cluster_bounding_box_finder | Use PCA to find the principal directions and bounding box for a cluster |
cluster_bounding_box_finder_server | |
convert_functions | Helper functions for creating, transforming, and converting among messages, scipy matrices, and lists |
draw_functions | Helper functions for drawing things in rviz |
object_manipulator | Helper functions for using image regions of PointCloud2s |
object_manipulator::cluster_bounding_box_finder | |
object_manipulator::convert_functions | |
object_manipulator::draw_functions | |
object_manipulator::geom | |
object_manipulator::image_region_functions | |
object_manipulator::msg | |
object_manipulator::point_cloud | |
object_manipulator::shapes | |
pyexample | Offers a service to find the principal directions and bounding box of a point cluster |