Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Cgazebo::GazeboRosElevatorROS implementation of the Elevator plugin
 Cgazebo::GazeboRosHarnessSee the Gazebo documentation about the HarnessPlugin. This ROS wrapper exposes two topics:
 Cgazebo::GazeboRosF3DGazeboRosF3D controller This is a controller that simulates a 6 dof force sensor
 Cgazebo::GazeboRosFTGazeboRosFT controller This is a controller that simulates a 6 dof force sensor
 CPubMessagePair< T >Container for a (ROS publisher, outgoing message) pair. We'll have queues of these. Templated on a ROS message type
 CPubMultiQueueA collection of PubQueue objects, potentially of different types. This class is the programmer's interface to this queuing system
 CPubQueue< T >A queue of outgoing messages. Instead of calling publish() directly, you can push() messages here to defer ROS serialization and locking. Templated on a ROS message type
 CPubQueue< nav_msgs::Odometry >
 CPubQueue< sensor_msgs::Imu >
 CPubQueue< sensor_msgs::LaserScan >
 Cgazebo::GazeboRosBumperA Bumper controller
 Cgazebo::GazeboRosImuSensorGazebo Ros imu sensor plugin
 Cgazebo::GazeboRosWheelSlipSee the Gazebo documentation about the WheelSlipPlugin. This ROS wrapper exposes two parameters via dynamic reconfigure:

Author(s): John Hsu
autogenerated on Thu Sep 5 2024 02:49:55