Struct random_intersperse_view::adaptor

Nested Relationships

This struct is a nested type of Template Struct random_intersperse_view.

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public ranges::adaptor_base

Struct Documentation

struct adaptor : public ranges::adaptor_base

Adaptor subclass that implements the random_intersperse logic.

Public Functions

adaptor() = default

Default constructor.

inline explicit constexpr adaptor(random_intersperse_view *view) noexcept

Construct an iterator adaptor from the parent view.

inline constexpr auto read(ranges::iterator_t<Range> it) const

Return the inserted value or dereference the current iterator.

inline constexpr void next(ranges::iterator_t<Range> &it)

Generate a new value to be inserted or increment the input iterator.

void prev(ranges::iterator_t<Range> &it) = delete
void advance() = delete
void distance_to() = delete