File SVHController.h
↰ Parent directory (include/schunk_svh_library/control
Definition (include/schunk_svh_library/control/SVHController.h
Detailed Description
Lars Pfotzer
Georg Heppner
This file contains the SVH controler, the heart of the driver. It is responsible to manage all logical decissions regarding the hardware on a low level. It knows what packet index is used for which function and holds all the data objects that can be queried externally. The controller should not be queried by outside calls directly as it asumes the calls to be non maleformed or contain out of bounds acces as this is handled by the finger manager.Only minimal safeguards are in place. Also note that the calls on this level should be made channel wise. The iteration of channels is done in the finger controller.
Request and Get principle: As the communication with the hand had some issues with the bandwith there are two types of function calls. The request functions tell the driver to actually request the data from the hardware. The get functions just get the last received value from the controller without actually querrying the hardware. This might be changed in further releases.
(File ImportExport.h)schunk_svh_library/SVHFirmwareInfo.h
(File SVHFirmwareInfo.h)schunk_svh_library/control/SVHControlCommand.h
(File SVHControlCommand.h)schunk_svh_library/control/SVHControllerFeedback.h
(File SVHControllerFeedback.h)schunk_svh_library/control/SVHControllerState.h
(File SVHControllerState.h)schunk_svh_library/control/SVHCurrentSettings.h
(File SVHCurrentSettings.h)schunk_svh_library/control/SVHEncoderSettings.h
(File SVHEncoderSettings.h)schunk_svh_library/control/SVHPositionSettings.h
(File SVHPositionSettings.h)schunk_svh_library/serial/SVHReceiveThread.h
(File SVHReceiveThread.h)schunk_svh_library/serial/SVHSerialInterface.h
(File SVHSerialInterface.h)