File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 config_applier.hApply configuration to the device
 config_store.hClass to handle the device configuration
 message_publisher.hManage publishing of messages from logs
 message_wrapper.hHandle creation of messages
 sbg_device.hImplement device connection / parsing
 sbg_matrix3.hHandle a 3x3 matrix
 sbg_ros_helpers.hHelpers for various tasks
 sbg_utm.hImplement simple UTM projections
 sbg_vector3.hHandle a X,Y,Z vector
 sbgCommonLibVersion.hHeader file that contains all versions related information
 sbgEComBinaryLogAirData.hThis file is used to parse & received Air Data logs
 sbgEComBinaryLogDepth.hThis file is used to store depth measurements
 sbgEComCmdOdo.hThis file implements SbgECom commands related to Odometer module
 sbgEComGetVersion.hVersion information
 sbgInterfaceUdp.hThis file implements an UDP interface

Author(s): SBG Systems
autogenerated on Fri Oct 11 2024 02:13:41