
Standalone C++ library for accessing the Schunk five finger hand.


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Schunk SVH Library

This is a standalone C++ library to control the Schunk SVH 5-finger hand. It provides a hardware abstraction for driver development. Users can develop custom wrappers on top in their preferred robotics framework.


Note: Switch to these instructions when working in a ROS1/ROS2 context.

Start an out of source build in the parent folder of this package with

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../driver_svh/ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install
cmake --build .
make install

You may also provide another install folder via -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=.

Connection to the SVH

This driver library uses a serial interface to communicate with the SVH. We assume that you use a suitable usb-serial dongle and that the dongle’s driver provides a /dev/ttyUSB0 file for communication with the hardware. Recent Ubuntu operating systems should support that out-of-the-box. However, it will be necessary to add your user to the dialout group to speak with that device file without sudo privileges. Call

usermod -a -G dialout $USER

and restart your system. After that, you are good to go.

Running tests manually

We currently use the Boost test framework. You can run the tests manually on the command line with