Program Listing for File fix_index.hpp

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#include "proxsuite/linalg/veg/type_traits/tags.hpp"
#include "proxsuite/linalg/veg/internal/std.hpp"
#include "proxsuite/linalg/veg/internal/dbg.hpp"
#include "proxsuite/linalg/veg/internal/prologue.hpp"

namespace proxsuite {
namespace linalg {
namespace veg {
struct Dyn;
template<isize N>
struct Fix;

namespace _detail {
template<typename L, typename R>
struct binary_traits
  using Add = void;
  using Sub = void;
  using Mul = void;
  using Div = void;
  using Mod = void;

  using CmpEq = void;
  using CmpNEq = void;
  using CmpLT = void;
  using CmpLE = void;
  using CmpGT = void;
  using CmpGE = void;

namespace idx {
namespace adl {
template<typename T>
struct IdxBase
} // namespace adl
} // namespace idx
namespace _meta {
template<typename T>
struct is_fix : false_type
template<isize N>
struct is_fix<Fix<N>> : true_type
} // namespace _meta
} // namespace _detail

namespace concepts {
                VEG_CONCEPT(same<T, Dyn>) || _detail::_meta::is_fix<T>::value);
} // namespace concepts

enum struct Ternary : unsigned char

constexpr auto no = Ternary::no;
constexpr auto maybe = Ternary::maybe;
constexpr auto yes = Ternary::yes;
using no_c = meta::constant<Ternary, Ternary::no>;
using maybe_c = meta::constant<Ternary, Ternary::maybe>;
using yes_c = meta::constant<Ternary, Ternary::yes>;

template<Ternary T>
struct Boolean;

template<Ternary T>
struct Boolean
  constexpr Boolean() VEG_NOEXCEPT = default;
  using type = meta::constant<Ternary, T>;

  VEG_INLINE constexpr Boolean(Boolean<maybe> /*b*/,
                               Unsafe /*tag*/) VEG_NOEXCEPT;
  VEG_INLINE constexpr Boolean // NOLINT(hicpp-explicit-conversions)
    (Boolean<maybe> b) VEG_NOEXCEPT;

  VEG_NODISCARD VEG_INLINE constexpr friend auto operator!(Boolean /*arg*/)
    VEG_NOEXCEPT->Boolean<T == yes ? no : yes>
    return {};
  VEG_NODISCARD VEG_INLINE explicit constexpr operator bool() const VEG_NOEXCEPT
    return T == yes;

template<isize N>
struct Fix : _detail::idx::adl::IdxBase<Fix<N>>
  constexpr Fix() VEG_NOEXCEPT = default;
  VEG_INLINE constexpr Fix(Dyn /*arg*/, Unsafe /*tag*/) VEG_NOEXCEPT;
  VEG_INLINE constexpr Fix // NOLINT(hicpp-explicit-conversions)
    (Dyn arg) VEG_NOEXCEPT;
  VEG_TEMPLATE((isize M),
               requires((M != N)),
               constexpr Fix,
               (/*arg*/, Fix<M>)) = delete;

  VEG_NODISCARD VEG_INLINE explicit constexpr operator isize() const
    return N;
  VEG_NODISCARD VEG_INLINE constexpr auto operator+() const VEG_NOEXCEPT->Fix
    return {};
  VEG_NODISCARD VEG_INLINE constexpr auto operator-() const
    return {};

#define VEG_OP(Op, Name, TypeName)                                             \
  VEG_TEMPLATE((typename R),                                                   \
               requires(VEG_CONCEPT(index<R>)),                                \
               VEG_NODISCARD VEG_INLINE constexpr auto                         \
               operator Op,                                                    \
               (b, R))                                                         \
  const VEG_NOEXCEPT->typename _detail::binary_traits<Fix, R>::TypeName        \
  {                                                                            \
    return _detail::binary_traits<Fix, R>::Name##_fn(*this, b);                \
  }                                                                            \

  VEG_OP(+, add, Add);
  VEG_OP(-, sub, Sub);
  VEG_OP(*, mul, Mul);

#undef VEG_OP

    (typename R),
    requires(VEG_CONCEPT(index<R>) &&
             VEG_CONCEPT(index<typename _detail::binary_traits<Fix, R>::Div>)),
    VEG_NODISCARD VEG_INLINE constexpr auto
    (b, R))
  const VEG_NOEXCEPT->typename _detail::binary_traits<Fix, R>::Div
    return _detail::binary_traits<Fix, R>::div_fn(*this, b);

    (typename R),
    requires(VEG_CONCEPT(index<R>) &&
             VEG_CONCEPT(index<typename _detail::binary_traits<Fix, R>::Mod>)),
    VEG_NODISCARD VEG_INLINE constexpr auto
    (b, R))
  const VEG_NOEXCEPT->typename _detail::binary_traits<Fix, R>::Mod
    return _detail::binary_traits<Fix, R>::mod_fn(*this, b);

#define VEG_CMP(Name, TypeName, Op)                                            \
  VEG_TEMPLATE((typename R),                                                   \
               requires(VEG_CONCEPT(index<R>)),                                \
               VEG_NODISCARD VEG_INLINE constexpr auto                         \
               operator Op, /* NOLINT */                                       \
               (b, R))                                                         \
  const VEG_NOEXCEPT->typename _detail::binary_traits<Fix, R>::TypeName        \
  {                                                                            \
    return _detail::binary_traits<Fix, R>::cmp_##Name##_fn(*this, b);          \
  }                                                                            \

