Struct SVHSerialPacket

Struct Documentation

struct SVHSerialPacket

The SerialPacket holds the (non generated) header and data of one message to the SVH-Hardware.

Public Functions

inline SVHSerialPacket(size_t data_length = 0, std::uint8_t address = SVH_GET_CONTROL_FEEDBACK)

SVHSerialPacket contains the send and received data in raw format (bytewise)


data_length – initial size to set the data length to. NOTE: To deserialize a packet this value HAS TO BE SET!

inline bool operator==(const SVHSerialPacket &other) const

Compares two SVHSerialPackets objects.

Public Members

std::uint8_t index

Continuosly incremented counter per package.


Continuous counter is currently not used by this software, the hw will just copy the send counter back to the response

std::uint8_t address

Adress denotes the actual function of the package.

std::vector<std::uint8_t> data

Payload of the package.