Class EDP

Nested Relationships

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Class Documentation

class EDP

Class EDP, base class for Endpoint Discovery Protocols. It contains generic methods used by the two EDP implemented (EDPSimple and EDPStatic), as well as abstract methods definitions required by the specific implementations.

Subclassed by eprosima::fastrtps::rtps::EDPSimple, eprosima::fastrtps::rtps::EDPStatic

Public Functions

EDP(PDP *p, RTPSParticipantImpl *part)


  • p – Pointer to the PDPSimple

  • part – Pointer to the RTPSParticipantImpl

virtual ~EDP()
virtual bool initEDP(BuiltinAttributes &attributes) = 0

Abstract method to initialize the EDP.


attributes – DiscoveryAttributes structure.


True if correct.

virtual void assignRemoteEndpoints(const ParticipantProxyData &pdata) = 0

Abstract method that assigns remote endpoints when a new RTPSParticipantProxyData is discovered.


pdata – Discovered ParticipantProxyData

inline virtual void removeRemoteEndpoints(ParticipantProxyData *pdata)

Remove remote endpoints from the endpoint discovery protocol


pdata – Pointer to the ParticipantProxyData to remove

inline virtual bool areRemoteEndpointsMatched(const ParticipantProxyData*)

Verify whether the given participant EDP endpoints are matched with us.

virtual bool removeLocalReader(RTPSReader *R) = 0

Abstract method that removes a local Reader from the discovery method


R – Pointer to the Reader to remove.


True if correctly removed.

virtual bool removeLocalWriter(RTPSWriter *W) = 0

Abstract method that removes a local Writer from the discovery method


W – Pointer to the Writer to remove.


True if correctly removed.

virtual bool processLocalReaderProxyData(RTPSReader *reader, ReaderProxyData *rdata) = 0

After a new local ReaderProxyData has been created some processing is needed (depends on the implementation).

  • reader – Pointer to the Reader object.

  • rdata – Pointer to the ReaderProxyData object.


True if correct.

virtual bool processLocalWriterProxyData(RTPSWriter *writer, WriterProxyData *wdata) = 0

After a new local WriterProxyData has been created some processing is needed (depends on the implementation).

  • writer – Pointer to the Writer object.

  • wdata – Pointer to the Writer ProxyData object.


True if correct.

bool newLocalReaderProxyData(RTPSReader *R, const TopicAttributes &att, const ReaderQos &qos, const fastdds::rtps::ContentFilterProperty *content_filter = nullptr)

Create a new ReaderPD for a local Reader.

  • R – Pointer to the RTPSReader.

  • att – Attributes of the associated topic

  • qos – QoS policies dictated by the subscriber

  • content_filter – Optional content filtering information.


True if correct.

bool newLocalWriterProxyData(RTPSWriter *W, const TopicAttributes &att, const WriterQos &qos)

Create a new ReaderPD for a local Writer.

  • W – Pointer to the RTPSWriter.

  • att – Attributes of the associated topic

  • qos – QoS policies dictated by the publisher


True if correct.

bool updatedLocalReader(RTPSReader *R, const TopicAttributes &att, const ReaderQos &qos, const fastdds::rtps::ContentFilterProperty *content_filter = nullptr)

A previously created Reader has been updated

  • R – Pointer to the reader

  • att – Attributes of the associated topic

  • qos – QoS policies dictated by the subscriber

  • content_filter – Optional content filtering information.


True if correctly updated

bool updatedLocalWriter(RTPSWriter *W, const TopicAttributes &att, const WriterQos &qos)

A previously created Writer has been updated

  • W – Pointer to the Writer

  • att – Attributes of the associated topic

  • qos – QoS policies dictated by the publisher


True if correctly updated

bool validMatching(const WriterProxyData *wdata, const ReaderProxyData *rdata)

Check the validity of a matching between a local RTPSWriter and a ReaderProxyData object.


