►NCatch | |
►NDetail | |
CApprox | |
CBorgType | |
CFalseType | |
CIsStreamInsertable | |
CStringMakerBase | |
CStringMakerBase< true > | |
CTrueType | |
►NInternal | |
CEvaluator | |
CEvaluator< T1, T2, IsEqualTo > | |
CEvaluator< T1, T2, IsGreaterThan > | |
CEvaluator< T1, T2, IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo > | |
CEvaluator< T1, T2, IsLessThan > | |
CEvaluator< T1, T2, IsLessThanOrEqualTo > | |
CEvaluator< T1, T2, IsNotEqualTo > | |
COperatorTraits | |
COperatorTraits< IsEqualTo > | |
COperatorTraits< IsGreaterThan > | |
COperatorTraits< IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo > | |
COperatorTraits< IsLessThan > | |
COperatorTraits< IsLessThanOrEqualTo > | |
COperatorTraits< IsNotEqualTo > | |
►NMatchers | |
►NImpl | |
►NGeneric | |
CAllOf | |
CAnyOf | |
►NStdString | |
CContains | |
CEndsWith | |
CEquals | |
CStartsWith | |
CMatcher | |
CMatcherImpl | |
CAssertionInfo | |
CAssertionResult | |
CAssertionResultData | |
CAutoReg | |
CBetweenGenerator | |
CCompositeGenerator | |
CCopyableStream | |
CCounts | |
►CExceptionTranslatorRegistrar | |
CExceptionTranslator | |
CExpressionLhs | |
CIContext | |
CIExceptionTranslator | |
CIExceptionTranslatorRegistry | |
CIGenerator | |
CIGeneratorInfo | |
CIGeneratorsForTest | |
CIMutableContext | |
CIMutableRegistryHub | |
CIRegistryHub | |
CIResultCapture | |
CIRunner | |
CIShared | |
CITagAliasRegistry | |
CITestCase | |
CITestCaseRegistry | |
CMessageBuilder | |
CMessageInfo | |
CMethodTestCase | |
CNameAndDesc | |
CNonCopyable | |
CNotImplementedException | |
COption | |
Cpluralise | |
CPtr | |
CRegistrarForTagAliases | |
►CResultBuilder | |
CExprComponents | |
CResultDisposition | |
CResultWas | |
CSafeBool | |
CScopedMessage | |
CSection | |
CSectionInfo | |
CSharedImpl | |
CSourceLineInfo | |
CStreamEndStop | |
CStringMaker | |
CStringMaker< R C::* > | |
CStringMaker< T * > | |
CTagAlias | |
CTestCase | |
CTestCaseInfo | |
CTestFailureException | |
CTimer | |
CTotals | |
CValuesGenerator | |
►Nrs | |
Ccontext | Context |
Cdevice | Provides convenience methods relating to devices |
Cerror | |
Cextrinsics | Cross-stream extrinsics: encode the topology describing how the different devices are connected |
Cfloat2 | |
Cfloat3 | |
Cframe | Frame |
Cframe_callback | |
Cintrinsics | Video stream intrinsics |
Clog_callback | |
Cmotion_callback | |
Cmotion_data | Motion data from gyroscope and accelerometer from the microcontroller |
Cmotion_intrinsics | Motion device intrinsics: scale, bias, and variances |
Ctimestamp_callback | |
Ctimestamp_data | Timestamp data from the motion microcontroller |
►Nrsimpl | |
►Nds | |
Cae_params | |
CCommandResponsePacket | |
Cdc_params | |
Cdinghy | |
Cdiscovery | |
Cdisp_mode | |
Cds_calibration | |
Cds_device | |
Cds_head_content | The struct is aligned with the data layout in device |
Cds_info | |
Crange | |
Crate_value | |
Ctemperature | |
Ctime_pad | |
►Nf200 | |
Ccam_asic_coefficients | |
Ccam_temperature_data | |
CIVCAMTesterData | |
COACOffsetData | |
Cthermal_loop_params | |
►Nhw_monitor | |
Chwmon_cmd | |
Chwmon_cmd_details | |
►Nivcam | |
Ccam_auto_range_request | |
Ccam_calibration | |
Ccamera_calib_params | |
►Nmotion_module | |
Cfw_image_packet | |
Cmm_config | |
Cmotion_event | |
Cmotion_event_status | |
Cmotion_module_control | |
Cmotion_module_parser | |
Cmotion_module_state | |
Cmotion_module_wraparound | |
►Nsr300 | |
CSR300RawCalibration | |
►Nuvc | |
Cextension_unit | |
Cguid | |
Caligned_stream | |
►Cauto_exposure_algorithm | |
Chistogram_metric | |
►Cauto_exposure_mechanism | |
Cexposure_and_frame_counter | |
