Program Listing for File ndt_sensor_model.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/beluga/sensor/ndt_sensor_model.hpp)

// Copyright 2024 Ekumen, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.


#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <filesystem>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>

#include <H5Cpp.h>

#include <Eigen/Core>

#include <sophus/common.hpp>
#include <sophus/se2.hpp>
#include <sophus/se3.hpp>
#include <sophus/so2.hpp>

#include <beluga/sensor/data/ndt_cell.hpp>
#include <beluga/sensor/data/sparse_value_grid.hpp>
#include "beluga/eigen_compatibility.hpp"

namespace beluga {

namespace detail {
template <int N>
struct CellHasher {
  size_t operator()(const Eigen::Vector<int, N> vector) const {
    size_t seed = 0;
    for (auto i = 0L; i < vector.size(); ++i) {
      auto elem = *( + i);
      seed ^= std::hash<int>()(elem) + 0x9e3779b9 + (seed << 6) + (seed >> 2);
    return seed;

template <int NDim, typename Scalar = double>
inline NDTCell<NDim, Scalar> fit_points(const std::vector<Eigen::Vector<Scalar, NDim>>& points) {
  static constexpr double kMinVariance = 1e-5;
  Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, NDim, Eigen::Dynamic>> points_view(
      reinterpret_cast<const Scalar*>(, NDim, static_cast<int64_t>(points.size()));
  const Eigen::Vector<Scalar, NDim> mean = points_view.rowwise().mean();
  const Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, NDim, Eigen::Dynamic> centered = points_view.colwise() - mean;
  // Use sample covariance.
  Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, NDim, Eigen::Dynamic> cov =
      (centered * centered.transpose()) / static_cast<double>(points_view.cols() - 1);
  cov(0, 0) = std::max(cov(0, 0), kMinVariance);
  cov(1, 1) = std::max(cov(1, 1), kMinVariance);
  if constexpr (NDim == 3) {
    cov(2, 2) = std::max(cov(2, 2), kMinVariance);
  return NDTCell<NDim, Scalar>{mean, cov};

template <int NDim, typename Scalar = double>
inline std::vector<NDTCell<NDim, Scalar>> to_cells(
    const std::vector<Eigen::Vector<Scalar, NDim>>& points,
    const double resolution) {
  static constexpr int kMinPointsPerCell = 5;

  const Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, NDim, Eigen::Dynamic>> points_view(
      reinterpret_cast<const Scalar*>(, NDim, static_cast<int64_t>(points.size()));

  std::vector<NDTCell<NDim, Scalar>> ret;
  ret.reserve(static_cast<size_t>(points_view.cols()) / kMinPointsPerCell);

  std::unordered_map<Eigen::Vector<int, NDim>, std::vector<Eigen::Vector<Scalar, NDim>>, CellHasher<NDim>> cell_grid;
  for (const Eigen::Vector<Scalar, NDim>& col : points) {
    cell_grid[(col / resolution).template cast<int>()].emplace_back(col);

  for (const auto& [cell, points_in_cell] : cell_grid) {
    if (points_in_cell.size() < kMinPointsPerCell) {
    ret.push_back(fit_points<NDim, Scalar>(points_in_cell));

  return ret;
const std::vector<Eigen::Vector2i> kDefaultNeighborKernel2d = {
    Eigen::Vector2i{-1, -1},  //
    Eigen::Vector2i{-1, -0},  //
    Eigen::Vector2i{-1, 1},   //
    Eigen::Vector2i{0, -1},   //
    Eigen::Vector2i{0, 0},    //
    Eigen::Vector2i{0, 1},    //
    Eigen::Vector2i{1, -1},   //
    Eigen::Vector2i{1, 0},    //
    Eigen::Vector2i{1, 1},    //

const std::vector<Eigen::Vector3i> kDefaultNeighborKernel3d = {
    // TODO(Ramiro) revisit this kernel when we implement the 3D sensor model and extend this if it's computationally
    // feasible.
    Eigen::Vector3i{0, 0, 0},   //
    Eigen::Vector3i{0, 0, 1},   //
    Eigen::Vector3i{0, 0, -1},  //
    Eigen::Vector3i{0, 1, 0},   //
    Eigen::Vector3i{0, -1, 0},  //
    Eigen::Vector3i{-1, 0, 0},  //
    Eigen::Vector3i{1, 0, 0},

template <int NDim>
constexpr std::conditional_t<NDim == 2, std::vector<Eigen::Vector2i>, std::vector<Eigen::Vector3i>>
get_default_neighbors_kernel() {
  if constexpr (NDim == 2) {
    return kDefaultNeighborKernel2d;
  } else {
    return kDefaultNeighborKernel3d;