  VEG_CMP(eq, CmpEq, ==);
  VEG_CMP(neq, CmpNEq, !=);
  VEG_CMP(lt, CmpLT, <);
  VEG_CMP(le, CmpLE, <=);
  VEG_CMP(gt, CmpGT, >);
  VEG_CMP(ge, CmpGE, >=);

#undef VEG_CMP

#undef VEG_CMP

namespace _detail {
struct Error
  constexpr auto operator()(u64 const* fail = nullptr) const VEG_NOEXCEPT->u64
    return *fail;

using parser = auto (*)(char, Error) -> u64;
constexpr auto
parse_digit_2(char c, Error e) VEG_NOEXCEPT->u64
  return (c == '0') ? 0 : (c == '1' ? 1 : e());
constexpr auto
parse_digit_8(char c, Error e) VEG_NOEXCEPT->u64
  return (c >= '0' && c <= '7') ? u64(c - '0') : e();
constexpr auto
parse_digit_10(char c, Error e) VEG_NOEXCEPT->u64
  return (c >= '0' && c <= '9') ? u64(c - '0') : e();
constexpr auto
parse_digit_16(char c, Error e) VEG_NOEXCEPT->u64
  return (c >= '0' && c <= '9') //
           ? u64(c - '0')
           : (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') //
               ? u64(c - 'a')
               : (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') //
                   ? u64(c - 'A')
                   : e();

constexpr auto
parse_digit(u64 radix) VEG_NOEXCEPT->parser
  return radix == 2
           ? parse_digit_2
           : (radix == 8
                ? parse_digit_8
                : (radix == 10 ? parse_digit_10
                               : (radix == 16 ? parse_digit_16 : nullptr)));

constexpr auto
parse_num(char const* str, u64 len, u64 radix, Error e) VEG_NOEXCEPT->u64
  return (len == 0) ? 0
                    : radix * parse_num(str, len - 1, radix, e) +
                        (parse_digit(radix)(str[len - 1], e));

constexpr auto
parse_int(char const* str, u64 len, Error e) VEG_NOEXCEPT->u64
  return (len == 0) //
           ? e()
           : ((str[0] == '0') //
                ? ((len == 1) //
                     ? 0
                     : (str[1] == 'b' || str[1] == 'B') //
                         ? parse_num(str + 2, len - 2, 2, e)
                         : (str[1] == 'x' || str[1] == 'X') //
                             ? parse_num(str + 2, len - 2, 16, e)
                             : parse_num(str + 1, len - 1, 8, e))
                : parse_num(str, len, 10, e));

template<char... Chars>
struct char_seq
  static constexpr char value[] = { Chars... };

template<isize N, isize M>
struct binary_traits<Fix<N>, Fix<M>>

#define VEG_OP(Name, TypeName, Op)                                             \
  using TypeName /* NOLINT(bugprone-macro-parentheses) */ =                    \
    Fix<isize(usize(isize{ N }) Op usize(isize{ M }))>;                        \
  VEG_NODISCARD VEG_INLINE static constexpr auto Name##_fn(Fix<N>, Fix<M>)     \
    VEG_NOEXCEPT->TypeName                                                     \
  {                                                                            \
    return {};                                                                 \
  }                                                                            \
  static_assert(true, "")

#define VEG_CMP(Name, TypeName, Op)                                            \
  using TypeName /* NOLINT(bugprone-macro-parentheses) */ =                    \
    Boolean<(N Op M) ? yes : no>;                                              \
  VEG_NODISCARD VEG_INLINE static constexpr auto Name##_fn(Fix<N>, Fix<M>)     \
    VEG_NOEXCEPT->TypeName                                                     \
  {                                                                            \
    return {};                                                                 \
  }                                                                            \
  static_assert(true, "")

  VEG_OP(add, Add, +);
  VEG_OP(sub, Sub, -);
  VEG_OP(mul, Mul, *);
  VEG_CMP(cmp_eq, CmpEq, ==);
  VEG_CMP(cmp_neq, CmpNEq, !=);
  VEG_CMP(cmp_lt, CmpLT, <);
  VEG_CMP(cmp_le, CmpLE, <=);
  VEG_CMP(cmp_gt, CmpGT, >);
  VEG_CMP(cmp_ge, CmpGE, >=);

  using Div = meta::if_t<M == 0, void, Fix<N / (M != 0 ? M : 1)>>;
  using Mod = meta::if_t<M == 0, void, Fix<N % (M != 0 ? M : 1)>>;

  VEG_NODISCARD VEG_INLINE static constexpr auto div_fn(Fix<N> /*a*/,
                                                        Fix<M> /*b*/)
    return Div();
  VEG_NODISCARD VEG_INLINE static constexpr auto mod_fn(Fix<N> /*a*/,
                                                        Fix<M> /*b*/)
    return Mod();

#undef VEG_OP
#undef VEG_CMP
namespace idx {
namespace adl {
} // namespace adl
} // namespace idx
} // namespace _detail

inline namespace literals {
template<char... Chars>
VEG_INLINE constexpr auto operator"" _c() VEG_NOEXCEPT
  return Fix<_detail::parse_int(
    _detail::char_seq<Chars...>::value, sizeof...(Chars), _detail::Error{})>{};
} // namespace literals
} // namespace veg
} // namespace linalg
} // namespace proxsuite

#include "proxsuite/linalg/veg/internal/epilogue.hpp"
#endif /* end of include guard VEG_META_INT_FIX_HPP_7S9Y48TFS */