object_manipulator::ActionWrapper< ActionDataType > | Wrapper class for SimpleActionClient that checks server availability on first use |
object_manipulator::ArmConfigurations | |
object_manipulator::shapes::Arrow | A representation of an arrow, using a frame and dimensions |
object_manipulator::BadParamException | Thrown when a needed parameter on the parameter server is found but does not have the right type |
object_manipulator::shapes::Box | A representation of a box, using a frame and dimensions |
object_manipulator::CameraConfigurations | |
object_manipulator::cluster_bounding_box_finder::ClusterBoundingBoxFinder | Class for using PCA to find the principal directions and bounding box for a point cluster |
cluster_bounding_box_finder_server::ClusterBoundingBoxFinderServer | Class for the find cluster bounding box service |
object_manipulator::CollisionMapException | Thrown when the grasping pipeline has failed to communicate with the collision map |
object_manipulator::ConfigurationLoader | |
object_manipulator::shapes::Cylinder | A representation of a cylinder, using a frame and dimensions |
object_manipulator::draw_functions::DrawFunctions | Class to draw stuff to rviz |
object_manipulator::GraspContainer | |
object_manipulator::GraspException | General base class for all exceptions originating in the grasping pipeline |
object_manipulator::GraspExecutionInfo | |
object_manipulator::GraspExecutor | Base class, interface and common functionality for grasp execution |
object_manipulator::GraspExecutorWithApproach | Uses an interpolated IK approach from pregrasp to final grasp |
object_manipulator::GraspMarkerPublisher | Publishes and keeps track of debug grasp markers |
object_manipulator::GraspPerformer | |
object_manipulator::GraspTester | |
object_manipulator::GraspTesterWithApproach | |
object_manipulator::HandDescription | |
object_manipulator::IncompatibleRobotStateException | Thrown if the current robot state prevents any grasp execution |
object_manipulator::InterruptRequestedException | Thrown if the user has requested an interruption |
object_manipulator::MechanismException | Thrown when the grasping pipeline has failed to communicate with or issue commands to the robot |
object_manipulator::MechanismInterface | A collection of ROS service and action clients needed for grasp execution |
object_manipulator::shapes::Mesh | A container for a mesh, using a frame and dimensions |
object_manipulator::MissingParamException | Thrown when a needed parameter is not found on the parameter server |
object_manipulator::MoveArmStuckException | Thrown if move arm can not plan out of the current arm state |
object_manipulator::MultiArmActionWrapper< ActionDataType > | A wrapper for multiple instances of a given action, one for each arm in the system |
object_manipulator::MultiArmServiceWrapper< ServiceDataType > | A wrapper for multiple instances of a given service, one for each arm in the system |
object_manipulator::MultiArmTopicWrapper< TopicDataType > | A wrapper for multiple instances of a topic publisher, one for each arm in the system |
object_manipulator::ObjectManipulator | Oversees the grasping app; bundles together functionality in higher level calls |
object_manipulator::ObjectManipulatorNode | Wraps the Object Manipulator in a ROS API |
object_manipulator::PlaceExecutionInfo | |
object_manipulator::PlaceExecutor | Functionality for placing a grasped object at a given location |
object_manipulator::PlacePerformer | |
object_manipulator::PlaceTester | |
object_manipulator::ReactiveGraspExecutor | |
object_manipulator::ReactiveGraspPerformer | |
object_manipulator::ReactivePlaceExecutor | Uses a reactive version of the move from pre-place to place |
object_manipulator::ReactivePlacePerformer | Uses a reactive version of the move from pre-place to place |
object_manipulator::ScopedGoalCancel< ActionDataType > | Cancels all goals of the client when it goes out of scope |
object_manipulator::ServiceNotFoundException | Thrown when a service or action server was not found |
object_manipulator::ServiceWrapper< ServiceDataType > | Wrapper class for service clients to perform initialization on first use |
object_manipulator::SimpleGraspExecutor | Simplest grasp executor, using only final grasp information |
object_manipulator::shapes::Sphere | A representation of a sphere/ellipsoid, using a frame and dimensions |
object_manipulator::StandardGraspPerformer | Regular grasp performer: moveArm to beginning of approach, execute approach, grasp, execute lift |
object_manipulator::StandardPlacePerformer | |
object_manipulator::StandardPlaceTester | |
object_manipulator::UnsafeGraspExecutor | Uses Cartesian movements to get to pre-grasp and grasp |
object_manipulator::UnsafeGraspPerformer | Uses open-loop Cartesian controllers for all movement |
object_manipulator::UnsafeGraspTester | Does not care about collisions when planning approach and lift |