Struct OmnidirectionalDriveModelParam

Struct Documentation

struct OmnidirectionalDriveModelParam

Parameters to construct an OmnidirectionalDriveModel instance.

Public Members

double rotation_noise_from_rotation

Rotational noise from rotation.

How much rotational noise is generated by the relative rotation between the last two odometry updates. Also known as alpha1.

double rotation_noise_from_translation

Rotational noise from translation.

How much rotational noise is generated by the relative translation between the last two odometry updates. Also known as alpha2.

double translation_noise_from_translation

Translational noise from translation.

How much translational in longitudinal noise is generated by the relative translation between the last two odometry updates. Also known as alpha3.

double translation_noise_from_rotation

Translational noise from rotation.

How much translational noise is generated by the relative rotation between the last two odometry updates. Also known as alpha4.

double strafe_noise_from_translation

Translational strafe noise from translation.

How much translational noise in strafe is generated by the relative translation between the last two odometry updates. Also known as alpha5.

double distance_threshold = 0.01

Distance threshold to detect in-place rotation.