Template Class MultivariateUniformDistribution< Sophus::SE2d, Eigen::AlignedBox2d >

Class Documentation

class MultivariateUniformDistribution<Sophus::SE2d, Eigen::AlignedBox2d>

Specialization of multivariate uniform distribution for bounding regions in 2D space.

Public Functions

inline explicit MultivariateUniformDistribution(const Eigen::AlignedBox2d &box)

Constructs a multivariate uniform distribution in SE(2) with 2D bounding region.


box – The axis-aligned bounding region.

template<class URNG>
inline Sophus::SE2d operator()(URNG &engine)

Generates a random 2D pose within the bounding region.

Template Parameters:

URNG – The type of the random number generator.


engine – The random number generator engine.


A random Sophus::SE2d pose.