Function eprosima::fastrtps::rtps::operator>>(std::istream&, Locator_t&)

Function Documentation

inline std::istream &eprosima::fastrtps::rtps::operator>>(std::istream &input, Locator_t &loc)

Extraction operator: deserialize a locator The deserialization format is kind:[address]:port kind must be one of the following:

  • UDPv4

  • UDPv6

  • TCPv4

  • TCPv6

  • SHM address must be either a name which can be resolved by DNS or the IP address unless kind is SHM port number

  • input – Input stream where the locator to be deserialized is located.

  • loc – Locator where the deserialized locator is saved.


std::istream& Reference to the input stream after extracting the locator.