Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "utility.h"
3 #include <hpp/fcl/BV/BV.h>
7 #include <hpp/fcl/collision.h>
8 #include <hpp/fcl/distance.h>
10 #include <cstdio>
11 #include <cstddef>
12 #include <fstream>
13 #include <iostream>
15 namespace hpp {
16 namespace fcl {
19 #ifdef _WIN32
20  QueryPerformanceFrequency(&frequency);
21  startCount.QuadPart = 0;
22  endCount.QuadPart = 0;
23 #else
24  startCount.tv_sec = startCount.tv_usec = 0;
25  endCount.tv_sec = endCount.tv_usec = 0;
26 #endif
28  stopped = 0;
31 }
36  stopped = 0; // reset stop flag
37 #ifdef _WIN32
38  QueryPerformanceCounter(&startCount);
39 #else
40  gettimeofday(&startCount, NULL);
41 #endif
42 }
45  stopped = 1; // set timer stopped flag
47 #ifdef _WIN32
48  QueryPerformanceCounter(&endCount);
49 #else
50  gettimeofday(&endCount, NULL);
51 #endif
52 }
55 #ifdef _WIN32
56  if (!stopped) QueryPerformanceCounter(&endCount);
58  startTimeInMicroSec = startCount.QuadPart * (1000000.0 / frequency.QuadPart);
59  endTimeInMicroSec = endCount.QuadPart * (1000000.0 / frequency.QuadPart);
60 #else
61  if (!stopped) gettimeofday(&endCount, NULL);
64  ((double)startCount.tv_sec * 1000000.0) + (double)startCount.tv_usec;
66  ((double)endCount.tv_sec * 1000000.0) + (double)endCount.tv_usec;
67 #endif
70 }
73  return this->getElapsedTimeInMicroSec() * 0.001;
74 }
77  return this->getElapsedTimeInMicroSec() * 0.000001;
78 }
82 const Eigen::IOFormat vfmt = Eigen::IOFormat(
83  Eigen::StreamPrecision, Eigen::DontAlignCols, ", ", ", ", "", "", "", "");
84 const Eigen::IOFormat pyfmt = Eigen::IOFormat(
85  Eigen::StreamPrecision, Eigen::DontAlignCols, ", ", ", ", "", "", "[", "]");
87 const Vec3f UnitX = Vec3f(1, 0, 0);
88 const Vec3f UnitY = Vec3f(0, 1, 0);
89 const Vec3f UnitZ = Vec3f(0, 0, 1);
92  FCL_REAL t = rand() / ((FCL_REAL)RAND_MAX + 1);
93  return (t * (rmax - rmin) + rmin);
94 }
96 void loadOBJFile(const char* filename, std::vector<Vec3f>& points,
97  std::vector<Triangle>& triangles) {
98  FILE* file = fopen(filename, "rb");
99  if (!file) {
100  std::cerr << "file not exist" << std::endl;
101  return;
102  }
104  bool has_normal = false;
105  bool has_texture = false;
106  char line_buffer[2000];
107  while (fgets(line_buffer, 2000, file)) {
108  char* first_token = strtok(line_buffer, "\r\n\t ");
109  if (!first_token || first_token[0] == '#' || first_token[0] == 0) continue;
111  switch (first_token[0]) {
112  case 'v': {
113  if (first_token[1] == 'n') {
114  strtok(NULL, "\t ");
115  strtok(NULL, "\t ");
116  strtok(NULL, "\t ");
117  has_normal = true;
118  } else if (first_token[1] == 't') {
119  strtok(NULL, "\t ");
120  strtok(NULL, "\t ");
121  has_texture = true;
122  } else {
123  FCL_REAL x = (FCL_REAL)atof(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
124  FCL_REAL y = (FCL_REAL)atof(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
125  FCL_REAL z = (FCL_REAL)atof(strtok(NULL, "\t "));
126  Vec3f p(x, y, z);
127  points.push_back(p);
128  }
129  } break;
130  case 'f': {
131  Triangle tri;
132  char* data[30];
133  int n = 0;
134  while ((data[n] = strtok(NULL, "\t \r\n")) != NULL) {
135  if (strlen(data[n])) n++;
136  }
138  for (int t = 0; t < (n - 2); ++t) {
139  if ((!has_texture) && (!has_normal)) {
140  tri[0] = (Triangle::index_type)(atoi(data[0]) - 1);
141  tri[1] = (Triangle::index_type)(atoi(data[1]) - 1);
142  tri[2] = (Triangle::index_type)(atoi(data[2]) - 1);
143  } else {
144  const char* v1;
145  for (Triangle::index_type i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
146  // vertex ID
147  if (i == 0)
148  v1 = data[0];
149  else
150  v1 = data[(Triangle::index_type)t + i];
152  tri[i] = (Triangle::index_type)(atoi(v1) - 1);
153  }
154  }
155  triangles.push_back(tri);
156  }
157  }
158  }
159  }
160 }
