Template Struct on_motion_policy_base< Sophus::SE2< Scalar > >

Struct Documentation

template<class Scalar>
struct on_motion_policy_base<Sophus::SE2<Scalar>>

Specialization for on_motion_policy_base in SE2 space.

Template Parameters:

Scalar – The scalar type for SE2 elements.

Public Functions

inline constexpr on_motion_policy_base(Scalar min_distance, Scalar min_angle)


  • min_distance – The minimum translation distance to trigger the action.

  • min_angle – The minimum rotation angle (in radians) to trigger the action.

inline constexpr bool operator()(const Sophus::SE2<Scalar> &prev, const Sophus::SE2<Scalar> &current)

Return true if motion has been detected.

Checks the motion based on the provided SE2 pose, and triggers the action if the motion surpasses the specified distance and angle thresholds.

  • prev – The previous SE2 pose to check for motion.

  • current – The current SE2 pose to check for motion.


True if the action should be triggered based on motion, false otherwise.