Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes
VisualServoNode Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void close ()
cv::Mat colorSegment (cv::Mat color_frame, int hue, int threshold)
cv::Mat colorSegment (cv::Mat color_frame, int _hue_n, int _hue_p, int _sat_n, int _sat_p, int _value_n, int _value_p)
void executeStatemachine ()
void executeStatemachine ()
std::vector< cv::Moments > findMoments (cv::Mat in, cv::Mat &color_frame, unsigned int max_num=3)
visual_servo::VisualServoPose formPoseService (float px, float py, float pz)
visual_servo::VisualServoPose formPoseService (float px, float py, float pz)
float getError (std::vector< VSXYZ > a, std::vector< VSXYZ > b)
std::vector< cv::PointgetMomentCoordinates (std::vector< cv::Moments > ms)
float getTipDistance ()
visual_servo::VisualServoTwist getTwist (std::vector< VSXYZ > desire)
bool grab ()
bool initializeDesired (VSXYZ &vDesire)
bool initializeDesired (tabletop_pushing::ProtoObjects &pos)
void initializeService ()
void initializeService ()
void open ()
void place ()
void placeDoneCB (const actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState &state, const pr2_gripper_sensor_msgs::PR2GripperEventDetectorResultConstPtr &result)
void printMatrix (cv::Mat_< double > in)
void printMatrix (cv::Mat_< double > in)
void release ()
void releaseDoneCB (const actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState &state, const pr2_gripper_sensor_msgs::PR2GripperReleaseResultConstPtr &result)
void reset ()
bool sendZeroVelocity ()
bool sendZeroVelocity ()
void sensorCallback (const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &img_msg, const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &depth_msg, const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &cloud_msg)
void sensorCallback (const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &img_msg, const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &depth_msg, const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &cloud_msg)
void setDisplay ()
void setDisplay ()
bool setGoalForAnObject (std::vector< VSXYZ > &goal, PoseStamped &goal_p, tabletop_pushing::ProtoObject po)
bool setGoalForAnObject (std::vector< VSXYZ > &goal, PoseStamped &goal_p, VSXYZ desire)
void setSleepNonblock (float time)
bool sleepNonblock ()
void spin ()
void spin ()
bool updateGripperFeatures ()
 VisualServoNode (ros::NodeHandle &n)
 VisualServoNode (ros::NodeHandle &n)
 ~VisualServoNode ()
 ~VisualServoNode ()

Protected Attributes

ros::Time alarm_
sensor_msgs::CameraInfo cam_info_
std::string cam_info_topic_
bool camera_initialized_
ros::Publisher chatter_pub_
float close_gripper_dist_
< sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 > 
std_msgs::Header cur_camera_header_
cv::Mat cur_color_frame_
cv::Mat cur_depth_frame_
std::vector< VSXYZcur_goal_
cv::Mat cur_orig_color_frame_
XYZPointCloud cur_point_cloud_
cv::Mat cur_workspace_mask_
int default_sat_bot_value_
int default_sat_top_value_
int default_val_value_
< sensor_msgs::Image > 
bool desire_points_initialized_
VSXYZ desired_
cv::Mat desired_jacobian_
int display_wait_ms_
std::vector< VSXYZgoal_
PoseStamped goal_p_
bool gripper_pose_estimated_
GripperTape gripper_tape_
int gripper_tape_hue_threshold_
int gripper_tape_hue_value_
bool have_depth_data_
ros::ServiceClient i_client_
< sensor_msgs::Image > 
bool is_detected_
bool is_gripper_initialized_
image_transport::ImageTransport it_
int jacobian_type_
cv::Mat K
double min_contour_size_
ros::NodeHandle n_
ros::NodeHandle n_private_
int num_downsamples_
float object_z_
std::string optical_frame_
cv::Rect original_box_
ros::ServiceClient p_client_
unsigned int PHASE
bool place_detection_
double place_z_velocity_
tabletop_pushing::ProtoObjects po_
double pose_servo_z_offset_
< MySyncPolicy
double tape1_offset_x_
double tape1_offset_y_
double tape1_offset_z_
std::vector< VSXYZtape_features_
PoseStamped tape_features_p_
int target_hue_threshold_
int target_hue_value_
std::vector< cv::Pointtemp_draw_
shared_ptr< tf::TransformListenertf_
int tracker_count_
ros::ServiceClient v_client_
std::vector< pcl::PointXYZ > v_fk_diff_
shared_ptr< VisualServovs_
double vs_err_term_threshold_
std::string workspace_frame_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 208 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Definition at line 211 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 267 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 137 of file vs_pose.cpp.