}  // namespace detail

template <int NDim>
struct NDTModelParam {
  static_assert(NDim == 2 or NDim == 3, "Only 2D or 3D is supported for the NDT sensor model.");
  double minimum_likelihood = 0;
  double d1 = 1.0;
  double d2 = 1.0;
  std::conditional_t<NDim == 2, std::vector<Eigen::Vector2i>, std::vector<Eigen::Vector3i>> neighbors_kernel =

using NDTModelParam2d = NDTModelParam<2>;

using NDTModelParam3d = NDTModelParam<3>;

template <typename SparseGridT>
class NDTSensorModel {
  using ndt_cell_type = typename SparseGridT::mapped_type;
  static_assert(std::is_same_v<SparseValueGrid<typename SparseGridT::map_type, ndt_cell_type::num_dim>, SparseGridT>);
      ndt_cell_type::num_dim == 2 or ndt_cell_type::num_dim == 3,
      "NDT sensor model is only implemented for 2D or 3D problems.");
  using state_type = std::conditional_t<
      ndt_cell_type::num_dim == 2,
      Sophus::SE2<typename ndt_cell_type::scalar_type>,
      Sophus::SE3<typename ndt_cell_type::scalar_type>>;
  using weight_type = double;
  using measurement_type = std::vector<Eigen::Vector<typename ndt_cell_type::scalar_type, ndt_cell_type::num_dim>>;
  using map_type = SparseGridT;
  using param_type = NDTModelParam<ndt_cell_type::num_dim>;

  NDTSensorModel(param_type params, SparseGridT cells_data)
      : params_{std::move(params)}, cells_data_{std::move(cells_data)} {
    assert(params_.minimum_likelihood >= 0);

  [[nodiscard]] auto operator()(measurement_type&& points) const {
    return [this, cells = detail::to_cells<ndt_cell_type::num_dim, typename ndt_cell_type::scalar_type>(
                      points, cells_data_.resolution())](const state_type& state) -> weight_type {
      return std::transform_reduce(
          cells.cbegin(), cells.cend(), 1.0, std::plus{},
          [this, state](const ndt_cell_type& ndt_cell) { return likelihood_at(state * ndt_cell); });

  [[nodiscard]] double likelihood_at(const ndt_cell_type& measurement) const {
    double likelihood = 0;
    const typename map_type::key_type measurement_cell = cells_data_.cell_near(measurement.mean);
    for (const auto& offset : params_.neighbors_kernel) {
      const auto maybe_ndt = cells_data_.data_at(measurement_cell + offset);
      if (maybe_ndt.has_value()) {
        likelihood += maybe_ndt->likelihood_at(measurement, params_.d1, params_.d2);
    return std::max(likelihood, params_.minimum_likelihood);

  const param_type params_;
  const SparseGridT cells_data_;

namespace io {

template <typename NDTMapRepresentationT>
NDTMapRepresentationT load_from_hdf5_2d(const std::filesystem::path& path_to_hdf5_file) {
  static_assert(std::is_same_v<typename NDTMapRepresentationT::mapped_type, NDTCell2d>);
  static_assert(std::is_same_v<typename NDTMapRepresentationT::key_type, Eigen::Vector2i>);
  if (!std::filesystem::exists(path_to_hdf5_file) || std::filesystem::is_directory(path_to_hdf5_file)) {
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << "Couldn't find a valid HDF5 file at " << path_to_hdf5_file;
    throw std::invalid_argument(ss.str());

  const H5::H5File file(path_to_hdf5_file, H5F_ACC_RDONLY);
  const H5::DataSet means_dataset = file.openDataSet("means");
  const H5::DataSet covariances_dataset = file.openDataSet("covariances");
  const H5::DataSet resolution_dataset = file.openDataSet("resolution");
  const H5::DataSet cells_dataset = file.openDataSet("cells");

  std::array<hsize_t, 2> dims_out;
  means_dataset.getSpace().getSimpleExtentDims(, nullptr);

  // The static cast is necessary because hsize_t and size_t are not the same in all platforms.
  const std::array<std::size_t, 2> dims{

  Eigen::Matrix2Xd means_matrix(dims[1], dims[0]);
  Eigen::Matrix2Xi cells_matrix(dims[1], dims[0]);, H5::PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE);, H5::PredType::NATIVE_INT);

  std::vector<Eigen::Array<double, 2, 2>> covariances(dims[0]);, H5::PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE);

  double resolution;, H5::PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE);

  typename NDTMapRepresentationT::map_type map{};

  // Note: Ranges::zip_view doesn't seem to work in old Eigen.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < covariances.size(); ++i) {
    map[cells_matrix.col(static_cast<Eigen::Index>(i))] =

  return NDTMapRepresentationT{std::move(map), resolution};

}  // namespace io

}  // namespace beluga