True if the two can be matched.

bool validMatching(const ReaderProxyData *rdata, const WriterProxyData *wdata)

Check the validity of a matching between a local RTPSReader and a WriterProxyData object.


True if the two can be matched.

bool valid_matching(const WriterProxyData *wdata, const ReaderProxyData *rdata, MatchingFailureMask &reason, fastdds::dds::PolicyMask &incompatible_qos)

Check the validity of a matching between a local RTPSWriter and a ReaderProxyData object.

  • wdata – Pointer to the WriterProxyData object of the local RTPSWriter.

  • rdata – Pointer to the ReaderProxyData object.

  • reason[out] On return will specify the reason of failed matching (if any).

  • incompatible_qos[out] On return will specify all the QoS values that were incompatible (if any).


True if the two can be matched.

bool valid_matching(const ReaderProxyData *rdata, const WriterProxyData *wdata, MatchingFailureMask &reason, fastdds::dds::PolicyMask &incompatible_qos)

Check the validity of a matching between a local RTPSReader and a WriterProxyData object.

  • rdata – Pointer to the ReaderProxyData object of the local RTPSReader.

  • wdata – Pointer to the WriterProxyData object.

  • reason[out] On return will specify the reason of failed matching (if any).

  • incompatible_qos[out] On return will specify all the QoS values that were incompatible (if any).


True if the two can be matched.

bool unpairWriterProxy(const GUID_t &participant_guid, const GUID_t &writer_guid, bool removed_by_lease)

Unpair a WriterProxyData object from all local readers.

  • participant_guid – GUID of the participant.

  • writer_guid – GUID of the writer.

  • removed_by_lease – Whether the writer is being unpaired due to a participant drop.


True if correct.

bool unpairReaderProxy(const GUID_t &participant_guid, const GUID_t &reader_guid)

Unpair a ReaderProxyData object from all local writers.

  • participant_guid – GUID of the participant.

  • reader_guid – GUID of the reader.


True if correct.

bool pairing_reader_proxy_with_any_local_writer(const GUID_t &participant_guid, ReaderProxyData *rdata)

Try to pair/unpair ReaderProxyData.

  • participant_guid – Identifier of the participant.

  • rdata – Pointer to the ReaderProxyData object.



bool pairing_writer_proxy_with_any_local_reader(const GUID_t &participant_guid, WriterProxyData *wdata)

Try to pair/unpair WriterProxyData.

  • participant_guid – Identifier of the participant.

  • wdata – Pointer to the WriterProxyData.



const fastdds::dds::SubscriptionMatchedStatus &update_subscription_matched_status(const GUID_t &reader_guid, const GUID_t &writer_guid, int change)
const fastdds::dds::PublicationMatchedStatus &update_publication_matched_status(const GUID_t &reader_guid, const GUID_t &writer_guid, int change)
ProxyPool<ReaderProxyData> &get_temporary_reader_proxies_pool()

Access the temporary proxy pool for reader proxies


pool reference

ProxyPool<WriterProxyData> &get_temporary_writer_proxies_pool()

Access the temporary proxy pool for writer proxies


pool reference

Public Members


Pointer to the PDP object that contains the endpoint discovery protocol.

RTPSParticipantImpl *mp_RTPSParticipant

Pointer to the RTPSParticipant.

class MatchingFailureMask : public std::bitset<MATCH_FAILURE_REASON_COUNT>

Mask to hold the reasons why two endpoints do not match.

Public Static Attributes

static const uint32_t different_topic = (0x00000001 << 0u)

Bit index for matching failing due to different topic.

static const uint32_t inconsistent_topic = (0x00000001 << 1u)

Bit index for matching failing due to inconsistent topic (same topic name but different characteristics)

static const uint32_t incompatible_qos = (0x00000001 << 2u)

Bit index for matching failing due to incompatible QoS.

static const uint32_t partitions = (0x00000001 << 3u)

Bit index for matching failing due to inconsistent partitions.