Typedef hardware_interface::CallbackReturn

Typedef Documentation

typedef rclcpp_lifecycle::node_interfaces::LifecycleNodeInterface::CallbackReturn hardware_interface::CallbackReturn

Virtual Class to implement when integrating a 1 DoF actuator into ros2_control.

Virtual Class to implement when integrating a complex system into ros2_control.

Virtual Class to implement when integrating a stand-alone sensor into ros2_control.

The typical examples are conveyors or motors.

Methods return values have type rclcpp_lifecycle::node_interfaces::LifecycleNodeInterface::CallbackReturn with the following meaning:

The hardware ends after each method in a state with the following meaning:

UNCONFIGURED (on_init, on_cleanup): Hardware is initialized but communication is not started and therefore no interface is available.

INACTIVE (on_configure, on_deactivate): Communication with the hardware is started and it is configured. States can be read and non-movement hardware interfaces commanded. Hardware interfaces for movement will NOT be available. Those interfaces are: HW_IF_POSITION, HW_IF_VELOCITY, HW_IF_ACCELERATION, and HW_IF_EFFORT.

FINALIZED (on_shutdown): Hardware interface is ready for unloading/destruction. Allocated memory is cleaned up.

ACTIVE (on_activate): Power circuits of hardware are active and hardware can be moved, e.g., brakes are disabled. Command interfaces for movement are available and have to be accepted. Those interfaces are: HW_IF_POSITION, HW_IF_VELOCITY, HW_IF_ACCELERATION, and HW_IF_EFFORT.

The typical examples are Force-Torque Sensor (FTS), Interial Measurement Unit (IMU).

Methods return values have type rclcpp_lifecycle::node_interfaces::LifecycleNodeInterface::CallbackReturn with the following meaning:

The hardware ends after each method in a state with the following meaning:

UNCONFIGURED (on_init, on_cleanup): Hardware is initialized but communication is not started and therefore no interface is available.

INACTIVE (on_configure, on_deactivate): Communication with the hardware is started and it is configured. States can be read and non-movement hardware interfaces commanded. Hardware interfaces for movement will NOT be available. Those interfaces are: HW_IF_POSITION, HW_IF_VELOCITY, HW_IF_ACCELERATION, and HW_IF_EFFORT.

FINALIZED (on_shutdown): Hardware interface is ready for unloading/destruction. Allocated memory is cleaned up.

ACTIVE (on_activate): Power circuits of hardware are active and hardware can be moved, e.g., brakes are disabled. Command interfaces for movement are available and have to be accepted. Those interfaces are: HW_IF_POSITION, HW_IF_VELOCITY, HW_IF_ACCELERATION, and HW_IF_EFFORT.

The common examples for these types of hardware are multi-joint systems with or without sensors such as industrial or humanoid robots.

Methods return values have type rclcpp_lifecycle::node_interfaces::LifecycleNodeInterface::CallbackReturn with the following meaning:

The hardware ends after each method in a state with the following meaning:

UNCONFIGURED (on_init, on_cleanup): Hardware is initialized but communication is not started and therefore no interface is available.

INACTIVE (on_configure, on_deactivate): Communication with the hardware is started and it is configured. States can be read and non-movement hardware interfaces commanded. Hardware interfaces for movement will NOT be available. Those interfaces are: HW_IF_POSITION, HW_IF_VELOCITY, HW_IF_ACCELERATION, and HW_IF_EFFORT.

FINALIZED (on_shutdown): Hardware interface is ready for unloading/destruction. Allocated memory is cleaned up.

ACTIVE (on_activate): Power circuits of hardware are active and hardware can be moved, e.g., brakes are disabled. Command interfaces for movement are available and have to be accepted. Those interfaces are: HW_IF_POSITION, HW_IF_VELOCITY, HW_IF_ACCELERATION, and HW_IF_EFFORT.


CallbackReturn::SUCCESS method execution was successful.


CallbackReturn::FAILURE method execution has failed and and can be called again.


CallbackReturn::ERROR critical error has happened that should be managed in “on_error” method.


CallbackReturn::SUCCESS method execution was successful.


CallbackReturn::FAILURE method execution has failed and and can be called again.


CallbackReturn::ERROR critical error has happened that should be managed in “on_error” method.


CallbackReturn::SUCCESS method execution was successful.


CallbackReturn::FAILURE method execution has failed and and can be called again.


CallbackReturn::ERROR critical error has happened that should be managed in “on_error” method.