Definition at line 184 of file vs_pose.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void VisualServoNode::close ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 831 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

cv::Mat VisualServoNode::colorSegment ( cv::Mat  color_frame,
int  hue,
int  threshold 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1388 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

cv::Mat VisualServoNode::colorSegment ( cv::Mat  color_frame,
int  _hue_n,
int  _hue_p,
int  _sat_n,
int  _sat_p,
int  _value_n,
int  _value_p 
) [inline]

Very Basic Color Segmentation done in HSV space Takes in Hue value and threshold as input to compute the distance in color space

color_framecolor input from image
mask from the color segmentation

Definition at line 1408 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 234 of file vs_pose.cpp.

Definition at line 331 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

std::vector<cv::Moments> VisualServoNode::findMoments ( cv::Mat  in,
cv::Mat &  color_frame,
unsigned int  max_num = 3 
) [inline]
insingle channel image input
color_frameneed the original image for debugging and imshow
returns ALL moment of specific color in the image

Definition at line 1359 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

visual_servo::VisualServoPose VisualServoNode::formPoseService ( float  px,
float  py,
float  pz 
) [inline]

Definition at line 351 of file vs_pose.cpp.

visual_servo::VisualServoPose VisualServoNode::formPoseService ( float  px,
float  py,
float  pz 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1465 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

float VisualServoNode::getError ( std::vector< VSXYZ a,
std::vector< VSXYZ b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1253 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Take three biggest moments of specific color and returns the three biggest blobs or moments. This method assumes that the features are in QR code like configuration

msAll moments of color segmented
returns vectors of cv::Point. Ordered in specific way (1. top left, 2. top right, and 3. bottom left)

Definition at line 1282 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

float VisualServoNode::getTipDistance ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 678 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

visual_servo::VisualServoTwist VisualServoNode::getTwist ( std::vector< VSXYZ desire) [inline]

Definition at line 1158 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 858 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 929 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

bool VisualServoNode::initializeDesired ( tabletop_pushing::ProtoObjects &  pos) [inline]

Definition at line 1017 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 320 of file vs_pose.cpp.

Definition at line 1131 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

void VisualServoNode::open ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 844 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

void VisualServoNode::place ( ) [inline]

Gripper Actions: These are all blocking

Definition at line 807 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

void VisualServoNode::placeDoneCB ( const actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState state,
const pr2_gripper_sensor_msgs::PR2GripperEventDetectorResultConstPtr &  result 
) [inline]

Definition at line 821 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

void VisualServoNode::printMatrix ( cv::Mat_< double >  in) [inline]

Definition at line 356 of file vs_pose.cpp.

void VisualServoNode::printMatrix ( cv::Mat_< double >  in) [inline]

Definition at line 1470 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

void VisualServoNode::release ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 876 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

void VisualServoNode::releaseDoneCB ( const actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState state,
const pr2_gripper_sensor_msgs::PR2GripperReleaseResultConstPtr &  result 
) [inline]

Definition at line 891 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

void VisualServoNode::reset ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 705 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 341 of file vs_pose.cpp.