162 void saveOBJFile(const char* filename, std::vector<Vec3f>& points,
163  std::vector<Triangle>& triangles) {
164  std::ofstream os(filename);
165  if (!os) {
166  std::cerr << "file not exist" << std::endl;
167  return;
168  }
170  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) {
171  os << "v " << points[i][0] << " " << points[i][1] << " " << points[i][2]
172  << std::endl;
173  }
175  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < triangles.size(); ++i) {
176  os << "f " << triangles[i][0] + 1 << " " << triangles[i][1] + 1 << " "
177  << triangles[i][2] + 1 << std::endl;
178  }
180  os.close();
181 }
184 OcTree loadOctreeFile(const std::string& filename, const FCL_REAL& resolution) {
186  if (octree->getResolution() != resolution) {
187  std::ostringstream oss;
188  oss << "Resolution of the OcTree is " << octree->getResolution()
189  << " and not " << resolution;
190  throw std::invalid_argument(oss.str());
191  }
192  return hpp::fcl::OcTree(octree);
193 }
194 #endif
197  FCL_REAL c1 = cos(a);
198  FCL_REAL c2 = cos(b);
199  FCL_REAL c3 = cos(c);
200  FCL_REAL s1 = sin(a);
201  FCL_REAL s2 = sin(b);
202  FCL_REAL s3 = sin(c);
204  R << c1 * c2, -c2 * s1, s2, c3 * s1 + c1 * s2 * s3, c1 * c3 - s1 * s2 * s3,
205  -c2 * s3, s1 * s3 - c1 * c3 * s2, c3 * s1 * s2 + c1 * s3, c2 * c3;
206 }
209  FCL_REAL x = rand_interval(extents[0], extents[3]);
210  FCL_REAL y = rand_interval(extents[1], extents[4]);
211  FCL_REAL z = rand_interval(extents[2], extents[5]);
213  const FCL_REAL pi = 3.1415926;
214  FCL_REAL a = rand_interval(0, 2 * pi);
215  FCL_REAL b = rand_interval(0, 2 * pi);
216  FCL_REAL c = rand_interval(0, 2 * pi);
218  Matrix3f R;
219  eulerToMatrix(a, b, c, R);
220  Vec3f T(x, y, z);
221  transform.setTransform(R, T);
222 }
225  std::vector<Transform3f>& transforms,
226  std::size_t n) {
227  transforms.resize(n);
228  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
229  FCL_REAL x = rand_interval(extents[0], extents[3]);
230  FCL_REAL y = rand_interval(extents[1], extents[4]);
231  FCL_REAL z = rand_interval(extents[2], extents[5]);
233  const FCL_REAL pi = 3.1415926;
234  FCL_REAL a = rand_interval(0, 2 * pi);
235  FCL_REAL b = rand_interval(0, 2 * pi);
236  FCL_REAL c = rand_interval(0, 2 * pi);
238  {
239  Matrix3f R;
240  eulerToMatrix(a, b, c, R);
241  Vec3f T(x, y, z);
242  transforms[i].setTransform(R, T);
243  }
244  }
245 }
248  FCL_REAL delta_rot,
249  std::vector<Transform3f>& transforms,
250  std::vector<Transform3f>& transforms2,
251  std::size_t n) {
252  transforms.resize(n);
253  transforms2.resize(n);
254  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
255  FCL_REAL x = rand_interval(extents[0], extents[3]);
256  FCL_REAL y = rand_interval(extents[1], extents[4]);
257  FCL_REAL z = rand_interval(extents[2], extents[5]);
259  const FCL_REAL pi = 3.1415926;
260  FCL_REAL a = rand_interval(0, 2 * pi);
261  FCL_REAL b = rand_interval(0, 2 * pi);
262  FCL_REAL c = rand_interval(0, 2 * pi);
264  {
265  Matrix3f R;
266  eulerToMatrix(a, b, c, R);
267  Vec3f T(x, y, z);
268  transforms[i].setTransform(R, T);
269  }
271  FCL_REAL deltax = rand_interval(-delta_trans[0], delta_trans[0]);
272  FCL_REAL deltay = rand_interval(-delta_trans[1], delta_trans[1]);
273  FCL_REAL deltaz = rand_interval(-delta_trans[2], delta_trans[2]);
275  FCL_REAL deltaa = rand_interval(-delta_rot, delta_rot);
276  FCL_REAL deltab = rand_interval(-delta_rot, delta_rot);
277  FCL_REAL deltac = rand_interval(-delta_rot, delta_rot);
279  {
280  Matrix3f R;
281  eulerToMatrix(a + deltaa, b + deltab, c + deltac, R);
282  Vec3f T(x + deltax, y + deltay, z + deltaz);
283  transforms2[i].setTransform(R, T);
284  }
285  }
286 }
289  void* cdata_) {
290  CollisionData* cdata = static_cast<CollisionData*>(cdata_);