Cbig_endian | |
Cbytes | |
Ccalibration | |
Ccalibration_validator | |
Ccam_mode | |
Ccolor_timestamp_reader | |
Cconcurrent_queue | |
Cdata_polling_request | |
Cdevice_config | |
Cdinghy_timestamp_reader | |
Cf200_camera | |
Cf200_inzi_pixel | |
Cfirmware_version | |
Cfisheye_auto_exposure_state | |
Cfisheye_intrinsic | |
►Cfisheye_timestamp_reader | |
Cbyte_wrapping | |
Cfloat3 | |
Cfloat3x3 | |
Cfps_calc | |
►Cframe_archive | |
Cframe | |
Cframe_additional_data | |
Cframe_ref | |
Cframeset | |
Cframe_callback | |
Cframe_callback_ptr | |
Cframe_continuation | |
Cframe_interface | |
Cframe_timestamp_reader | |
CIMU_extrinsic | |
CIMU_intrinsic | |
CIMU_version | |
Cint2 | |
Cinterstream_rule | |
Civ_camera | |
Clog_callback | |
Clogger_type | |
Cmm_extrinsic | |
CMM_intrinsics | |
Cmotion_events_callback | |
Cmotion_module_calibration | |
Cnative_pixel_format | |
Cnative_stream | |
Cpixel_format_unpacker | |
Cpoint_stream | |
Cpose | |
Cr200_camera | |
Crectified_stream | |
Crolling_timestamp_reader | |
Csearch_request_params | |
Cserial_number | |
Cserial_timestamp_generator | |
Csmall_heap | |
Csr300_camera | |
Cstatic_device_info | |
Cstream_interface | |
Cstream_request | |
Cstruct_interface | |
Csubdevice_mode | |
Csubdevice_mode_selection | |
Csupported_capability | |
Csupported_option | |
Csyncronizing_archive | |
Ctimestamp_corrector | |
Ctimestamp_corrector_interface | |
Ctimestamp_events_callback | |
Cto_string | |
Cwraparound_mechanism | |
Cy12i_pixel | |
Cy8i_pixel | |
Czr300_camera | |
C_GLFWcontextWGL | |
C_GLFWctxconfig | Context configuration |
C_GLFWcursor | Cursor structure |
C_GLFWcursorWin32 | |
C_GLFWfbconfig | Framebuffer configuration |
C_GLFWjoystickWinMM | |
C_GLFWlibrary | Library global data |
C_GLFWlibraryWGL | |
C_GLFWlibraryWin32 | |
C_GLFWmonitor | Monitor structure |
C_GLFWmonitorWin32 | |
C_GLFWtimeWin32 | |
C_GLFWtlsWin32 | |
C_GLFWwindow | Window and context structure |
C_GLFWwindowWin32 | |
C_GLFWwndconfig | Window configuration |
C_uvc_error_msg | |
Ccolor | |
Cdrops_status | |
Cfake_object_pointer | |
Cgen_seq | |
Cgen_seq< 0, Is... > | |
CGLFWgammaramp | Gamma ramp |
CGLFWimage | Image data |
CGLFWvidmode | Video mode type |
CGLXHyperpipeConfigSGIX | |
CGLXHyperpipeNetworkSGIX | |
CGLXPipeRect | |
CGLXPipeRectLimits | |
CGLXStereoNotifyEventEXT | |
Cgui | |
Cint2 | |
Coption | |
Crect | |
Crequire_error | |
Crequire_no_error | |
Crgb_pixel | |
Crs_context | |
Crs_context_base | |
Crs_device | |
Crs_device_base | |
Crs_error | |
Crs_extrinsics | Cross-stream extrinsics: encode the topology describing how the different devices are connected |
Crs_frame_callback | |
Crs_frame_ref | |
Crs_intrinsics | Video stream intrinsics |
Crs_log_callback | |
Crs_motion_callback | |
Crs_motion_data | Motion data from gyroscope and accelerometer from the microcontroller |
Crs_motion_device_intrinsic | Motion device intrinsics: scale, bias, and variances |
Crs_motion_intrinsics | Motion module intrinsics: includes accelerometer and gyroscope intrinsics structs of type rs_motion_device_intrinsic |
Crs_stream_interface | |
Crs_timestamp_callback | |
Crs_timestamp_data | Timestamp data from the motion microcontroller |
Csafe_context | |
Cseq | |
Csingle_consumer_queue | |
Cstate | |
Cstb_easy_font_color | |
Cstbi_io_callbacks | |
Cstream_mode | |
Cstream_record | |
Ctest_duration | |
Ctexture_buffer | |
Cuser_data | |
Cuvc_device_descriptor | |
Cuvc_extension_unit | |
Cuvc_format_desc | |
Cuvc_frame | |
Cuvc_frame_desc | |
Cuvc_input_terminal | |
Cuvc_output_terminal | |
Cuvc_processing_unit | |
Cuvc_stream_ctrl | |