Go to the documentation of this file.
28 using namespace gtsam;
33 int main(
int argc,
char* argv[]) {
int optimize(const SfmData &db, const NonlinearFactorGraph &graph, const Values &initial, bool separateCalibration=false)
GeneralSFMFactor< Camera, Point3 > SfmFactor
a general SFM factor with an unknown calibration
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
SfmData stores a bunch of SfmTracks.
static SharedNoiseModel gNoiseModel
std::vector< SfmTrack > tracks
Sparse set of points.
Common code for timeSFMBAL scripts.
Base class for all pinhole cameras.
SfmData preamble(int argc, char *argv[])
Matrix< Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic > C
std::vector< SfmCamera > cameras
Set of cameras.
static const CalibratedCamera camera(kDefaultPose)
Point3 p
3D position of the point
NonlinearFactorGraph graph
size_t numberTracks() const
The number of reconstructed 3D points.
PinholeCamera< Cal3Bundler > Camera
Calibration used by Bundler.
IsDerived< DERIVEDFACTOR > emplace_shared(Args &&... args)
Emplace a shared pointer to factor of given type.
std::pair< size_t, Point2 > SfmMeasurement
A measurement with its camera index.
autogenerated on Wed Mar 19 2025 03:08:21