291  const CollisionRequest& request = cdata->request;
292  CollisionResult& result = cdata->result;
294  if (cdata->done) return true;
296  collide(o1, o2, request, result);
298  if ((result.isCollision()) &&
299  (result.numContacts() >= request.num_max_contacts))
300  cdata->done = true;
302  return cdata->done;
303 }
306  void* cdata_, FCL_REAL& dist) {
307  DistanceData* cdata = static_cast<DistanceData*>(cdata_);
308  const DistanceRequest& request = cdata->request;
309  DistanceResult& result = cdata->result;
311  if (cdata->done) {
312  dist = result.min_distance;
313  return true;
314  }
316  distance(o1, o2, request, result);
318  dist = result.min_distance;
320  if (dist <= 0) return true; // in collision or in touch
322  return cdata->done;
323 }
325 std::string getNodeTypeName(NODE_TYPE node_type) {
326  if (node_type == BV_UNKNOWN)
327  return std::string("BV_UNKNOWN");
328  else if (node_type == BV_AABB)
329  return std::string("BV_AABB");
330  else if (node_type == BV_OBB)
331  return std::string("BV_OBB");
332  else if (node_type == BV_RSS)
333  return std::string("BV_RSS");
334  else if (node_type == BV_kIOS)
335  return std::string("BV_kIOS");
336  else if (node_type == BV_OBBRSS)
337  return std::string("BV_OBBRSS");
338  else if (node_type == BV_KDOP16)
339  return std::string("BV_KDOP16");
340  else if (node_type == BV_KDOP18)
341  return std::string("BV_KDOP18");
342  else if (node_type == BV_KDOP24)
343  return std::string("BV_KDOP24");
344  else if (node_type == GEOM_BOX)
345  return std::string("GEOM_BOX");
346  else if (node_type == GEOM_SPHERE)
347  return std::string("GEOM_SPHERE");
348  else if (node_type == GEOM_CAPSULE)
349  return std::string("GEOM_CAPSULE");
350  else if (node_type == GEOM_CONE)
351  return std::string("GEOM_CONE");
352  else if (node_type == GEOM_CYLINDER)
353  return std::string("GEOM_CYLINDER");
354  else if (node_type == GEOM_CONVEX)
355  return std::string("GEOM_CONVEX");
356  else if (node_type == GEOM_PLANE)
357  return std::string("GEOM_PLANE");
358  else if (node_type == GEOM_HALFSPACE)
359  return std::string("GEOM_HALFSPACE");
360  else if (node_type == GEOM_TRIANGLE)
361  return std::string("GEOM_TRIANGLE");
362  else if (node_type == GEOM_OCTREE)
363  return std::string("GEOM_OCTREE");
364  else
365  return std::string("invalid");
366 }
369  Quaternion3f q;
370  q.w() = w;
371  q.x() = x;
372  q.y() = y;
373  q.z() = z;
374  return q;
375 }
377 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Transform3f& tf) {
378  return os << "[ " << tf.getTranslation().format(vfmt) << ", "
379  << tf.getQuatRotation().coeffs().format(vfmt) << " ]";
380 }
382 std::size_t getNbRun(const int& argc, char const* const* argv,
383  std::size_t defaultValue) {
384  for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
385  if (strcmp(argv[i], "--nb-run") == 0)
386  if (i + 1 != argc) return (std::size_t)strtol(argv[i + 1], NULL, 10);
387  return defaultValue;
388 }
390 void generateEnvironments(std::vector<CollisionObject*>& env,
391  FCL_REAL env_scale, std::size_t n) {
392  FCL_REAL extents[] = {-env_scale, env_scale, -env_scale,
393  env_scale, -env_scale, env_scale};
394  std::vector<Transform3f> transforms(n);
396  generateRandomTransforms(extents, transforms, n);
397  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
398  Box* box = new Box(5, 10, 20);
399  env.push_back(
400  new CollisionObject(shared_ptr<CollisionGeometry>(box), transforms[i]));
401  env.back()->collisionGeometry()->computeLocalAABB();
402  }
404  generateRandomTransforms(extents, transforms, n);
405  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
406  Sphere* sphere = new Sphere(30);
407  env.push_back(new CollisionObject(shared_ptr<CollisionGeometry>(sphere),
408  transforms[i]));
