Private Member Functions

Allows to export a tailored explicit Euler method for fast model predictive control. More...

#include <explicit_euler_export.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for ExplicitEulerExport:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Private Member Functions

 ExplicitEulerExport (UserInteraction *_userInteraction=0, const std::string &_commonHeaderName="")
 ExplicitEulerExport (const ExplicitEulerExport &arg)
virtual ~ExplicitEulerExport ()

Detailed Description

Allows to export a tailored explicit Euler method for fast model predictive control.

The class ExplicitEulerExport allows to export a tailored explicit Euler method for fast model predictive control.

Rien Quirynen

Definition at line 54 of file explicit_euler_export.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ACADO ExplicitEulerExport::ExplicitEulerExport ( UserInteraction _userInteraction = 0,
const std::string &  _commonHeaderName = "" 
) [private]

Default constructor.

[in]_userInteractionPointer to corresponding user interface.
[in]_commonHeaderNameName of common header file to be included.

Definition at line 45 of file explicit_euler_export.cpp.

Copy constructor (deep copy).

[in]argRight-hand side object.

Definition at line 52 of file explicit_euler_export.cpp.


Definition at line 59 of file explicit_euler_export.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Milan Vukov, Rien Quirynen
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 19:40:23