Class RTPSMessageSenderInterface

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Types

Class Documentation

class RTPSMessageSenderInterface

An interface used in RTPSMessageGroup to handle destinations management and message sending.

Subclassed by eprosima::fastrtps::rtps::LocatorSelectorSender, eprosima::fastrtps::rtps::ReaderLocator

Public Functions

virtual ~RTPSMessageSenderInterface() = default
virtual bool destinations_have_changed() const = 0

Check if the destinations managed by this sender interface have changed.


true if destinations have changed, false otherwise.

virtual GuidPrefix_t destination_guid_prefix() const = 0

Get a GUID prefix representing all destinations.


When all the destinations share the same prefix (i.e. belong to the same participant) that prefix is returned. When there are no destinations, or they belong to different participants, c_GuidPrefix_Unknown is returned.

virtual const std::vector<GuidPrefix_t> &remote_participants() const = 0

Get the GUID prefix of all the destination participants.


a const reference to a vector with the GUID prefix of all destination participants.

virtual const std::vector<GUID_t> &remote_guids() const = 0

Get the GUID of all destinations.


a const reference to a vector with the GUID of all destinations.

virtual bool send(CDRMessage_t *message, std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point max_blocking_time_point) const = 0

Send a message through this interface.

  • message – Pointer to the buffer with the message already serialized.

  • max_blocking_time_point – Future timepoint where blocking send should end.

virtual void lock() = 0

Lock the object.

virtual void unlock() = 0

Lock the object.