Class TrajectoryPointInterface
Defined in File trajectory_point_interface.h
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
public urcl::control::ReverseInterface
(Class ReverseInterface)
Class Documentation
class TrajectoryPointInterface : public urcl::control::ReverseInterface
The TrajectoryPointInterface class handles trajectory forwarding to the robot. Full trajectories are forwarded to the robot controller and are executed there.
Public Functions
TrajectoryPointInterface() = delete
TrajectoryPointInterface(uint32_t port)
Creates a TrajectoryPointInterface object including a TCPServer.
- Parameters:
port – Port the Server is started on
virtual ~TrajectoryPointInterface() = default
Disconnects possible clients so the reverse interface object can be safely destroyed.
bool writeTrajectoryPoint(const vector6d_t *positions, const float goal_time, const float blend_radius, const bool cartesian)
Writes needed information to the robot to be read by the URScript program.
- Parameters:
positions – A vector of joint or cartesian targets for the robot
goal_time – The goal time to reach the target
blend_radius – The radius to be used for blending between control points
cartesian – True, if the written point is specified in cartesian space, false if in joint space
- Returns:
True, if the write was performed successfully, false otherwise.
bool writeTrajectoryPoint(const vector6d_t *positions, const float acceleration = 1.4, const float velocity = 1.05, const float goal_time = 0, const float blend_radius = 0, const bool cartesian = false)
Writes information for a robot motion to the robot to be read by the URScript program.
- Parameters:
positions – A vector of joint or cartesian targets for the robot
acceleration – Joint acceleration of leading axis [rad/s^2] / tool acceleration [m/s^2] for Cartesian motions
velocity – Joint speed of leading axis [rad/s] / tool speed [m/s] for Cartesian motions
goal_time – The goal time to reach the target. When a non-zero goal time is specified, this has priority over speed and acceleration settings.
blend_radius – The radius to be used for blending between control points
cartesian – True, if the written point is specified in Cartesian space, false if in joint space
- Returns:
True, if the write was performed successfully, false otherwise.
bool writeTrajectorySplinePoint(const vector6d_t *positions, const vector6d_t *velocities, const vector6d_t *accelerations, const float goal_time)
Writes needed information to the robot to be read by the URScript program including velocity and acceleration information. Depending on the information given the robot will do quadratic (positions only), cubic (positions and velocities) or quintic (positions, velocities and accelerations) interpolation.
- Parameters:
positions – A vector of joint or Cartesian target positions for the robot.
velocities – A vector of joint or Cartesian target velocities for the robot.
accelerations – A vector of joint or Cartesian target accelerations for the robot.
goal_time – The goal time to reach the target point.
- Returns:
True, if the write was performed successfully, false otherwise.
inline void setTrajectoryEndCallback(std::function<void(TrajectoryResult)> callback)
TrajectoryPointInterface() = delete