposition_matrix_product_retval< TranspositionType, MatrixType, Side, Transposed >
Eigen::Transpositions< SizeAtCompileTime, MaxSizeAtCompileTime, IndexType >Represents a sequence of transpositions (row/column interchange)
Eigen::TranspositionsBase< Derived >
Eigen::TranspositionsWrapper< _IndicesType >
TreeProjectionImplements the tree-projection operator within the family of SymbolicOperators
Eigen::internal::triangular_assignment_selector< Derived1, Derived2, Mode, UnrollCount, ClearOpposite >
Eigen::internal::triangular_assignment_selector< Derived1, Derived2, Lower, Dynamic, ClearOpposite >
Eigen::internal::triangular_assignment_selector< Derived1, Derived2, Mode, 0, ClearOpposite >
Eigen::internal::triangular_assignment_selector< Derived1, Derived2, SelfAdjoint|Lower, 0, ClearOpposite >
Eigen::internal::triangular_assignment_selector< Derived1, Derived2, SelfAdjoint|Lower, Dynamic, ClearOpposite >
Eigen::internal::triangular_assignment_selector< Derived1, Derived2, SelfAdjoint|Upper, 0, ClearOpposite >
Eigen::internal::triangular_assignment_selector< Derived1, Derived2, SelfAdjoint|Upper, Dynamic, ClearOpposite >
Eigen::internal::triangular_assignment_selector< Derived1, Derived2, StrictlyLower, Dynamic, ClearOpposite >
Eigen::internal::triangular_assignment_selector< Derived1, Derived2, StrictlyUpper, Dynamic, ClearOpposite >
Eigen::internal::triangular_assignment_selector< Derived1, Derived2, UnitLower, Dynamic, ClearOpposite >
Eigen::internal::triangular_assignment_selector< Derived1, Derived2, UnitUpper, Dynamic, ClearOpposite >
Eigen::internal::triangular_assignment_selector< Derived1, Derived2, Upper, Dynamic, ClearOpposite >
Eigen::internal::triangular_assignment_selector< Derived1, Derived2,(SelfAdjoint|Lower), UnrollCount, ClearOpposite >
Eigen::internal::triangular_assignment_selector< Derived1, Derived2,(SelfAdjoint|Upper), UnrollCount, ClearOpposite >
Eigen::internal::triangular_matrix_vector_product< Index, Mode, LhsScalar, ConjLhs, RhsScalar, ConjRhs, ColMajor, Version >
Eigen::internal::triangular_matrix_vector_product< Index, Mode, LhsScalar, ConjLhs, RhsScalar, ConjRhs, RowMajor, Version >
Eigen::internal::triangular_matrix_vector_product_trmv< Index, Mode, LhsScalar, ConjLhs, RhsScalar, ConjRhs, StorageOrder >
Eigen::internal::triangular_solve_matrix< Scalar, Index, OnTheLeft, Mode, Conjugate, TriStorageOrder, ColMajor >
Eigen::internal::triangular_solve_matrix< Scalar, Index, OnTheRight, Mode, Conjugate, TriStorageOrder, ColMajor >
Eigen::internal::triangular_solve_matrix< Scalar, Index, Side, Mode, Conjugate, TriStorageOrder, RowMajor >
Eigen::internal::triangular_solve_retval< Side, TriangularType, Rhs >
Eigen::internal::triangular_solve_vector< LhsScalar, RhsScalar, Index, OnTheLeft, Mode, Conjugate, ColMajor >
Eigen::internal::triangular_solve_vector< LhsScalar, RhsScalar, Index, OnTheLeft, Mode, Conjugate, RowMajor >
Eigen::internal::triangular_solve_vector< LhsScalar, RhsScalar, Index, OnTheRight, Mode, Conjugate, StorageOrder >
Eigen::internal::triangular_solver_selector< Lhs, Rhs, OnTheLeft, Mode, CompleteUnrolling, 1 >
Eigen::internal::triangular_solver_selector< Lhs, Rhs, OnTheRight, Mode, CompleteUnrolling, 1 >
Eigen::internal::triangular_solver_selector< Lhs, Rhs, Side, Mode, NoUnrolling, 1 >
Eigen::internal::triangular_solver_selector< Lhs, Rhs, Side, Mode, NoUnrolling, Dynamic >
Eigen::internal::triangular_solver_unroller< Lhs, Rhs, Mode, Index, Size, false >
Eigen::internal::triangular_solver_unroller< Lhs, Rhs, Mode, Index, Size, true >
Eigen::TriangularBase< Derived >
Eigen::TriangularProduct< Mode, false, Lhs, true, Rhs, false >
Eigen::TriangularProduct< Mode, LhsIsTriangular, Lhs, false, Rhs, false >
Eigen::TriangularProduct< Mode, true, Lhs, false, Rhs, true >
Eigen::TriangularView< _MatrixType, _Mode >Base class for triangular part in a matrix
Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived >::TriangularViewReturnType< Mode >
Eigen::internal::tribb_kernel< LhsScalar, RhsScalar, Index, mr, nr, ConjLhs, ConjRhs, UpLo >
Eigen::Tridiagonalization< _MatrixType >Tridiagonal decomposition of a selfadjoint matrix
Eigen::internal::tridiagonalization_inplace_selector< MatrixType, Size, IsComplex >
Eigen::internal::tridiagonalization_inplace_selector< MatrixType, 1, IsComplex >
Eigen::internal::tridiagonalization_inplace_selector< MatrixType, 3, false >
Eigen::internal::TridiagonalizationMatrixTReturnType< MatrixType >
Eigen::internal::TridiagonalMatrix< Scalar, Size, Options >Represents a tridiagonal matrix with a compact banded storage
Eigen::Triplet< Scalar, Index >A small structure to hold a non zero as a triplet (i,j,value)
Eigen::internal::trmv_selector< ColMajor >
Eigen::internal::trmv_selector< RowMajor >
Eigen::internal::trsolve_traits< Lhs, Rhs, Side >
Eigen::internal::umeyama_transform_matrix_type< MatrixType, OtherMatrixType >
Eigen::UmfPackLU< _MatrixType >A sparse LU factorization and solver based on UmfPack
Eigen::internal::unaligned_assign_impl< IsAligned >
Eigen::internal::unaligned_assign_impl< false >
Eigen::internal::unary_result_of_select< Func, ArgType, SizeOf >
Eigen::internal::unary_result_of_select< Func, ArgType, sizeof(has_std_result_type)>
Eigen::internal::unary_result_of_select< Func, ArgType, sizeof(has_tr1_result)>
UnaryOperatorAbstract base class for all scalar-valued unary operators within the symbolic operators family
UniformNoiseGenerates pseudo-random uniformly distributed noise for simulating the Process
Eigen::UniformScaling< _Scalar >
Eigen::internal::unitOrthogonal_selector< Derived, Size >
Eigen::internal::unitOrthogonal_selector< Derived, 2 >
Eigen::internal::unitOrthogonal_selector< Derived, 3 >
Eigen::internal::unpacket_traits< T >
Eigen::internal::unpacket_traits< Packet1cd >
Eigen::internal::unpacket_traits< Packet2cf >
Eigen::internal::unpacket_traits< Packet2d >
Eigen::internal::unpacket_traits< Packet4f >
Eigen::internal::unpacket_traits< Packet4i >
Eigen::ReturnByValue< Derived >::Unusable
Eigen::internal::UpperBidiagonalization< _MatrixType >
UserInteractionEncapsulates all user interaction for setting options, logging data and plotting results
Eigen::internal::variable_if_dynamic< T, Value >
Eigen::internal::variable_if_dynamic< T, Dynamic >
Eigen::internal::variable_if_dynamicindex< T, Value >
Eigen::internal::variable_if_dynamicindex< T, DynamicIndex >
VariableSettingsProvides variable-specific settings for vector- or matrix-valued optimization variables (for internal use)
VariablesGridProvides a time grid consisting of vector-valued optimization variables at each grid point
std::vector< T, EIGEN_ALIGNED_ALLOCATOR< T > >
Eigen::internal::vector_int_pair< Scalar, Dim >
Eigen::VectorBlock< VectorType, Size >Expression of a fixed-size or dynamic-size sub-vector
Eigen::KdBVH< _Scalar, _Dim, _Object >::VectorComparator
Eigen::VectorwiseOp< ExpressionType, Direction >Pseudo expression providing partial reduction operations
Eigen::internal::visitor_impl< Visitor, Derived, UnrollCount >
Eigen::internal::visitor_impl< Visitor, Derived, 1 >
Eigen::internal::visitor_impl< Visitor, Derived, Dynamic >
Eigen::internal::vml_assign_impl< Derived1, Derived2, UnaryOp, Traversal, Unrolling, VmlTraversal >
Eigen::internal::vml_assign_impl< Derived1, Derived2, UnaryOp, Traversal, Unrolling, InnerVectorizedTraversal >
Eigen::internal::vml_assign_impl< Derived1, Derived2, UnaryOp, Traversal, Unrolling, LinearVectorizedTraversal >
Eigen::internal::vml_assign_traits< Dst, Src, UnaryOp >
Eigen::internal::vml_call< Op >
WeightGenerationGenerates weights for solving OCPs having multiple objectives
Eigen::WithFormat< ExpressionType >Pseudo expression providing matrix output with given format

Author(s): Milan Vukov, Rien Quirynen
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 19:41:36