409  env.back()->collisionGeometry()->computeLocalAABB();
410  }
412  generateRandomTransforms(extents, transforms, n);
413  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
414  Cylinder* cylinder = new Cylinder(10, 40);
415  env.push_back(new CollisionObject(shared_ptr<CollisionGeometry>(cylinder),
416  transforms[i]));
417  env.back()->collisionGeometry()->computeLocalAABB();
418  }
419 }
421 void generateEnvironmentsMesh(std::vector<CollisionObject*>& env,
422  FCL_REAL env_scale, std::size_t n) {
423  FCL_REAL extents[] = {-env_scale, env_scale, -env_scale,
424  env_scale, -env_scale, env_scale};
425  std::vector<Transform3f> transforms;
427  generateRandomTransforms(extents, transforms, n);
428  Box box(5, 10, 20);
429  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
430  BVHModel<OBBRSS>* model = new BVHModel<OBBRSS>();
431  generateBVHModel(*model, box, Transform3f::Identity());
432  env.push_back(new CollisionObject(shared_ptr<CollisionGeometry>(model),
433  transforms[i]));
434  env.back()->collisionGeometry()->computeLocalAABB();
435  }
437  generateRandomTransforms(extents, transforms, n);
438  Sphere sphere(30);
439  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
440  BVHModel<OBBRSS>* model = new BVHModel<OBBRSS>();
441  generateBVHModel(*model, sphere, Transform3f::Identity(), 16, 16);
442  env.push_back(new CollisionObject(shared_ptr<CollisionGeometry>(model),
443  transforms[i]));
444  env.back()->collisionGeometry()->computeLocalAABB();
445  }
447  generateRandomTransforms(extents, transforms, n);
448  Cylinder cylinder(10, 40);
449  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
450  BVHModel<OBBRSS>* model = new BVHModel<OBBRSS>();
451  generateBVHModel(*model, cylinder, Transform3f::Identity(), 16, 16);
452  env.push_back(new CollisionObject(shared_ptr<CollisionGeometry>(model),
453  transforms[i]));
454  env.back()->collisionGeometry()->computeLocalAABB();
455  }
456 }
459 void toSphere(Vec3f& point) {
460  assert(point.norm() > 1e-8);
461  point /= point.norm();
462 }
470 void toEllipsoid(Vec3f& point, const Ellipsoid& ellipsoid) {
471  toSphere(point);
472  point[0] *= ellipsoid.radii[0];
473  point[1] *= ellipsoid.radii[1];
474  point[2] *= ellipsoid.radii[2];
475 }
478  FCL_REAL PHI = (1 + std::sqrt(5)) / 2;
480  // vertices
481  Vec3f* pts = new Vec3f[12];
482  pts[0] = Vec3f(-1, PHI, 0);
483  pts[1] = Vec3f(1, PHI, 0);
484  pts[2] = Vec3f(-1, -PHI, 0);
485  pts[3] = Vec3f(1, -PHI, 0);
487  pts[4] = Vec3f(0, -1, PHI);
488  pts[5] = Vec3f(0, 1, PHI);
489  pts[6] = Vec3f(0, -1, -PHI);
490  pts[7] = Vec3f(0, 1, -PHI);
492  pts[8] = Vec3f(PHI, 0, -1);
493  pts[9] = Vec3f(PHI, 0, 1);
494  pts[10] = Vec3f(-PHI, 0, -1);
495  pts[11] = Vec3f(-PHI, 0, 1);
497  for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
498  toEllipsoid(pts[i], ellipsoid);
499  }
501  // faces
502  Triangle* tris = new Triangle[20];
503  tris[0].set(0, 11, 5);
504  tris[1].set(0, 5, 1);
505  tris[2].set(0, 1, 7);
506  tris[3].set(0, 7, 10);
507  tris[4].set(0, 10, 11);
509  tris[5].set(1, 5, 9);
510  tris[6].set(5, 11, 4);
511  tris[7].set(11, 10, 2);
512  tris[8].set(10, 7, 6);
513  tris[9].set(7, 1, 8);
515  tris[10].set(3, 9, 4);
516  tris[11].set(3, 4, 2);
517  tris[12].set(3, 2, 6);
518  tris[13].set(3, 6, 8);
519  tris[14].set(3, 8, 9);
521  tris[15].set(4, 9, 5);
522  tris[16].set(2, 4, 11);
523  tris[17].set(6, 2, 10);
524  tris[18].set(8, 6, 7);
525  tris[19].set(9, 8, 1);
526  return Convex<Triangle>(true,
527  pts, // points
528  12, // num_points
529  tris, // triangles
530  20 // number of triangles
531  );
532 }
534 } // namespace fcl
536 } // namespace hpp
Quaternion3f getQuatRotation() const
get quaternion
Definition: transform.h:118
size_t num_max_contacts
The maximum number of contacts will return.