Definition at line 1455 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

void VisualServoNode::sensorCallback ( const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &  img_msg,
const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &  depth_msg,
const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &  cloud_msg 
) [inline]

Called when Kinect information is avaiable. Refresh rate of about 30Hz

Definition at line 191 of file vs_pose.cpp.

void VisualServoNode::sensorCallback ( const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &  img_msg,
const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &  depth_msg,
const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &  cloud_msg 
) [inline]

Called when Kinect information is avaiable. Refresh rate of about 30Hz

Definition at line 278 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

void VisualServoNode::setDisplay ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 314 of file vs_pose.cpp.

void VisualServoNode::setDisplay ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 714 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

bool VisualServoNode::setGoalForAnObject ( std::vector< VSXYZ > &  goal,
PoseStamped &  goal_p,
tabletop_pushing::ProtoObject  po 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1066 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

bool VisualServoNode::setGoalForAnObject ( std::vector< VSXYZ > &  goal,
PoseStamped &  goal_p,
VSXYZ  desire 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1104 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

void VisualServoNode::setSleepNonblock ( float  time) [inline]


Definition at line 907 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 913 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

void VisualServoNode::spin ( ) [inline]

Executive control function for launching the node.

Definition at line 370 of file vs_pose.cpp.

void VisualServoNode::spin ( ) [inline]

Executive control function for launching the node.

Definition at line 1484 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1179 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 1559 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

sensor_msgs::CameraInfo VisualServoNode::cam_info_ [protected]

Definition at line 1500 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

std::string VisualServoNode::cam_info_topic_ [protected]

Definition at line 1519 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1517 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1558 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1581 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

message_filters::Subscriber< sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 > VisualServoNode::cloud_sub_ [protected]

Definition at line 1497 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1506 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

cv::Mat VisualServoNode::cur_color_frame_ [protected]

Definition at line 1502 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

cv::Mat VisualServoNode::cur_depth_frame_ [protected]

Definition at line 1504 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1546 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1503 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1507 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1505 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1527 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1528 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1529 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

message_filters::Subscriber< sensor_msgs::Image > VisualServoNode::depth_sub_ [protected]

Definition at line 1496 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1518 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1551 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1545 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1570 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1513 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1547 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

PoseStamped VisualServoNode::goal_p_ [protected]

Definition at line 1548 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1568 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1567 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1555 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1582 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1526 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1525 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1512 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1564 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

message_filters::Subscriber< sensor_msgs::Image > VisualServoNode::image_sub_ [protected]

Definition at line 1495 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1577 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1554 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1499 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1533 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

cv::Mat VisualServoNode::K [protected]

Definition at line 1552 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 437 of file vs_pose.cpp.

Definition at line 1530 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1493 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1494 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1514 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

float VisualServoNode::object_z_ [protected]

Definition at line 1579 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

std::string VisualServoNode::optical_frame_ [protected]

Definition at line 1516 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

cv::Rect VisualServoNode::original_box_ [protected]

Definition at line 1574 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1563 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

unsigned int VisualServoNode::PHASE [protected]

Definition at line 1542 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1578 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1536 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

tabletop_pushing::ProtoObjects VisualServoNode::po_ [protected]

Definition at line 1585 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1535 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 438 of file vs_pose.cpp.

Definition at line 1569 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1498 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1537 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1538 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1539 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1549 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

PoseStamped VisualServoNode::tape_features_p_ [protected]

Definition at line 1550 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1524 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1523 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1573 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

shared_ptr< tf::TransformListener > VisualServoNode::tf_ [protected]

Definition at line 1501 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1520 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1562 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

std::vector<pcl::PointXYZ> VisualServoNode::v_fk_diff_ [protected]

Definition at line 1553 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

shared_ptr< VisualServo > VisualServoNode::vs_ [protected]

Definition at line 1510 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

Definition at line 1534 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

std::string VisualServoNode::workspace_frame_ [protected]

Definition at line 1515 of file vs_grasp.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Stephan Lee
autogenerated on Wed Nov 27 2013 11:44:03