Class ReaderProxy

Class Documentation

class ReaderProxy

ReaderProxy class that helps to keep the state of a specific Reader with respect to the RTPSWriter.

Public Functions

ReaderProxy(const WriterTimes &times, const RemoteLocatorsAllocationAttributes &loc_alloc, StatefulWriter *writer)


void start(const ReaderProxyData &reader_attributes, bool is_datasharing = false)

Activate this proxy associating it to a remote reader.

  • reader_attributesReaderProxyData of the reader for which to keep state.

  • is_datasharing – whether the reader is datasharing compatible with the writer or not.

bool update(const ReaderProxyData &reader_attributes)

Update information about the remote reader.


reader_attributesReaderProxyData with updated information of the reader.


true if data was modified, false otherwise.

void stop()

Disable this proxy.

void add_change(const ChangeForReader_t &change, bool is_relevant, bool restart_nack_supression)

Called when a change is added to the writer’s history.

  • change – Information regarding the change added.

  • is_relevant – Specify if change is relevant for this remote reader.

  • restart_nack_supression – Whether nack-supression event should be restarted.

void add_change(const ChangeForReader_t &change, bool is_relevant, bool restart_nack_supression, const std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> &max_blocking_time)
bool has_changes() const

Check if there are changes pending for this reader.


true when there are pending changes, false otherwise.

bool change_is_acked(const SequenceNumber_t &seq_num) const

Check if a specific change has been already acknowledged for this reader.


seq_num – Sequence number of the change to be checked.


true when the change is irrelevant or has been already acknowledged, false otherwise.

bool change_is_unsent(const SequenceNumber_t &seq_num, FragmentNumber_t &next_unsent_frag, SequenceNumber_t &gap_seq, const SequenceNumber_t &min_seq, bool &need_reactivate_periodic_heartbeat) const

Check if a specific change is marked to be sent to this reader.

  • seq_num[in] Sequence number of the change to be checked.

  • next_unsent_frag[out] Return next fragment to be sent.

  • gap_seq[out] Return, when it is its first delivery (should be relevant seq_num), the sequence number of the first sequence of the gap [first, seq_num). Otherwise return SequenceNumber_t::unknown().

  • min_seq[in] Minimum sequence number managed by the History. It could be SequenceNumber_t::unknown() if history is empty.

  • need_reactivate_periodic_heartbeat[out] Indicates if the heartbeat period event has to be restarted.


true if the change is marked to be sent. False otherwise.

void acked_changes_set(const SequenceNumber_t &seq_num)

Mark all changes up to the one indicated by seq_num as Acknowledged. For instance, when seq_num is 30, changes 1-29 are marked as acknowledged.


seq_num – Sequence number of the first change not to be marked as acknowledged.

bool requested_changes_set(const SequenceNumberSet_t &seq_num_set, RTPSGapBuilder &gap_builder, const SequenceNumber_t &min_seq_in_history)

Mark all changes in the vector as requested.

  • seq_num_set – Bitmap of sequence numbers.

  • gap_builder – RTPSGapBuilder reference uses for adding each requested change that is irrelevant for the requester.

  • min_seq_in_history[in] Minimum SequenceNumber_t in the writer’s history. If writer’s history is empty, SequenceNumber_t::unknown() is expected.


true if at least one change has been marked as REQUESTED, false otherwise.

bool process_initial_acknack(const std::function<void(ChangeForReader_t &change)> &func)

Performs processing of preemptive acknack


func – functor called, if the requester is a local reader, for each changes moved to UNSENT status.


true if a heartbeat should be sent, false otherwise.

void from_unsent_to_status(const SequenceNumber_t &seq_num, ChangeForReaderStatus_t status, bool restart_nack_supression, bool delivered = true)

Sets a change to a particular status (if present in the ReaderProxy)

  • seq_num – Sequence number of the change to update.

  • status – Status to apply.

  • restart_nack_supression – Whether nack supression event should be restarted or not.

  • delivered – true if change was able to be delivered to its addressees. false otherwise.

bool mark_fragment_as_sent_for_change(const SequenceNumber_t &seq_num, FragmentNumber_t frag_num, bool &was_last_fragment)

Mark a particular fragment as sent.

  • seq_num[in] Sequence number of the change to update.

  • frag_num[in] Fragment number to mark as sent.

  • was_last_fragment[out] Indicates if the fragment was the last one pending.


true when the change was found, false otherwise.

bool perform_nack_supression()

Turns all UNDERWAY changes into UNACKNOWLEDGED.


true if at least one change changed its status, false otherwise.

uint32_t perform_acknack_response(const std::function<void(ChangeForReader_t &change)> &func)

Turns all REQUESTED changes into UNSENT.


func – Function executed for each change which changes its status.


the number of changes that changed its status.

void change_has_been_removed(const SequenceNumber_t &seq_num)

Call this to inform a change was removed from history.


seq_num – Sequence number of the removed change.

bool has_unacknowledged(const SequenceNumber_t &first_seq_in_history) const

Returns there is some UNACKNOWLEDGED change.


first_seq_in_history – Minimum sequence number in the writer history.


There is some UNACKNOWLEDGED change.

inline const GUID_t &guid() const

Get the GUID of the reader represented by this proxy.


the GUID of the reader represented by this proxy.

inline DurabilityKind_t durability_kind() const

Get the durability of the reader represented by this proxy.


the durability of the reader represented by this proxy.

inline bool expects_inline_qos() const

Check if the reader represented by this proxy expexts inline QOS to be received.


true if the reader represented by this proxy expexts inline QOS to be received.

inline bool is_reliable() const

Check if the reader represented by this proxy is reliable.


true if the reader represented by this proxy is reliable.

inline bool disable_positive_acks() const
inline bool is_remote_and_reliable() const

Check if the reader represented by this proxy is remote and reliable.


true if the reader represented by this proxy is remote and reliable.

inline bool is_local_reader()

Check if the reader is on the same process.


true if the reader is no the same process.

inline RTPSReader *local_reader()

Get the local reader on the same process (if any).


The local reader on the same process.

inline bool check_and_set_acknack_count(uint32_t acknack_count)

Called when an ACKNACK is received to set a new value for the count of the last received ACKNACK.


acknack_count – The count of the received ACKNACK.


true if internal count changed (i.e. new ACKNACK is accepted)

bool process_nack_frag(const GUID_t &reader_guid, uint32_t nack_count, const SequenceNumber_t &seq_num, const FragmentNumberSet_t &fragments_state)

Process an incoming NACKFRAG submessage.

  • reader_guid – Destination guid of the submessage.

  • nack_count – Counter field of the submessage.

  • seq_num – Sequence number field of the submessage.

  • fragments_state – Bitmap indicating the requested fragments.


true if a change was modified, false otherwise.

bool rtps_is_relevant(CacheChange_t *change) const

Filter a CacheChange_t using the StatefulWriter’s IReaderDataFilter.




true if the change is relevant, false otherwise.

inline SequenceNumber_t changes_low_mark() const

Get the highest fully acknowledged sequence number.


the highest fully acknowledged sequence number.

void update_nack_supression_interval(const Duration_t &interval)

Change the interval of nack-supression event.


interval – Time from data sending to acknack processing.

inline LocatorSelectorEntry *general_locator_selector_entry()
inline LocatorSelectorEntry *async_locator_selector_entry()
inline RTPSMessageSenderInterface *message_sender()
inline bool is_datasharing_reader() const
inline IDataSharingNotifier *datasharing_notifier()
inline const IDataSharingNotifier *datasharing_notifier() const
inline void datasharing_notify()
inline size_t locators_size() const
inline bool active() const
inline void active(bool active)