Simple transform class used locally by InterpMotion.
Definition: transform.h:54
double getElapsedTimeInMilliSec()
get elapsed time in milli-second
Definition: utility.cpp:72
request to the distance computation
Collision data stores the collision request and the result given by collision algorithm.
CollisionRequest request
Collision request.
const Vec3f UnitY
Definition: utility.cpp:88
Ellipsoid centered at point zero.
bool done
Whether the distance iteration can stop.
void generateEnvironmentsMesh(std::vector< CollisionObject *> &env, FCL_REAL env_scale, std::size_t n)
Definition: utility.cpp:421
Cylinder along Z axis. The cylinder is defined at its centroid.
void loadOBJFile(const char *filename, std::vector< Vec3f > &points, std::vector< Triangle > &triangles)
Load an obj mesh file.
Definition: utility.cpp:96
Main namespace.
void generateEnvironments(std::vector< CollisionObject *> &env, FCL_REAL env_scale, std::size_t n)
Definition: utility.cpp:390
void toSphere(Vec3f &point)
Takes a point and projects it onto the surface of the unit sphere.
Definition: utility.cpp:459
DistanceResult result
Distance result.
Eigen::Matrix< FCL_REAL, 3, 3 > Matrix3f
Definition: data_types.h:68
void stop()
stop the timer
Definition: utility.cpp:44
size_t numContacts() const
number of contacts found
FCL_REAL rand_interval(FCL_REAL rmin, FCL_REAL rmax)
Definition: utility.cpp:91
void setTransform(const Eigen::MatrixBase< Matrix3Like > &R_, const Eigen::MatrixBase< Vector3Like > &T_)
set transform from rotation and translation
Definition: transform.h:122
void generateRandomTransforms(FCL_REAL extents[6], std::vector< Transform3f > &transforms, std::size_t n)
Generate n random transforms whose translations are constrained by extents.
Definition: utility.cpp:224
timeval startCount
Definition: utility.h:104
Octree is one type of collision geometry which can encode uncertainty information in the sensor data...
Definition: octree.h:53
Definition: octree.py:1
std::size_t index_type
Definition: data_types.h:98
std::size_t getNbRun(const int &argc, char const *const *argv, std::size_t defaultValue)
Get the argument –nb-run from argv.
Definition: utility.cpp:382
Quaternion3f makeQuat(FCL_REAL w, FCL_REAL x, FCL_REAL y, FCL_REAL z)
Definition: utility.cpp:368
Convex< Triangle > constructPolytopeFromEllipsoid(const Ellipsoid &ellipsoid)
We give an ellipsoid as input. The output is a 20 faces polytope which vertices belong to the origina...
Definition: utility.cpp:477
request to the collision algorithm
double startTimeInMicroSec
starting time in micro-second
Definition: utility.h:96
void saveOBJFile(const char *filename, std::vector< Vec3f > &points, std::vector< Triangle > &triangles)
Definition: utility.cpp:162
HPP_FCL_DLLAPI FCL_REAL distance(const Matrix3f &R0, const Vec3f &T0, const kIOS &b1, const kIOS &b2, Vec3f *P=NULL, Vec3f *Q=NULL)
Approximate distance between two kIOS bounding volumes.
