
File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
Array.hh [code]
ThreadObject/CameraThread.cpp [code]
Tracker/CameraThread.cpp [code]
ThreadObject/CameraThread.h [code]
Tracker/CameraThread.h [code]
CDataFile.cpp [code]
CDataFile.h [code]
CodebookEntry.cc [code]
CodebookEntry.hh [code]
Config.cc [code]
Config.hh [code]
ConfigFile.cc [code]
ConfigFile.hh [code]
cvgeometry.h [code]
Definitions.cc [code]
Definitions.hh [code]
DetectGPUSIFT.cc [code]
DetectGPUSIFT.hh [code]
DetectSIFT.cc [code]
DetectSIFT.hh [code]
Distribution.cpp [code]
Distribution.h [code]Likelihood distribution with GPU likelihood evaluation using comparisson shaders for object tracking
EdgeTracker.cpp [code]
EdgeTracker.h [code]Tracker using geometry edges for matching
EventClass.cpp [code]
EventClass.h [code]
Except.cc [code]
Except.hh [code]
Filter.h [code]
Geometry.cc [code]
Geometry.hh [code]
GLEvent.h [code]Structure defining keyboard and mouse input events
GLInput.h [code]
GLWindow.h [code]Device Context for handling OpenGL windows in MS GLWindows
glxhidingwindow.cpp [code]
glxhidingwindow.h [code]
GLXWindow.cpp [code]
GLXWindowGetEvent.cpp [code]
Recognizer3D/headers.h [code]
TomGine/headers.h [code]
Tracker/headers.h [code]
Homography.cc [code]
Homography.hh [code]
ImageProcessor.cpp [code]
ImageProcessor.h [code]
KeyClusterPair.hh [code]
Keypoint.cc [code]
Keypoint.hh [code]
KeypointDescriptor.cc [code]
KeypointDescriptor.hh [code]
KeypointPair.hh [code]
ThreadObject/main.cpp [code]
TomGine/main.cpp [code]
Math.cc [code]
Math.hh [code]
ModelEntry.cpp [code]
ModelEntry.h [code]Main file of Tracker
ModelLoader.cpp [code]
ModelLoader.h [code]Loading geometrical models from file
ModelObject3D.cc [code]
ModelObject3D.hh [code]
MutexClass.cpp [code]
MutexClass.h [code]
myPredictor.cpp [code]
myPredictor.h [code]
Noise.cpp [code]
Noise.h [code]
Object3D.cc [code]
Object3D.hh [code]
ODetect3D.cc [code]
ODetect3D.hh [code]
pal_util.cpp [code]
pal_util.h [code]
Particle.cpp [code]
Particle.h [code]Defining a point/particle in the likelihood distribution
TomGine/ply.c [code]
Tracker/ply.c [code]
TomGine/ply.h [code]
Tracker/ply.h [code]
TomGine/PlyStructure.h [code]
Tracker/PlyStructure.h [code]
PNamespace.hh [code]
PoseCv.cc [code]
PoseCv.hh [code]
Predictor.cpp [code]
Predictor.h [code]Prediction for motion of object to track
Recognizer3D.cpp [code]
Recognizer3D.h [code]Main file of Recognizer for 3D pose estimation using SIFT features
RecognizerThread.cpp [code]
RecognizerThread.h [code]
Resources.cpp [code]
Resources.h [code]
SDraw.cc [code]
SDraw.hh [code]
Shader.cpp [code]
Shader.h [code]
ShaderUtils.cpp [code]
ShaderUtils.h [code]
Singleton.h [code]
SMatrix.hh [code]
SPolygon.cc [code]
SPolygon.hh [code]
Texture.cpp [code]
Texture.h [code]Class for managing textures (load from file, bind, copy, ...)
TextureTracker.cpp [code]
TextureTracker.h [code]Tracker using Texture for matching
tgCamera.cpp [code]
tgCamera.h [code]OpenGL Camera for moving around in 3D space (including internal and external camera parameters). Improved with a Parameter constructor which can handle a ROS camera_info message
tgCollission.cpp [code]
tgCollission.h [code]Intersection tests between objects (Point, Line, Ray, Sphere, Boxes, ...)
tgEngine.cpp [code]
tgEngine.h [code]Main file of rendering engine 'TomGine'
tgError.cpp [code]
tgError.h [code]
tgErrorMetric.cpp [code]
tgErrorMetric.h [code]
tgFont.cpp [code]
tgFont.h [code]Main file of rendering engine 'TomGine'
tgFrustum.cpp [code]
tgFrustum.h [code]View frustum of a camera
tgGUI.cpp [code]
tgGUI.h [code]
tgImageProcessor.cpp [code]
tgImageProcessor.h [code]
tgLabel.cpp [code]
tgLabel.h [code]Quad patch with texture created by copying text from frame buffer
tgLighting.cpp [code]
tgLighting.h [code]Defining OpenGL lighting conditions
tgMaterial.cpp [code]
tgMaterial.h [code]Defining material for a model (color, lighting behaviour)
tgMathlib.h [code]
tgMatrix3.cpp [code]
tgMatrix3.h [code]Defining a 3x3 matrix
tgModel.cpp [code]
tgModel.h [code]Defining a model for rendering
tgModelLoader.cpp [code]
tgModelLoader.h [code]Loading geometrical models from file
tgPlot2D.cpp [code]
tgPlot2D.h [code]Online tgPlot2D of data
tgPose.cpp [code]
tgPose.h [code]Defining the position and orientation of an object in 3D
tgQuaternion.cpp [code]
tgQuaternion.h [code]TgQuaternion representing rotations (avoiding singularity locks)
tgRenderModel.cpp [code]
tgRenderModel.h [code]Defining a model for rendering
tgShader.cpp [code]
tgShader.h [code]
tgShapeCreator.cpp [code]
tgShapeCreator.h [code]Generating a sphere mesh using a subdevided icosahedra
tgTexture.cpp [code]
tgTexture.h [code]Class for managing textures (load from file, bind, copy, ...)
tgTimer.cpp [code]
tgTimer.h [code]Real-time clock for MS Windows and Linux
tgVector3.cpp [code]
tgVector3.h [code]
Thread.cpp [code]
Thread.h [code]
Timer.cpp [code]
Timer.h [code]
TomGineThread.cpp [code]
TomGineThread.h [code]
Tracker.cpp [code]
Tracker.h [code]Main file of Tracker
TrackerAPI.h [code]
TrackerModel.cpp [code]
TrackerModel.h [code]
TrackerThread.cpp [code]
TrackerThread.h [code]
utilities.hpp [code]
Vector2.cc [code]
Vector2.hh [code]
Vector3.cc [code]
Vector3.hh [code]
xtgSerialize.h [code]
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Author(s): Michael Zillich, Thomas Mörwald, Johann Prankl, Andreas Richtsfeld, Bence Magyar (ROS version)
autogenerated on Fri Mar 1 16:57:59 2013