00001 00002 #include <blort/TomGine/tgError.h> 00003 #include <ros/console.h> 00004 00005 GLenum tgCheckError(std::string pre_msg) 00006 { 00007 GLenum error = glGetError(); 00008 switch(error){ 00009 case GL_NO_ERROR: 00010 // No error has been recorded. 00011 // The value of this symbolic constant is guaranteed to be 0. 00012 break; 00013 case GL_INVALID_ENUM: 00014 // An unacceptable value is specified for an enumerated argument. 00015 // The offending command is ignored 00016 // and has no other side effect than to set the error flag. 00017 ROS_ERROR("%s OpenGL Error: GL_INVALID_ENUM\n", pre_msg.c_str()); 00018 break; 00019 case GL_INVALID_VALUE: 00020 // A numeric argument is out of range. 00021 // The offending command is ignored 00022 // and has no other side effect than to set the error flag. 00023 ROS_ERROR("%s OpenGL Error: GL_INVALID_VALUE\n", pre_msg.c_str()); 00024 break; 00025 case GL_INVALID_OPERATION: 00026 // The specified operation is not allowed in the current state. 00027 // The offending command is ignored 00028 // and has no other side effect than to set the error flag. 00029 ROS_ERROR("%s OpenGL Error: GL_INVALID_OPERATION\n", pre_msg.c_str()); 00030 break; 00031 case GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION: 00032 // The framebuffer object is not complete. The offending command 00033 // is ignored and has no other side effect than to set the error flag. 00034 ROS_ERROR("%s OpenGL Error: GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION\n", pre_msg.c_str()); 00035 break; 00036 case GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: 00037 // There is not enough memory left to execute the command. 00038 // The state of the GL is undefined, except for the state of the error flags, 00039 // after this error is recorded. 00040 ROS_ERROR("%s OpenGL Error: GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY\n", pre_msg.c_str()); 00041 break; 00042 default: 00043 ROS_ERROR("%s OpenGL Error: unknown\n", pre_msg.c_str()); 00044 break; 00045 } 00046 return error; 00047 } 00048 00049 GLenum tgCheckFBError(GLenum target, std::string pre_msg){ 00050 00051 GLenum error = glCheckFramebufferStatus(target); 00052 00053 switch(error){ 00054 case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE: 00055 break; 00056 case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNDEFINED: 00057 // is returned if target is the default framebuffer, but the default framebuffer does not exist. 00058 ROS_ERROR("%s OpenGL FBO Error: GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNDEFINED\n", pre_msg.c_str()); 00059 break; 00060 case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT: 00061 // is returned if any of the framebuffer attachment points are framebuffer incomplete. 00062 ROS_ERROR("%s OpenGL FBO Error: GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT\n", pre_msg.c_str()); 00063 break; 00064 case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT: 00065 // is returned if the framebuffer does not have at least one image attached to it. 00066 ROS_ERROR("%s OpenGL FBO Error: GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT\n", pre_msg.c_str()); 00067 break; 00068 case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DRAW_BUFFER: 00069 // is returned if the value of GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE 00070 // is GL_NONE for any color attachment point(s) named by GL_DRAWBUFFERi. 00071 ROS_ERROR("%s OpenGL FBO Error: GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DRAW_BUFFER\n", pre_msg.c_str()); 00072 break; 00073 case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_READ_BUFFER: 00074 // is returned if the value of GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE 00075 // is GL_NONE for any color attachment point(s) named by GL_DRAWBUFFERi. 00076 ROS_ERROR("%s OpenGL FBO Error: GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_READ_BUFFER\n", pre_msg.c_str()); 00077 break; 00078 case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED: 00079 // is returned if the combination of internal formats of the attached images violates 00080 // an implementation-dependent set of restrictions. 00081 ROS_ERROR("%s OpenGL FBO Error: GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED\n", pre_msg.c_str()); 00082 break; 00083 case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MULTISAMPLE: 00084 // is returned if the value of GL_RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES is not the same 00085 // for all attached renderbuffers; if the value of GL_TEXTURE_SAMPLES is the not same for all attached textures; 00086 // or, if the attached images are a mix of renderbuffers and textures, the value of GL_RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES 00087 // does not match the value of GL_TEXTURE_SAMPLES. 00088 ROS_ERROR("%s OpenGL FBO Error: GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MULTISAMPLE\n", pre_msg.c_str()); 00089 break; 00090 default: 00091 ROS_ERROR("%s OpenGL FBO Error: unknown\n", pre_msg.c_str()); 00092 break; 00093 } 00094 return error; 00095 } 00096