File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 Alvar.hThis file defines library export definitions, version numbers and build information
 AlvarException.hThis file implements the ALVAR exception class
 Bitset.hThis file implements bit set handling
 Camera.hThis file implements a camera used for projecting points and computing homographies
 Capture.hThis file implements a capture interface
 CaptureDevice.hThis file implements a capture device to hold camera information
 CaptureFactory.hThis file implements a capture factory with a plugin interface to allow for different capture backends to be loaded at runtime if the platform supports them
 CapturePlugin.hThis file implements a capture plugin interface
 CapturePluginCmu.hThis file implements a capture plugin based on Cmu
 CapturePluginDSCapture.hThis file implements a capture plugin based on DSCapture
 CapturePluginFile.hThis file implements a capture plugin based on File
 CapturePluginHighgui.hThis file implements a capture plugin based on Highgui
 CapturePluginPtgrey.hThis file implements a capture plugin based on Ptgrey
 ConnectedComponents.hThis file implements connected component labeling
 Container3d.hThis file implements a generic container to store data in 3D
 DirectoryIterator.hThis file implements a directory iterator
 Draw.hThis file implements a collection of functions that are used to visualize lines, contours and corners for debugging purposes
 EC.hThis file implements a collection of External Container (EC) versions of many ALVAR classes
 FernImageDetector.hThis file implements a Fern-based image detector
 FernPoseEstimator.hThis file implements a pose estimator for the Fern-based image detector
 FileFormat.hThis file defines various file formats
 FileFormatUtils.hThis file implements utilities that assist in reading and writing files
 Filter.hThis file implements multiple filters
 IntegralImage.hThis file implements integral image and integral gradient computations
 Kalman.hThis file implements a versatile Kalman filter
 Line.hThis file implements a parametrized line
 Lock.hThis file implements a lock to simplify mutex handling
 Marker.hThis file implements a marker interface as well as ALVAR markers and ARToolKit markers
 MarkerDetector.hThis file implements a generic marker detector
 MultiMarker.hThis file implements a multi-marker
 MultiMarkerBundle.hThis file implements an algorithm to create a multi-marker field configuration
 MultiMarkerFiltered.hThis file implements an approximation algorithm to create a multi-marker field configuration
 MultiMarkerInitializer.hThis file implements a initialization algorithm to create a multi-marker field configuration
 Mutex.hThis file implements a mutex
 Optimization.hThis file implements several optimization algorithms
 Platform.hThis file implements generic platform specific methods
 Plugin.hThis file implements a loader for plugins as dynamic libraries
 Pose.hThis file implements a pose
 Ransac.hThis file implements a generic RANSAC algorithm
 Rotation.hThis file implements a parametrized rotation
 SfM.hThis file implements structure from motion
 Threads.hThis file implements a threads vector
 Timer.hThis file implements a timer
 Tracker.hThis file implements a tracking interface
 TrackerFeatures.hThis file implements a feature tracker
 TrackerOrientation.hThis file implements an orientation tracker
 TrackerPsa.hThis file implements a PSA tracker
 TrackerStat.hThis file implements a statistical tracker
 TrifocalTensor.hThis file implements a trifocal tensor
 Uncopyable.hThis file implements an uncopyable interface
 UnscentedKalman.hThis file implements an unscented Kalman filter
 Util.hThis file implements generic utility functions and a serialization interface

Author(s): Scott Niekum
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 12:47:05