Definition: kIOS.cpp:181
double FCL_REAL
Definition: data_types.h:65
shared_ptr< OcTree > OcTreePtr_t
const Vec3f UnitX
Definition: utility.cpp:87
FCL_REAL min_distance
minimum distance between two objects. if two objects are in collision, min_distance <= 0...
Center at zero point, axis aligned box.
void eulerToMatrix(FCL_REAL a, FCL_REAL b, FCL_REAL c, Matrix3f &R)
Definition: utility.cpp:196
static std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &o, const Quaternion3f &q)
Definition: transform.h:48
FCL_REAL extents[6]
DistanceRequest request
Distance request.
std::string getNodeTypeName(NODE_TYPE node_type)
Definition: utility.cpp:325
const Vec3f & getTranslation() const
get translation
Definition: transform.h:100
A class describing the bounding hierarchy of a mesh model or a point cloud model (which is viewed as ...
CollisionResult result
Collision result.
Eigen::Quaternion< FCL_REAL > Quaternion3f
Definition: transform.h:46
bool defaultDistanceFunction(CollisionObject *o1, CollisionObject *o2, void *data, FCL_REAL &dist)
Collision data for use with the DefaultContinuousCollisionFunction. It stores the collision request a...
Center at zero point sphere.
void set(index_type p1, index_type p2, index_type p3)
Set the vertex indices of the triangle.
Definition: data_types.h:108
Triangle with 3 indices for points.
Definition: data_types.h:96
traversal node type: bounding volume (AABB, OBB, RSS, kIOS, OBBRSS, KDOP16, KDOP18, kDOP24), basic shape (box, sphere, ellipsoid, capsule, cone, cylinder, convex, plane, triangle), and octree
double getElapsedTime()
get elapsed time in milli-second
Definition: utility.cpp:80
HPP_FCL_DLLAPI std::size_t collide(const CollisionObject *o1, const CollisionObject *o2, const CollisionRequest &request, CollisionResult &result)
Main collision interface: given two collision objects, and the requirements for contacts, including num of max contacts, whether perform exhaustive collision (i.e., returning returning all the contact points), whether return detailed contact information (i.e., normal, contact point, depth; otherwise only contact primitive id is returned), this function performs the collision between them. Return value is the number of contacts generated between the two objects.
void start()
start timer
Definition: utility.cpp:35
double endTimeInMicroSec
ending time in micro-second
Definition: utility.h:97
void toEllipsoid(Vec3f &point, const Ellipsoid &ellipsoid)
Definition: utility.cpp:470
double getElapsedTimeInMicroSec()
get elapsed time in micro-second
Definition: utility.cpp:54
bool isCollision() const
return binary collision result
static Transform3f Identity()
Definition: transform.h:67
double getElapsedTimeInSec()
Definition: utility.cpp:76
list a
const Vec3f UnitZ
Definition: utility.cpp:89
const Eigen::IOFormat vfmt
Definition: utility.cpp:82
bool done
Whether the collision iteration can stop.
Eigen::Matrix< FCL_REAL, 3, 1 > Vec3f
Definition: data_types.h:66
Vec3f radii
Radii of the Ellipsoid (such that on boundary: x^2/rx^2 + y^2/ry^2.
the object for collision or distance computation, contains the geometry and the transform information...
Convex polytope.
Definition: shape/convex.h:50
HPP_FCL_DLLAPI Halfspace transform(const Halfspace &a, const Transform3f &tf)
bool defaultCollisionFunction(CollisionObject *o1, CollisionObject *o2, void *data)
Provides a simple callback for the collision query in the BroadPhaseCollisionManager. It assumes the data parameter is non-null and points to an instance of CollisionData. It simply invokes the collide() method on the culled pair of geometries and stores the results in the data&#39;s CollisionResult instance.
Distance data stores the distance request and the result given by distance algorithm.
int stopped
stop flag
Definition: utility.h:98
void generateBVHModel(BVHModel< BV > &model, const Box &shape, const Transform3f &pose)
Generate BVH model from box.
void generateRandomTransform(FCL_REAL extents[6], Transform3f &transform)
Generate one random transform whose translation is constrained by extents and rotation without constr...
Definition: utility.cpp:208
const Eigen::IOFormat pyfmt
Definition: utility.cpp:84

autogenerated on Fri Jun 2 2023 02:39:02