Class SickSafetyscannersBase

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Types

Class Documentation

class SickSafetyscannersBase

Base class for the SICK safety scanners. This class provides a COLA2 API for the user and handles internally a COLA2 session and a UDP client for derived classes.

Subclassed by sick::AsyncSickSafetyScanner, sick::SyncSickSafetyScanner

Public Functions

SickSafetyscannersBase() = delete

Deleted default, copy and copy-assignment constructors.

SickSafetyscannersBase(const SickSafetyscannersBase&) = delete
SickSafetyscannersBase &operator=(const SickSafetyscannersBase&) = delete
SickSafetyscannersBase(sick::types::ip_address_t sensor_ip, sick::types::port_t sensor_tcp_port, CommSettings comm_settings, boost::asio::io_service &io_service)

Constructor of the SickSafetyscannersBase class.

  • sensor_ip – The IP4 address of the sensor.

  • sensor_tcp_port – The TCP port of the sensor (COLA2).

  • comm_settings – A CommSettings object containing parameters to be sent to the sensor. The host (client) UDP port, if not available for allocation, might be overwritten by an automatically choosen one.

  • io_service – A boost::asio io_service instance used internally to manage sockets and threads. This constructor variant prevents creating an internal io_service and relies on the caller to perform run-calls and keep the io_service alive.

SickSafetyscannersBase(sick::types::ip_address_t sensor_ip, sick::types::port_t sensor_tcp_port, CommSettings comm_settings)

Constructor of the SickSafetyscannersBase class.

  • sensor_ip – The IP4 address of the sensor.

  • sensor_tcp_port – The TCP port of the sensor (COLA2).

  • comm_settings – A CommSettings object containing parameters to be sent to the sensor. The host (client) UDP port, if not available for allocation, might be overwritten by an automatically choosen one.

SickSafetyscannersBase(sick::types::ip_address_t sensor_ip, sick::types::port_t sensor_tcp_port, CommSettings comm_settings, boost::asio::ip::address_v4 interface_ip)

Constructor of the SickSafetyscannersBase class.

  • sensor_ip – The IP4 address of the sensor.

  • sensor_tcp_port – The TCP port of the sensor (COLA2).

  • comm_settings – A CommSettings object containing parameters to be sent to the sensor. The host (client) UDP port, if not available for allocation, might be overwritten by an automatically choosen one.

  • interface_ip – If multicast IP adresses are used for the host_ip, the corresponding interface of the host has to be defined for the socket to allow joining the multicast group.

void changeSensorSettings(const CommSettings &settings)

Virtual destructor of this base class.

Changes the internal settings of the sensor.


settings – New set of settings to pass to the sensor.

void requestTypeCode(datastructure::TypeCode &type_code)

Requests the typecode of the sensor.


type_code – Returned typecode.

void requestApplicationName(datastructure::ApplicationName &application_name)

Requests the application name from the sensor.


application_name – Returned application name.

void requestSerialNumber(datastructure::SerialNumber &serial_number)

Requests the serial number of the sensor.


serial_number – Returned serial number.

void requestFirmwareVersion(datastructure::FirmwareVersion &firmware_version)

Requests the firmware version of the sensor.


firmware_version – Returned firmware version.

void requestOrderNumber(datastructure::OrderNumber &order_number)

Requests the order number of the sensor.


order_number – Returned order number.

void requestProjectName(datastructure::ProjectName &project_name)

Requests the project name from the sensor.


project_name – Returned project name.

void requestUserName(datastructure::UserName &user_name)

Requests the user name from the sensor.


user_name – Returned user name.

void requestConfigMetadata(datastructure::ConfigMetadata &config_metadata)

Requests the config metadata from the sensor.


config_metadata – Returned config metadata.

void requestStatusOverview(datastructure::StatusOverview &status_overview)

Request a status overview from the sensor.


status_overview – Returned status overview.

void requestDeviceStatus(datastructure::DeviceStatus &device_status)

Requests the sensor’s device status (e.g. useful for monitoring errors).


device_status – Returned device status.

void requestRequiredUserAction(datastructure::RequiredUserAction &required_user_action)

Requests the ‘required user action’ which provides along with device status information on troubleshooting.


required_user_action – Returned required user action information.

void requestLatestTelegram(datastructure::Data &data, int8_t channel_index = 0)

Requests the latest sensor data telegram.

  • data – Returned data.

  • channel_index – The channel index in the range of (0-3).

void findSensor(uint16_t blink_time)

Requests the sensor to let its display blink in various colors for the specified time.


blink_time – The time of the display to blink [seconds].

void requestFieldData(std::vector<FieldData> &field_data)

Requests data of the protective and warning fields from the sensor.


field_data – Returned field data.

void requestDeviceName(datastructure::DeviceName &device_name)

Requests the name of the device from the sensor.


device_name – Returned device name.

void requestPersistentConfig(ConfigData &config_data)

Requests the persistent configuration from the sensor.


config_data – Returned persistent configuration data.

void requestMonitoringCases(std::vector<MonitoringCaseData> &monitoring_cases)

Requests the monitoring cases from the sensor.


monitoring_cases – Returned monitoring cases.

Protected Attributes

boost::asio::io_service &m_io_service
sick::communication::UDPClient m_udp_client
sick::cola2::Cola2Session m_session
sick::data_processing::UDPPacketMerger m_packet_merger