_tag_CeilingOdometry | |
_tag_SignedOdometry | |
BlockMatching | ブロックマッチング制御クラス |
MotorControl::BODY | Structure parameter related to BODY data |
Odometry::BODY | Structure parameter related to BODY data |
CeilingMap | 天井画像管理クラス |
CeilingNavigation | 天井ナビゲーションRTCメインクラス |
Odometry::CURRENT | Structure parameter related to CURRENT data |
DispPosition | |
GamePad | GamePad RTM-Module class outport TimedULong 'Buttons','Pushed Buttons' have 1 bit info for each button in 32bit value outport TimedFloat 'Stick*' value was adjusted to [-1.0 - 1.0] * coefficient[x,y] outport TimedDouble 'Stick*d' value was adjusted to [-1.0 - 1.0] * coefficient[x,y] outport TimedVelocity 'Velocity' v = -StickLYd * coefficienty, w = -StickLXd * coefficientx |
ImageData | 2値イメージデータ管理クラス |
LocalizeCenter | |
MotorControl | MotorControl |
MotorSVC_impl | |
Navigation | |
Odometry | Detect position by Odometry |
PathFollower | |
PathPlanning | |
PositionInput | |
robot_status | |
SimRangeUrg | DataConversionRTC |
SimViewCam | DataConversionRTC |
SwitchInputRTC | |
TD_link | |
TD_node | |
TD_path | |
TD_queue_list | |
Tmvel2D2Tmvel | DataConversionRTC |